"This gesture!

Erwei's shocked voice rang in the ears of the two Yukimura.

"Naruto, what do you look like?\"

The two Yumu people looked at the golden Naruto in surprise.

"This is the strength of me and the nine tails." Naruto saw that if her hand was clenched into a fist, she could feel the intimate connection between the two and the nine tails.

"Eh?! Little Naruto has turned golden!\" Naruto, who leaned on the trunk of the tree, woke up, saw Naruto's appearance, and opened her mouth in surprise, she could feel the deep invisible on Naruto's body Bottom of Chara. Ever since she knew Naruto's age, when she called "Naruto", she changed from "Naruto" to "Little Naruto", and asked her to change it back, but she didn't change it. The helpless Naruto could only accept this title, obviously It's normal when called Yukito. Naruto looked at Chino with resentment. Eye, instructed: \"Next, you have to stay far away, so as not to accidentally hurt you.

"I get it!" Qian Nai rushed over. Behind the tree, he stuck his head out and waved at Naruto, "It's alright to hide here!\"

Although I don't know what Wuren is going to do. Listening to Wuren's words can never be wrong.

"Hide away!\"

Naruto is brilliant. Laughing, the golden chakra hand held the two Yumu figurines, "It may be a little painful, you have to endure it. Another. Only the straight chakra hand stabbed the two Yumu figurines violently. , pulled out several chains, all of them were torn apart!

What is that chain? A seal? When Naruto manipulated the hand of Chakra to break the chain, the two Yuki and Erwei both suffered great pain. Sand Ninja Village is much better, but it will be even more difficult to destroy, and the pain experienced by both will be even more difficult.


With the last chain being torn off by the hand of straight carat, Naruto released the beauty pillar mode.

R see, a group of coquettish, blue flames with black patterns. Flying out from the two Yumu people! "Wow! 039; The coquettish blue flames kept shrinking in the air and became. The bit has. The head is blue. A tall woman with wavy hair.

With a bumpy figure, three **** abdominal muscles in the abdomen, and a plump and rounded heart, it is indistinguishable from the nine tails. The bronzed skin is smooth and delicate, it looks very healthy and full of wild charm, and the eyes are like cats. kind of. Yellow-green, the erect pupils slightly expanded and rounded as she squinted, and the long blue wavy hair had black patterns.

Chino stared at the woman slowly falling from the sky, rubbed Sang's eyes, put her finger to her mouth and bit it. Mouth, and then, looking at the beautiful woman's chest with admiration, her eyes are fixed. Wipe the thick envy.

It was a height she could never reach.

"You can't change by the way. Come out with your clothes on?"

Having said that, Naruto couldn't help but take a few more glances, that **** three-pack abs, and that and nine tails. A level of roundness, I have to say, the bronzed skin looks really good. Especially when I don't wear anything, it doesn't feel better.

"It's such a hassle to wear clothes.

Two tails did not wear the clothes that Naruto threw her, and blue flames covered her body, forming. A blue leather jacket with flame-like blue fluff around the neck, and a cat-shaped hood on the back of the jacket. Behind Erwei's buttocks, there are two blue tails that look like decorative black patterns. !

Chapter 190 New Conjecture (1/2)

"Travel again?"

The two Yumu people looked at Erwei in disbelief, especially the chest that held up the clothes so bulging that they seemed to be able to open the zipper on the clothes. Eyeing his chest, he squatted on the ground in shock

"What? Don't you like the way I look?\"

Erwei walked to the side of the two Yumu people and squatted down, and then the two heavy and soft chests pressed on the heads of the two Yumu people, pressing the two Yumu people too hard to lift. beginning.

"Eh? Where are you, Yumu?\" Erwei looked down and saw only her chest. She could clearly feel the presence of the two Yumu people, but she couldn't find her.

"Under your chest.

The two Yumu people's voices were muffled, and then they grabbed Erwei's chest and pulled their head out, and rescued them from under Erwei's chest, with a face still on their faces. Doula lock stamp.

It should be a happy time for Erwei to change into a human form, but it turned out that it was like this. She couldn't be happy at all.

Perceiving the softness in their hands, the two Yumu faces. Hong, crawling up and down, quickly took a few steps back, looking at Ruo Ruo's sinful hand, watching in panic. She stared blankly at her second tail.

"Yumu Ren. You are so strange!"

"Who is she?"

