
Chapter 66 Comparison

"You said Sogen...Okay. Anyway, I think there is no problem. But Ness..."

"I think he is quite creative. A mortar squad of ten members, three 6mm mortars. Not bad. One soldier carries the entire 6mm mortar alone, and then asks two companions to help carry the shells. Let me calculate, one soldier carries 2 to 25 shells, OK. No problem."

"Aren't you worried that it's too heavy? The soldiers can't bear it?"

Ness shook his head at Omer's concerns. Because he, like Omer, is a veteran who has experienced the test of the border war, and he knows very well what the war with human forces has brought to himself and even the Kalai people.

That is the important revolution brought about by the systematic military system of mankind-compared with the power of individuals, the industrialized group killing efficiency is completely unimaginable to the Kalai people.

Not to mention the idea that bows and arrows are invincible in the world, which has been repeatedly proven to be backward in the war.

Therefore, four months after Sogen drew the blueprint of the new 8mm caliber mortar, Solo Arsenal itself had a small discussion.

That is whether to make a model with an enlarged caliber - recently used [To be honest, recently used, Android and Apple are both available. ][To be honest, recently used, Android and Apple are both available. ] mm caliber.

However, there is also a more embarrassing problem here.


Since mortars are important long-range strike weapons for front-line troops, the weight problem can never be ignored. The increase in the caliber of mortars, in addition to the increase in range and power, the weight of the gun and shells must increase significantly.

At the same time, their Kalai clan also has an ugly nickname, "Bean Sprout". Weight reduction of weapons and equipment is completely inevitable, so their Lord Wangfu has been studying materials all the time, trying to make the metal materials of the Kingdom of Nigan better and stronger.

"Omer, I have been using millimeter caliber recently... I don't recommend it. Given the current situation..."

"Take the army of the Black Crow Principality as an example? Their investment in mortars is not very high, so it is not wise to use them as a reference."

Omer didn't have much sympathy when facing his brother-in-law. He knew very well that the military construction of the Black Crow Principality and the big countries behind it focused on long-range barreled artillery that could strike accurately.


"Compared to a simple cannon, I would rather install the cannon on various vehicles."

"But in this case, the vehicle must be reinforced."

Compared to the discussion between Omer and his brother-in-law, Nice, Lehman, who has been developing light weapons, was amused by the look of her elder brother and husband.

Because she had the equipment status table of the Black Crow Principality in her hand, and she also mailed a copy to Sogen for reference.


"Hmm... That's it... Hmm..."

After getting the carbon copy, Sogen began to write down the equipment of the grassroots troops of the Black Crow Principality. At the same time, he had to say that the Black Crow Principality, or the big country behind it, had a very good military organization system.

First, there was a normal ordinary squad of ten people, five riflemen, one of whom carried a grenade launcher; next, an armor-piercing soldier carried a light recoilless gun for anti-armor, and some ammunition was carried by one or several riflemen.

Then there were two people with submachine guns, one of whom was a communications soldier carrying a walkie-talkie, and the other was a squad leader or an assault soldier who specially carried a large amount of ammunition. Finally, there were two machine gunners... the core of the grassroots troops of the Eastern Human Kingdom, and also an important reason why many border troops and border people were killed and injured during the border war.

Thanks to the concept of universal machine guns they proposed and practiced, the front line of the Black Crow Principality did not have so-called heavy machine guns. Because the Barro universal machine guns they used had their own bipods and special tripods for outputting more stable long-range firepower.

The Barro general-purpose machine gun he seized before was actually just a model used by irregular troops. The ammunition carrier used more by the Black Crow Principality troops was a 5-round magazine.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

Of course, he himself concluded that magazines are not as good as belts. However, there is an advantage of magazines, that is, the Barro general-purpose machine gun can be directly fed with the magazines of riflemen.

In other words, the general-purpose machine guns of the Black Crow Principality use the same ammunition model as rifles, and use the same type of ammunition feeder to ensure uninterrupted firepower during wartime.

Therefore, during the period when the Black Crow Principality troops fully invaded the northeastern border of the United Kingdom of Eri, the firepower of the machine gunners of the Black Crow Principality was extremely fierce. The sudden machine gun barrage did not give the members of the Kalai clan time to release the atmospheric shield to resist. The worst druid was shot seventeen times and died.

In this regard, Sogen naturally understood that such a machine gun-based combat method led to the Black Crow Principality's super strong front-line firepower. However, compared to this, he hoped to conduct some research on artillery or explosives.

The idea of ​​a mortar squad with three 6-gun mortars and a company mortar platoon with nine 6-gun mortars that Nice had mentioned to him before is now being implemented at his outpost.

After all, the west of the outpost is the capital of the Kingdom of Negan, Koren City. If the safety of the capital area cannot be guaranteed, how can the long-term stability of the Kingdom of Negan be guaranteed?

So he saw more than 300 soldiers stationed at the outpost during this period, a full battalion. Although he knew in his heart that the number of soldiers in this battalion was not large, and the equipment was only barely adequate; but the reason for this can only be blamed on the fact that these weapon designers and military officials are in a state of exploration.

His own concept of artillery priority has not been unanimously recognized by the above, even if he is a little embarrassed because of the large number of guns and small number of cannons.

But how to say it?

Now that the outpost has 8 mortars as the battalion's artillery, he feels that the mountainous forest area around the outpost is becoming safer.

Especially when he saw another group of blindfolded human gold diggers being caught by his companions today, he felt that the 8 mortar shells fired from the outpost at any time had considerable deterrence.

"Still looking at the equipment on the captives?"

"Yes, Beth. After all, it might be a bit stuffy here."

"That's good to know."

"It would be better if there were more cannons here."

"Are you worried that the enemies outside can't hear you? By the way, we have a mission next year and we need to go back to Solo City."

"Solo City? What happened?"

"During this period, many mysterious attackers drove boats there to attack. Maybe the arsenal can't handle it and needs our help?"

"That would be great. I can't stand the environment here... It's too stuffy."

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