The entire table was restored to its original shape by Tsunade. The punch flew into the air, and the meal on it scattered. land.

Then Tsunade. The feet kicked Naruto to the ground, sat on Naruto's stomach, and punched Naruto in the face.


The restaurant collapsed under Tsunade's strange force, and Naruto was caught by Tsunade. punch. Instant brain. It was blank, and he still did not forget to cast a barrier that was enough to protect everyone in the restaurant.

Fenghua Xiaoxue opened her eyes wide and looked at the light green barrier that protected everyone, and the collapsed restaurant fell. The skin of those who cut things and hit the barrier bounced off. Naruto's cheek was swollen high by Tsunade's beating, and then the swelling disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing Naruto recover so quickly, Tsunade looked at Naruto's cheek in shock, knowing what happened just now. It took 80% of her strength to learn from her! Look at the collapsed restaurant. She came to regret that she used too much force, and now she regrets that she didn't use all her strength. Naruto scratched his cheek and looked behind Tsunade, that. Help someone rubbing their hands with a friendly smile.

"The person who is looking for you to collect debts is here~! 039; was kicked and beaten by Tsunade. Naruto, who punches, has no complaints. After all, she bullied Tsunade too much. The stockings soaked in saliva, Naruto got up and sat on the chair to pick up the shoes. Tsunade looked at the person who was looking for her to collect the debt, his face was calm, but he was panicked in his heart. You must know that she has no money now. !

"Wuren, are you okay?" Fenghua Xiaoxue came over and looked at Naruto just now with concern. Fist cheeks. Eyes with. Silk is distressed. I saw Naruto's little feet without shoes, and the wet toes there. The block of black stockings, Fenghua Xiaoxue seemed to realize something, and looked at Naruto strangely, no wonder the woman with **** was so angry,

However, why is she hiding under the table? Fenghua Xiaoxiang looked at Tsunade who was talking to the group of people suspiciously. !

Chapter 278 Naruto ATM (1/2)

"Finally found you, pay back the money quickly!" I saw Tsunade. After punching the power of the restaurant, the attitude of this group of people was obviously much better. However, they still have to ask for money, and they can't run away in vain. trip.

"I owe us tens of millions, it's almost a year, it's time to pay it back!

"That's right! You owe me ten million for several years, so you can't just pay it back! You can just pay me back some money, even if you don't pay the interest, just pay the money back to me! I'll soon become a peer The laughing stock among them!"

"That's right! Even if you can't pay it all back, give it back to us. Part of it can be!"

If the hard is not enough, they will come to the soft, and they will understand it with emotion and reason. Naruto watched. Eyes didn't know how to deal with these gang of debt collectors, so he calmly passed by them. Looking at the restaurant owner's side like the ruins of the restaurant, patted him

"The office will look for the corner, and the reconstruction of the restaurant will include the reconstruction of this period. I will compensate for all the losses.


The restaurant owner looked at Naruto excitedly, with tears of noodles in his eyes, and almost knelt down for Naruto. "...Just as the scorpion came back, let him help you rebuild, I think you will be able to open again soon.

"thank you boss!"

Xiaoxue, let's go. read. Eye Tsunade and those debt collectors, Naruto doesn't plan to intervene. Since it's the money you owe, then try to pay it back. She has already reminded her that no matter how much money you gamble, no one will let her care. Hold your hands.

Well deserved!


Tsunade pushed away the people around him and ran to Naruto's side, but she didn't have it now. Dime, blocked by them and unable to escape like this, can only seek help from Naruto, who is rich and powerful.

"Huh?" Naruto stopped and looked suspiciously at Tsunade walking over.

"Let's go over there and talk!" Tsunade forcibly dragged Naruto there. side.

"Excuse me, Mr. Tsunade, the legendary Sanninzhi. What advice do you have for me, a small business man?" Naruto blinked, with a formulaic smile on his face, with a hint of alienation in his tone. She didn't think she was in love with Tsunade. That foot just now. The punch was enough to repay the previous mischief.

