See the nine tails. With a satisfied face, Naruto's mood is not so bad.

Leaving his inner world, looking at Uchiha Mikoto with a blushing face, Naruto squinted his eyes badly. Laugh, showing the color of a female hooligan.

Naruto came to the living room and saw Ji Ye, who had not woken up yet, while Ji Ye, who was still growing up, was sleeping. Not honest at all, most of the quilt was kicked off, and he held the corner of the quilt tightly, curled up into a ball, and tried to shrink himself there. In the corner of the quilt, the delicate and fair little feet, the pearl-like toes were bent hard, and the blue blood vessels were clearly visible. Seeing Si Ye curled up in a ball to sleep, Naruto lifted the quilt and covered her up, feeling a little sad and a little emotional.

The original teacher Orochimaru, now it is night, Orochimaru has all been assimilated by this body and done. Everything is like a child, only the heart obsessed with science has not changed.

. If you don't see it, you will make yourself incompetent. Naruto thought of the messy hair last night. He looked like a little madman.


Chino walked down the stairs, stretched out, and saw B Ye who was sleeping on the sofa in the living room, she immediately ran to Naruto, pinched her waist with her hands, and looked at Naruto seriously.

"Naruto, why did B night sleep here?"

"She made a mistake, punish her for sleeping on the sofa~!"

\"Wow! She is so young, Naruto let her sleep on the sofa! Naruto is too much~! Naruto is really a bad guy!\"

"Compared to what she did to me, I let her sleep on the sofa. It's not too much." Naruto explained helplessly when he saw Qiannao watching her with the eyes of a villain, but it just got worse and worse. a feeling of.

"You're so young, what can you do to you?" Gan Nai obviously didn't believe Naruto's words. Naruto. Without a smile on his face, he rubbed Kanon's hair vigorously.

"Because I'm a bad guy, a bad guy just wants to bully a weak girl like you!"

"It's so noisy... I stretched out my fingers impatiently, and the fingertips shot out. A tiny bone needle.

Naruto clamped the bone needle between two fingers. Seeing Chino's stunned look.

"Trust me now: eh?\" "Sing

Chino point

\"Go wash your face and brush your teeth!"

Under Naruto's urging, Qian Nailu trotted into the bathroom.

After Chino finished washing, she changed into the clothes Naruto bought her.

"Little Naruto, this dress is a bit weird, it feels light and airy...

"It doesn't matter. You are wearing this. The body is very cute." Naruto gave Kanao a thumbs up, even though he said this. The body dress is not suitable for ninjas (you will get fat when you jump), but it is really suitable for dry

"Madam, this. Is it a good fit for Kanno?"

"Well, it suits her very well."

Uchiha Mikoto, who came over, saw Chino, Wei Wei in a pink dress. Laughing, stroked Chino's hair, and walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for today.

"Does my wife need my help? Naruto followed closely, ready to fight.

"You can just wait and eat, darling, be obedient~!"

Uchiha Mikoto pushed out Naruto who walked into the kitchen with Ruo. After what happened last time, who would dare to let Naruto into the kitchen and let her into the kitchen might blow up the house.

The two Yumu people, looking at the hickey on their body in front of the mirror, glared at them. Erwei, who was kneeling on the floor with an obedient face.

"Don't you think you're going too far?\"

Dui, Erwei saw the unkind eyes of the two Yumu people, and hurriedly changed his words: "It's a bit too much. Look. Erwei with a cute face, the two Yumu people really can't say anything harsh. Light. Sigh. Sound. Changed clothes. When walking, bursts of pain reminded Ruo she that Erwei was good to her last night. The two Yumu walked to Erwei and bit Erwei's chest. Go on, bite hard. Mouth. "It hurts!\"

"It hurts to death, forget it!" Hearing Erwei shouting that it hurts, the two Yumu people let out a sigh of relief and hummed angrily. sound, lying on the bed. Do not want to move.

