
Chapter 492 Worth it

"Is that so...it's a big trouble."

"Your Majesty?"

"Among the vassal states in the south of the Kahn Empire, our Yagan Kingdom is obviously the southernmost vassal state, but you can also see that the dog-headed people on the island on the other side have sent a lot of troops under the protection of their ironclad ships... Tell the Overflow City Palace that there are still useless churches, and we can't help them."


Compared to the Zweina Kingdom in the north, the Yagan Kingdom, which also lost cities and land, is facing the same terrible situation.

The number of dog-headed people on Zhiluo Island is increasing, and once the dog-headed ironclad ships come over, not to mention the ships they sent over, the west coast of the Yagan Kingdom will all be destroyed under the attack of naval guns.

"Father, do you really want to find a dark elf merchant?"

"Oh, Tiana, if your magic shield can ensure that our army and the people will not be beaten into a pulp by the Kobolds' artillery, then I don't need to find a dark elf merchant."


Obviously, as a leader of the opposition in the Kingdom of Yagan, Tiana, who has always been unwilling to help her family and even has an engagement with her father's rival family, also dislikes the so-called dark elf forces.

In particular, these dark elf merchants from the Kingdom of Nigan not only sell high-quality blades, but also various amulet crystals that are ridiculously expensive but very useful.

"If possible, I would even like to purchase some guns and cannons from the dark elves. You know, the equipment of the Kingdom of Yagan is not good. Our soldiers tried to ambush the ironclad warships of the dog-headed people with mines. But it didn't work. The power was not enough. Even later, the soldiers took advantage of the ironclad warships approaching the coastline and fired more than 20 cannons at the same time. Alas, the ironclad warship was smoking and struggling to go back. Our cannons and artillery were gone."

Due to the performance limitations of black gunpowder and the defects of traditional muzzle-loading guns and cannons, the army of the Kingdom of Yagan always faced extremely terrible gunfire and rain of bullets when facing dog-headed people.

Even the Ascetic Church sent acolytes to provide shield spell assistance to resist the attacks of guns and cannons. But this is of no use in front of the dog-headed people. The dog-headed people have a rifle that can shoot the acolytes of the Ascetic Church to death with one shot.

"Golden Bear Rifle, something the Japanese sell to the Pig-Headed People."

"Jia Qi, do you know?"

Compared to the various anxieties of the King of the Kingdom of Yagan, in the palace of the Kingdom of Negan, Princess Jia Qi did not hesitate to explain to her husband, Abu Beian, the technician who had been repeatedly debugging the walking mecha vehicle.

"The Japanese have an arms dealer called Lin Mingdun Weapons Company. This company has always been the Japanese with the largest arms sales and the largest share of the private enterprise on the Neoland continent."

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"Lin Mingdun? The founder of this company?"

"Yes. To be precise, he is the founding father of the Japanese, the seventh firearms engineer designated by Bingyang. Now, hundreds of years later, the Lin Mingdun family is considered to be among the Japanese arms dealers, famous for rifles and shotguns."

With Jia Qi's introduction, Beian also understood what kind of existence this Japanese family surnamed Lin Mingdun was.

"But, Lin Mingdun...surname?"

"That's right. This is the surname, the surname of the current Lin Mingdun family. After all, the Rimai people were originally a group of slaves without surnames or names, only code names. Later, Bingyang led the Rimai people to resist the Iron Fist Empire that enslaved them, and after Bingyang was killed, the Rimai people established a country in the southeastern islands of Aisha Continent. As a result, the Rimai people named by Bingyang used their own names as their family surnames. For example, the current owner of the Lin Mingdun Weapons Company, his full name is Lin Mingdun Wuyou."

Hearing this, Beian understood why the Rimai people have a special belief called ancestor worship, and even directly prohibited any type of worship of gods in law, and could only pray to their ancestors.

"But, isn't this a bit..."

"The Rimai people are like this. And those who can use their ancestors' names as their surnames are not ordinary Rimai people, they are all meritorious officials who followed Bingyang and made great contributions. It's just that most of the names of ordinary Rimai people are similar to those of the citizens of the Iron Fist Empire, and in theory they are relatively simple and clear. Of course, the Rimai people themselves often think that the names should not exceed five characters as much as possible. Otherwise, you know, it's hard to remember."

"Then just do it, Lin, Mington."

"Beian, the Rimai people respect their ancestors very much. No Rimai people will change their ancestors' names casually, and no one will directly use their ancestors' names. In their own offspring, or in themselves. "

"So there is no Minton II, III, IV, V?"

"How is that possible? The second generation or something, that's something that only those stupid humans in the western part of Aisha Continent who are too lazy to name themselves would do? If it were you, would you let your child continue to be called Jiaqi?"

"If you want..."

"No. Also, do you know the Japanese inventor who invented the recently used ×67mm witch-hunting rifle bullet?"

"I've heard of him, his last name seems to be Tang. But what's his name... Yes, Tang Will! When I was in the factory before, my co-workers often mocked him for having ten wives. "

"That's right. The Lin Mingdun family has a daughter who married him and gave birth to six children with him, so the Lin Mingdun Arms Company also obtained the prototype of the ×67mm witch-hunting rifle bullet that has been used recently through this daughter named Diya."

"This daughter is worth marrying."

As a race that also allows polygamy in law, the gender inequality problem of the Rimai people is clearly manifested in marriage. Therefore, Beian can only sigh that the women of the Rimai people are almost becoming commodities, used for various exchanges of interests.

"Of course it's worth it. The daughter of the Linmingdun family who married Diya was not a concubine's daughter, and it happened that the head of the Linmingdun family at that time had only one wife. Therefore, this little daughter in the family is like a jewel in the palm of the hand. At the same time, she is also the maternal ancestor of the current boss of the Linmingdun Weapons Company, Linmingdun Valerie Wuyou."

"Hiss... Even the bloodline is borrowed, six children, it's scary to think about it."

Beian knew what it meant. This daughter who was married off must have returned to the Linmingdun Weapons Company with her six children and the inheritance she had obtained after her husband Tang Will left, and reunited with her mother's family.

In other words, the Linmingdun Weapons Company had planned everything a long time ago.

It must be said that the guys who can be arms dealers are not idiots and incompetents. Marrying a little daughter out in exchange for rich technology and inheritance...

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