Listen, what the name Kirin said. Terumi Mei's face was gloomy. The hammer slammed heavily on the table.

"It was him!

Nine tails sensed that many people with murderous intent were approaching, and reminded: "Naruto. Many people are approaching here.

"Yeah, I see. Naruto got up and walked to the window, looked at Mist Shinobu who was approaching quickly in the distance, turned to look at Terumi Mei with a gloomy face, stretched out his hand and pulled the braid on her head, smiling as he said. : "The person in your mouth seems to be leading. Called for the ninja, do you need my help?"

"No need, also, don't touch my hair casually." Terumigu looked at Naruto with a smile. At this moment, she smiled so brightly

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The little braids on your head are so cute. I couldn't help but touch them! If you mind, I'll let you touch them back~!"

Naruto had a cute smile on his face, as if he didn't feel Terumi Mei's anger.

This kid is so skinny!

Uchiha Mikoto, Azabuyi, Konan, the three looked at each other. Eyes, all saw each other's thoughts in each other's eyes. At such a time, he would have to be skinned, if he hadn't been so powerful, he would have been beaten to death long ago. That was just now.

Qing thought of when she started rolling her eyes just now, as if she saw something below, and made a seal with one hand. The second time I opened my eyes, I saw the detonating talismans buried under the office building!

"Lord Shuiying, the detonating talisman was buried under the office building, everyone get out of here!" A shock! The Shuiying office building collapsed under the continuous violent explosion of the detonating talisman!

"Go on! Catch Terumi Mei alive! Mizukage's position is mine!" In Asakura. Under the command, . People, crowd up.

"The smoke cleared. The wreckage of the collapsed Shuiying office building was all blown away by the powerful golden chakra. The ninja who rushed forward was directly hit by the golden, chakra-shaped fox that rushed out of the ruins. It hit the air, and among the foxes were the people in the entire Shuiying office building.

"Bastard! Who can afford to bury the explosive charm. Old lady

To knock his dog's head off!&q

Naruto in the head of the big fox is quite embarrassed. If she hadn't turned on the beautiful nine-tailed human column force mode at the moment of the explosion, and carried out the beauty of nine-tailed, she herself is nothing, and others can say Not allowed. This is the power of the nine tails

Xiao Nan looked at Naruto in front of him, playing the fox formed by golden chakra.

Is this the form Naruto used when he was fighting Yawei and Raikage-sama on the battlefield before... It feels much smaller.

This is what Naruto called the beastization of the tail? Uchiha Mikoto looked at the big fox formed by the golden straight carat, and it felt a lot worse than what she imagined.

It looks like it is in the belly of a fox. Everyone, Uchiha Mikoto squinted her eyes and pursed her lips and smiled. Naruto, you are really gentle.. It seems that we were saved by her

Ao looked at Naruto who stretched out the golden straight-carat coat that looked like a flame was burning, and noticed the other people among the golden foxes formed by the chakra.

Suddenly, Ao felt his feet on his head, looked up and saw Changjurou.

"No, very hug... Chojuro waved his hands and moved upwards. As a result, he fluttered a few centimeters and fell again. His feet stomped heavily on Ao's head, and his own weight was enough. , and most importantly, he has a double-knife flounder on his back!

This. Stepping on his feet, Qing felt his neck screaming. If he hadn't hurriedly gathered Zhikla around his neck, he might have been killed by Chang Lang Cai.

"My office building..." Zhao Meigu saw Ruo Ruo's office building that had been turned into a wreckage, the whole person froze in place, clenched his fists tightly, and yelled at Ruo Asakura: "Asakura, look at you. well done

"Roaring so loudly, as expected of an old woman who has passed her marriageable period!" Asakura was not afraid of death, the mocker Terumi Mei.

Naruto looked at the Prajna appearing behind Terumi Mei, a few drops of cold sweat appeared on his face, and he felt emotionally, how this Asakura person is not afraid of death, and dared to directly say what Terumi Mei cared about the most.

"The boss of Yinnin Village, shouldn't he interfere in the affairs of Wunin Village?" Asakura looked at Naruto respectfully, saying that Naruto, who wanted to blow his dog's head, was too embarrassed to do it, Brother He. There is also a volcano about to erupt magma, no matter what, it will never be her turn to take action.

"Of course I won't interfere in your own affairs in Shinobi Village." Naruto slowly saw the ground, and the people among the big golden foxes fell to the ground.

"Ma'am, Sister Xiaonan, Mabuyi, let's go. Let's watch the battle!" Naruto said Ruo. He jumped to the tree above the distant building several times in a row. Sitting on the branch, looking forward to Ruo Terumi. The three people who followed Naruto were beside Naruto.