Hearing Naruto's yin and yang strange words, Tsunade's mouth twitched. "Shenba Reading" trembled, clenched her fists tightly, her face darkened, but she had to look at Naruto with a smile on her face, who asked her to ask Naruto now.

"Naruto help me pay back the money

"Ha? Are you kidding? Why should I pay you back, I lent it to you before. More than ten million, it is the operation fee for your operation on Nagato to help you overcome hyperphobia. I didn’t ask you for money, but now you ask me to help you pay it back? What do you think I do? Open a bank? ?039; How could Naruto, a profiteer who is careful and careful, easily help Tsunade to pay back the money.

Can a banker be rich with you? Tsunade complained in his heart. sentence. Since the sound of Ninja Village got a boat, it can be said that the daily income has exceeded. 100 million liang. Make money and make your hands soft. Counting money and counting to hand cramps. In Jiaodu's house, Jiaodu's money can already allow him to swim in the ocean of money. As a shareholder of Yinnin Clothing, plus the salary and bonuses that Naruto gave him, this is more profitable than his murder.

"I already reminded you a few years ago, +Nine cheats! +Nine cheats! Why can't you stop going in? Why do you think your gambling hysteria is so big?"

The more Naruto spoke, the angrier he became, and he pointed at Tsunade's forehead, as if he hated iron.

"But I just can't hold my hands.

Tsunade. The face is aggrieved to Ruo Finger, and he is a lot of years old, and he is reprimanded by Naruto like a child.

"If you don't want those claws, give them to those who need them! Tell me about you, how many times have you been gambling for so many years? Do you know how much money you lost?" "No.

Tsunade drinks money when he loses. After drinking, she forgot, how could she remember how much she lost after so many years, after all, her gamble was inherited from her grandfather. Wu Ren raised his hand to rest his forehead, and Tsunade laughed angrily.

Fenghua Xiaoxue looked at Tsunade who was reprimanded by Naruto like a child. Although he didn't know what Naruto was talking about, Naruto looked so majestic now!

"Just this. This time, this. This time I will help you pay off all your debts.

Seeing Tsunade's aggrieved appearance, Naruto felt a little sorry for not helping her. Thinking of Tsunade's bold and generous appearance when he bet on the court, her heart swelled up.

As for. How do you repay the money you owe me, then use your body to repay. Wu Ren's eyes were burning with anger, and he held Tsunade's face with both hands, rubbing and pulling. He released his hands and walked towards the group of people.

"How much does Tsunade owe you?"

"Why are you helping her?

Before the man could say anything, the person around him covered his mouth and reminded in a low voice: "Pay attention to your words, this is the boss of Yinin Village, and he is rude to her, don't you want to live your life?

"What? Boss of Yinin Village? Boss of Yinin Village, no. A man wearing a mask with red eyes?"

"The one you are talking about is Mr. Kakuto, he is working for this boss... This is the real owner of Yinin Village, this group of people who don't know Naruto's identity, come over


After the person said something, he suddenly said: "That's right!" Then. Looking at Ruo Naruto with a flattering face, he took the other who was still looking for Tsunade in each hotel. Called for help. There is such a good thing, Naruto is not taking advantage of it, naturally it is impossible for them to cheat.

"I don't care how much Tsunade owes you, I only pay you the gold plus. One million as interest, those who can't accept it can leave now, and those who can accept it, tell me how much she owes you. Ming The person's wrist trembled, and a scroll fell into her hands. The seal of the scroll was lifted. The smoke dissipated, and dozens of boxes were neatly stacked on the ground.

All the people who came to collect the debt looked at each other, no one wanted to leave, and finally someone helped Tsunade to pay off the debt. They were too happy to be in time, how could they leave.

