"Ow, let's make a fuss with all our strength. Let's go!" Jiuwei got up, with an excited smile on her face, which was her first. Tsukasa Naruto uses all his strength!

Naruto folded his hands together, and the golden flame burned on her body, spreading rapidly with her as the center, and the golden nine tails formed by chakra appeared on the battlefield, with hook jade and three flowers on her body "This is

of onlookers. The development of things far exceeded his expectations! Naruto's strength is far beyond his imagination!

"Naruto, why is she so powerful?"

The doubts that Uchiha brought are also the doubts of Da Ninja Village. When did the nine-tailed person Zhuri who defected from Konoha possess such powerful power? Konoha even regretted his bowels. If they hadn't forced Naruto Ren Li... Isn't Naruto, who is so powerful, the strongest ninja in Konoha! What did they do the happiest is Sand Ninja, Naruto as Sand Ninja's Kaze, her The stronger the strength, the more reassuring Sand Shinobi is. With such a powerful Kazekage protecting them, not to mention a sense of security. Markey felt that he was too discerning, and was so happy that he even wanted to dance. Dance to celebrate. Now, he has long known the strength of Kazekage-sama, but he didn't expect it to be so strong! Raikage and the eight-tailed Kirabi who faced Yunnin Village can press them to fight, which is far beyond the horses. base's imagination.

"This gesture.... Naruto has been able to learn the power of the nine-tailed star..." Tiandao Payne saw the golden nine-tails formed by straight carats in the distant battlefield.

"Is Xiaonan ready?" Nagato looked at Xiaonan who walked in from the outside.

"The rest is to wait until after the war, Yahiko and Tong... It's time to repay the debt with blood." Nagato Tuanruo's eyes rested on the back of the huge machine.

"Xiao Nan, pay attention to the battlefield. If something unexpected happens, call me. We can't let Naruto have any accident. She is the most hopeful person to achieve the real peace we expect."

Xiao Nan nodded, turned into paper and disappeared in place. !

Chapter 210 Nine Tails God Slash (1/2)

"Ahhhh. ☆☆.! Boss help.!!!"

When the full-tailed beast-like Naruto was about to rush to clean up the eight tails, he heard the flying section coming from the air, looked up and saw the flying section coming down, and the nine tails formed by the straight carat were under the control of Naruto and stretched out. Paws, want to catch Feiduan.

Lesson, the unlucky child of Feiduan, fell directly from the gap of his paws. He was about to fall. When the beach was muddy, he was caught by Zhikla's hand. "Thank you~! Boss!"

"Help, boss.!"

Naruto looked up and saw more ninjas falling down, not only Yin Ren but Yun Ren.

"Mother Nine Tails, have you ever played a claw machine?"

"Doll machine? No.

"Let's compete, let's see who catches the most people, limited, the ninja of the sound ninja village." Naruto grinned. Laughing and watching the Yin Ren and Yun Ren who burst out of tears.

"Interesting, let's play!" Kuwei Wei said with interest.

"Then the game begins!"

In an instant, dozens of Chikara's hands flew out from the nine tails formed by Chikara, and grabbed the falling ninjas of Yinin Village.

Aware of Naruto's movements, Yao also rescued the ninjas in Yunnin Village.


Naruto saw an unexpected person, reached out and caught Samui with his eyes closed, hesitating, should he throw it directly on Yawei, Naruto has only two impressions of this girl, her **** plus Iceberg Beauty. "...Why did you save me?"

Samui felt himself falling. On top of something warm and soft, when I opened my eyes, I saw Naruto inside the nine tails formed by the straight carat.

"Because your breast shape is amazing~!"

Naruto. With a smirk on his face, he gave Samui a thumbs up.

"Sure enough, that green-haired **** is you!"

Samui glared at Wu Ren, but unfortunately, she can't do anything now.

"I don't know what the green-haired woman is... The smile on Naruto's face is a little embarrassing, I didn't expect it to be random.

"Naruto, the person you caught is not a ninja from the Ninja Village~!" The Nine Tails' voice was full of dissatisfaction, and seemed to see through Naruto's intentions.

. ... but it's easy. Naruto took aim. Eyeing Samui's chest, he scratched his cheeks with a guilty conscience.

"Release Samui!" Yawei (Chirabi) roared when he saw Samui on Zhiklazhi's hand. Voice: "Taking hostages is too despicable, isn't it?!"