"Go back to buy me breakfast, I don't want to move today." The two Yumu people leaned against the wall like queens. In this way, the two tails were given orders.

"Wait!" The two Yumu people stopped her.

"You didn't bring any money." The two Yumu pointed to the ninja bag on the table, "

In the ninja bag

My purse.

Seeing Erwei walking out like a little airbag, the two Yumu figurines twitched their lips, remembering what happened last night. Some, cheeks flushed, more smile. Silk sweet.

"Aren't you there?\"

Naruto walks into the office

"Boss, Mr. Kakuto is looking for the craftsman who built the ship." Qin saw Naruto coming, put down the document in his hand, and looked at Naruto with fiery eyes.

"That's right. Naruto felt Qin's gaze and walked to her side. His **** was sitting on her lap. Leaning on her. I didn't expect Jiaodu to move so fast. I ran to find a craftsman to build a ship, and I heard that there was money to be made. Naruto sat on Qin’s lap and flipped through the documents, and felt Qin’s careful Jia Yi’s hand holding her waist, and Qin’s slight urgency. The sound of breathing, smiled slightly, put down the document in his hand, got up, kissed Qin's lips, next to her earlobe, and blew.

"Qin, the rest is up to you.

"Well, leave it to me." Qin nodded with a red face.

"Little Naruto~!" Chino, who pushed in the door, just saw this. The curtain immediately covered his eyes with his hands, "I'm sorry for bothering you!" The straight carat armor that was transported to the Sand Ninja Village was given priority to the ninjas of the Shangnin level and those who had outstanding contributions to the village.

Provided to Sand Ninja Village Chakra Armor, it also has an explosion function. This function will only activate after the core is damaged. Before the explosion, it will still exist. period of delay. The core of the straight carat armor is damaged, and it can also be used as an alternative detonating charm. I have to say that if you buy it, you will earn it. And the power of the core explosion is equivalent. Hundreds of detonating symbols are superimposed. The power of the explosion.

straight. What I mentioned is that when the straight carat armor is forcibly dismantled, it will also explode. I don't know if it was the night that deliberately provided this batch of straight carat armor, but I didn't say it.

Straight carat armor can also be increased. The chakra volume of Najoinin is several times. Machi, who is wearing a straight carat armor, feels the straight carat that is increased by the straight carat armor. He has never had this feeling. This feeling of strength is all over the body. This kind of feeling generally appears in ninjas wearing straight carat armor. In order to prevent them from becoming blind and arrogant like the ninjas in the sound ninja village, Naruto (shadow clone) deliberately found an excuse to clean up them one by one. Dayton, even Markey didn't let it go.

He is not very interested in Chakra armor, dry persimmon ghost shark, his chakra is huge enough, not to mention he has shark muscle in his hand.

When the dry persimmon ghost shark has no assignments, he will stay in the sand ninja village. To be honest, he still likes the feeling of being welcomed. No matter where he goes in the sand ninja village, he is respected by people], no People are afraid of him because of his appearance. Instead, there will be. Some beautiful women find his appearance cute. again. The second time a beautiful woman said that the shark gills on his face are cute dried persimmon sharks. No matter how he looked, he didn't think the shark gills on his face were cute. He opened his mouth to see his own sharp teeth and a self-aware dried persimmon. The shark could only see the words "Ferocious" in bold red on his face.

Naruto, who learned about the troubles of the dried persimmon shark, patted him on the shoulder.

"You think you look fierce, but it's not necessarily that others think you look fierce, and maybe some people think you look cute~!"

Although I also think you look fierce, I can like you. It must be true love without a doubt. Naruto didn't say what she thought, she didn't want to run away the human-shaped rain shark. There is in the woods outside the village. A house, in front of the house. Piece of vegetable garden.

In the room, Kandai crossed his chest with his arms, frowning at the chakra armor that Maki brought over on the table. She didn't understand what was the difference between this dress, which was no different from ordinary clothes, except that there was a glass ball on the chest. kind of thing.