"Let's go, it's not convenient here, let's go to the office building to talk. Naruto put away the boxes full of money and walked towards Ruo's office building, everyone followed behind her and headed for the office building in a mighty manner. , looks quite spectacular. In the office building, in the conference room, Naruto called Azabuyi for the convenience of calculation, and after paying off all the debts of Tsunade's money. Naruto himself didn't know how much money Tsunade deceived, she only I know that these dozens of boxes of money are not enough to repay.

After the debt collector took Ruo Qian and left satisfied, Naruto looked at Mabuyi who was calculating.

"How much is it in total?"

.. 103.72 million taels

After Azabuyi calculated this number, he put on his face. Si was surprised, she couldn't think of San Renzhi at all. Tsunade Hime turned out to be such a loser.

"So much money.

Fenghua Xiaoxue covered her mouth in shock, knowing the finances of the Snow Country. The year is only a few hundred million. This is because the Snow Country and the Yinin Village have cooperated, and they have been promoted.

Tsunade looked at Mabuyi in disbelief, she never thought she would owe so much money.

"What you should consider now is how to use your body to repay these debts." Naruto slapped the bill that Azabuyi handed her on the two proud things of Tsunade, turned and walked out of the meeting

Well, the feeling is not too good. The body has also seen Azabuyi and Fenghua Xiaoxue, who have seen "Intimacy in Paradise", and a mosaic picture can not help but emerge in their minds.

Mabuyi quickly wrote straight on the folder with a pencil in his hand, in fact he was drawing. Fenghua Xiaoxue followed Naruto and walked out of the conference room.

Looking at the darkening sky, Naruto looked at the wind and flowers behind him.

"It's getting late, you should go back to rest, don't you want to film tomorrow?"

"Naruto, what you said just now about repaying the debt physically? Is it true? Do you really want her to repay the debt physically?" Fenghua Xiaoxue looked at Naruto nervously.

"Of course, just like Yu Mian means, let her pay the debt physically.

Naruto clenched his fist tightly. The meaning of repaying the debt with the body was naturally taught by Tsunade with her superb medical knowledge. Approval of medical ninjas. In this way, the lack of medical ninjas in the sound ninja village can make Naruto completely unaware of himself. The voice directly made Fenghua Xiaoji's thoughts go to the country of Lei. Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was very shy before, didn't know where the courage came from. Holding the puppet in her arms tightly, she walked to the chicken man. When Naruto was about to ask Fenghua Xiaoxue what was going on, Fenghua Xiaoxue blocked his lips as soon as he opened his mouth. It seems that she is a little dissatisfied with Naruto's flowery heart. Fenghua Xiaoxue bit Naruto's lip hard, thinking that she could bite Naruto's lip. The result...even the delicate thin skin in her lips could not bite her cheek. With red face. The dissatisfied Fenghua Xiaoxue turned around and ran away, leaving Naruto with a stern face.

It was me who was forced to be kissed, okay? Why are you still dissatisfied?

Azabuyi, who came out of the conference room, happened to see this. curtain, silent. Seconds, noticing Naruto's cut eyes, he turned and walked towards the stairs, saying as he walked, "I didn't see anything just now. Azabuyi calculated in his mind who liked Naruto, and found that he liked Naruto. There are really a lot of people. Xiangmang, Kanno, Uchiha Mikoto, Fenghua Xiaoxue, and Koto...: Konoha's Hinata also seems to like Naruto very much

Naruto's favorite seems to be Uchiha Mikoto... Then what should they do?

Looking at Qin's back, when Naruto was about to go home, Tsunade with a messy face walked out of the conference room.

"Naruto, what did you mean when you said the body repays the debt?"

Could it be that Naruto is interested in me? I can be her grandma at my age, how is that possible! I must be thinking too much!!

Chapter 279 I can still skin! (1/3)

"Literally?" Naruto saw Tsunade who seemed to have misunderstood something, and approached her deliberately, pressing his hand against the wall, with a wicked smile on his delicate and beautiful face.

