"What happened just now?" Qin Ba Ruo looked at Ruo Naruto with a bit of affection, she couldn't believe what just happened, her body turned into the size of a little girl, and then changed again.

"This is my ability~!" Naruto looked at Ruo Qinna. With a confused look on his face, he felt like he had succeeded in a prank, and he was very happy. He rubbed Qin's hair and turned to look at Jiaodu and the three female knights.

Jiaodu, register them. Jiaodu nodded, stepped forward and sat on the chair, opened it, took a look, and nodded with satisfaction. Naruto walked over to the three female riders and patted their shoulders, "Camilla, Fengwai, and Rank. I'll let Qin take you around the village in a moment. I still have things to do. deal with.

Said, Naruto left the office without waiting for the answer from the three female knights, and Koto and Yai also followed Naruto out of the office.

"Qin, why didn't you see Ma Buyi?"

Naruto thought that he didn't see Azabuyi in the office. Azabuyi, the secretary, should be in the office tree. Could it be that something happened to her?

"Azabui depends on her.

Qin hesitated to speak, but did not know whether to say, Mabuyi was hospitalized because of overeating.

"What's up with her?\"

Naruto frowned slightly when he saw Qin's speechless expression, could it be numb?

What really happened to Booy?

"She broke her stomach because of overeating, and is still in the hospital... Qin said this ridiculous thing with a reluctant smile on her face.

"Ah?! Azabuyi was hospitalized for overeating? This, how is this possible!" Naruto was stunned. Next, Mabuyi will be hospitalized because of overeating and eating a bad stomach. It's just a fantasy to see Naruto's obviously disbelieving expression, Qin sighed lightly and said slowly: "Naruto. For a while, Mabu Yizhi blamed herself for that crow before that passed on your message.

"Passed out? Didn't she say she was overeating? How could she pass out?\"

"Because she didn't eat well when you disappeared because of excessive self-blame, and her body collapsed when she reached the limit. After the infusion in the hospital, she went to the restaurant for dinner that night. Maybe it was because of the news from the boss. , She became very appetite.. As a result, the next day, because of overeating, she broke her stomach. After listening to Qin's description of how Azabuyi was hospitalized, Naruto had a feeling of crying and laughing, and she was hospitalized for this reason. This will definitely be regarded as black history!

"That's it

With a lingering smile on Naruto's face, he kissed Qin's forehead.

"Go back, they'll ask you later.

"Well, leave it to me, boss!"

Qin clenched her fist tightly, and her body seemed to be burning like a flame called "hot blood".

Teacher.... Qin is still the same as before. Naruto touched his head, but he didn't touch the hat.

"It's night, wait for me." Naruto and Qin. Qi Qi went back to the office, put on the bamboo hat, and Qi Ye Qi left the office building.

"Day and night I'm going to the hospital next, you and me. Get up, or go home?\"

"...I'll go home. I don't want to go to the hospital at night. She might as well stay home now. Although she really wants to study the device, she doesn't know how to assemble it. For the integrity of the device, she can only wait for the three After a female Yi soil assembled the device, she conducted research.

"By the way, tell your family the news of your return. Nagato and Xiaonan have been looking for you since you disappeared." It was already night for Naruto to be able to fight with Nagato and Xiaonan. The film felt very unexpected, and Nagato and Konan tried their best to find Naruto after Naruto disappeared, and she also saw it. Maybe this is the charm of Naruto.. People like Payne can have such a deep friendship with her.

"Well, what about Tsunade? Has she left the village?" Naruto suddenly thought of Tsunade. Since she performed surgery on Nagato, she didn't continue to restrain her with debts or something, thinking about it now It should have left the sound ninja village.

"I don't know, maybe she's still in Yinin Village... During the time when Naruto was in the hospital, she was like a salted fish, either in the laboratory or at home, and she didn't pay attention to these things at all.

"Do you want to use the ability of the Samsara Eye on her?\"B Ye realized what Naruto wanted to do, and sighed:\"This is really such an ability..

