
Chapter 487: The Minotaur Watching the Show

"Pfft... Do you really think that all the nobles of the indigenous humans have been practicing martial arts since childhood? There are so many people who are not worthy of their reputation and have gained fame for nothing. I also heard that the most powerful swordsman in the Kingdom of Golson could not even beat a woman in the kingdom. She cut his throat with a dagger on the spot and killed him directly."


Compared to the big melee of 3【Truthfully, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.】【Truthfully, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.】【Truthfully, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.】Multiple kobolds fighting against the same 3【Truthfully, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.】【Truthfully, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.】【Truthfully, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.】Multiple cavemen, several minotaurs in the command cabin of one of the transport ships criticized the kobold navy. After all, they were stationed at the northwest shore of Ona Island, at the end of the peninsula extending from the northern continent. They didn't carry landmines or even heavy machine guns...

Are you sure you're not here for tourism?

In short, all the minotaurs looked at these dog-headed people with the same height and build as the cavemen, who were basically holding manual rifles, with the most suspicious eyes.

Even if they were ordered by their superiors to go outside if they could, the dog-headed people directly let the cavemen stab and kill a large number of them in the first round.

To be honest, this dog-headed man may have fought too many natives and even started to forget how to fight with a stab.

You have to know that in modern warfare, even the most elite minotaurs of the Negan Kingdom, if they can't fight with a stab, they will be directly trained, and then sent to the sword school or other martial arts academies for further study for more than ten years before they have the opportunity to become a guard again. After all, as the Negan Kingdom faces more and more experience in street fighting and jungle mountain warfare, the stab is a skill that every soldier must learn, and the officials of the Military Affairs Department repeatedly require relevant assessments.

Moreover, according to the situation in the Kingdom of Golson, a rifle with a good bayonet is often more useful than a rifle with bullets loaded, and has sufficient deterrence to ensure that the resistance forces in the Kingdom of Golson will never dare to make trouble openly.

Of course, this is only on the surface. Due to the unequal treaties, the Kingdom of Golson now has to pay 45% of its annual income as war reparations.

As a result, the Kingdom of Golson is undercurrent, and the number of various illegal gangs has increased with the support of some noble forces, and even with the support of some noble forces, and even with the support of some noble forces. King Maccha Golson himself does not have enough troops to be dissatisfied with these noble groups, and even thinks about how to use force to end the unequal treaties.

These days, it is very expensive to dispatch troops to suppress this and attack that. Especially for the Kingdom of Golson, which is still a feudal country of serfdom.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

It is not an exaggeration to make thousands of gold a day, and it is not a big deal to directly consume tens of thousands of gold in a war. Especially in war, there can never be no casualties. This is not a "peaceful" game like playing house. Even if only the so-called knights are considered individuals among the soldiers participating in the war, other serf soldiers are not eligible for any death pension.

If you don't give enough pension, the knights below will probably not be willing to bring their loyal subordinates with them in the future, or force the serfs from the farmland to fight.

For this reason, the Kingdom of Golson actually has a more obvious desire to reform and strengthen the army than other indigenous countries. Unfortunately, reforming and strengthening the army requires money. In addition, under the influence of the traditional feudal ruling system, the mobilization and coordination capabilities of the Kingdom of Golson are not as good as those of the Kingdom of Nigan.

They are not even as good as the Orchid Republic in the northwest of the Neoland continent, which has many ethnic groups and should be prone to division and even civil war, but has the concept of joint rule.

The reason is that the major vassal states of the Kahn Empire inherited the old system and lacked a centralized system and the military power to guarantee the centralized system. At the same time, the state religion of the Kahn Empire, the Ascetic Church, does not do anything or can't do anything, and also controls the people's thoughts.

The above is combined, that is the root cause of the division of the Kahn Empire and the difficulty of the vassal states to reform and strengthen the army.

So the minotaurs in the transport ship are very grateful that they can live a plain and colorful life in a kingdom where all people are vegetarians and have quite advanced technology and developed economic levels.

Of course, these minotaurs sometimes still think that it would be better to come out and see the world. After all, a long period of isolation is definitely not a good thing.

They can't do stupid things like sitting in a well and watching the sky.

At the same time, they watched the dog-headed men on the beach finally form a three-person stabbing team to deal with the cavemen's successive, back-stabbing triangular spikes, and they nodded gently.

The only thing is that the dog-headed men holding sabers are still stubborn. Obviously, their knives are not long enough to expand the triangular spikes of Tobin's back-pulling rifle, but they will never pull out the pistols on their waists to shoot.

"I said after the fight, why don't we check if the pistols of these kobold officers are rusty? Could it be that they really like hand-to-hand combat and won't pull out their guns during hand-to-hand combat?"

"Alas. The kobold officers are very delicate. They prefer playing with knives to pistols. Moreover, as far as I know, most of these kobold pistols are revolvers that fire 9×9mm pistol bullets recently."

"Not even auto-loading pistols?"

"Yes. But those are not the equipment of these grassroots black-haired kobold officers and gray-haired kobold cannon fodder, all of which are unique to white-haired kobolds. Moreover, some of the pistols of some white-haired kobolds are imported."

"Not ours, right?"

"Japanese people."

"Uh. It's over, Japanese people... When buying things from Japanese people, if you don't have the same type of products to compare, and repeatedly compare with other different types of profiteers, be careful that your wallet will be emptied in the blink of an eye."

As the minotaur with a ring-handled straight knife on his waist and a semi-automatic pistol that fires the 22mm pistol bullet that he has been using recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK. ] said, Japanese people, as representatives of a group of arms dealers who travel all over the world, are all a group of extremely treacherous profiteers.

The reason is simple. When the Japanese founded their country, the territory they controlled was seriously lacking in gold and silver, and other resources such as gemstone veins and pearls were almost zero. As a result, hundreds of years later, the legal currency used by the Japanese, the Porat, has always been issued based on the rice standard policy.

There is no way.

The resource that the Japanese lack the most is rice.

The race that eats the most rice and cooks the most rice in the world is the Japanese.

Although the tradition of eating rice upside down is not original to the Japanese, but was "taught" by the Iron Fist Empire to the north; but there is plenty of wild rice in their territory, and in the past the Japanese used to pay rice as wages...

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