"Thank you for your hard work." Naruto waved to Ruoqin, motioned her to lower her head, and touched her head when Qin lowered her head, "Take them to the office.

Said, Naruto disappeared into smoke.

Xiaonan and Tiandao Payne walked out of the movie theater, Xiaonan threw away the bag left over from eating popcorn in his hand, and Tiandao Payne, who watched thoughtfully.

"I'm thinking about Naruto Uzumaki. With the release of this movie, Naruto has limited popularity in the five major countries. If we take this opportunity to let Naruto make more movies, we will know if we can.

The following is Nagato's brain delusion

. Naruto dressed as an idol. On the high platform, he held his hands high and delivered an exciting speech.

"For world peace! Everyone, I need your strength! Following Naruto's call, countless people in Ruo Akatsuki uniforms appeared! Loudly shouted Ruo: "For world peace!!!" Nagato's head The delusion ends.

"Naruto won't agree?

Although Xiao Nan didn't know what Chang I was thinking, she knew that it was impossible for Naruto to make more movies.

"Naruto still has her own things to do, and she is still the wind shadow of Sand Ninja Village, so it is impossible to make a full-time movie."

"Well, that's what I said. Tiandao Payne nodded and put away that unrealistic delusion.

"According to the information that Jue brought back, Naruto has successfully invited the two-tailed person Zhuli to join the sound ninja village. At present, the tailed beasts in the sound ninja village include Yuwei, two tails, and nine tails. Nagato, need to let the chicken Did Human invite O and Nio's Hiroyuki to join Akatsuki?"

"No, just keep the status quo.

Chapter 193 Even if I can't beat me, do you still want to be a ninja? (1/3)

Naruto sitting on the chair, waiting for Koto to bring the two-tailed beast over, tapping his fingers on the table.

"Dong dong

There was a quick knock on the door.

"Come in.

The Naruto watcher pushed open the door and walked in. The anxious red-nosed old man asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

"Naruto, there is a strange thing on him. When the red-nosed old man walked in, Kyuubi noticed that there was a strange thing on him, a strange high-density straight carat aggregate. Woojin narrowed his eyes, The blue eyes were slightly red, and he instantly sensed something on the old man.

"It should be. Ores with straight carats, right?" Naruto vaguely remembers the original plot of the anime. It seems that there is a Hoshinin village who cultivated with the help of meteorites from the sky. The stone has a strange straight carat. , This red-nosed old man should be similar to that thing.

"Nothing to worry about. Mother Nine-Tails."

"makes sense.

"Is Mr. Du not here?\"

The red-nosed old man looked around, but did not see the figure of Jiaodu. There was something in his eyes. Silk disappointed.

"Anything, you can tell me."

Naruto frowned. Picked and took off the hat on her head. Isn't she the boss better than the employee in the upper corner?

"Ah! Are you the boss of the legendary Yinnin costume?" The red-nosed old man looked at Naruto in shock.

Huh? Legendary? Is it that exaggerated..

"I am, what's the matter with you, can you tell me?"

"My ferret is lost and I would like to ask the ninjas in your village to help find it.

"Ferrets? What's the signature?"

. .... The red-nosed old man thought for a moment and said: "The black hair on its head looks like a helmet! The eyes are red. There should be no ferret that looks like it.

As soon as the red-nosed old man finished speaking, Naruto received the memory from the shadow clone, Wei Wei. laugh.

"Yes. Good news and. Bad news for you, which one do you want to hear first?\"

The red-nosed old man was stunned, hesitated, and made a choice.

"The good news?"

"Your lost ferret has been found.

"The bad news? Hearing the good news, the red-nosed old man couldn't help but get worried. ÷÷

"The bad news is that your ferret seems to provoke someone who can't be attracted, and it is very likely that it will be skinned to make a mink scarf." Thinking of the ferret's face buried comfortably in Erwei's chest, Ming said. Human feeling = A Yumu person might not be able to resist stewing it on the way back.

"Just kidding, your ferret is alive and well and taking advantage. Someone who shouldn't take advantage of them, they are coming, I want to wait. You should be able to see you in a while. ferret

Seeing the reaction of the red-nosed old man, Naruto was bad. Laugh, it seems that the old man has quite deep feelings for that Se Xueshao.

Before entering the office building, I saw the statue that was somewhat similar to Naruto? It looked like a movable puppet.

Qiannao pointed at Jin Zhamu curiously. No.

