
Chapter 75 Nothing worth seeing

Woo woo woo...

But at this time, as the alarm bell outside suddenly rang, the few customers and other passers-by who were still on the street immediately ran away and disappeared using magic.

Whenever something like this happens, Sogen will naturally turn on the see-through screen to watch.

It has to be said that as Sogen himself stayed on Gem Island for a long time and became a subject of the Negan Kingdom, he had no previous "restrictions" on the use of spells.

Use it however you want.

"Kill these tall ones for me!"

Under the order of a general who drew his saber, the guards on the eastern wall of Solo City were faced with an attack by a group of large humanoid creatures more than five meters tall.


If it were the rain of arrows fired by the human city-state tribes in the west, these green-skinned giants, whose flesh and blood were blown open by 75-gun shells, would have been able to rush directly into the city and use their big wooden clubs to massacre the people in the city.

However, the army of the Kingdom of Negan is not a warrior from a tribe of primitive intelligent races. At least the guards who have received modern military training make Sorgen feel more at ease.

At the same time, Manco, who opened a shop to sell gems in the seaside town of the Black Crow Principality, finally received approval to start selling arms in the underground market of the Black Crow Principality.

"Huh... If Thorgen saw such a gun, he would probably have to complain for a month."

"It's not that exaggerated, is it?"

"Miley, you have also met Thorgen. Thorgen has very strict requirements for his pursuit of weapons and equipment. There is a firing pin translation pistol without any exposed hammer structure, but he has never thought about it. Copy it for us to use.”

Manco himself was still able to guess roughly what Sogen was thinking.

Quite simply, Thorgen knew very well that the Kalai clan was not the first users of gunpowder weapons. In terms of usage experience, it is not very good, and the army of the Negan Kingdom is also in the stage of exploring on its own.

Safety always comes first.

Of course, his wives didn't have many ideas similar to Thorgan's, and even felt that the number of safeties in the Kukay pistol designed by Thorgan was a bit redundant.

"So I think this cell pistol..."



Looking at the trophy in Miley's hand, Manco didn't want to say anything. However, he also admitted that the human countries in the East were more advanced than he imagined.

Just dangerous...

"One of the thieves has come back to life."

"Then what did he say?"

"Just say that they are a group of thieves who want to steal the gems in our store."



"Misha, you might as well not save him. With this little information, how is it worthy of your treatment?"

"It would be difficult to handle if there is not even a single survivor. And the purpose of leaving survivors is to test the public security attitude of the Black Crow Principality. See if they really do what they say they do. To eradicate violence and bring good health.”

Listening to his other wife's words, Manco felt funny in a sense. Because these dozen thieves, who were equipped with axes and revolvers, were obviously the robbers who were causing trouble.

According to the laws of the Black Crow Principality, Manco could actually counter-kill him. Therefore, when the scene of the Black Crow Principality's troops responsible for catching the thief did not even say a word of thanks and took the person away without looking back, Manco knew in his heart that his life would not be easy in the future.

The Black Crow Principality did not welcome them, and even just looked at them for the sake of the goods they brought.

But it doesn't matter.

He also didn't expect to be popular in the Black Crow Principality. On the contrary, Manco couldn't help but snicker, thinking that this was fine.

Low-key, inconspicuous, just doing business locally, even if some of the things sold are not visible to the public. But he pursues the same thing, which is to establish more friendly trade relations.

"Do you think they will continue to come to your door to be killed?"

"Miley, don't tell me, prepare yourself..."

"My gift package is not something everyone can enjoy."

Big gift package?

Manco couldn't help but shook his head repeatedly. Such a big gift package could easily weigh as much as a car. [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】 Mi's tank was blown up directly.

Therefore, he will not stop Miley from continuing to make such gift bags, nor will he stop Miley from installing such gift bags at several key points outside the store.

So at night, the sound of the wind outside made Manco feel indescribably strange.



Although on the surface they cannot take out their guns and bombs casually, this does not mean that they cannot use spells to fight.

Hey, hey, hey...

"This noise... people who don't know it will think it's someone sweeping the floor with a broom outside."

"Manco, don't say they are not professional enough. After all, they are not real thieves."

"The regular army is acting like a thief. It seems that the Black Crow Principality is hopeless."

While chatting and laughing, Manco soon used his see-through atmospheric barrier to find a group of masked people wearing dark blue clothes appearing outside. As he himself said just now, these obviously unqualified bandit groups have weapons and equipment that are obviously only available to the regular army.

Especially when the thirty or so masked men were holding companion revolving rifles and another type of submachine gun that he and even Sogen had never seen before, Manco knew that he would be busy again tonight.

"Surround this place, kill them all, don't spare a single one!"


Facing the robbers who had no idea that they were being monitored, Manco didn't even want to say anything, just waved his hand and asked his partners in the store to prepare different spell light balls.

Bang! Da Da Da...

Just as Manco guessed, the robbers disguised as members of the Black Crow Principality Army were really not suitable to be robbers. The scene of firing at full power at any time and various bullets pouring down made the atmospheric shield generated by Manco instantly form a metal outer wall. However, in this way, Manco saw that these unqualified robbers began to stop shooting, but installed bayonets on their guns or directly pulled out their machetes, and used nearby places that could be used as cover to stagger forward.

"Miley, I leave it to you."

Since he can observe the development of everything through his magic ability, why does he need to save some face for these guys who are seeking their own death? In short, he is increasingly envious of Sogen and others who do not have to leave the Gem Island and can continue their work on the territory of the Gem Island.

So compared to Manco, Sogen is now finally seeing the trucks carrying some biological debris on the road outside...

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