
Chapter 83 After the Exchange

In short, when Thorgen saw the Supreme King bringing his guards to help clear the area, he felt relieved temporarily.

However, most of Eri's troops relied on spell attacks that required a short period of charging to deal with the cultists who had all kinds of attack methods. Not to mention being beaten back step by step, the swordsmen responsible for close combat alone were enough to make Eri's troops on the front line very uncomfortable.

In the original border war, the weakness of the Kalai clan: close combat. This was used many times by the troops of the Black Crow Principality, resulting in countless Kalai soldiers and civilians being killed.

Similarly, the swordsmen who were now possessed by the power of the demons swung their machetes to a deadly level, and the front-line guards who drew out their scimitars were not bad even if their martial arts were good.


"The previous border war was not fierce enough, and they did not understand what martial arts is."

"Your Highness?"

"Sogen, do you think that face-to-face cold weapon combat will still be the mainstream war mode in the future world?"

"Impossible. If the problem can be solved from a distance, then of course it is best to solve it from a distance. Face-to-face close combat is not the preferred tactical means."

As he said, the Kalai people, who are very good at long-range combat and not very good at close-range combat, are actually more adaptable to modern warfare. However, the weaknesses of the Kalai people were carefully studied by the Eastern Human Kingdom.

Therefore, the Kalai people, who were so contemptuously called "Bean Sprouts", definitely need a military revolution. Swords and spells are no longer the mainstream war methods of this era. And Sogen himself has also received training in stabbing, and he has a deep understanding of stabbing, which is obviously not a fighting skill of the Kalai people.

After all, compared with the fancy, gorgeous, and beautiful Eri swordsmanship and swordsmanship, the simple, clear, and efficient stabbing combat is more suitable for the needs of this era.

"Gru, I'm sorry to make you laugh."

"There's nothing funny about laughing, but since this is your territory, you should be able to handle it. And don't even think about the weapons and equipment we seized."

"No problem. By the way, I have a new room here..."

"No need. The door of the original room was blown open, and we know how to repair it."

In this way, King Gru immediately took all his men away from the scene and let the Supreme King clean up the mess here.

"Supreme King, they..."

"Fortunately, they went back like this. Go and see if there are any survivors. Catch a few of them. I want to interrogate them in person."


Compared to the embarrassed Supreme King, Qishan Baierwei Dipandes Serchi was thinking about how to capture prisoners and ask for information. Sogen, as the only one of King Gru's men who knew all kinds of magic, he used the fastest speed to launch a recovery spell to repair the broken door and wall.

"Letting you be my aide is definitely the best decision I've made in my life."

"Your Highness?"

"Nothing? By the way, let your wives help you take a look at the weapons and equipment of these cultists."

"But the cultists' stuff..."

"So what about the cultists' stuff? Don't you want to know why the brown-skinned slaves who were originally very docile and obedient have become so fierce? What's more, it is difficult for us Negan to get a lot of things from the United Kingdom of Eri. So if we want to survive, develop, and make progress, we must seize more things from the enemy to learn. Don't forget that not all Negan people are like you. They need a long time to learn and fully integrate into our society."


"By the way, do you want to design another submachine gun that is larger than a pistol?"


"There's no rush for this. Anyway, we're leaving tomorrow. There's no rush to think about it slowly when we go back."

As Prince Gru said, Sogen certainly knew that the submachine gun he designed before was a failure that couldn't be sold. But this also means that he needs to think about it carefully. If it doesn't work, he can just write a telegram to Manco through a special channel to see if he has found any interesting guns outside.

However, what Sogen didn't know was that Manco was exhausted in every sense of the word while doing business in the Black Crow Principality.

"At night, these guys who don't know how to live or die and don't know that their skills are not good... Miley, do you think I can ask the headquarters to give them a 5mm grenade?"

"5mm howitzer? Even if you have a heavy artillery of mm caliber, it's useless. These members of the Black Crow Principality's army only think about how to rob us of our things, and you can't even think about paying for them."

"So, I really want to chop off their heads with a steel knife, and then stick them on the wooden stakes outside as decorations."


Although Miley knew that her husband was just angry, she actually wanted to draw her knife and kill those thieves who were on guard outside from time to time.

However, she lowered her head and thought, could she get more information from these incompetent thieves? After all, she was quite interested in the confidential documents of the Black Crow Principality, and hoped to bring them back to have a good look.

"Miley? Did you come up with another good idea?"

"Do you think there is anything in the Black Crow Principality that we should take back? Apart from gold, silver and jewelry."

"Important documents such as industrial production technology and military industry archives."

"So how can we get this information?"

"Go to their official residence or military camp and get these things."

"So I had an idea, just from these thieves who always want to steal from us... By the way, I want to put a mark on them."


Manco is not stupid. He doesn't know what Miley, his wife who sleeps beside him every night and is ready to go into the delivery room to give birth to his child, thinks about her?

The incompetent thieves who fell into her hands before had their hands or feet chopped off. This time, he could even guess that the thieves might end up being injected with poison or infected with a more tragic outcome.

In short, these members of the Eldar Tribe suffered the consequences of defeat in the border war. In the eyes of the humans of the Black Crow Principality, they were nothing, or they were walking treasuries that could extort money anytime and anywhere.

"It's best to improve their memory."

"no problem."

Since her husband gave her permission, Miley took out the waist knife she had prepared and used it for this full-length 96 [seriously, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】mm, blade length 7. I have been using it recently. [To be honest, I have been using it recently. It can be used on Android or Apple. 】mm, the handle length has been using 9 recently. [To be honest, it has been used recently. It can be used on Android or Apple. 】mm, the blade width is 35 mm, the blade thickness is 6 mm, and the new combat knife weighs 977 grams is polished.

Compared with the scimitars commonly used in the United Kingdom of Eri, she felt that this knife with a slight curvature in the first third of the tip was much better...

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