
Chapter 60 Still feeling bad for them?

"Go! Clean up the bodies on the ground immediately!"

The result was just as Sogen saw. Early the next morning, a white-skinned Kalai warrior with a scimitar on his waist and a dark green helmet on his head kept shouting at a large group of brown-skinned slaves with half-dressed clothes and dim eyes to clean up the bodies of mysterious people inside and outside the guild hall.

Of course, the portal device in their guild hall was set in the reception room inside the guild hall, and the hall outside would not leave any clues for the slaves responsible for cleaning.

"Sogen, what are you looking at them for?"

"Captain Turan, they are stripping the clothes of the dead."


Although he no longer had to wear the clothes of the dead, and even had money to buy enough clothes to fill his room. Sogen quickly remembered the clothes that his mother had knitted and he had worn. Even now, he was unwilling to believe it.

But this is the reality.

After a group of brown-skinned slaves who had to share knives cut the cloth off each corpse, they not only dragged the corpses outside the guild hall and piled them on the firewood pile, but what made Sogen turn his face away the most was that these slaves with bells had to pay attention to whether their shadows would overlap with the white-skinned warrior.



The speed at which the warrior drew his sword made Sogen furious, and what made him and the members of the guild hall feel pity was that the fallen brown-skinned slave was crying.

"Golden Dragon God, I'm sorry... I didn't do my duty well... In the next life... I will suffer... Suffer..."

What suffering? This was a clear murder! It was the white-skinned warrior who couldn't control his hands and openly killed a slave who accidentally crossed his shadow with himself!

At the same time, this also shows one thing.

"Why can't they wake up? Can't they think about their descendants?"

It's not enough for them to suffer, they have to set an example and let their descendants continue to suffer, serving these white-skinned bastards who would kill them at any time... Anyway, Sogen is now wearing a mask, so he didn't let the guy who was wiping the knife with the dead brown-skinned slave see his company. Otherwise, he wouldn't mind letting this guy taste how strong his skills are after chopping trees for a hundred years.

"Because they think that this is the only way to get redemption and get the blessing of the Golden Dragon God."

"Bah. Captain Turan, I used to be one of them, but I understand one thing, that is, my descendants will never allow their history to repeat."

So after all the bodies were arranged and cremated collectively, Sogen watched these guys who were so stupid that they didn't know how to describe it actually used dry cloth to wipe the blood on the ground inside and outside the hall. He was sad and angry in his heart.

"Pour some lye water on the bloodstains and wipe them, or you can use some soapy water. If you wipe the bloodstains like this, it will dry on the ground."

[To be honest, I've been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. ]

"It's useless. They don't know this knowledge at all, after all, they can't be educated at all. They have to work barefoot in the strongest sunlight since they were born, until the day of their death comes. Captain, I don't know how to save them. Look at their eyes, they are all very empty, just like dead bodies."

As Sogen said, not only Captain Turan, but also other members of the guild wearing masks couldn't help but bow their heads in silence.

As long as the clan system is still the ruling system of the United Kingdom of Eri, it means that the brown-skinned Kalai will be slaves forever and ever, working diligently and hard for every master who can kill them at any time.

Even if they are killed by their masters, they cannot have any hatred, and must regard the act of their masters chopping them to death as a gift! Not to mention that in Eri, if a Kalai does something that is not his duty, it is his greatest shame. Therefore, Sogen also understands why Eri is unable to deal with the expansion of human power in the East. It is all caused by a group of useless people holding knives and shouting at a bunch of slaves who don’t know the meaning of life!

"Hurry up! Otherwise! You are not allowed to eat today!"


You are not allowed to eat?

Such an order from the white-skinned warrior shocked Sogen and his men, because these slaves who work slowly are more skinny than each other, and they must not have much to eat. They are probably the unlucky ones who dig weeds and chew tree bark everywhere.

"Since you hate the brown-skinned Kalai, why keep them? Why not just kill them all?"

"Killing is not a good way to solve this problem, and... maybe it's a bit weird for someone like me to say it, but if we kill them all... who will be the slaves? To provide a luxurious life for the nobles above? Keeping them like this is actually to ensure the power of the nobles. Especially if this continues, I, a former noble lady, can only sigh that the people below will not have no one to exploit."

"No wonder the Utopia organization appeared. These slaves who are not even worth anything will always burst into more severe anger."

As the quality of these works was really not good, and the brown-skinned Kalai slaves who made everyone sad were satisfied with carrying free clothes, the members of the guild hall cleaned up again. After completing the cleaning work, Sogen returned to his shop on the second floor and handed his improved large-caliber rifle back to the customer.

"Thank you. This is your repair fee."

"Thank you for your patronage."

After receiving the money, Sogen was certainly not happy at all.

"Still feeling bad for them?"

"Yes. Beth, you are a communicator. Although you have not been seen by them, you should have contacted them a lot, right? Their attitude towards us brown-skinned people..."

"You know it all, why are you asking me? Such a result is not something you can easily reverse, not to mention that you yourself are a victim of the clan system. And instead of saving them, you might as well think about whether our children will face the same fate."


Definitely not.

The reason why he resisted was for himself and his descendants to no longer become as miserable as his mother.

Therefore, keep working. Anyway, he is now a warrior who has begun to struggle, and he should work hard for the Negan he is in.

By the way, he also had to record it and write a report for Captain Turan and Her Majesty the Queen. When they went out to fight, they would use their own weapons as little as possible. Of course, this was not because they thought the things outside were good and their own things were rubbish, but for a certain sense of confidentiality...

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