"Is such an ability... Maybe. However, such an ability was obtained by accident." Naruto raised his hand and touched his left eye, remembering the original owner of this eye, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Wipe a malicious smile.

"Speaking of which, I should also thank Mabuyi. If it wasn't for her mistake in sending me to the Greer mine, maybe I would never get this ability, but the price I paid is. The current When I said this, Naruto paused for a while, took a deep breath, and said slowly, "Now...is it still a human?"

"Do you think I was a human before? Even if I become that, I still think I am a human, a real human... When it comes to appearance, appearance does not mean everything, what matters is how you look at it Your own appearance and appearance do not represent everything, the most important thing is your heart. The great philosopher has already published it at night. Fan his own reflections, look at the thoughtful Naruto, smile. Look. With the back of the night, Naruto had to sigh, as expected of the Orochimaru who reincarnated himself as a woman without hesitation! Even though his personality has changed a lot due to the influence of his body, Orochimaru is Orochimaru. , Even if her appearance changes, her heart will not change.

Chapter 262 Don't touch my ears! (1/2)

Uchiha Mikoto, who was cleaning, heard the sound of the door opening, and looked at Ji Ye, who looked like she had grown up a lot, and noticed that and Hinata. ☆☆The white eyes of the clan are slightly different eyes. The pupils are slightly raised white eyes. Is she already at night? Could it be that I have fallen into an illusion? Impossible! I opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel. How could I have fallen into an illusion!

Uchiha Mikoto immediately turned on the Sharinyan, saw the flow of straight carats on her body, and made sure that she did not have the surgery, and walked in front of Jiye.

"It's night?"

"I was recognized by you!"

Miye, who originally wanted to tease Uchiha Mikoto, didn't expect to be recognized directly.

"What happened, why did you suddenly grow up so much, didn't you get up with Mr. Kakuto to pick up Naruto?" From three or four years old to a teenager, what happened?

Ji Ye threw the pot on Naruto's head without hesitation.

"Q... You suddenly grew up so much, what did Naruto do to you?" Uchiha Mikoto frowned, thinking of what happened to Naruto's life when Ye Ye and Jiao both went to pick up Naruto?

When Uchiha Mikoto was contemplating, she slipped away quietly, found other people in the room and told them that Naruto had returned. Of course, she was inevitably asked how she had grown so much all of a sudden, it was like . A soybean grain suddenly grows into a bean tooth without any sign, and the span is really a bit large.

Facing the question, it was already night. Unlucky face threw all the pot on Naruto's head.

In the hospital, Azabuyi was very bored lying on the hospital bed, and her body became very weak because she had not eaten on time for a long time. Then, she went to the restaurant to eat a lot on the night she got the news of Naruto, As a result, she had a bad stomach. She lay in the hospital for four days and she still didn't get better. It should be said that it wasn't that she didn't get better, but the pharmacist Ye Naiyu didn't let her out of the hospital until she fully recovered. , might as well let her recuperate in the hospital before leaving.

When he came to the hospital, Naruto found the pharmacist Ye Naiyu, walked quietly behind her, covered her eyes with his hands, and whispered in her ear: "Guess~ Guess who I am?

Birds... Naruto?"

Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, the pharmacist Ye Naiyu excitedly held the hand covering her eyes.

"You guessed it right~!"

Naruto backed away. Stepping forward, he lifted the veil covering his face.

"Are you really...Naruto?!" The pharmacist Ye Naiyu turned around and noticed Naruto's height, her fully open face, delicate and beautiful, and those long pointed ears that made her look at her. A little affection. How did Naruto's ears become so long? The pharmacist Ye Naiyu reached out and touched it. He couldn't help pinching it. He felt the softness and a bit of a tactile hand, and the pharmacist Ye Naiyu blushed.

"This... the ears are real... Naruto, how could your ears become like this?\" Yakushi No Naiyu pulled Naruto and came. In an unoccupied corner, looking at Naruto's pointed ears, his face is full of doubts.