"I still need to threaten you with a hostage when I fight you? Don't take yourself too seriously, Yawei!" Naruto squinted his eyes, and controlled Ruo to stretch out his hand that caught Samui's Zhikara, and sent her to Yun Ren's place. side. Naruto is also disdainful to use Samui to surrender Rabbi Willickey and Yawei. She will use the strongest force to let everyone! Towards the eight tails, it is like manipulating the robot Gundam. In this way, he controlled the nine tails formed by chakra and jumped up. The flying kick was blocked by Ya'ao's raised arm.

"The same trick won't work for me!"

The two nights crossed in front of him. The nine tails formed by the straight carat took a step back. There were nine huge spiral pills gathered on the nine tails behind him, and then the tail turned into a big hand holding the huge spiral pill, which stretched and hit the eight tails from all directions.

That state... There's nothing wrong with that. Ashura used this shape before, but it's far inferior to the shape of Asura and Naruto..

Jue, who was brought along by Uchiha and sent over, stuck his head out of the ground and watched as he finished. Eight and nine tails of the regiment.


The huge body of the eight tails rolled on the ground, and the nine tails formed by the straight cara opened their mouths, and the light gathered in the mouth, and the light beam formed by the straight nine tails was ejected from the mouth. This. The beam of light penetrated the head of the eight tails and flew into the distance. Then there was a violent explosion, and after the strong light passed. A mushroom cloud rose up.

"Come out, I know you're fine."

Look like eight tails on the ground. The moving "corpse". Naruto could clearly feel that Kirabi was still alive.


Eight-tailed tail drilled out from the ground, but unfortunately Naruto, who had been prepared for a long time, controlled the nine-tailed Gundam to jump into the air, and the half power condensed on his claws was reduced to a tenth. The tailed beast jade, which was not there, was thrown at the head of the eight-tailed bull that was drilled out of the ground.

"The tailed beast jade that Bawei spit out instantly wiped out Naruto's half-finished tailed beast jade, which had weakened its power, and knocked Naruto into the air.

The strong and dazzling explosion made everyone's eyes widen.

"Even if you eat my tailed beast jade, you can still recover without injury!" Eight Tails was shocked to see Ruo Jiu's tail wrapped around Ruo's body and shrank. Naruto with a ball.

Just that. The hair-tailed beast Yu Bawei knows how many straight carats he has used and wants to rely on it. Zhao defeated Naruto and Nine Tails, but he didn't expect to be able to resist its tailed beast jade. Nine tails spread out. Located in the nine formed by the straight carat

Naruto in the head of the tail, there is a Ruo in front of the forehead. Bloodstained, with an excited smile on his face.

The nine tails stretched out and continuously attacked the eight tails. The nine tails and double claws formed by the straight carat were formed. A huge red sphere.

Eight tails used seven tails to resist Naruto's attack in vain, and opened his mouth to shoot at Naruto. The beam formed by the straight carat was blocked. The tails are scattered.

"Wind Talk Wind Meteor!" The nine tails entangled Bawei's tail and limbs respectively. The rapidly extending tail directly entangled Bawei's whole body. The nine-tailed arm formed by the straight carat stretched out its claws and held Feng Dunfengyun and hit the eight tails. Naruto withdrew his tail during the pass on the eight-tailed body.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and a red tornado rose into the sky. Under the action of centrifugal force, the huge body of the eight tails flew into the air.

"It's me who won! Eight tails! Kirabi! You Yun Ren lost., The golden burner's long knife that draws the flames straight. On the hilt is the image of a fox's head opening its mouth and spitting out the blade, with blood-red eyes lit up. red light.

Nine tails formed by straight carats, with two claws holding the knife upwards. Squeeze! The earth shatters!

"Nine Tails Slash!"

The knife was cut out, and the golden light of the knife cut off the remaining seven tails of the eight tails in an instant, and the violent scarlet tornado turned into nothingness under the powerful light of the knife!

The knife light that flew into the air dissipated the dark clouds and disappeared into the sky. The sun shone on everyone in Yunnin Village, but they couldn't feel it. Silky warmth. Some are only bone-chilling cold, so cold that the bone marrow is frozen.

What power! Hei Jue opened his eyes wide and looked at the dazzling golden light, Naruto used the posture of full-tailed beast, making it think of Uchiha Madara.