Chino walked over to Naruto. Curiously, she tugged Naruto's sleeve.

"She. She is a resident living in the body of Yuki. She was sealed before, but now. The seal has been undone." Naruto scratched his cheek, briefly explained to Kanno, and thought about it. Decided to tell her about the tailed beast, there is nothing to hide about it.


"Do you know the tailed beast?" Hearing Naruto's words, Qiannao shook his head blankly and asked curiously, "What is the tailed beast?"

"The tail beast is... When Naruto communicated with the two by the wood and the second tail, he gave Gan Nai a general introduction to what is a tail beast, what is the human pillar force, and how humans use the tail beast to imprint the tail beast on the tail beast. In the body of Ren Zhuli, he regards Ren Zhuli as a weapon of the tailed beast.

"It's too much... Whether it's for the tailed beast or the human column force, it's too much.

Qian Nao said Ruo Ruo, and shed tears.

Through Naruto's words, she thought of herself, not knowing where she came from or who her parents were. Her existence was like nothing.

. Don't cry, Naruto hurriedly wiped Chino's tears.

A few days after Oya Chengyan handed Gan Nai to her, she even promised to take good care of Gan Nai, but as a result, she made her cry within two days.

Here, Naruto was busy comforting the weeping Kanno, while the two Yuki and Erwei had a harmonious and loving exchange over there.

You travel, are you still mad at me?"

"Next time. Next time, I won't forgive you, never will.

Seeing the two Yumu people's cautious expressions, Erwei reached out and wrapped her arms around the two Yumu people's waists, making her body close to him, bowed her head, and kissed her lips.

"Wow!" Chino's eyes widened and she looked at the two who were kissing over there. Naruto reached out and covered her eyes, "Children, don't look at this!\"

"I'm not a child, I've already beeped (silenced)!" Qiannai shouted in dissatisfaction, grabbing Ruo Naruto's hand and trying to pull it away.

"You're still a child's size, and this kind of thing is too early for you.

"What! I will always be like this, I won't grow taller!"

After kissing her lips, Erwei pursed her lips as she looked at the two Youmu people with red faces. Laughing, licking the corner of his mouth with his tongue, the seated Yumu said softly in his ear: "I. I've always wanted to do this to you, but I didn't have the chance, and now I can finally get my wish.

Throwing away Naruto's hand, Chino, who thought she could see the scene of the two kissing, looked at Naruto with extreme depression, her mouth open, revealing sharp little tiger teeth. He bit on Naruto's hand covering his eyes.

"It turns out that you have been to me for a long time. No wonder you....!" Before the two Yumu people could say anything, they were pressed to the ground by Erwei again, blocking their lips.

The two Yumu people opened their eyes wide, patted Erwei's quilt, then closed their eyes and hugged Erwei, actively deepening the kiss.

"That's how it can be!"

Kyuubi, who peeped at the kiss between the two, nodded thoughtfully. The two who were completely trapped in the two-person world ignored Naruto and Chino next to him, but Kanai finally saw the way they were kissing as he wished. After walking a few steps, I observed it up close, and then I was hugged by Wu Ren. side

"What are you doing~! Let me go. I have to watch it! I haven't seen enough~!"

"Don't look at it~! Naruto covered Chino's eyes, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free from Naruto's hands.

Walking on the streets of the town, Naruto watched. Chino, who was full of anger beside her eyes, looked again. Eye. With the appearance of a little daughter-in-law and Erwei holding hands, the wooden figures were clearly attacked and received.


It was getting dark, and the pedestrians were ready to stay at the hotel. Night. In the hotel, Naruto was lying on the quilt on the Futami mat, thinking about going to Jigokudani in the land of Yuno tomorrow.

This is the blood pond people described in the book that Oyajoyen gave her, who struggled to survive in Hell Valley. paragraph, only from here. In a few words, you can see the Pool of Bleeding. The clan struggled in Hell Valley and sat up, looking at the scenery outside the window, looking at the moon emitting bright moonlight, Naruto thought, the moon in this world was sealed by three immortals when Dajianmu Huiye It was made, and the body of Kaguya Otsutsuki is also sealed on the moon.