"I don't know why it's like this, it doesn't seem to be able to go back..." It's not that Naruto didn't try to change her ears back to their original shape, but unfortunately it didn't work. Or pointy long elf ears.

"Naruto seems to have suddenly grown up several years old, and the pharmacist Ye Naiyu looked at the beautiful and mature Naruto and felt a little emotional.

"I grew up, Ye Naiyu doesn't like me anymore?" Naruto looked at the pharmacist Ye Naiyu with a slight smile, stretched out his hand to press the wall, and suddenly approached the pharmacist Ye Naiyu.

"Why... I don't like you..." Yakushi Ye Naiyu looked at Naruto who was approaching suddenly, his heart was beating fast, his eyes were flushed, and his ears that were exposed outside his hair were slightly red, and he spoke. have become a bit stumbling, especially at the end

"Yo Naiyu take me to see Azabuyi~

Looking at the pharmacist Ye Naiyu with red ears under her wall, Naruto felt very satisfied. She loved her height and wanted to grow taller. Of course, she did not forget the purpose of this trip to the hospital. Mabuyi sat on the hospital bed with her chin resting on her hands, and looked out the window boredly. Why didn't she bring her own folders, and she could draw as much as she liked with her. It wouldn't be so boring anymore.

The sound of the door being pushed open sounded, and Mabuyi looked towards the door.

"Mabuyi, how is your body?"

Naruto took off his hat and walked in, looking at Azabuyi who was sitting on the hospital bed, thinking of the reason why she entered the hospital, she felt distressed and wanted to laugh.


Seeing Naruto's height and appearance, Naruto, who was originally delicate and lovely, grew up to be even more beautiful and delicate. The blue eyes on his face seemed to be able to talk, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes. Such white snake scales become even more attractive.

Azabuyi had the feeling that he had slept for several years. He looked at Ruo Naruto with slightly flushed cheeks, raised his hand and pinched his own cheek, and looked at it. Eyes on the table on the table.

"Naruto, your ears Mabuyi noticed Naruto's pointed ears and got out of bed. He walked quickly to Naruto, holding the pointed ears with both hands. He squeezed gently, feeling the Soft and pinch a little bouncy

\"Oh~! It's true!"


Dirty! Why are you all touching my ears!" After Naruto was touched several times, he finally couldn't bear it any longer, and reached out to hold Mabuyi's ear, and the scholar Mabuyi pinched her ear. .

Suddenly the door was pushed open, and Naruto seemed to have done something wrong. In this way, he released Mabuyi's ears, and Mabuyi's cheeks were slightly red, she took two steps back and sat on the edge of the bed.


Xiang Yan hugged Naruto's waist with both hands, raised his head to see Naruto's face and pointed ears, tilted his head slightly, and said a little uncertainly, "...Human?"

"I bumped into me and wanted to pretend that I didn't recognize me?" Naruto stopped with his hands on his face. "No

Xiang Yang shook her head, and after Naruto let go of her cheek, she rubbed her red cheek.

"Naruto has changed so much! He has grown so tall, and he has become more beautiful... The flower has also grown... Seeing Ruo Xiang Zha's cautious appearance, Naruto rubbed Xiang Yu's hair. , rubbed her long supple red hair into a mess. It made Xiang Lianchen's cheeks reddish, and she was dissatisfied with her mouth. She used Mabuyi's comb to comb her hair.

Fragrant roasted Naruto in the ward. After a while, he left reluctantly, but the hospital was very busy, so wait until the next. After graduating from medical ninjas and entering the hospital, Xiangya can have a rest and have more time to pester Naruto.

"It's hard for you, because of my disappearance, you have suffered a lot... Thinking of what Mabuyi will suffer when she is lost in the hospital, and how much she will blame herself, Naruto feels very guilty.

