Uchiha revealed the corner of his mouth with L. Wiping the smile of the successful plan, it seemed to fly out. It broke several trees and fell into the water.

"Have you found Changguang's location?"

Jue's figure appeared on the trunk, and said to Uchiha Obito who fell into the water: "I found it!

"Very good!" Uchiha's leader squinted his eyes, and his eyes showed a sinister color.

Nagato, I have already given you a chance. Since you dare to betray me, then go to hell! Suddenly, the lake under Ning Zhibo Obito has undergone a strange change, and the huge lake has turned into a dense number of detonating symbols. !

Seeing the densely packed detonating symbols, Uchiha's head felt numb in his scalp. His eyes were really dry in shock.

"When exactly is this

Wait, there are so many detonating talismans buried!

"A Fei, this is the gift I prepared for you, please accept it with affection."

The papers gathered. Xiao Nanfei with the paper wings spread out behind him was flying in the air. She looked at Uchiha Obito blankly. Her heart was already cold, but there was no hatred in her eyes when she looked at Uchiha Obito. . The detonating talisman fluttered and began to explode one after another. It was too late to hide in the prestige space. It was almost impossible to rely on incorporealization to avoid the attack.

"Boom boom boom boom boom The continuous explosion has far exceeded the time that Wei can incarnate. The helpless Uchiha Obito opened his left eye, and the red Sangou jade writing wheel eye lit up with red light.


In the explosion, the figure on Uchiha's belt disappeared.

"Nagato, it was a success, Ah Fei died in the explosion of the detonating talisman... Xiaonan turned his head, and without saying a word, he saw Uchiha Obito appearing from the vortex behind Nagato.


Uchiha took the wood growing out of his hand and pierced Nagato's back, penetrating Nagato's chest.

Uchiha's body suddenly lost control, and he was pierced by Nagato with a black stick.

Nagato took back the ability of Payne Sandao, and Chakra gathered in the sale and formed. A black ball fell on Uchiha Obito who was unable to move under the control of the black stick, Ah Fei fell from Uchiha Obito's body, and was about to attack Changi] when a flying stone hit the ground. On its face, A Fei and Uchiha followed by the quilt and Shi Baohao and the black ball flew into the air.

Mouth squirting. Nagato, who had a mouthful of blood, used all his strength to activate! The ninjutsu that the three immortals once used to create the moon!


The stones and soil flew into the air and kept gathering on the black ball. Ah Fei broke the stones on his body. When he was about to pull out the black stick that was inserted into Uchiha Obito, he was squeezed by the soil and stones on the ground. The most central place of the stars.

The sphere that absorbed the mud and the stones kept growing, and finally became. A sphere with a diameter of nearly F meters floats in the air. "Xiao Nan...cough cough cough

"Nagato!" Xiao Nan came to Nagato, looking at Ruo Nagato's chest pierced by wood, with a smile on his face. Si panic. "Xiao Nagato hurriedly rushed towards Xiao Nan, and he had a feeling that the sky star alone couldn't bind Fei and that strange white guy.

"Go to Yinin Village, find Naruto....cough, cough...With the help of Xiaonan, Nagato reluctantly said, covering his mouth, blood flowing down his fingers.

\"Naruto went to Yun Nin Village, hasn't he returned to Yin Nin Village yet?"

Xiao Nan said uncertainly. The paper held up Nagato, and Xiao Nan hugged Nagato like a princess, cautiously not touching the wood stuck on Nagato.

"Naruto has returned to Yinin Village." Jue stuck his head out from the ground, and it was Hei Jue who spoke.

"It's you!

Xiao Nan looked at him on guard, and what A Fei brought was as unbelievable as A Fei.

"Nagato is not going to live long. But Tsunade Hime, who has Sanninzhi by Naruto's side, might be able to save Nagato." Hei Jue saw the hope gradually rising in Xiao Nan's eyes, and then gave her Jue Ji again.

"Unfortunately, with Nagato's current state, it's almost impossible to hold on to the sound of Ninja Village. Even if it does, it's almost exhausted. , Jue stuck his head out and reminded: "Now, there is no time for you to waste." Said that he got into the ground to avoid Xiao Nan's attack.

After Xiao Nan took Ruo Nagato away, he absolutely looked at Ruo Xiaonan's back. He raised his head to look at the sky star that was floating in the sky, and Hei Jue narrowed his eyes.

