"Naruto is so cute!

Chapter 302 Full of Kitchen Power (1/2)

Nima! Naruto who is about to fall to the ground. Look at this. The help spontaneously gathered. The pervert that started to do such a shameful thing, his body swayed. Madara Chiha, who stuck his head out of Naruto's pocket, saw this. She looked up and saw the frozen expression on Naruto's face. Her mood was unprecedentedly comfortable. It didn't matter what she had eaten before, the important thing was that she was very, very happy now.

"Pfft, hahaha.! Naruto, you are really popular!" Uchiha Madara said with a schadenfreude smile, and Naruto flicked Uchiha Madara's forehead with his fingers.

'It has nothing to do with you! I want you to take care of it! I'll make you laugh, I will call out my hands to punish you sooner or later! Naruto noticed that he was mixed in with the perverts of the Naruko Support Club, riding on the neck of Kaoru Chino, who seemed to be forcibly pulled over by the two, who held a sign with a numb face.

Oya Shiroka, come and see your daughter! She has already failed in her studies! Ye Naiyu, come and take care of the roast! Your students are going astray! Day and night... Mr. Orochimaru! Why are you following Here! Are you treating the people in the research room well?! So uneasy three fart kids, Naruto suddenly felt. Stomach pain, unable to maintain the balance of the body, fell to the ground, resisted the urge to vomit blood, looked at the ground getting closer, ready to face the ground. That person is Azabuyi, who can use the technique of flying thunder. She was painting when she saw Naruto fall. Subconsciously, she flew over with the technique of flying thunder. This time, there was no mistake. Gracefully catches Naruto, in the posture of a princess hug. late. Bu Qin looked at Ma Buyi with envy. If only I were faster. Click! It will be me who is holding Naruto! Such a voice is not only from Qin, but it is slow to dive down. Bu Fu's voice.

"The art of melting and burning river rocks!"

In the training ground, Heyi Chuixue formed seals on his hands, and spit out a few magma **** the size of soybean grains. Only disoriented flies burned to ashes.

"Yeah~! Teacher, look at it~! I succeeded~!\" Hearing the boastful words of Heyi Fuxue, Lao Zi and Siwei who were playing chess turned their heads to look at the smoky figure on the ground among the rubble. The small bean-sized **** glowed red and looked like small dirt **** that had been burned by someone with a fire.

Lao Zi and Siwei stared at the magma ball the size of a soy bean and looked at each other. Yan shook his head and said in unison: "You really have no talent, this girl is really talented,

Although Lao Zi and Siwei were shocked by Heyi Fukixue's talent, they didn't want Heyi to swell up after learning that she was a genius. In the eyes of Lao Zi and Siwei, she was still far behind!

"But didn't I succeed?"

"You're still a long way off! Ninjutsu needs your years of practice to slowly learn to master, and now you are only at the initial stage of learning the fusion escape!"

Old Zi said with a serious face, he didn't want his students to have their tails lifted up when they got some grades. ≒≒

"Speaking of what happened to the sound just now, teacher, Mr. Sun. Let's go take a look?" Many people went to see Heyi Chuixue and wanted to see it, as if something major had happened.

Heyi Chuixue's "Mr. Sun" call was very useful to the four tails, and nodded: "Alright, let's see.

"Hey! I haven't agreed yet! I'm going to play this game too! I'm going to win soon!"

I don't know how many times I've lost in a row, and I'm finally here. The old Zi, who saw victory in his mouth, didn't want to end the game in such a confused way anyway. However, his arms couldn't twist his thighs. No matter how unwilling he was, he was still trained by Siwei and Heyi Fubuki. Field dragged out.

.can you let me go?"

No. . Naruto, who was hugged by the princess for the second time, looked at Mabuyi with slightly red cheeks, and felt the eyes of others looking at him.

"Oh, um." Mabuyi saw that Naruto was so shy and became shy, and hurriedly put down Naruto, with a serious face beside Wu Ren.

"Naruto, there are a lot of things to do next, are you ready?" Azabuyi looked at Yuren Village where Ruo Naruto had just moved.

"Isn't there you and Qin? I'll leave it to you. I'm going to clean up those two little girls now." Naruto rolled up his sleeves and looked at Qiannao and Xianglian who were in the Naruko support club. The buttocks of the three skinny children opened, and her Uzumaki Naruto's name was written upside down!

"Naruto, you are the highest authority in Yinin Village now, how can you, the boss, shirk your responsibility?" Azabuyi smiled and grabbed Naruto's arm, narrowing his eyes wide open.

Naruto, how can you back down, do you want to kill me and Qin?"

"Isn't it better to arrange work for them?\"

"Not only the job, but also the salary, and what are they suitable for, what can they do, and what should they do with those who opened stores before? Should they be allowed to open a store in Yinin Village? A few thousand words are omitted below.

