The red-nosed old man glared at the man with the monocle. If it wasn't for his granddaughter being held by them, how could he have brought them to this piece, they. The family guards the traces from generation to generation?

The red-nosed old man swept over the blond boy in the earth-riding armor. This person is a member of the royal family. As long as he reaches the depths, he can end this. cut.

"What to do? Of course it's for world peace!" Hyde laughed, and the female knight beside him began to urge the red-nosed old man to lead the way quickly.

In the deepest part of the encounter, Naruto, who was surrounded by azure-blue crystals glowing with pale green light, felt that someone was approaching, and his heart was very excited. The ghost knew how long she had been trapped here, and the constant absorption contained a powerful investigation. Carat's liquid has no sense of time. If it wasn't for the company of Nine Tails, she would be able to die alone, and the crystals outside her body would be the last remaining. Some residues that have not been absorbed yet, but these residues wrapped in her body caused her a lot of trouble.

"Mother Kyuubi, someone is approaching.

"Let's go and have a look!" The eyeball formed by the nine-tailed straight carat flew out of the crystal and drilled out, nine-tailed. I saw the old man with the red nose.

"It's him! Naruto, come on. Do you remember that old red-nosed man who went to Yinin Village to look for ferrets?\"

"What's wrong? 039;

"There is him among the people below, and there are a few people in Ruo armor. They say that the Greer vein is the liquid you absorbed, right?"

Kyuubi relayed what he heard from the person below.

"I don't know, I just know that this thing is causing me a lot of trouble.

She was forced to absorb the Greer ore before, and Naruto was too late to transform the power of the Greer ore. As a result, she was assimilated by the Greer ore, and her body happened. some changes.

The lucky nine tails have no problem, unfortunately. Under the interference of those external residues, Naruto can't enter the inner world. The communication with the nine tails in simple terms, there is no problem.

The red-nosed old man, who was leading the way, walked into the ruins full of murals and stopped.

"These murals are...

Hyde looked at the frescoes on the surrounding walls.

"The picture my ancestors used to record the terrifying power of the Grer's Stone. The old man with the red nose pointed to the pictures that recorded the past, how ancient civilizations fought infighting because of the power of the Grer's Stone, and the murals of extinction. See if Hyde pedestrians questioned Said: "These terrifying paintings prove that too much power can bring disaster. Even so, do you still want to get the Greer ore?"

"Even if there is no Greer Stone, human beings will fight. In this case, we must use it on the right path!" Timsey said, looking at Hyde respectfully, "Lord Hyde will use the power of the Greer Stone. , to bring true peace to the world!

\"Pfft!" Naruto, who listened to what Nine Tails recited, couldn't help laughing out loud. The tone of Nine Tails imitated was so funny, it made Naruto feel like he was listening to a stand-up comedy. Do people in Naruto World have such bubbles in their brains? If there is something, they will keep the world peace in their mouths.

"That's right.... The red-nosed old man suddenly turned to Timsey, the knife drawn from his sleeve scratched Timsey's arm, and Naruo, the dagger that was contaminated with Timsey's blood, the red-nosed old man quickly He stepped back into the complex circular patterns on the ground, "The Stone of Greer may still exist, but you are with me. Let's be buried here together!" The red-nosed old man shouted, and the dagger in his hand stained with Jotimsi's blood stabbed at the red slate with mixed patterns under Ye's feet.


Hyde stretched out his hand, and the red-nosed old man was knocked out.

"Although I don't know what you want to do, do you think I will make you succeed?" Hyde looked at the red-nosed old man who fell to the ground with a squinting smile.

"Lord Hyde, that was just now.


Hyde took off the gloves on his hands, revealing black fingerless gloves, the back of the gloves should be inlaid with Greer's Stone.

"Probably because of it.

The red-nosed old man and Timcy looked surprised, but the three female knights did not respond, as if they had already known that Hyde had transplanted the Greer Stone.


"Hahaha! It's really as stated in the book, such a strong power!" Hyde looked at the Greer Stone on the back of his hand and smiled with satisfaction, "You can blow things away without touching it." Hyde raised his hand, no The wall in the distance exploded.

"That book... the Book of Greer?!" The red-nosed old man suddenly widened his eyes when he heard what Hyde said. He suddenly thought that the attack on the village where Timsy lived was premeditated. .


"Where did you get this thing!"

"Ah~! This one~ I bought it from a wandering merchant." Hyde pretended to hear the old man with the red nose and replied casually. sentence.

"How can there be such a coincidence! I feel very suspicious, you went to attack Timsey's village in order to get the Greer Stone...