It was okay that Naruto didn't mention it, but Tamabuyi remembered how he had spent those days. He clenched his clothes tightly with both hands, tears streaming down his face. Naruto walked to her side, and hugged her in his arms. , feel if her body trembling slightly with the cry, gently caressing her back, down. It seems to be soothing. indivual

"I asked you to send me with the technique of sending me from the sky, that's not your fault, Mabuyi... I'm sorry for you... I thought that when I was trapped in the Greer mine, I sent all my Mabuyi's fault was blamed on Mabuyi, and the people felt even more guilty.

"All holy you!" Azabuyi opened his mouth and bit Naruto's arm fiercely, very, very hard, as if to vent all his grievances and inner torment, but unfortunately, he couldn't bite Naruto The skin, only on Naruto's elastic skin, left fine little tooth marks.

"Yeah... all holy me... Naruto looked at the teeth marks on Ruoyu's arm, touched Mabuyi's hair, and said with a smile, "It's been a long time for you.

"Huh! You know it, next. Go back, don't let me use the technique of sending you to send you, that ninjutsu is not used to send people... Azabuyi paused here, his cheeks slightly Hong continued: "I will work hard to learn the technique of flying thunder.

After this. Second, Azabuyi didn't dare to use the technique of sending Naruto to send Naruto. In order to help Naruto, she decided to work harder to learn the technique of flying thunder.

"Then, I'll wait and see~!"

In the evening, Naruto sat on the sofa in a drowsy state, his pointed ears slightly reddened, and looked at the infant who sat on the ground in shock and looked at his own baby, which could be seen from the clothes scattered under them. Among the piles of babies, there is Ruo. The double-eyed baby is trying to hide your body. Before Yuanji people had the most fun with her ears, and she also found a lot of Naruto who would be treated like this, and she also had her pot. However, they obviously overestimated Naruto's temper. Even a clay figurine has a three-point anger, not to mention the inexplicable being taken a few cauldrons at night.

,, Naruto, whose ears were played with, adjusted everyone's growth to the infant stage when he got angry.

"Ah.... Uchiha Mikoto, who was regressed to her infancy by Yuto, said something to Naruto in dissatisfaction, and then an orange flame enveloped her and formed. A Q version of Suenohu. Waving Ruo The small fist hammered Naruto's knee and hit it. A big miss.

"Ma'am, that's enough!" Naruto waved his hand to break up Susanoo, who was so brittle as paper, picked up Uchiha Mikoto's hand and hit her ass. If her body recovers, it will be troublesome.

"You guys are really going too far! Just touch it! You have to. If you touch it straight, it's okay to touch it, but you still need to rub it! It's okay to rub it, but you still have to pinch it! My ears are real and not fake. Ears, I was so looking forward to seeing you, but in the end, Naruto puffed out her cheeks angrily, watching Mandi Ying U snapped her fingers and adjusted their growth back, Uchiha Mikoto, Xiao Nan, and pharmacist Noo Yu Her age was adjusted to eighteen years old, which is at the stage of youth.

Chapter 263 Naruto is so easy to use! (1/2)

my body..

Everyone whose body had returned to its original state straightened his body. Uchiha Mikoto quickly found out what was wrong with her, ran to the bathroom, and saw the young self in the mirror. "This

Uchiha Mikoto looked at her eighteen-year-old self in the mirror, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes disappeared, and her body was more energetic than before.

"This is Naruto's ability. Thinking of myself and others being turned into babies by Naruto just now, Uchiha Mikoto's cheeks were flushed, she was ashamed and angry, she clenched her fists and was about to go to Naruto to settle accounts. When she was about to go out , Xiao Nan and the pharmacist Ye Naiyu pushed open the door and walked in. Xiao Nan looked at his eighteen-year-old self in the mirror, fell into silence, recalled what he had experienced in the past, and sighed softly.

"Need to let Naruto restore our original appearance?" The pharmacist Ye Naiyu frowned slightly when she looked at herself in the mirror. She is going to work tomorrow with such a young appearance. How should she explain to the doctors? .