"Just now, the explosion of the detonating talisman has spread to us, so why don't you teach him a lesson? Mabuyi is a little surprised to see Ruo Naruto. With her understanding of Naruto these days, she knows who made the explosion just now, but she didn't Pick up that person. It's a bit weird that Yu obediently ran to such a far place to watch the battle!

"You don't need me to do it, someone will teach him a lesson that can melt his bones and melt his heart." Thinking of the boil in the original book that could melt Susanoo, Naruto's mouth evoked an excited smile, and his whole body exuded strong malice. Naruto is also a little bit puzzled, why is the dragon trick called Asakura, whose name is not even mentioned in the original book, why is he so confident that he can defeat Terumi Mei, who has the ability to melt and escape, is he a weak chicken? Can it be defeated?

"Xiao Cang, are you ready to die?

"Huh? Straight carat armor? Where did this guy get the straight carat armor?" Naruto. His eyes noticed the core of Asakura's chest.

She provided the chakra armor to Wuyu Village, Sand Ninja Village, and Yinin Village for use. Could it be that someone sold the chakra armor to Asakura privately?

Damn, this is a bit unreasonable, isn't it? To be able to sell the straight carat armor to such a far place as the Mist Ninja Village, that person has two strokes!

"Isn't the chakra armor unique to Ninja Village?" Uchiha Mikoto heard Naruto's words, her eyes fell from Terumi Mei to Asakura, and she saw the core of his chest.

"To be precise, it's the technology I brought back from the Snow Country. Although it can increase the straight carat, it has obvious drawbacks." Naruto saw the straight carat armor on Asakura's body, and finally knew why he was so brave. The feeling is that the strength of the straight-carat armor's greatly increased strength brought him an illusion, and he also took this illusion as reality and directly expanded it. !

Chapter 252 The villain died bravely (1/2)

"Thunderbolt Thunderball!"

Dozens of electric **** appeared behind Asakura and flew towards Terumi Mei.

"The art of melting and melting monsters!"

Terumi Mei spit out hot magma, shook her head, and all the lightning **** hit the magma and were swallowed by the magma. Bloodline boundaries?

Uchiha Mikoto turned on the writing wheel and watched the battle between Terumi Mei and Asakura.

Seeing that Terumigu was using the melting dungeon, Asakura kept making seals.

"Water Escape Burst Water Breaks!"

The turbulent water submerged all the magma. Terumi Mei saw that Asakura used the water escape, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his hands quickly formed a seal.

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!" Terumi Mei used the water dragon bomb technique with the help of the water bursting by the blasting water used by Asakura, and the huge water dragon stuck its head out of the water. He bit Asakura in his mouth and flew him into the air.

Surprisingly, it appeared outside Asakura. The layer of light red shield is completely different from the color of the shield produced by the straight carat armor produced by the sound ninja village.

The color doesn't seem right. Naruto saw the shield formed by the straight carat armor. Could it be that someone imitated the straight carat armor?

what is that?

Terumi Mei, who originally wanted to capture Asakura alive, was a little surprised when she saw the light red shield. She increased the size of the straight carat at the same time and merged into the boiling water. She gave up the idea of ​​capturing Asakura alive. Visitors of Shinobi Village look down!

Another kind of blood follower boundary.... This water shadow has two blood follower boundaries... I directly observe the words of Ruo Terumizhen's Zhiba Mikoto with a writing wheel. When Terumigu used a boiling escape, I noticed her Straight carat variation.

Under the protection of the shield, the face of the warehouse is exposed. With a sinister smile, her hands were sealed, ready to be given to Terumi Mei. A great gift.

"The Feast of Thunder Burial!"

Asakura used all the straight carats and decided to use this thunderbolt to defeat Terumi Mei. The whole body was covered with a strong electric current and made a crackling sound. At this moment, the light red shield outside Asakura. The erosion in the boiling water melted! Immediately, Asakura, whose body was covered with electricity, was swallowed by the water dragon bullet that melted into the boiling water, and his body turned into a body. Tan Nongshui, don't die too miserably, but before he died, it still caused some trouble for Terumi Mei. The current passed through the water dragon bullet, extended to the water flow on the ground, and then charged Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei thought it was a sure thing, but she didn't expect that everyone in Asakura would kill her, but she was still trapped by Lei Dun, and fell to the ground with weak feet. caught.

"Huh? When?"

Uchiha Mikoto looked around, not knowing when

"Shuiying, are you okay?\"

Naruto, who was pressed by Terumigu's back on his face, didn't know where to put his hands, and hated her height in her heart, if she was taller. Come on, the posture won't be so awkward!