Hearing the red-nosed old man's words, Timsey's eyes widened and his face changed slightly.

"Oh~!" Hyde said. He smiled in a low voice, opened his hands, with a hypocritical expression of sympathy on his face, and said, "What are you doubting, how can I do such a terrible thing with a world without struggle as my sight?" To the question of the red-nosed old man, Hyde's answer seemed very perfunctory.

"I want to be able to suppress. The power to fight, that's all... That, where is the lode..." Hyde looked around, looking for the location of the Ruogrell lode.

"Just look at your eyes, you want more than this!" Hyde ignored the red-nosed old man who was condemning him, raised his hand, and the girl understood what Hyde meant, and kicked the old man into the corner. Timsey sees this. Curtain, the faith in his heart that had been shaken by the words of the red-nosed old man collapsed, and he really began to doubt Hyde's intentions.

The one above the steps slowly got angry from the ground. A switch, Hyde quickly ran over after seeing it.

"This is... this is, the key to open the door to the mine! Chapter 256 Six Gou Jade Samsara Eye (1/2)

Hyde reached out and wanted to press it down, and the red-nosed old man who got up with difficulty tried to prevent Hyde from opening the Greer mine. "Seeing the Books"

That thing is useless to you. At this moment, the Xue Shao named Nilugu rushed in from the entrance, rushed towards Hyde, but was directly thrown away.

Hyde looked crouched on the ground. The unmoved Nelugu is disdainful. Laughing, laughing at this little thing's self-control, he reached out and pressed the switch, but at this moment, he was interrupted by the energy wave swung by Timsey's sword. Hyde waved his hand to block the energy wave and narrowed his eyes at Rotimsy.

"Timsy, do you want to betray me?

"I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do, Hyde, you destroyed my village and killed my parents!"

Timsey recalled seeing Hyde in his memory. Even if he wore a cloak, his figure had not changed at all, and even the chin showing the hood was the same. mold. In this way, he only hated why he couldn't recognize Hyde's true face earlier.

The enemy who killed his parents was right in front of him, but he foolishly regarded him as a benefactor. What a big joke!

"I didn't expect you to recognize me, but you've been treating me as a benefactor for so long, it's really stupid! It's a pity that you can't look at your stupid appearance in the future, Camilla, Ranke, give it to me Get rid of this traitor! Don't let him get in the way of me opening the door!"

"Yes! Lord Hyde!"

The three female knights swarmed up and surrounded Timsey. Timsi, the third enemy, was weak. He was quickly knocked to the ground by the three of them, opening his mouth and closing his eyes.

Hyde took the opportunity to open the door to the Greer mine.

Just listen. The wall above emits. The sound is like a flower. It opened like a stairway to the location of the Greer mine above.

"Is that... the Greer lode? \" Hyde opened his eyes wide to see how tall the man was, the Greer Stone, unable to control the joy in his heart, and walked up quickly.

Greer Lode? Why with the description passed down from the ancestors. No difference, why does the liquid Greer vein crystallize?

The red-nosed old man opened his eyes wide to look at Ruona. How tall is the Greer Stone, an unrealistic conjecture appeared in his heart. Could it be that the age of the Greer ore has evaporated and crystallized because of the age? At that time, a snow-white palm stretched out from the Greer Stone and punched Hyde's face.

"Giving mother go away! Ugly, don't be so close to the mother!" With the release of the seal, the residue outside Naruto turned into a useless stone, shattered, and after the strong light passed, he wore it. Naruto in white armor with a black rose pattern on the original Naruto's clothes and scrolls have long been destroyed by the erosion of the Greer vein, Yui. The strong one is the rose armor specially developed for her by Ye Ye.

Could it be that she is the Greer lode?! The red-nosed old man opened his eyes wide, rolled and crawled regardless of the pain in his body, and hugged Nilugu, who was curled up and motionless on the ground.

"Nelugu! What's wrong with you! Nilugu! Nilugu! Don't scare me!" Niruku, who was motionless, carried in his eyes. Silk despair.


Looking at Hyde covering his face, Naruto strode over, grabbed Hyde by the neck and lifted him up.

From Nine Tails' retelling, Naruto learned what kind of person Hyde was, and naturally he would not let him go, even if he opened the seal and let her out.

"Thank you. You humble little bug released me from the seal!" Naruto grinned, the hand that was holding Hyde's neck gradually tightened, and looked out of the corner of his eye. A red-nosed old man with eyes full of despair like ferrets.

Camilla instantly changed. A bat orc flew into the air and charged towards Naruto.

"Bastard, let go of Lord Hyde!"