"I want to ask you how to repay my two hundred million? Why not just ten million? Before Naruto said anything, Tsunade threw his fist and punched him. Fortunately, she was quick-witted and raised her hand to catch Tsunade. The angry fist of the hand.

"Is this how you talk to your elders! 039;

"Is it too late for you to put on the air of your elders at this time?" Naruto shook his numb hand and caught Tsunade's anger. Hit. I feel like the bones of my hand are about to be shattered.

"Before, when you asked me to help you pay back the money, why didn't you take the pretense of your elders and pay back the money yourself?"

"Naruto. Why is that necklace missing?" Just when Tsunade was about to say something, he suddenly saw that the necklace Naruto had taken from her before was gone.

"Maybe... it was damaged in the Greer mine, right? Naruto touched his neck, and after Tsunade reminded her, she remembered that it was not only the wooden pendant on the neck, but also the ear and ear. Nine tails. The earrings that I bought were also destroyed in the mines. Naruto briefly told Tsunade about his previous experience. Tsunade suddenly realized that he looked at Naruto's long ears and said: "So this is The ears are real! I thought you were transformed by the transformation technique!"

"You encountered this kind of thing some time ago... Tsunade touched Naruto's pointed ears and let out a sigh.

"I lost some time ago, don't you know?" Naruto looked at Lane Tsunade in surprise, she didn't even know that she had disappeared since she had not been in the village for so many days. ....I really don't know..

Tsunade remembered that time. She was cured because of her hyperphobia. She was happily indulging in gambling and drinking every day, and she didn't think about anything else.

"I regret paying the debt for you! Hurry up and pay the money!" Naruto grabbed Tsunade's collar with both hands. She really didn't expect that Tsunade didn't notice anything after being in the hospital for so long. Duo Qian has also met her frankly, and has several close relatives (Chiguo's sleeping). Unexpectedly, the friendship is so shallow! Thinking that she helped Tsunade repay the 200 million debt, she felt that she Like. The **** is even more stupid than the stupid donkey in Poland! People don't take her seriously, and as a result, she helped her repay so many debts.

"How can you go back! Anyway, I have no money on me now, even if you sell me, it won't be worth much...

Tsunade didn't continue talking, because she saw the thoughtful look on Naruto's face, as if she was thinking of selling her! Hey! If I said it was a joke, don't take it seriously!

... Maybe someone really likes you like that. It's's close to the fat, and it feels good to the touch.. Besides, Tsunade sister, she looks very young~! It will definitely sell for a good price~!"

Naruto deliberately pretended. With a serious face, it seemed that she was really planning to sell Tsunade, but of course she was joking. Since she helped Tsunade repay the debt, she naturally wouldn't ask Tsunade for money. At most, she would ask her to help. Some things, but she didn't expect that this joke would bring Tsunade to hear Naruto. Tsunade felt that Naruto seemed to have a different idea about himself. In order to dispel Naruto's unrealistic thoughts, Tsunade hesitated. ÷÷ down, hands knot

The snow-white skin began to become dry and yellow and wrinkled, the plump and proud thing was still sagging, the yellow hair turned gray, and the face was full of wrinkles and visible age spots. This is too hard! Naruto didn't expect that he was just joking, and Tsunade would take it seriously, and he also showed the most unwilling appearance in front of him.

"Is this what this woman really looks like? Kuo and Yin Kuo's eyes widened when they saw Nian's Tsunade, and they suddenly thought that Yuzu Mito, who once sealed them, seemed to have the same ability as her.

This old woman seems to be the granddaughter of the first Hokage, thinking that Kuuwei and Yin Jiuwei, who had suffered a lot on the wooden tunnel of the first Hokage, looked at Tsunade with a gloomy expression, and turned their heads to look at each other. Eyes, eyes twinkled like electric lights, and hummed in unison. Sound, face mushroom dissatisfied color.