"What is that? 039;

Qin coughed lightly. He raised his head and looked proudly at Jin Zhamu. No.

"This is a huge puppet made according to the boss's appearance, how about it, isn't it very grand, Du Guan?" Little Naruto's taste is so strange!

Naruto's taste is so weird!

Look at Jinzamu. Chino, who was speechless, and the two Yumu people thought at the same time.

"Dong Dong Dong!\"

There was a knock on the door, and before Naruto could speak, the door was pushed open, and Gan Nai, who was in the lead, ignored it. The red-nosed old man next to him ran to Naruto.

"Little Naruto, here I come~!\"


. I didn't see you for a while, how did Chino learn the strange mouth fetish, Naruto remembered the slogan of the Naruko Support Club, the corners of his mouth trembled, and he looked at the leisurely Seji Diao who was showing his head in the chest of the tail.

"Your ferret is right there, take it back quickly, someone is about to be drowned in vinegar." 055341 Red nosed old man. Seeing Erwei walking in It fell out, and when he saw the sable, he hurriedly shouted: "Niruku, hurry up!"

Fragrant Mink's ears trembled. After seeing the red-nosed old man, he hesitated for a while, slowly climbed up from Erwei's chest, ran to Erwei's shoulders, licked Erwei's cheek, and looked at Erwei proudly. Two by wooden men. Eyes, turned around and ran to the red-nosed old man. The two Yuki people, clenching their fists, watched. Eyes that feelless wood (two tails), take a deep breath. His tone and expression returned to normal, as if he had made a decision.

"Nilugu, don't run around in the future, I'm very worried about you!" The red-nosed old man walked out while talking to the ferret named Nilugu.

"Qin, register them.

Naruto stood up. He waved to Qin and motioned her to come over.


Yes, boss.


, both of them are Shangnin. "Wu Ren pointed to Yumu and Erwei.

"Naruto, what about me~!" Chino heard that the two Yuki and Erwei were both Joinin, and she was very much looking forward to what level she would be.

.You... chunin is good. Naruto patted Kanno on the head. He promised Miyajo Yan to take good care of her. Naturally, Naruto didn't want her to take risks. As a Chunin, Chino's strength was more than enough.

"Hey! Why! I also want to be a jounin! I don't want a chunnin!" Chino shook Ruo Naruto's arm, and looked at Ruo Naruto pitifully with her big purple eyes, trying to use her young daughter's appearance to win Naruto's sympathy , agreeing to her request.

"You can't even ask me, what kind of Junin?" Naruto saw Chino's dissatisfied bulging cheeks, put his hands on Gan Nai's shoulders, and said solemnly: "Junin can be alone. Existence, Kanai, you are still too young, there is still a lot to learn! With your current strength, it is enough to be a Chunin, understand? \"We can't beat you, should we also be Chunin? Ah! The two Yuki and Nio couldn't help thinking when they heard Naruto's words.

"Little Naruto. Bullying!" Qian Nai turned his head angrily, "Ignore Naruto!"

Although he is much older than me, his heart is still a child.... Naruto is helpless to see the puffed up Qiannai. laugh. "boom!"

The door was pushed open, and a figure rushed in.

"Naruto! I miss you so much!" The loli cannonball with long red hair smashed into Naruto's chest, wrapping his hands and feet around Naruto like an octopus. Sample.

"Fragrance.. I only left for a few days?\"

Naruto scratched his cheeks. Looking at Xiang Lian, who was breathing heavily in his arms. How did she feel that the longer the fragrance was, the more she developed into the **** in the original book? What is it? Is it because of wrong steps that Xianglin has grown up like this? Or is her **** just like that?

Seeing the red-haired girl thrown into Naruto's arms, Chino couldn't bear to be angry anymore. She asked curiously:!...Little Naruto. Who is she!"

Only then did Xiang Rou notice that Naruto was there. The little girl immediately asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Gan Nai!\"

After Chino and Xiang introduced each other, you looked at me and I saw you, Chino smiled, and Xiang Ye was like a kitten whose territory was invaded. So, it's almost frizzy.

After Qin registered their information, Xiang Rou had to go to the hospital to help, so she did not continue to pester Ruo Naruto. Naruto came to her house with Chino, who had received a forehead protector, and cleaned up. The guest rooms are for Kanno to live in, furnished with quilts as well. All decorations are available for purchase. Thanks to the technique of shadow avatars, hundreds of Naruto appeared in every corner of the sound ninja village, buying all kinds of necessities.