So here comes the question, when using the Earth Blast Star, Kaguya and Juwei should be. Physically speaking, Kaguya and Ten-Tails were separated after being sealed, Ten-Tailed Chakra was divided into nine-tailed beasts, and the shriveled outer shell became an Outlander Golem and was summoned by Nagato, then, Otsuki Kaguya's body is still above the moon? If I can crush the moon, is it all. Everything can be solved beautifully, Uchiha's daydreams of selling infinite moons will be disintegrated by me! Naruto clenched his fists excitedly when he thought of this, thinking of the pain, annoyance, Desperate, she couldn't help but get excited. If the power of the tailed beasts is gathered, breaking the moon is not a dream! If all the tailed beasts are gathered on her body, Naruto feels that it is only necessary. The hair-tailed beast jade should be able to smash the moon. At that time, what Uchiha leader, what Otsutsuki Kaguya, all want to use the infinite moon reading? Dream!

"Little Naruto, what are you thinking?" Qian Nao was curiously beside Naruto, and saw Naruto watching the moon emotionally, giving her a feeling of what Naruto wanted to do to the moon.

"...Naruto patted Chino's head, "I was thinking, if I could fly, I could fly directly to the moon!"

Said, Naruto raised his hands in a feigned excitement.

"Little Naruto, so naive!

Chino looked at Naruto mockingly. She grimaced while sticking out her tongue and scratching her eyelids. Naruto watched and ran. Gan Nai next to him shook his head with a smile, pulled down the curtains, took off his clothes, and lay down in the bed.

"Go to sleep, Chino, it's getting late.

Chino turned off the lights, took off his clothes, and got into the bed next to Naruto.

In the middle of the night, Naruto felt a little uncomfortable being pressed by something on the quilt. Is Murphy a ghost pressing the bed?! Naruto opened her sleepy eyes, and she saw Kanai, who was curled up and sleeping with his legs on his cheeks. with. Uneasy and confused. Naruto sighed, lifted the quilt, and held Gan Nai in his arms.

The next day, early in the morning, Kanno woke up and found herself sleeping in Naruto's arms, her cheeks were red, her cheeks were slightly puffed up, and her fingers poked Mano's cheek.

"Why?" Naruto opened his eyes. Seeing Chino who was puffed up, he sat up with his eyes soft.

"Little Naruto, why am I sleeping in your bed?" Qiannai pinched her waist with serious hands, and was wearing it. children's underwear. Naruto looked down from the top, um, Ma Pingchuan, no. Silky ups and downs, what? Those two pink bean roots aren't quite ups and downs, okay?

At most, it is a stumbling block for driving!

"You're not being honest in your sleep, Naruto's eyes were half-opened and he looked at Shi Nai speechlessly, but he couldn't say, last night she was afraid that she would be put back, and she would roll over again, so she simply hugged her directly. Lao Yong Yi. Naruto pulled up the quilt and covered Gan Qiannai's body, yawned and said, "Don't be cold. Soup country

"This place is so hot. Naruto. Why did you come here?" Qian Nai covered her nose, her face sullen.

"I just want to see what Hell Valley is like, that's all." Naruto strode forward. The **** valley is filled with smoke, and there are red puddles all over the place. The water in the puddles is steaming, and the Zadan can't see much. Instead, there are many human skeletons and horses immersed in the red puddles. covered. Layer red like rust-like substance. Naruto looked up at the place where she jumped off, frowned, and strolled through Hell Valley.

"These skeletons are the pools of blood. The skeletons of people from the clan... I really can't imagine that humans can live in such an environment." Nine Tails' voice carried. Silk exclaimed.

"Indeed, human beings are fragile, but tenacious, beautiful and dirty. Naruto bent over to check. A hot stone was thrown upwards, rubbing the wings of a bird flying in the sky.

"But, this is human beings! That's what **** is. You can stubbornly struggle to survive in this environment, and you can also fight for something trivial.

Chapter 191 Naruko Support Club (1/2)

"Wow! Naruto, there are so many skeletons here!

Chino tugged Naruto's sleeve a little scared. Although she was very old, most of the time she lived in the Oya Castle Flame Mansion, and she never went there except to compete in the arena.

"They won't come to bite you. Mouth. What are you afraid of?" Naruto touched Chino's head.

"Why are these people dying here?"

The two Yumu people frowned as they looked at the skeletons soaked in the puddle.

"I heard that he was imprisoned here on trumped-up charges and cannot leave until his death." Ming Jin's mouth twitched. Wipe the sarcastic smile.