"Is this dress really as powerful as Makina Xiaodian said?\" After hesitating for a moment, Gandai put on the chakra armor, and according to the instructions on the manual, injected the straight carat into the core.


The core lit up with red light, and the whole dress seemed to come alive. This! Chiyo can clearly feel that her straight carat is rapidly improving! "This is... this one is really unacceptable... Kanyo carefully felt the improvement brought by the straight carat armor to her, with a look in his eyes. Wipe it. Horrified, a happy smile appeared on his face full of beryllium lines.

"Full of words... No, Wudai Kazuki is really an incredible person!!

Chapter 197 Brother Controls Brother Controls (1/2)

Crow Mountain is shrouded in mist, and it is difficult for sunlight to penetrate the mist to reach Wuyu Village. Looking up at the sky, all you can see is the dim mist and crows flying in the air. The brothers Sasuke Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha were sitting at the dining table and eating. The mother of the two came back several times a few days ago. She came back not only to see them, but also to transport the straight-carat armor purchased by Wuyu Village.

"Brother, next. Next time, me and you. Let's get up and do the task!" Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uchiha Itachi, who was sandwiching him, and said suddenly.

"Huh? Why?" Itachi Uchiha looked suspiciously at Sasuke Uchiha with a serious face. He had to wonder if Sasuke didn't want to be responsible after something indescribable happened to a certain noble woman.

"I've had enough of the task of protecting those eldest ladies."

Sasuke Uchiha recalled himself. This task, the plump body of the noble lady who was protecting her face was green, and she almost spit out the meal she just ate. Uchiha Itachi saw Sasuke's ugly face and thought. The next said: "If, not too dangerous a mission.

"Hey! Why can't you do a dangerous mission! I have three gouyu jade writing wheel eyes, and a straight carat rock armor, it should be no problem to start a mission with my brother!"

Sasuke Uchiha touched the black trench coat-style chakra armor on his body and showed a confident smile.

"Could it be that brother, you are worried that I will hold you back?"

Uchiha Sasuke puffed out his cheeks and stared at Uchiha Itachi dissatisfied.

"Because I'm worried you'll get hurt!"

Uchiha Itachi smiled, flicked his finger on Sasuke Chiba's forehead, and said earnestly: After all, the increase brought by the straight-carat armor is not your own strength, and the straight-carat armor will still be beaten back to its original shape after it breaks. Sasuke, don't become blind and arrogant because of the improvement brought by the straight-carat armor!\"Uchiha Uchiha, the ultimate younger brother, doesn't want his lovely younger brother to suffer any harm.

"My own strength... Uchiha Sasuke thoughtfully touched the core of the rock armor with his chest.

Straight carat armor against Uchiha. The role of the clan is huge, Uchiha. The clan's writing wheel eye, when turned on, will continue to consume straight carats, not the word Zhibo. People of the tribe will consume more carats when using the wheel, for example, a ninja with white hair who often lacks blue and likes to make out with heaven. The strength will stay where it is. It is difficult to improve, but if used properly, the straight-carat armor will become the key to improving the combat effectiveness of Wuyu Village. At Shili BBQ restaurant, the fan blows out the smoke from the charcoal fire in the house. Naruto and the undead duo came here to eat barbecue, and it was naturally Naruto who treated the guests.

Horn is this iron rooster. Listening to the barbecue, subconsciously covered his pocket. Naruto was embarrassed to continue squeezing Feiduan's poor money, and he paid for it himself to invite the two of them to barbecue. Jiao Dupi frowned, swallowed the giant scorpion meat in his mouth, and said: "Boss, regarding the Er-Tailed Zhuli, if you let her walk around the village like that, the news of her in Yinin Village will be very soon. It will spread to Yunnin Village, is there really no problem? This is likely to cause a war between Yinnin Village and Yunnin Village." If there is a war between Yunnin Village and Yinnin Village, it will affect the shops in the Kingdom of Thunder. , No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Although the sales of Yin Nin clothing in the Land of Thunder is not very good, Juyu Rou sells quite well. Ren Zhuli joins? Besides, if there is a war with Yunren Village because of Ren Zhuli, the boss will not sit back and watch, right?" Naruto ate the barbecue calmly, she had long thought of the problem of Kakuto Now, with her strength, even if Raikage came, she was not afraid.