"I'm just joking, why bother.... I really can't help you... Wu Ren took off his blindfold, opened his left eye, Sangou Yu Samsara Eye, and tapped Tsunade's forehead with his fingertips.

Even though he didn't have the ability to use the Yin seal, Tsunade was shocked to find that his body was radiating vitality, the wrinkles on his skin disappeared, the dry and yellow skin became snow-white, the sagging **** were turned upright, and the sagging on his face. wrinkle. Little by little, the power of the secret is erasing the traces of time and years on her body.

"I'm... different from the previous appearance of youthful but constant aging inside, as the top existence among medical ninjas, Tsunade can feel the current state of her body, her current body is full of vigor and vigor, her current body At most twenty years old!

"How does it feel to be really young?" Looking at the nine-year-old Tsunade, she is young and beautiful, and with the look on her face now, Naruto feels that the current Tsunade is very cute.

"what did you do to me?"

Is it the ability of this eye? Tsunade sees if this is the same as before

With a very different reincarnation eye, he frowned slightly.

"I put your growth back to nineteen years old, why, aren't you satisfied?" Naruto tilted his head slightly, not quite what she imagined. In this way, she thought Tsunade would be very happy.

"Don't you like being young?" Naruto narrowed his eyes and reached out to caress Tsunade Tsunade's face, considering whether to change Tsunade back.

"I'm just a little surprised, I didn't expect the Samsara Eye to have this ability. In order to dispel Naruto's unrealistic thoughts, he showed his ugliest. However, I didn't expect that Naruto didn't have the disgust of Silk, but instead Her real age has regressed from the ability to use the reincarnation eye in her fifties to nineteen.

"It's not so much the ability of Samsara Eye, but it's the unique ability of my Samsara Eye... Looking at the proud thing on Ruo Tsunade's chest, thinking of the dry drooping chest before, Naruto poked his finger. Tsunade's chest is upturned, soft and elastic. Well, he's a good guy... Thinking of the old woman's version of Tsunade with a few charms just now, sure enough, the young Tsunade looks better.

"Where are your hands touching?

Tsunade looked at Naruto's hand that was touching his chest, and it was okay to touch it, and he even squeezed it, it was a bit too much!

"Well, try the feel, it feels good~! It feels even better than before~!" Naruto. Tsunade gave Tsunade a thumbs-up with a wicked smile on his face.

Tsunade was so angry that his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing. He clenched his fists tightly and kicked Naruto, but unfortunately, Naruto would not let her kick in the same place.

Tsunade looked at Naruto who wanted to run if she smeared oil on the soles of her feet. She must clean up today. This skinny Naruto! Tell her about the majesty of the elders! When Tsunade ran over, the wall fell off . Piece of cloth, Naruto hiding behind. With a smug smile on his face, he shook the cloth the color of the wall.


The smoke cleared, and Bu became Naruto's clone.

The avatars looked at each other with their shoulders and backs together. Laughing, Tsunade's angry voice came from behind him. Tsunade with a gloomy face was behind Naruto and the shadow clone, and the hideous Prajna appeared behind him.

"Yeah~! It's getting late. I think Mute should be looking for you everywhere, you go back quickly. As for what I need you to do. Tomorrow, I will let Jiaodu tell you Naruto to go out while talking.

"Don't want to go!"

Tsunade put his hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"Don't... don't slap in the face!" Naruto squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, ready to be beaten. Anyway, her blood was thick now, even if she was beaten by Tsunade. Dayton will not be. Seeing Naruto, who was so skinny just now, was so cowardly. Tsunade wanted to laugh a little, pinched Naruto's long pointed ears, opened her hand that hugged her head, and pinched her small 5's chin.

His fingers touched the white snake scales at the corner of Naruto's eyes, which looked like tear moles, and Tsunade lowered his head and kissed Naruto's forehead.


Naruto, who was ready to be beaten, was kissed on the forehead before Tsunade's beating. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Tsunade whose cheeks were flushed.

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