....Thank you..." Terumi Mei turned around and saw that her back was pressed against Naruto's face, she felt very embarrassed. It was so embarrassing that something that could be easily solved turned out to be so embarrassing. Ah! Terumi Mei got up and walked over. Beside, looking at the wreckage of the office building, I couldn't say how sad I was in my heart. There was not much money coming from the Kirin Village. The office building was bombed, which made the budget deficit even worse. It wasn't long before she took over from Daishuiying, and there were so many things. Terumi Mei felt very tired. It would be good for a handsome guy with strong strength and money to help her.

.... She seems like no one wants.. Thinking of what Asakura said just now, Terumi Mei's face darkened and she silently looked at the ruins of the office building. Ao, who had wanted to approach, saw Terumi's real face and stopped. He took his steps, grabbed Chang + Lang who wanted to get close, and he shook his head.

"Little satyr, are you unable to walk when you see beautiful women?"

Uchiha Mikoto put her arms around Naruto with a gentle smile on her face. Her hands were at an angle that others could not see, and she touched Naruto's slender waist.

"Hi!" The pain in his waist made Naruto gasp. With a cold breath, she had to act as if nothing had happened, shook her head and said: "How can it be, I'm not a person who is loved by everyone, and pushes when flowers are blooming: compare machines. I am selective, um, selective

"What choice?"

Uchiha Mikoto pinched Naruto's cheek, in her heart she was in love with Naruto, a little pervert, and a little helpless.


Naruto. Grinning her teeth with a smirk, she turned around and walked towards Terumi Mei, who was in the trough of her life.

Hmm? Naruto and Mikoto, what is their relationship? Azabuyi saw Naruto and Uchiha Mikoto's intimate actions, and she was a little suspicious. She thought that Uchiha Mikoto was taking Naruto as a child's photo... But, it feels a little wrong now! The relationship between the two seems to be far beyond her imagination!

Konan also noticed the abnormal relationship between Naruto and Uchiha Mikoto, and, most importantly, Naruto didn't have any covert love for Uchiha Mikoto?

Xiaonan began to think, during this time, from Yinin Village to Sand Ninja, to Konoha, and then to Wu Ninja Village, the relationship between Naruto and Uchiha Mikoto.

There are indeed too many secret actions. Is the relationship between the two of them a couple?

Xiao Nan's face changed slightly because of her bold conjecture. She looked at Uchiha Mikoto and Naruto, and thought of what Chiha Mikoto said just now. She confirmed her conjecture again. The two should be a couple!

Xiaonan so. Thinking about it, it's not just Chiba Mikoto who seems to be a couple with Naruto, but when I think of the hammer that sits in the office all the time, it seems like I can't wait to swallow Naruto's eyes, and I also think of Xianglin's undisguised expression. Love for Naruto, and Chino who likes to entangle with Naruto..

Xiao Nan carefully. I think, there seem to be a lot of people who like Naruto... But Naruto is a girl! Is it okay for girls to like girls?

Xiao Nan seemed to feel that a brand new door was opened to her. Silk gap, she peeped into something indescribable. Naruto walked up to Terumi Mei, and after a visual inspection, at this distance, she raised her toes, and she would definitely hit Terumi Mei's chest, so she backed away. Stepping forward, he raised his toes, raised his hand and waved at Terumi Mei's face. "Hello. What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about rebuilding the Li Gong Building

Terumi Mei looked at the ruins and sighed, if only she had money!

"Mizukage, let's talk about it alone. Naruto looked at Terumi Mei seriously, and she thought about it carefully. With the current situation in Wunin Village, Yinin Village and the Wunin Village Alliance are really at a loss, so why not? Another way to help Mist Nin Village, and at the same time, achieve a win-win situation between Yin Nin Village and Mist Nin Village.

Alright, let's go over there and talk. Seeing Naruto's seriousness, Terumi Mei vaguely guessed in her heart that Naruto should refuse to form an alliance. While feeling lost, she also felt that this was a matter of course. With the current strength of the village, she wanted to be with Yinin It is indeed impossible for the village to form an alliance.


Seeing Terumi Mei, Ao and Changjuro suddenly walked north and hurriedly followed.

"Don't come here, I have something to talk to her alone.

Terumi Mei stopped Ao and Changjurou who wanted to follow, and the figure disappeared, followed by Naruto. Under the trees above the building, Naruto and Terumigu came here. After Naruto sensed and determined that there was no one nearby, he formed a seal on his hands. The ripples spread outward, and the enchantment wrapped the area where the two were.

"Shuiying, forget it, can I call you Terumi Mei directly?" "Yes.

Terumi Mei felt that Naruto's call made her feel younger, and naturally she would not object.

