
Chapter 572 Only you can treasure your own things

But no matter what, compared to Yawen's worries, Mike, who had finished shopping and slept and welcomed the sunrise the next day, was still selling his own weapons to the passing dog-headed people in the store.

"Do you have a submachine gun that fires 8×25mm pistol bullets? We are in urgent need."

"Oh, not yet. Our store mainly sells rifles and pistols, as well as bullets..."

"Okay, I'll go to the next one."

Listening to the simple and clear words of the black-haired dog-headed man in front of him, Mike himself was very helpless.

After Savanchi Weapons Company became independent from Maitreya Company, it never had any experience in designing or even manufacturing fully automatic weapons.

Even the relevant production lines and relevant technical workers, Savanchi Weapons Company did not have any.

After all, many members of the Savanchi family, including his father, wanted to expand the market. But submachine guns are the kind of cheap goods. If the price is too high, it is easy to sell them. If you want to lower the production cost, you can't afford it.

So in the Krurod Empire, the submachine guns used by police officers now have models imported from foreign countries.

For no other reason, the submachine guns produced by the state-owned arsenal of the Iron Fist Empire and firing the 25mm pistol bullets are cheaper than similar products of most arsenals in the Krurod Empire.

In other words, the state-owned arsenal can keep the price of its products lower than many people imagine due to the financial support of the state, and it will not be a big problem to sell them at a loss.

Anyway, with the support of financial power, it is okay to do business at a loss sometimes.

But everyone can guess that the state-owned arsenal is the opponent of many private arsenals. Many times, the reason why private arsenals are struggling in operation is largely due to the huge pressure brought by self-financing. Needless to say, the state-owned arsenal is subsidized by the state, so it is unlikely to go bankrupt.

However, in Mike's own opinion, it is precisely because of the financial subsidies provided by the state that the idea of ​​​​getting by with a fixed salary will inevitably take root in the minds of employees of the state-owned arsenal.

If we really want to improve the advancement and production level of weapons and equipment, and even the related manufacturing processes, state-owned arsenals cannot compare with private arsenals in any way.

Therefore, this is why there is no state-owned arsenal in the Krurod Empire. Ruger, which was once only one step away from the state-owned arsenal, finally became the enemy of the "encirclement and suppression" of major private arsenals, and unfortunately fell from the altar.

As for the outside world saying that some private arsenals will have inferior products as good ones, he, he does not deny it. There will definitely be some, so now every arms dealer in the Krurod Empire must be approved by the state before it is established, and every year it must welcome irregular inspections from superior officials before it can operate.

Therefore, don’t look at the arms dealer who seems to be very rich. Competition from peers, government inspections, and user evaluations, any of these three things can make an arms dealer wait for the end.

If an arms dealer faces an economic crisis, the consequence is often that he will face the annexation of his peers. For example, Ruger, which he did not like very much, and Mi Le, which his family originally belonged to, were typical hegemonic enterprises that had swallowed up their peers and even their signs and trademarks.

Although it is said that living under someone else's roof will always give you a meal, and you will not starve to death on the street; but the ancestors said that if you don't protect your own things well, how can others protect you so easily?

When the founding father died in the hands of the Iron Fist Empire, his body was quickly cut into meat paste by the sharp blade, and the only remaining intact head was like a lantern, which was hung in the museum after being dried by the wind for a hundred years. Later, through the revenge expedition, the expeditionary force of the Krurod Empire stepped on the corpses of the vassal state troops all the way, destroyed one vassal state after another, broke into the Iron Fist Empire and took back the head.

After this incident, the Iron Fist Empire, which officially admitted its defeat, paid a large amount of war reparations and no longer continued to support the vassal states to fight against the Krurod Empire. In addition to not being allowed to restore the country, all cultural relics that fell into the Krurod Empire were prohibited from being redeemed.

Therefore, the law on protecting cultural relics was implemented twice in the Krurod Empire. Similarly, even if it is not a historical relic, it is the family business left by your ancestors, and you should protect it well as a descendant.

Just like several representatives of the Mo Niu Party today, their ancestors received one black bull head flag after another painted on red cloth with charcoal from the hands of the founding father to reward and encourage the performance of warriors. Such a flag is an important treasure that is worth a thousand gold today, and it is also the proudest material symbol of the Mo Niu Party members and a heirloom passed down from generation to generation.

Only you will cherish your own things, and this principle is universal no matter where you put it.

So in a thousand words, the family business is the legacy left to you by your ancestors. If you don’t respect or even protect it, don’t ask others to treat your family business in the same way.

In short, what direction should the independent Savanchi Weapons Company take in the future so that it will not end, this is what every member of the Savanchi family needs to consider now.

[To be honest, I've been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.]

Then again, whether his family should develop a submachine gun, this question... well... if I just ask Savage Novara Mac, he thinks it is necessary.

But he cannot represent the entire family, let alone make decisions for Savanchi Weapons Company. After all, the current head of the Savanchi family is his uncle, and his uncle's words carry more weight than his father, the fourth brother.


But don't these dog-headed people have a homemade Gaiser submachine gun that fires 9×9mm pistol bullets recently?

Why are they going to the consular district to purchase another submachine gun that fires 8×25mm pistol bullets?

Don't these dog-headed people know that one more bullet means more pressure on logistics support?

Or is there another possibility that the purpose of buying this is not for personal use? But to resell it for profit?

After all, in this day and age, compared with cold weapons, the efficiency of hot weapons in causing casualties is much higher. And killing people with a gun is simpler than killing people with a knife, and there is no need to consider the physical fitness gap between the killer and the assassinated person.

Gently pull the trigger, and a bullet will blow away a piece of skull.

Killing is so simple. Therefore, up to now, the guys who traded weapons and equipment were considered frequent visitors to the underground black market. As for how many items, or how many types of items were sold, this was not something he should ask casually...

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