"If there is really a war with Yunren Village because of the issue of Renzhuli, after the war, what is the cause of this war, knowing that we attach so much importance to Renzhuli, then the Renzhuli of other Shinobi villages will not be clear. It saved us a lot of time by taking the initiative to ask to join our Yinin Village. Naruto had already thought about it, even if there was a war, the Yinin Village would have her there, with the strength of her and the nine tails. It is not a problem to ride as a thousand, she can beat Yun Ren Village by herself, and the only one who can make her feel trouble in Yun Ren Village is Yatai Kirabi. Jiao Du was silent for a long time, and sighed: "Really As expected of the board, something came to mind.

"Don't worry! Lord Xie will bless the prosperity of Yinnin Village!" Feiduan held his chest with a pious face, the pendant of the cult logo. When Naruto heard Feiduan's words, he almost didn't hold the chopsticks, and looked at Feiduan in surprise. How could she feel that the evil in Duan's mouth was omnipotent?

"Master Xie is omnipotent! Ah..!!!\" Feiduan's face was full of anger, and as soon as he finished speaking, he was pressed on the baking tray by Jiao Du's outstretched hand. He screamed.

"I'm really fed up with you, the prosperity of Yinin Village is all thanks to the boss, what does it have to do with your evil!"

Fei Duan Mi opened Jiaodu's hands and his face was burnt. Although Jiaodu's flattery just now made her very happy, but, look at Ruo. On the messy table, Naruto had the urge to put Kakuto's face on the grill.

"The corner, there is no way to eat it inside the grill.

Ring uh... The corner of the corner of the corner of the eye saw Naruto's resentful expression, his face changed slightly, he raised his hand and said: 3 "Waiter, Ma Shun, change the roasting plate, and then two more beef tongue!" A giant scorpion The golden giant scorpion meat grilled with tongs dipped it in the sauce and put it in the mouth. The delicious giant scorpion meat melted in the mouth. Coupled with the taste of the sauce, Naruto showed a happy smile.

. Shuang Jiegui's wings, the whole person exudes holy light, like an angel. Sample.

Kaoru saw Naruto with such an expression and took it out of his arms. A camera, took a picture of Ruo Naruto, but the moment the button was pressed again, another person broke into the camera, that person was a flying section with a grill pattern on his face.

"Crack!\"On the photo, only Naruto's golden hair can be seen, the rest is blocked by Feiduan, the hand with the photo in the corner is trembling slightly, and the blue veins are bulging. Putting down the expensive camera, Jiao Du squeezed the photos into a ball with both hands.

"Jiaodu, you still have a camera on you! Why wasn't it early. Woohoo!"

Feiduan hasn't said anything yet. The angle is squeezed into his hand. Tuan's photo was stuffed into Feiduan's mouth. It came to his skull. Fist, helping Feiduan swallow the photo in his mouth.

I don't even worry about what will happen to Feiduan after eating the photos, anyway, this iron-clad guy is immortal.

"Jiaodu! You're too much! I'm going to chop you off!"

Feiduan angrily picked it up and placed it. The three-stage scythe next to it, when raised, will cut off the horns.

"Bang!" Naruto, who couldn't bear it, glared at Hidean and Kouto's heads. people come. fist.

"If you want to fight, you can fight outside the village, don't fight in the village again, otherwise, the money for the damaged things will be deducted from the wages of the two of you! 039;

Naruto looked at the big bag on the two of them, and leaned against the sofa with his arms folded over his chest. She was very unhappy with this barbecue, and she would not have eaten barbecue with them if she knew earlier.