The pharmacist Ye Naiyu is different from a white-eyed snake who likes to throw the blame on Naruto. She doesn't want Naruto's abilities to be known to everyone.

"Is it bad to be young?"

Uchiha Mikoto touched her collagen-filled face, which always had a gentle smile on her face, showing a happy smile.

Now, she can finally be with Naruto without any worries. It's just, I don't know whether Naruto's ability can work directly, or can only be held and sold. period of time. Uchiha Mikoto thought like this and went out, and decided to ask Naruto.

"Xiao Nan, do you think this is good too?" Seeing the back of Ruo Uchiha Mikoto leaving, the pharmacist Ye Naoyu looked at Xiao Nan who was silent.

Also... even if you want to let Naruto dismiss. She may not listen to you, it is better to accept it. "Xiao Nan looked at Ruo's own hand, she didn't know what side effects Naruto's ability had, and was a little worried. "Alas...

The pharmacist Ye Naiyu smiled wryly, having a little headache how to explain to the people in the hospital tomorrow.

"Little Naruto~Little Naruto~!" Qian Nao shook Ruo Naruto's hand bones, like it was. A coquettish little kitten, with twinkling stars in his eyes, looking forward to Naruto.

"Don't think about it, I don't have the ability to make you grow taller." Naruto patted Kanano's head, saw the disappointment on Chino's face, and explained: "The ability of rotation is to control growth, and human growth is divided into three parts. Duan, infants, teenagers, teenagers, middle-aged, old people, Qian Nai, your height has stopped growing. Whether it is young children, teenagers or old people, your height will be like this, no matter how old you are, your height is not will change.

If you want to use the ability of rotation to grow taller, it is better to look forward to it. Qiye can develop a drug to help her increase her height. Thinking of Qiye, Naruto suddenly thinks of Shiye throwing the pot on her head, to the surrounding. read. Circle. Did not see the figure of day and night.

You run fast, wait for the night, and see if I don't spank your ass! It's a lot of courage to put all the pot on my head!

"Naruto. Naruto~!" Henne squeezed Chino. On the side, excitedly holding Ruo Naruto's hand, "Can you make the incense burner bigger too? Some?"

Xiangyao imagined himself and Naruto doing all kinds of indescribable things when he grew up, and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth excitedly.

....Wu Ren saw Xiang Yan wiping his saliva, and looked at Xiang Lian with an embarrassed expression, "Isn't it good to grow up obediently?

"But I want to grow up quickly!" Xiang Yang's eyes flashed like love.

"No, you're still young!" Naruto rejected Xiangyao's request. His tone was firm, and there was no room for manoeuvre.

"Why! All nights are fine, why can't I!" Xiang Rou puffed up her cheeks, looking like. Angry little pufferfish.

"The night is an exception. Xiang Yeyu is good, don't ask me to embarrass me, okay?" Naruto gently stroked Xianglin's hair, she really didn't know why Xianglian became more and more like the Xiangche in the original book , Is this the so-called Jiangshan is easy to change and difficult to move? Naruto remembered that first. The first time I saw it, I was a little autistic. How did this girl grow crooked?

"Naruto, I'm going back, and I'll be filming tomorrow." Fenghua Xiaoxue tidied up her clothes and carried the doll she carried with her. Although she really wanted to stay, she still had to film tomorrow, and the director always changed the show. , which leads to the lines and so on have to re-memorize.

"Stay at my house. Is it bad night?\"

"No, I have to get up early tomorrow to film.

Feng Hua Xiaoxue, who was holding the doll, walked to Naruto's side and lowered her head to kiss Naruto's lips.

"I'm so happy~! It's fun being a baby~!

"Ah ah ah! What are you doing!" Xiang Chuan pointed at Fenghua Xiaoxue angrily. She wanted so much that she couldn't get her hands on Naruto, but she was caught behind by her! It's really abominable!

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