"Eh? Eh?!" Naruto tilted his head and blinked blankly. She didn't expect that there would be so many things moving Yuren Village here. So many things for her to worry about. At this time, she was a little envious of the stingy Lei Ying in Yun Ren Village, fart.

Don't do anything, leave everything to the secretary to do, exercise when you have nothing to do, and just make a decision when you have something, and he doesn't need to worry about other things.

"These things, I'll talk about them later. Now I have more important things!" Naruto rolled up his sleeves and rushed towards the three arrogant children among the members of the Naruko Support Club.

"Wow, Naruto is rushing over!" Qian Nao saw Naruto's black face rushing over and his hands trembled, and the board in his hand fell to the ground.

"Don't just scream! Since it was discovered

"Agree, if you don't want to be spanked, just run." Xiang, who wanted to run, paused when she heard Ji Ye's words. Suddenly, she didn't want to run. Thinking about it, it felt good to be spanked by Naruto. Yes!

"Xiao Xianglian, hurry up and run!"

In order not to expose his special neck, Xiang Rou followed closely behind the two of them, and was chased by Naruto and ran everywhere.

"Don't run! If something happens, the three of you will stay with me!"

Naruto didn't really want to catch them, she just wanted to get rid of the nagging Mabuyi, and if she continued to be nagged by her, she felt that she really couldn't help but run away.

Gui Deng Shuiyue looked at the three girls who ran by, and said gloatingly, "I hope those three little Y-heads will be all right.

Ji Ye's ears trembled, and he threw it at Kuideng Shuiyue with his backhand. A glass ball with strong light, seeing the glass ball flying over, the people beside Ghost Light Shuiyue ran at the fastest speed, and even exerted the strength of feeding to the distance.

No. . The second time they saw the glowing glass ball, the eyes of the people of Yuren Village were all attracted.


A deafening explosion sounded. Everyone felt the ground. Quake, within tens of meters of where the ghost lamp Shuiyue was originally, has become. There is a big pit in the center of the big pit. On the beach, you can vaguely see the shape of Dengshuiyue's head.

"Stinky girl, you are too ruthless... You even used a core bomb to blow me up. Gui Deng Shuiyue complained that if he hadn't been able to hydrate, he would have been directly blown up by this core bomb to the point of ash. After all, how can such a dangerous thing allow children to play casually! Ghost Deng Shuiyue has an urge to ask Naruto for an explanation, but goose. Thinking that Naruto might protect his shortcomings and not reprimand Siye, he will He beat him when he went to complain. Suddenly, Gui Deng Shuiyue had to give up the idea. People who had never seen a core bomb looked at the giant pit in shock. The glass ball that looked like a toy. Such power is unimaginable!

This is the incomparable power of the detonator! Gaara flew over on the sand, ready to fill the pit with sand.

"Wait! Gaara! I haven't...\" Ghost Lantern Shuiyue, who was about to run out of the pit, was buried in the sand pit by the sand falling from the sky before she could run out.

"Huh? I seem to hear something... Gaara looked down at the filled hole and frowned slightly.

"There's nothing, it's Gaara's illusion! Let's go buy toys! Gaara~!" Gaara nodded, turned his head and flew towards Yinin Village.

Eat sand in the pit, you boy!

. Tail turned to look. Eyes filled with sand by Gaara, thought maliciously.

In the end, Naruto chased the three bear children. Of course, he didn't beat them in front of everyone's eyes, but when he returned home, he pressed them on his legs and beat them until the white and tender buttocks turned red.

"Let you all be fine with those perverts!\"

Naruto looked at the three bear children who were kneeling on the bed while holding their shares, and said. A dissatisfied hum.

"That's not a pervert, that's the Naruko Support Club! Those people are all fans of Naruto!" Qian Nai muttered while covering the public dissatisfaction.

"What are those people's behaviors that are not perverted?" Naruto thought of those people wearing clothes with her head printed on them. She regretted calling the names of the characters in the movies that Ruo had played in public. Shouldn't have been involved in that movie in the first place, there wouldn't have been so many bad things. !

Chapter 303 The Shock of Madara Uchiha (1/2)

The shadow clone leaned lazily on the back of the chair, like. Dried salted fish.

Naruto was lying on the soft bed, with his sweaty face flushed in his arms, and the pharmacist Ye Naiyu, who was panting slightly, looked out of the corner of his eyes. When the twig-like city whose eyes are shaking slightly can still feel what I'm doing when it sheds its skin? It's a little bit~! I can feel it, how, something bites me. Naruto rushed to the table. The molting state of Ichikishima Ji stuck out her tongue, lowered her head and kissed the mouth of the pharmacist No Naiyu, and touched her soft chest with a dishonest hand.