"With the current situation of Mist Ninja Village, it is not suitable to form an alliance with Sound Ninja Village... Naruto saw Terumi Mei's ugly face, paused, and continued: "However, I have. This is a better way to help your Mist Ninja Village develop rapidly.

"any solution

"That is, I will provide the funds and materials that your Mist Ninja Village needs to help Mist Ninja Village develop rapidly. But! You must know that when you accept my funds and materials, it also means that Mist Ninja Village will develop rapidly. Ninja Village is my village. Naruto deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "but" to remind Terumi Mei.

"The decision is in your hands, Terumi Mei, how you want to decide is up to you. Once you have made a decision, if you dare to go back on it, maybe I will destroy the Kirin Village Cui, you should know, With my strength enough to destroy the village of the mist ninja.

In Terumi Mei's ears, what Naruto said in a plain tone was like a devil's whisper that was constantly bewitching her, and the conditions he proposed were full of temptation.

"No, I can't accept the conditions you put forward. How can the Ninja Village inherited from the ancestors come to me. The generation has become someone else's thing.

Terumi Mei hesitated for a moment, she did have the heartbeat for a moment, but she believed that even relying on her own ability, she could lead the Kirin Village to become more and more prosperous.

"Sure enough~!"

Naruto was rejected by Terumi Mei. It's not surprising at all, the conditions she put forward are indeed very attractive, but it would be strange to be able to talk about Terumi Mei. Naruto thought about it for a while, and the Mist Ninja Village is now capable of fighting. It seems that it is Ao, Changjuro, and Terumi Mizukage. The powerful ninja base has become a rebel.... Think carefully. I think Uchiha Obito is quite capable, and he almost ruined the village of Kirin. Even if there is no scourge, he is half dead, and there are not many who can fight.

"It seems that we have nothing to talk about. Terumi Mei clearly realizes that the conversation between them can only end here. I thought that I could take a shortcut by forming an alliance with Harmony Ninja Village, and quickly destroy Mist Ninja Village. developed. It seems impossible.!

Chapter 253 The hatchet named "Amaterasu" (1/3)

what is gay!!!

"It's not impossible to form an alliance, but, I have a condition." Naruto stretched out. A finger, with a delicate and lovely face. Wipe the bad smile.

"What conditions?\"

Terumi Mei had a bad feeling when she saw the meaningful smile on Naruto's face. Naruto pointed at Terumi Mei, and she thought about it for a long time before she came up with it. It's not a big loss, and Yinin Village is helping Wu Nin Village, the method that Wu Nin Village may not turn against the tide is to marry Terumi Mei to political marriage. Only in this way can Feng Feng hold the Mist Ninja Village in his hands. Terumi felt that Naruto was taking his age to have missed the marriageable period, and teasing himself, his face gradually darkened.

"No, I'm not joking." Naruto shook his head and looked at Terumi Mei seriously, "Mist Ninja Village has just ended 039; the iron and blood rule of Blood Mist Village has not been long, and it needs a long way to develop. If you want to go, Yinnin Village can't help Wunin Village for no reason, and the best way I can think of. That is, you marry me."

"But we are two women?"

"Who ruled that two women can't get married? Huh? Who ruled that, can you find him?

"Even if two women can get married. But you are still a child! How can I marry you!" Terumigu faced Naruto's bold proposal. Even in the face of a child, his face was still red. Fever on the face (simple shyness).

If this is. What a handsome guy to propose to her, not a child

"So~! Before I grow up, let's get engaged, shall we?" Naruto spread his hands and said, "It's just a political marriage, you live yours and mine, and we won't interfere with each other's life, although she is a A female hooligan (she admitted shamelessly), but it is also very occasional to take advantage of it. Besides, Terumi Mei is obviously a straight girl of steel. How can I reject Naruto's Terumi Mo? I heard that it was a political marriage, and after marriage, they went their separate ways without interfering with each other. The whole person was petrified in place. It turned out to be such a marriage.

I don't know why Terumi Mei felt a little lost in her heart. This is completely different from the marriage she imagined! This is not good? Well, let's forget it. Naruto didn't hear Terumigu's answer. The request, but still do not agree!

"If you don't agree, then forget it." Naruto formed the seal with one hand, untied the barrier and prepared to leave. Terumigu raised his hand and pressed it on Naruto's shoulder.

I agree.

"Well, since you agree, let's sign an engagement agreement first, and then talk about the alliance... Naruto touched his chin, thinking about what to do next.

"By the way, the ghost lamp Shuiyue of your fog ninja village is stuck in our sound ninja village, do you want me to pack him and send it back to you?"

Naruto thought of the ghost light Shuiyue who fought every three days and never again. The master who can always make something out of nothing is always restless. It is better to send him back to his hometown, so as not to continue to harm Yinnin Village.

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