Nagato goes to Naruto, there is a great possibility that Samsara Eye will see Naruto's hands. With Naruto of Samsara Eye, the speed of collecting tailed beasts will be much faster, right? What are the plans to bring all the soup to the society? ?

Hei Jue was hesitant, should he just give up Uchiha and lead him into Naruto's arms, the Earthboom star floating in the air changed, branches grew out of the Earthboom star, and then more The trees grew out of it and squeezed out the Earthburst star, the broken Earthburst star, the mud warrior and the stone fell to the ground, revealing the Uchiha Obito and Hefei. Uchiha Obito, who fell to the ground, swayed, if it weren't for the critical moment. Ah Fei pulled out the black stick stuck in his chest, maybe he would be locked in the Earth Blast Star for a long time, or he might be caught Close to death. !

Chapter 218 The Shaking Black Jue (1/3)

"Jue, what about Nagato and Konan?" Uchiha Obito narrowed his eyes when he saw Jue over there, and he vaguely noticed it. ζζ silk is not right.

"Nagato and Xiaonan went to Yinnin Village to find Naruto Youwu. It seems that they want to recuperate under the protection of Naruto Youwu. What are you going to do?" Hei Jue said in a low voice, but he really wanted to know. What the Uchiha leader wants to do next, maybe it can be included. These contents are disclosed to Naruto in order to gain Naruto's trust.

Absolutely, find the location of Hatake Kakashi. Then tell me. Uchiha took off the mask on his face, dug out the useless left eye that had been blinded, and threw it on the ground. His foot was smashed. To regain the Samsara Eye, Susanoo's power and full power His prestige is essential. He is not yet complete. Only after writing the reincarnation can he regain the reincarnation eye on Nagato.


Hei Jue glanced at the left eye that was smashed by the Uchiha belt, and he understood the idea of ​​the Uchiha belt.

Do you want to get back the writing wheel on Kakashi?

Naruto of Yinin Village took Abuyi back to Yinin Village, and the work arranged for Abuyi was no different from that in Yunren Village, as Naruto's exclusive secretary. However, Qin has a lot of resentment for Naruto's decision.

Boss, there is me. One secretary is enough! Qin, thinking like this, keeps attacking Mabuyi with the eyes that can kill, but unfortunately when the eye attack falls on Mabuyi, it's all misses, and Mabuyi doesn't even kill her. The helpless Naruto soothed Qin, like petting a puppy. He touched her hair like this, kissed her on the forehead, and looked at the qin whose soul was about to float out.

This has exceeded the definition of "licking a dog", right? Naruto feels that Qin is more like a pervert like Shirai Kuroko! It's a big pervert! Naruto decided to reduce the intimate contact with Qin in the future, so as to save her that day She didn't know if she was fed with computer accessories, even though Nine Tails was there. Even if she drank computer accessories, there would be no problem. Right? Because I owe Naruto. With more than ten thousand taels of debt, Tsunade was forcibly taken to Yinin Village by Naruto, and was thrown to the hospital to work to pay off the debt. As a result, not long after going to the hospital, he was afraid of blood. His identity changed from a doctor to a patient. hospital bed. Naruto, who came to the hospital to visit Tsunade, pushed open the door and walked into the ward, where he saw Tsunade with Erlang's legs crossed comfortably, heartlessly eating the apple that Mute had cut for her. Mute saw Naruto coming. In order not to get involved in the ensuing quarrel, Mute consciously picked up the dolphin. He walked out and left the ward to Naruto and Tsunade.

If she hadn't known that Tsunade really had hyperphobia, seeing her appearance, she would really wonder if her hyperphobia was faked.

Seeing the sadness that was well concealed in Tsunade's eyes, Naruto couldn't say anything when it came to his lips. The battle took away her two most important people, and at the same time made her suffer from hyperphobia, and left from now on. Konoha travels around. Naruto sighed in a low voice, walked to Tsunade's side and hesitated for a while. The hand that wanted to touch Tsunade's head fell on her shoulder. Her two lifetimes combined were not as old as Tsunade's. Touching her head or something really shouldn't be done.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have let you do this.

Think about Tsunade's experience, and so did she. Such a poor woman, the little masculinity left in Naruto's heart really made her unable to continue to force Tsunade to do things she didn't want to do.

"Are you taking pity on me?" Tsunade saw the pity in Naruto's eyes and punched Naruto.