"Annoying flies! Go away!"

Naruto raised his hand, and the pale green wind blew Camilla away. Camilla, who hit the wall heavily, fell to the ground weakly like a fly caught by a fly swatter.

"The puppy should be petted by the owner who is waiting for you honestly, not biting!" Naruto turned around. The kick flew out and turned into a werewolf trying to attack the wind from behind her.

"Put down Lord Hyde!" Rank, who turned into a troll, roared at Naruto in a rough voice, and released a strong electric current from his hands. Naruto blocked Hyde in front of him. He used Hyde's body to defend against the electric current from Rank. Looking at Hyde who was twitching all over from the electricity, Naruto pointed his fingertips on his chest, and the projectile compressed by Feng Dun Chakra shot into his body, and then pushed it down. Toss, stroll down the stairs. Camilla hurriedly caught Hyde, but Hyde's body was like a balloon that was constantly being inflated. It grew bigger and bigger, let out a painful wailing, and held Camilla's arm forcefully.

"I don't want to die yet!"

Hyde turned into a shrill scream. The blood fog, the pain in the screams, is chilling.

Naruto, who was walking down the steps, passed by the red-nosed old man. His hand covered with pale green chakra lightly stroked Nerul, who was dying with a faint breath. Weak but full of life

A green light flashed on Niruku, and the little guy blinked his eyes and sat up from the hands of the red-nosed old man.

"Ah! Nerugu!"

Looking at Niruku who had come to life, the red-nosed old man showed a look of surprise.

See Naruto casually. Touch, the dead ferret was actually brought back to life! The three female cavaliers looked at Naruto in shock, and as Naruto approached, they slowly stepped back with a smile on their faces. silk fear. Is this woman the embodiment of the Greer Stone?!

Naruto looked at the three female knights with different shapes. Hartuqi could still accept it. The little bat looked good. What was this? Naruto stared at Rank who had transformed into a troll. It's not a chest sight that a human can have. Eyes, feel their eyes have suffered a devastating blow.

"You, come here!" Naruto pointed at Kazama, who had turned into a werewolf, and hooked his finger.

Fengwai not only did not pass, but instead retreated. Step, with a look on your face. Silk was terrified and looked at Naruto vigilantly.

"You, do you want to die?"

Naruto flashed in his eyes. Silk is cold, and the murderous intention is suddenly obvious. Feeling Naruto's cold murderous aura, he felt that all the hairs on his whole body stood up, and the ears that were erected tended to become airplane ears, so he slowly and cautiously walked to Naruto's side.

Naruto raised his hand and touched the dog's head in Fengwai. Seeing Naruto raising his hand, Fengwai thought he was going to die and faced Naruto with her. Si's courage to resist can't be raised. Hyde, who was loyal to herself before, can still use her courage to save her. Now she can't. Si had no thought of resisting, and closed her eyes and waited for death to come.

What she didn't expect was that it wasn't death that was waiting, but caresses.

Although I really want to correct myself, I am a wolf, not a dog, but in this situation, it is very good to be able to survive. Outside the unstoppable wind, he closed his eyes and enjoyed Naruto's stroking the wolf's tail on his buttocks, shaking it slightly. Hey! Fengwai! You are a wolf! Not a dog! Seeing Fengwai's performance. Camilla and Frank were both stunned!

Naruto saw Kazuwai's reaction. He nodded in satisfaction. He looked at Camilla and Rank with a smile and said, "How do you want to die?" The two female knights confronted each other. Eyes, released the transformation, walked respectfully in front of Naruto, and knelt down on one knee. Now that their loyal master Hyde is dead, there are only two paths in front of them either to accompany their respected Lord Hyde, or Allegiance to this secret woman in front of you.

"Very good. Naruto nodded in satisfaction, took off his helmet, shook his hair lightly, and revealed his beautiful face. Silk is noble and holy.

The three female knights and Timsey, who was lying on the ground, were shocked by Naruto's appearance, especially the long pointed ears that were not a human being.

The long sharp ears are exposed outside the hair, and the reincarnation eye of the left eye has evolved from the original purple, light blue three hook jade reincarnation eye. Why does it feel a little wrong? After taking off the helmet, Naruto vaguely noticed the changes in his body, raised his hand and touched his ear, and touched a long, pointed thing in his heart. shock.

What's wrong with my ears? Why did I just touch the pointy thing?

"You, what do my ears look like?" Naruto looked at Camilla, and although she could vaguely perceive the change in her ears, she still couldn't believe that her ears would turn into long, pointed ears. It's scary to think about it!"