An hour later, seeing Ruo Tong's pink body looks like a bedroom for the little princess, Naruto nodded with satisfaction, he could do it! Naruto patted and opened his eyes wide to look at the bedroom. Cut Chino.

"How. Are you satisfied with this bedroom? This will be your home in the future~!"\"Well.

Hearing the word "home", Qian Nao's eyes flushed slightly, and she nodded vigorously, looking at the carefully arranged furniture and decorations in the room. Unable to hold back, he threw himself on Naruto and cried.

. She, who has never had anything for a long time, finally has a home! Naruto, who had been plotting against her, thought that Naruto had taken a fancy to her bloodline.

Result. Many days have passed since the contact with Naruto. Naruto never asked her anything about the boundaries of blood.

Naruto, who obviously won her from the arena, never took on her master stance and treated her as an equal existence. This moved Chino very much, and what moved her even more was that Naruto really treated her as an equal. She is treated like family.

In this bedroom, from the furniture to the small combs, Naruto personally selected her for her. Staying in this bedroom, she could feel the importance Naruto attached to her.

"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore." Naruto gently touched Gan Nai's hair, and it was kind of raised again. The feeling of a child, and this child, or the kind that does not grow up.

"Little Naruto, have you been so good to me, have you fallen in love with me?\" Qian Nai sniffed, pinching her waist with both hands. Little nose looked red at Naruto, and there were still tears on her cheeks. Naruto suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness, even if it was a legal loli, she was not interested.... She likes women, at least when they are open, she will not like this little bean that can't be opened at all.

"Then why are you so nice to me?" "What?

"Little Naruto, you must be plotting against me! It turns out that you are such a person, Naruto!" Seeing Naruto's speechless appearance, Gan Nai thought that he had guessed correctly, with a clear face, Squinting his eyes, he looked like a cat. Such a smile. What should I do, I explain it now, it seems to be getting darker and darker. If I don't explain, I will be labeled as a lo*ic*n.

"Naruto? Are you back?\"

Uchiha Mikoto, who came back from outside, heard a voice from the empty house over there and walked over. Naruto heard Chiba Mikoto's voice and showed his face. Silk smirked. She pointed her finger at Chino not to make a sound, and when Uchiha Mikoto came over, she suddenly pounced.


Facing the figure that suddenly rushed over,

Uchiha Mikoto saw Naruto. With beautiful long blond hair, he smiled softly and hugged Naruto who rushed over. Support ↘♂↙ to share those who need

Chapter 194 Poor Naruto Mouse (1/3)

"I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss me?"

Naruto hugged Uchiha Mikoto's neck tightly, and the two bodies pressed against each other. ÷÷

"When did you come back?\"

Uchiha Mikoto stroked Naruto's long soft golden hair. A gentle smile appeared on her face.

"I just came back today~!" Naruto rubbed in Uchiha Mikoto's arms.

Mikoto Uchiha dressed up in a pink room, saw the little girl beside her, and smiled softly: "Hello!"

"You... hello...

Chino looked at the black-haired beauty exuding maternal radiance all over her body, and lowered her head with reddened cheeks.

\"Naruto, who is she?" Uchiha Mikoto looked at the shy little girl with her head down, and looked at Naruto curiously. Such a cute child, isn't it abducted by Naruto?

"Her name is Qiannai, don't look at her small, in fact she is.

Is it really that old? I can't see it at all!

"Ah! By the way, Chino is still a ninja with a blood line, and her blood line is the blood dragon eye, which has the power to hypnotize others.

"Blood dragon eye? The boundary of blood that I have never heard of.

"The world is so big, it's normal to have a few unheard of bloodline boundaries.

indeed. "Hearing Naruto's words, Uchiha Mikoto nodded, thinking about it too, the world is so big, there will always be a bloodline boundary that has never been seen before.

In the evening, when everyone came back, Naruto looked around. Circle, found two people missing. One is the crane wing blowing snow, the other is already night.

"What about blowing snow?"

Where is Siye, she knows very well, that is, why Heyi Chuixue didn't come back, she doesn't understand, is it possible to return to the country of snow? This saves a lot of trouble, and it's good to go back.

"Blizzard is going to do the task."

The pharmacist Ye Naiyu took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, rubbed his shoulders and sat on the sofa. Naruto noticed Yakushi No Naiyu's movement of rubbing his shoulders, walked over, opened his collar, and put it on his snow-white shoulders. The slightly reddish areas of the block are very obvious.

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