"You. A woman who trembles at the sight of blood, doesn't she deserve my pity?"

Naruto didn't dodge Tsunade's fist, but reached out to catch the fist that used + into strength in anger.

Feeling the severe pain in his entire arm, Naruto watched. The broken floor under my eyes is fortunate. Fortunately, the hospital is not a tofu **** project. In the future, I have to find a scorpion to do anything that needs to be built. "You!" Tsunade's eyes widened, looking at the hand where Naruto caught his fist, you can see that the skin of the hand turned from white to red at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a Boiled crayfish.

"My hands and kidneys are fine. Next, I won't stop you if you want to leave Yinin Village, and I won't force you to do things you don't want to do.

Naruto said Ruo, shaking his numb arm. "So, what do I owe you?"

"You still don't care about you, do you think I'm short of that money?"

It will be built in a few days. At that time, you can have as much money as you want. Those gallant lords who are so rich are not letting her go? With Tsunade's current state. What can she do. Trembling at the sight of blood, all. There is no use at all! If you continue to raise it, you can only act as a rice worm. And it is the kind of rice worm that spends money like running water.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door, the door was pushed open, and Mabuyi, who was at the door, did not come in, but looked at the door. Eyes, Naruto, who seemed to be talking to Tsunade, said with a flat face.

Board, the messenger of Mist Ninja Village is waiting for you.

"Just call me Naruto, Big Sister Azabuyi~!\" Naruto sold Mabuyi's cuteness to Mabuyi's cheeks, but thanks to Mabuyi's complexion, it's hard to tell that her face is slightly redness.

"I have something else to do, let's go first.

step. "Naruto said, without going to see Tsunade's complicated color, he went out and walked out of the hospital with Azabu.

Goose, after walking a few steps, a shell named "Xiang Lian" hit her.

"Naruto you are back!"

"Yeah, I just came back." Naruto touched Xiang Yang's hair, pursed his lips and smiled: "Xiang Lian, I still have something to do, I'll talk later.

"Well. Then I won't disturb you.

Xiang Ye Yu Qiao nodded, looking at Ruo Naruto's back, his eyes fell on Ma Buyi's body, frowning slightly, his heart rose. sense of crisis. Who is this dark-skinned woman? In the office, Naruto looked cautiously in front of her. Dai Ruo's glasses were on his back. Put strange weapons, teenagers around fifteen years old.

"You are the boss of Yinin Village, I'm Chojurou." Chojurou bowed ninety degrees and looked at Ruo Naruto cautiously, for fear of making a mistake.

"You Shuiying, what's the matter with calling you here?" Naruto looked. Tonaga Jurou looked at Kakuto who was in the office before, and after Kakuto received Naruto's eyes, he shook his head.

"Lord Mizukage wants! To form an alliance with your Yin Ninja Village, I wonder if you can admire your face and set a time to meet Mizuying-sama. Face?"

"There's no need to speak to me respectfully, it's not impossible for Wu Nin Village to form an alliance with Yin Nin Village, you go back and tell Sui Ying. I will find an opportunity to visit Wu Nin Village in person.

The current Mizukage should be Terumi Mei?

"I take the liberty to ask, what is your current water shadow?" Naruto asked the doubts in his heart.

"Now the Mizukage of our Kirin Village is Terumigu-sama." "Well, thank you for your answer, I will find time to visit the Kirin Village.

"Thank you so much!"

Chojuro bowed ninety degrees and was relieved. tone.

Great, didn't mess up the quest that Mizukage-sama gave me!

"Changjurou, do you want to spend two days in Yinin Village before leaving? I will cover all your expenses in Yinin Village." Naruto looked at Ruo Changjurou with a smile.

....then...thanks a lot! Your kindness! But...I need to get this message out quickly.Mist...I'm so sorry!\"

Looking at Chojurou who bowed ninety degrees, Naruto didn't bother to tease him anymore, and waved his hand to signal that he could leave.

"It's okay, next time. Let's have a chance next time.

"Many thanks!"

After Changjurou left, Naruto touched his chin, thinking about how to tell Nagato. Now, in the five major ninja villages, three ninja villages are allied with her sound ninja village, among which Sand ninja village is her. Yes, Yun Nin Village was subdued by her, and Wu Nin Village came to the door by herself.

The remaining two Shinobi villages, Konoha is the ally of Sand Shinobi, and Rock Shinobi currently has no opposition.... Carefully so. Think, Nagato's ideal is almost fulfilled!