Camilla took the mirror out of her arms and handed it to Naruto. Naruto picked up the mirror and looked at it, and saw that his ears had turned into long, pointed ears, and blood elf. Such long ears, really big head. Looking at the left eye, Naruto, who did not know when it evolved into the Samsara Eye of the Three Goose Jade, is confused. Isn't it possible to evolve the original product? The color seems to be a bit wrong! This is a mutation? Ah, your reincarnation eye has completely become my shape. (Curator Kim laughs)

Naruto felt the new ability of his Samsara eye, raised his hand and touched Camilla, and saw that Camilla suddenly became younger and younger, and her body began to shrink. A young girl who can't even wear armor.

Camilla looked at Ruo's skinny hands in shock, and looked up at Naruto. With vague words, she said, "Da Ren.. Reveal how fat it is?\"

"So it is." Seeing Ruomira's change, Naruto showed a clear smile and snapped his fingers. Camilla's body grew as fast as a balloon and returned to its original state.

The ability to control growth? Naruto did not expect her resentment towards her height to such an extent that the ability of the Sangou Jade Samsara Eye turned out to be the ability to learn to control the growth of life. Naruto can regress Camilla's growth to the infant stage, or he can stretch Camilla's growth to the full and let her die of old age. However, to activate this ability, you need to touch the opponent's body!

Chapter 257 I am not a god! (1/3)

"What is this

Feng Wai and Rank rubbed their eyes hard, hard to imagine what they saw just now. In the curtain, Camilla was turned into a young girl by this woman full of mysteries, and then changed back to Camilla, who was arranging the crooked armor on her body, and felt deeply because of Naruto's seemingly clear ability. The fear. His hands were trembling, and he didn't dare to look up at Naruto.

Could it be....she is Greer's incarnation?!

The red-nosed old man looked at Mila, who had turned back from a young girl in shock, and rubbed his dim eyes with both hands.

"Are you Ming?" Timsey saw Naruto's abilities, Di. The idea is that this woman with unfathomable strength is Ming, not ordinary people like them. humanoid.

I'm still your grandma! Naruto, who was studying the ability of the Samsara Eye of Sangou, heard Timsy's words and was about to answer.

Suddenly, her eyes were dark, and her eyes were reincarnation eyes. A strange-looking old man with his legs crossed and a few jade beads floating under his legs appeared in front of her, and looked at Naruto Zuogen's light blue The colored three hook jade reincarnation eye.

"Are you, the Three Path Immortals?!" Naruto noticed the surroundings. In the darkness, I realized that I was pulled by the three immortals. strange place.

"where is this place?\"

"The eye of reincarnation that doesn't belong to you has evolved

The three immortals already belonged to her.

"You're so annoying! I'm asking you something! Old man!" Naruto jumped up irritably, and stomped his feet on the face of San Dao Xianren. San Dao Xianren was obviously kicked by Naruto. How many years have passed? , Ever since he sealed his mother. No one has ever dared to treat him like this. Even if they disagree, this girl is really the reincarnation of Asura?

The three immortals raised their hands and touched their faces, and their hearts were generated. Doubtful. Didn't this thing appear in the original book when Naruto's two pillars were hung up and resurrected? What's the intention of finding me now? Naruto always felt that the three immortals were not good, and he was secretly vigilant.

"What's the matter with you dragging me here? If it's okay, let me go back!"

See Naruto. With a look of earning and abandoning his face, the Three Dao Immortals pointed at himself in surprise: "I am a San Dao Immortal.

"I know! What if you are a three-path immortal?"

"Huh? This alone. Isn't the point enough to explain anything?\" The three immortals who felt that the eyes of reincarnation on Asura's reincarnation had evolved, wanted to confirm with their own eyes, and thought that they would be treated with enthusiasm. He was a little suspicious. Isn't the perception wrong? The girl in front of me is the reincarnation of Indra, not the reincarnation of Asura.

Naruto remembered that the nine tails were controlled by Uchiha's writing wheel, and his dissatisfaction erupted in Gu Shi, he grabbed the collar of the three immortals and asked: "I want to ask you, why all tailed beasts can write on the skin Wheel eye manipulation? Do you know. This has brought a lot of numbness to the world? You are good. After dividing the ten tails into nine tailed beasts, you will die happily when you pat the buttocks. You know that you give the tailed beast Weakness left, how much trouble did it cause?

The three immortals who were questioned by Naruto by their collars did not say anything and sighed. ☆☆, shook his head, and disappeared into Naruto's hands.

After the three immortals left, Naruto found that the place he was in was his inner world, with his feet on the grass, and nine tails not far away came over.

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