Raiying saw this. After the curtain, he suddenly realized what kind of monster he had challenged!

"What kind of war is this?" Tsunade, who had not yet been on the battlefield, saw the scarlet tornado. Even if it was still far away, she could still feel the powerful Zhikara, and then she saw the golden tornado. Tsunade froze in place, watching the golden light that shattered the dark clouds. "Tsunsu.... Tsunade-sama, do we really want to go?" "Of course

Tsunade clenched his fist and hurried to the direction Ruo Jinguang flew out. It didn't look like Raikage's technique just now, what's going on? And what is that golden light? Tsunade is so anxious to feel the battlefield, not only to see Naikaze Minato and Yufu Kushina's daughter Yufuming People are so simple, she even thinks that if Yinin Village is at a disadvantage, she will help

However, Tsunade obviously forgot that she had hyperphobia, she lost her fighting power when she saw blood, what would she do if she went to the battlefield?

"Naruto, you can really make trouble... And what the **** are you doing, the nine tails! Why use my name!" Nine tails couldn't help but complained. Feeling the chakra left, Even her straight-carat tailed beast, known as infinite, consumed a tenth of it after Naruto's shocking blow just now. Left i, it will only take tens of seconds to recover.

"Because I love Mother Nine Tails~! If you don't like Mother Nine Tails, I'll change the name next time I use it.

"I'm not against you using my name..." Jiuwei said with blushing cheeks.

"Phew! With a soft breath, it fell to the ground, and the nine tails formed by chakra turned into chakra and returned to Naruto's body.

Naruto walked towards Kirabi, who fell unconscious on the ground, released the Miku-Tails Zhuli mode, and then walked to Kirabi's side.

"Don't touch Lord Kirabi!"

Kirabi's disciples, Samui, Omoy, and Karui rushed over.

"As a defeated Yun Ren, you must have the consciousness of a defeated person!" Naruto raised his hand, and a gust of wind gushes out, blowing the three rushing over into a rolling gourd. Seeing Naruto's power, Wu Nin Village immediately sent messengers. Wanting to establish diplomatic relations with Yin Nin Village, Yan Nin Village didn't say anything. Konoha had already cried and fainted in the toilet. What a powerful person, he was blinded like that. They were forced to leave Konoha, even though Sand Ninja Village is now allied with Konoha. The Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village has such a strong strength, which really makes Konoha feel a lot of pressure, and what makes Konoha even more uncomfortable is that Naruto used to be their Konoha person!

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. The more she thought about it, the more regretful Konoha cried again and fainted in the toilet.

"Are you still going to be my enemy?"

Naruto took Kirabi's collar and glanced coldly at Yun Ren, who was glaring at her, and walked in the direction of Ruo Leiking.

"Raikage, you lost, do you have anything to say now?" Naruto crouched down, looked at the silent Raikage, and said with a low smile: "You do have enough strength, but unfortunately, you are more powerful than the third generation. Raikage is still a long way off, your defeat this time is the price of your underestimating Yinin Village! Underestimating me!"!

Chapter 211 Naruto's Conditions (1/2)

"What are your plans?

Raikage's body swayed, tenaciously stood up, and his eyes were fixed on Naruto.

It's here to do other Shinobi village things. He will definitely kill him to avoid future troubles, and Kirabi naturally cannot escape the fate of being forcibly drawn out of the tailed beast.

Raikage was already mentally prepared. After all, he provoked the war. He underestimated Yinnin Village and Uzumaki Naruto. He deserved such a fiasco.

"I'm not going to kill you, and I'm not interested in taking over your Yun Ren Village." Naruto narrowed his eyes, and a harmless smile appeared on his lovely face, like a pure white rabbit. Kind of harmless.

It's just that Yin Ren Village and Sand Ren Village have made her very busy, and Biyun Ren Village is not afraid that she will die from overwork. It would be embarrassing enough to die on a woman's belly because of eating too much in her previous life. Die prematurely because of overwork

If they didn't see the desperate power of the bird people before, maybe they would think of Naruto. A little girl without any threat. Now. give them. A hundred courageous, they will not think about which defense.

Just kidding! Her existence is the biggest example, you can't just look at the appearance! This is the lesson that Yun Ren Village has exchanged with blood, tears and failure!

"Bi, it is absolutely impossible to give it to you!"