World peace is just around the corner!

The ring in his hand suddenly came. Suddenly, Naruto closed his eyes.

"Boss is looking for me.... Who are you?! How do you have the reincarnation eye of the boss? Where is the boss?" Naruto found himself in an unfamiliar place. The person in front of him is not Tiandao Payne, but Nagato!

Longevity! Changi actually used her body to contact her, shouldn't she want to kill her! Even if she wants to kill her now, she is not afraid!

"Naruto, you read that right, I'm your BOSS, Tiandao Payne is just a Ni golem controlled by me, you are coming to the border between the Kingdom of Iron and the Kingdom of Tian, ​​I have something to discuss with you, you'd better Come here as soon as possible. Said, Nagato cut off the magic of the phantom body.

"I have something important to discuss with me... I always feel that there is something wrong with the long i]." Naruto touched his chin suspiciously.

"Could there be an ambush? Naruto, you have to be careful." Nine Tails reminded.

"Anyway, let's go ahead and talk about it. Naruto vaguely noticed, go here by yourself. Send me to the border between the country of iron and the country of Tian.

"If the teleportation technique is used to transmit people, it requires extremely high physical strength. If the body is not strong enough, the transmission speed will be too fast and you will die.

"It's okay. I'll be fine.

"Okay then." She said what she should have said. Since Naruto had to use the technique of sending himself from the sky, how could she refuse? A few minutes later, Naruto painted on the cloth with the formation and followed Azabuyi activated the technique of sending from the sky, and disappeared in place with this strong light.

Du Qin opened his mouth in shock.

This is the legendary technique of sending from heaven! The boss dug an incredible woman from Yun Ren! As expected of the boss! Jiao Du sighed in his heart.

"Hey! What did you do to the boss?!" Qin stared at Mabuyi aggressively.

"According to what Naruto said, she was sent to the border between the Kingdom of Iron and the Kingdom of Tian with the technique of sending her from the sky, right here." Azabuyi took out the map and pointed. !

Chapter 219 Installation Methods You've Never Seen (1/2)

As the dazzling light flashed, the figure of Naruto with a nine-tailed chakra on his body appeared in the sky, bowing his head. ≒≒ Look, you can see the dense trees below.

"Why does the technique of sending me from the sky teleport me to the sky! Can't it be normal? Do it?!" Naruto fell to the ground at a very fast speed, and the straight carat of the nine tails formed wings behind her. , as if. A red bird glides through the air. Looking up at the blue sky, looking down at the tiny trees and the tiny villages very far away, Naruto felt like a giant looking down at the earth at the moment.

Fanning the blood-red wings formed by the nine-tailed straight carat behind him, Naruto quickly fell to the ground, as if. A meteor dragged its long tail and hit the ground heavily


As the fog dissipated, a huge deep pit appeared in the woods, and the trees were toppled to the ground because of Naruto's landing. The roots of the trees buried deep in the soil were exposed.

The chakra that was wrapped around Naruto returned to Naruto's body, revealing his eyes and became Naruto with mosquito coils and dizzy eyes. You must know that Naruto was curled up in a ball in order to fall down quickly. Nine-tailed Zhikari just started spinning for no apparent reason, and the speed of the rotation was getting faster and faster until it hit the ground before it stopped. Folded and elongated, stacked together to form. With a soft mattress, Naruto lay on the mattress and narrowed her eyes. Her brows were furrowed and she felt dizzy, reminding her of the feeling of motion sickness before.

"Mom, thank you

"Wu Ren, are you okay?" Hearing Naruto's feeble voice, Kyuubi was a little worried.

"Fortunately, I'm just a little dizzy." Naruto shook his head, got up reluctantly, and then lay on the mattress and raised his hand to block the sun.

Suddenly, countless pure white papers were combined to form an angel-like figure, white paper wings spread out behind her, and there was not much expression on her indifferent face.

?Ah, Sister Xiaonan. It's been a long time since Naruto said and stretched out her hands towards Xiaonan.

What's wrong?\"

Xiao Nan looked at Naruto lying on the nine-tailed straight carat, frowning slightly, and the sudden fall from the sky really scared her.

"It happened on the way here. A little accident

Naruto smiled awkwardly. She felt that Mabuyi must be playing tricks on her on purpose. When she goes back, let's see how she cleans her up! How dare she send her to the sky!

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