"Unwarranted charges?\"

"Let's leave here, Naruto doesn't want to say more about this. Looking at Naruto's back, the two Yuki and Chino. Head confused and follow, and Erwei. The face doesn't matter. Beside the person, the hand tightly holds the hand of Yuki. In the hot spring full of hazy steam, Naruto. Pedestrians soak in the hot spring. If the head is on the head. A towel soaked in cold water soaks in the hot spring Naruto, stretched out his limbs and looked up at Ruo Na in the blue sky. The plump hearts of Kuo’s and Er-wei, who were soaking in the hot spring, floated up without any accident. Ku-wei and Er-wei looked at each other. Eyes, the eyes of the two collided. Then, the two of them turned their heads and made a "hum" sound, a voice of dissatisfaction.

"You guys keep going clubbing, I'm going out to get some air

The dizzy Naruto got up, his fair skin was slightly red from the blisters, as if. Like a ripe peach, with a reddish white inside, he walked out staggeringly.

"Haha~! Little Naruto, it's still a long way to go~!" Seeing that Naruto couldn't hold on any longer, Kanno, whose face was flushed, also got up and just left. Step, planted in the hot springs.

Nine tails. He picked her up and looked at Qian Nao, who looked like a circle with her eyes, and took her out with a helpless expression on her face. Only two tails and two Yumu people are left to soak in the hot springs here.

. An ambiguous breath appeared between the two, and the two Yumu people realized that something was wrong. They immediately wanted to get up and go out, but before they could get up, Erwei pulled her into her arms. She closed her mouth and hugged her. his hands slightly strained.

Shinobu Village, Raikage's office.

"I haven't found the two Yumu people yet? It seems that she has left the country of Thunder and issued a wanted notice. The two Yumu people are the rebels of Yunren Village. I want to see who dares to take them in the five big forbearance villages. she!

Raikage suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at Mabuyi calmly.

Looking at the barbell with several more plates than usual, Mabuyi knew that his heart was definitely not as calm as he appeared.

"Yes, Raikage-sama.

Uchiha Obito, who was sitting on a tree trunk, jumped off the tree trunk after listening to what Jue said below.

"Good job, absolutely, Naruto has collected it now. Tai and Erwei, as long as she collects a few more tailed beasts, I can kill her and enjoy it."

"However, Nagato seems to agree with Naruto's approach recently, and even sent the ghost shark to Naruto. If it continues like this, I'm afraid Nagato will all follow Naruto's pace." Hei Jue Nadairuo. There was worry in Si's hoarse voice, but that was what he was thinking. Obitu, you and Chang] would be good to lose both, so that I can make better use of Naruto, lest you come out and expose the chaos.

Hei Jue never thought that Naruto would be so easy to use, and he collected two tailed beasts with ease. At this speed, it seems that collecting all the tailed beasts is just around the corner, launching Unlimited Monthly Reading, and rescuing the mother is just around the corner!

"This matter, I have my own thoughts, absolutely, continue to monitor Naruto, notify me immediately if anything happens!" Behind the mask, Uchiha frowned, if Nagato is really in Naruto. The side would indeed be a hindrance to his plans. At present, when Nagato didn't express that kind of intention, he definitely couldn't rashly cut his face with Nagato, and he still needed to use Nagato to summon an outsider golem.


Never entered the ground.

"A Fei, what are you doing?" Xiao Nan flew over from a distance and landed next to A Fei.

"Ah! Junior Nan!\" Ah Fei raised his hands in a funny way, like he was excited. A funny comparison, "Report the junior! I just saw the ants are at home, I think it will rain here soon.

"It's raining.

Xiao Nan's voice just fell. Drops of rain fell on Ah Fei's head, and then it started to rain.

"Come on. Our mission has not been completed! 039;

"Follow your orders! Junior!

Ah Fei looked at Xiao Nan who was flying in front of him, and chased after him at the pace of slipping rice, shouting: "Xiao Nan! Wait for me!"

In front of the sound ninja village, Naruto stopped, facing the two people beside Ruo. The tailed beast said: "Welcome to Yinin Village. Looking at the sign of Yinin Village on the gate, and the merchants coming and going, the two Yuki people couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed the place where Yinin costumes are located. !"

"Don't be stupid here, go in and have a look~!" Naruto looked at Ruoyin Ren Village. His face appeared unconsciously. Wipe a smug smile.

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