"Kaodu, have you found the craftsman of the ship?" Naruto thought of the top two 3 in Jiaodu

"Well, it has been found, but the ship needs. It will take some time to build." The horns were taken out of his arms. A contract was handed to Naruto.

"This is a signed contract, boss, take a look."

"Thanks a lot."

Naruto took the contract, looked at it carefully, made sure there was nothing wrong, and returned it to Kakuto. When the boat is built, you can let the ninjas of Yinin Village go to that island to make more money. Those people are so tall, who will not pluck their hair?!

Chapter 198 Nine tails taught her! (1/2)

The sky was clear, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds flew by and chirped.

The statue of Jiraiya on Hokage Rock has been made, but the method of making the statue is something that Jiraiya will never want to recall.

Jirai also wore the hat of the symbol of Hokage, and bent over to look at the documents. Since he became Hokage, his waist has also been bent and his body has become weak. Fortunately, Nara Shikahisa helped, or else his head would pass by. The baptism of Konoha's collapse plan

Jirai is also thinking about finding a time to talk with Naruto Kazuki Uzumaki from Sand Ninja Village. Talking about the chunin exam, this time it is not a simple chunin test. It is a chunin test to commemorate the friendship between the two villages. Naturally, I want to set the time. spring of the year. Tsunade walking on the Konoha Street, looking at the statue of Jiraiya on the Hokage Rock in the distance, Tsunade frowned slightly, and sure enough something happened... Some time ago, Tsunade was playing the slot machine frantically and continuously won the lottery, she realized When things go bad, every time she hits a bet, something big will happen.

"No wonder... No wonder I won. Is this the big event that happened? In front of the three generations of Hokage's tomb, Tsunade looked sadly at the words on the tombstone, the memory of the past came to mind, Konoha left her only sad and desolate The memories, the death of the rope tree, the death of Kato Duan (what does the name of your eye have to do with Ying?), now it's her teacher's turn.

. Tears rolled down Tsunade's cheeks.

"Tsuna.... Mute handed the bunch of white flowers to Tsunade, and looked at Tsunade with a sad face, and the pink piglet in her arms let out a humming sound,

The flowers were placed in front of the tomb, Tsunade looked at them deeply. Eye tombstone, looked again. Eye Fire Shadow Rock. All the melancholy in my heart turned into a sigh.

Where the leaves are flying, the fire is still alive...?

"Let's go, mute, and continue our journey." It doesn't make any sense to continue in Konoha. Tsunade turned and walked out.

"Yes, Tsunade-sama. Mute followed closely beside Tsunade.

"Why didn't you come and see me since Konoha came?" Jiraiya's figure descended from the sky and landed in front of Tsunade.

"What's there to talk about? It's enough to know that you inherited the will of fire from the teacher.

Tsunade watched. Jiraiya dressed in Hokage, laughing at himself. Laughing: "What kind of will of fire, in my opinion, it's just something to fool children.

Tsunade bypassed Jiraiya and strode forward, she wanted to leave Konoha quickly and find a place to drink. cup.

"Tsunade, can't you stay and help me? Orochimaru is dead

"What? Orochimaru is actually dead?\" Tsunade was shocked when he heard the news.

"You and I are the only ones left in the current Sannin. Do you still want to continue wandering outside?" Jiraiya persuaded bitterly: "The current Konoha needs you, Tsunade. Stay for Konoha's sake.

"Wandering?\" Hearing Jiraiya's harsh words, Tsunade frowned slightly, "Pay attention to your words Jiraiya, I am not wandering but traveling! Konoha is enough with you, I don't want to put Tie herself to Konoha. Tsunade looked at the pendant on her chest with sadness in her eyes, for Konoha, her brother, her lover, all died, should she also sacrifice her life for Konoha?

Tsunade took a few steps forward and stopped, suddenly thinking of the blonde girl in the movie.

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