When Raiying heard Naruto's words, he immediately realized Naruto's attempt, and he was covered with Lei Shi chakra. Even if he couldn't beat Naruto, Raiying would have to fight Naruto.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in him, your brother, or your brother, Kira has such a good relationship with you, even if he's sober, he won't follow me obediently, I'm not interested in doing things in vain .

"What exactly are you trying to do!" Raikage said this sentence again, he really didn't understand, what exactly did Naruto Naruto have in mind, not killing him, not for Yawei, what exactly did she want? ! Naruto this. The wave operation made Raikage very dazed, and she couldn't imagine what she was thinking.

"I only have two requests, No. 1. Lend Yaao to me when I need it. Next, No. 2, I want the ninja who used ninjutsu to send you and Kirabi. Naruto stretched out two fingers. . She said her request. She felt that since 2, this request should not be too much. What she wanted has been achieved after defeating Kirabi, and the Yinin Village who defeated Yun Nin Village is qualified to become the third largest Ninja. Village. As for the second request, Naruto is very curious about what kind of time and space ninjutsu sent them here. If you can get information about this ninjutsu from that person, that would be great. But, can you ask that person from Yun Ren Village!

"No! Your first request. I can consider the first request. I can't agree to the second request. Even if I am the Raikage of Yunren Village, I can't control the will of the people in the village."

It sounds so nice, but she didn't know that she had started this war in order to regain the tail on Yukito's body. Naruto looked at Ruo Leiying like a dead fish. She never imagined that such a tough guy would be able to say such a thing. Contradictory words. Naruto raised his head, his blue eyes met Raikage's.

"You know, it's you who started the war. I didn't directly hit you Yun Nin Village, which has already given enough face to the eight tails, but you sent a strangely dressed army to attack my Ninth Village. I haven't paid you the bill yet. Calculate clearly

At the end of the story,

"Who?" He looked up and saw it. To the swinging bah! When I looked up, I saw Tsunade descending from the sky. His foot kicked the seriously injured Raikage to the ground.

"What do you want to do to her?"

Yin Ren and Yun Ren's ninja opened their mouths wide and looked at the female martial artist who suddenly descended from the sky.

Why did you come here?"

Naruto froze in shock. With azure blue eyes, she couldn't understand why Tsunade came here in this way.

Tsunade was about to answer Naruto's words when he saw the blood on the injured Yun Ninja's body, his feet were soft, and Naruto hurriedly reached out to support her, that. The plump round sticks to her face, but she has no mood to enjoy it. I hate my height! Always have. God I will grow up. Mi Ba and then let you **** feelings. !!! Naruto shouted angrily in his heart with black lines all over his face.

Naturally, Naruto knew why Tsunade was soft-handed, so he whispered helplessly: Your fear of blood is not good, what are you doing here?

"Huh? How do you know?"

Tsunade, whose body was trembling slightly, was stunned when he heard Naruto's words, and looked at Naruto in surprise.

"I'll talk about it later. What are you doing here?"

"I want to see you, and help you defeat Yun Ren... But it seems that you don't need my help. Tsunade saw that he had eaten himself. Raikage, who was swaying with his feet, looked like that. It looks like he was seriously injured, presumably from the previous battle

It's Naruto and Raikage, "Knoha Sanninichi. Tsunade, why are you here?" Raikage. He recognized Tsunade's identity with his eyes, and frowned, Tsunade appeared here. Could it be that Konoha wants to intervene here.

"I don't represent Konoha, I am here just for my personal will, and it has nothing to do with Konoha.

"The war is over. This war is won by Tonin Village.

"Eh? It's over?"

Tsunade looked surprised when she heard Naruto's words. After that, what was the point of her coming here? Just to meet Minato and Kushina's daughter. face?!

Seeing Tsunade's skeptical expression on life, Naruto sighed. Sound, let Tsunade lean on him, that. The pile of plump roundness pressed directly on her face. The corner of Naruto's mouth slightly. She trembled, her hands were imprinted. The shadow clone appeared beside her. She hugged Tsunade in a princess hug.

"Take her to a safe place. The shadow clone disappeared with Tsunade in place.

"The person in the way has disappeared, let's talk about the previous topic. Raikage." Naruto looked at Raikage with a hint of coldness in his voice.

"I can agree to your first request, and I can't agree to the second request. I will not send the ninjas in the village to your hands.

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