
Chapter 3: First Encounter with Black Dragon

Swoosh... Boom!

"Who is so bold to attack me? Hmm? It turns out that you are such a bastard. You guys, chop off his limbs and head! Such a guy who doesn't know the rules has no right to live!"

When he saw that his fireball did not kill Master Nofalis and angered Master Nofalis, Sogen jumped into the river without saying a word. Then he immediately followed the river with his best ability, while activating the acceleration spell ability and running wildly in the river.

Fortunately, the river water he jumped into was not clear at all, and Master Nofalis's men could not catch him out immediately. He didn't think about anything about it, and kept running wildly in the water. He didn't want to care about what was on the shore.

Anyway, he didn't want Master Nofalis to find him.

So, relying on his ability to move freely in the water, he ran until he had no strength left and landed on a beach he didn't know and had never been to.

After landing for the fourth time, he was too tired to stand up, so he could only crawl towards a cliff cave on the edge of the beach. Then he finally ran out of energy in the cave and fainted in a wet state.


"Mom, is that you? I, I'm here, don't want to leave me, don't!"

Sogen, who suddenly woke up from a dark nightmare, opened his eyes. Compared to what he thought was his mother, he only saw a larger bonfire and a black dragon that was taller and more powerful than himself, staring at him with golden eyes.

"Poor child, why do you sleep in such a place? If you sleep like this, aren't you afraid that the wild beasts outside will take you away?"

As sparks came out of the black dragon's mouth from time to time, a greeting that made Sogen collapse suddenly caused his tears to fall continuously.

"You are the Golden Dragon God... No, what kind of dragon god are you?"

"First of all, I am not a golden dragon, and I don't have their golden scales. But are you also a believer of the Golden Dragon?"

[An old book friend who I have known for ten years recommended me a book-chasing app! It's really useful. I use it to read and listen to books to kill time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here]

"Yes. But I haven't seen the Golden Dragon God. Those druids said that no one in our village is qualified to meet the Golden Dragon God, let alone accept the teachings of the Golden Dragon God. We can only do our duty diligently and strive to get the blessing and protection of the Golden Dragon God in the next life."

"Hehehe... You actually believe in a god you have never seen, let alone what he looks like, and listen to the strange talk of those druids and hope that the next life will be better."

"They also said that we have done our duty well, that is, to set a good example for the next generation..."


As he spoke, the black flying dragon with black scales couldn't help laughing wildly at the sky. The flames ejected from his mouth made the night sky, which should have been pitch black, as bright as day.

"I, am I... so funny?"

"Child, you foolishly wasted your 2,000 years of life, which you, a Kalai, can easily have, to believe in such a guy you don't even know what he looks like, and you don't even know if you can see him in your lifetime. Look at me, I am many times taller than you, and the flames ejected from my mouth can burn through the cave you are in, and one claw can smash the rock wall you are in. You might as well convert now and believe in my power, at least you don't have to sleep wet now."

Sogen was really speechless now. He started working when he was born, and it turned out that he had only one idea. That is to live an ordinary life with his mother in the village and die smoothly.

"Hmm... But that's useless. I'm being hunted by Master Nofalis..."

"Wait, hunted? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

So Sogen told Black Dragon about his own affairs and secrets, and Black Dragon, who was laughing wildly, lowered his head and said nothing.

"That's how it is. I don't know what to do next."

"Child, have you heard of the humans in the East?"

"Yes. Those druids said that they are all short-lived ghosts who should be dragged out and killed by lightning. Everything belonging to them needs to be destroyed immediately to prevent these unclean things from harming the purity and order of the Kalai people."

"Then do you know? The United Kingdom of Eri, where you are now, once lost to the humans from the East."

"I don't know."

"Back then, humans defeated the army of the United Kingdom of Eri with their gunpowder guns and cannons. So, in your case, you can find the estuary along this river. Then turn right and walk along the seashore."


"If you fly out with a fireball like this, which white-skinned Kalai will tolerate you? Moreover, you know that the target of your attack is not an ordinary white-skinned Kalai. So, child, go as far as you can. Your existence itself is a challenge to the order of the United Kingdom of Eri and a major threat to every white-skinned Kalai in the United Kingdom of Eri who knows magic. By the way, there is a smell in your clothes, which should be from the smell of the dead."


"If you really can't learn the cultural knowledge of the United Kingdom of Eri, then don't learn it. Learn the cultural knowledge of other places. After all, what you need most at this time is to learn. Even if it is the cultural knowledge of the enemy, as long as it can be used for yourself, it is better than slowly exploring it yourself. If you really can't fight, then pick up human weapons. Learn the human way to deal with the white-skinned Kalai you hate."

"But where are the guns and cannons, and I don't know what these guns and cannons look like..."

"If you want, just listen to me and keep walking along the seashore. You will see a small island that can be walked directly from the shallow water. That is your destination. Okay, I'm leaving. Think about how to go in the future."

After the black dragon finished speaking, it directly spread its black wings and flew towards the dark night sky. Only Sogen, who was enjoying the bonfire, was left, lowering his head and looking at the flames in front of him.

Ring, ring, ring!

As the black dragon spread its wings and flew high, the bell on his waist also made a familiar sound again. Although this was a relic left by his mother, Sogen took it off his waist. If it weren't for the bell that reminded everyone that she was a slave, would her mother be swallowed by the flood and hit the rocks?


For a so-called altar, his mother and at least dozens or hundreds of villagers in the village were all washed away by the deliberately released flood. This... If the Golden Dragon God is a god who needs them to die, how could these brown-skinned Kalai survive to this day?

The easiest way is to kill them all. Is it necessary for them to wear bells one by one, walk barefoot on the hot road, and use a broom to sweep away their footprints?

Sogen shook the bell in his hand again, listening to the increasingly harsh metal knocking sound, he closed his eyes and threw the bell into the flowing river...

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