..Naruto, I can't do it anymore, let me rest, please. Ichikishima Hime, who feels green on her head, can't wait to break free from the shell that binds her, and rush to bed to rectify Naruto on the spot. Unfortunately, what is she doing now? Can't do it. Naruto smiled smugly, it's better to be human, the two non-human nine tails and Ichixushima Hime are too difficult to deal with, so satisfied that he kissed the forehead of the pharmacist Ye Naiyu, at this moment, she only tapped the root Smoke afterwards. The proud Naruto just fell asleep when he was woken up by four huge soft objects that were pinched from left to right. Originally the Naruto on top, eventually became the one below

"No! I'm going to sleep... uh.!. You... um~

Hearing Naruto's voice begging for mercy, the two beasts became even more excited, and they didn't let her go until they were happy, then left. Right hugged her tightly and fell asleep. Naruto, who finally fell asleep, did it. A nightmare of being crushed to death by a chest that fell from the sky.

Uzumaki Naruto. . The news that the power of people moved the entire Yuren Village to Yinin Village is here. At night, it spread throughout the entire ninja world, not only the residents and ninjas of Rain Ninja Village even put all the buildings in the rain. When Qiyong arrived at Yinin Village, it was unbelievable that she did not dare to think about it, but she did it with ease.

No one knows about it, and naturally no one thinks about that, and how Naruto let go of Yuren Village's love and slow development stage also has the same idea. Originally, I had never paid attention to Yanren Village in Yinin Village, and then I suddenly realized that Yinin Village, which they hadn't paid much attention to, did not know when it developed to such a level, far exceeding the strength of the owner of Yinin Village. It is far more than Ying! Onogi sitting in the office looked at Ruo's documents about Yinin Village. After careful inspection, the conspiracy ninja sent out clearly understood the strength of Yinin Village, which really shocked him. With the exception of Rock Ninja Village, the four major Ninja Villages are inextricably linked with Yin Ninja Village.

"That is to say, Sound Ninja Village is already allied with the four major Ninja Villages except Rock Ninja Village, and the owner of Sound Ninja Village, Uzumaki Naruto is still the Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village.

Onogi felt an unprecedented crisis. Even if he was eliminated from the line of blood, it would be difficult for him to resist the attacks of all Ninja villages. So far, as the shadow of the rock ninja village, Onogi had to make quick choices. Is Lu Tietou in the end, or is he taking the initiative to show his love to Yinin Village and join it. Ohnogi did not choose these two paths, but chose the other. A road, he thought of Deidara, who lived in Yinnin Village in front of his follower Mu, and had it in his heart. This is a way to not lead to Yannin Village, but also to prevent other ninja villages from helping Yinnin Village. There, he took the initiative to visit, and used the dignitaries as an excuse to fight with the boss of Yinnin Village. As from dry hands to time that. The one who survived and has been the longest-running shadow, he is very confident in his combat experience. Naruto Lake is very powerful, but it is not impossible to defeat. As long as his dust is right, he will be wiped out! At that time, the alliance between other Ninja Villages and Yin Ninja Village will naturally disintegrate, posing a threat to Iwa Ninja Village. It doesn't exist anymore.

Early in the morning, Naruto shook his head, looked at the empty space on the other side, and knew that it was the pharmacist No Naoyu who got up to cook. Naruto, who felt dizzy after **** his temples, came to the bathroom, she now felt like A person who has had many spring dreams, although there is nothing physically, but she is really tired, she feels like she is about to be drained by those two sassy foxes

It wasn't like this before! Why did it become like this! Naruto thinks of the majestic Nine-Tails before, and also thinks of Juluke and Jutika who are now full of morals..

carefulness. I think, it seems that she has the two nine tails crooked, so to say... she is self-inflicted? In Naruto's bedroom, Uchiha Madara quietly got out of Naruto's clothes. Last night Naruto forgot to put the She threw it into the living room, and she followed Naruto. Lu returned to the bedroom, without thinking about Quezon's eyes, Naruto felt his eyelids and lower eyelids, like the Cowherd and Weaver Girl in love who wanted to cross the Milky Way to get together, and she was the king who prevented them from being together. In the end, she, the Queen Mother, failed, and was knocked down by the Cowherd and Weaver Girl's weapons called "Fatigue." In order to return to Yinin Village as soon as possible, Naruto, who controlled Yuren Village to fly all day and night without rest, didn't get enough rest last night, it was really a little lack of rest. Naruto fell asleep leaning on the sofa, two groups of nine-tailed straight carats of different colors appeared on his body, Meiluke and Jiutika looked at Naruto with a tired face, with guilt in their eyes.

"Last night, did it go a little too far?" The two Nine-Tails said in unison, and then fell into silence. A few seconds later, Juruko picked up Naruto and walked to Naruto's bedroom. Madara Uchiha, who opened the door, hid in the pocket of Naruto's clothes instantly to see what Ruona looked like. After looking at the two women with only slightly different skin tones, Madara Uchiha opened her eyes wide. Madara Uchiha, who had never seen them, looked at them who were close to Naruto.

Zi Zhibo Madara saw Ruo and Naruto lying in bed with each other in their arms, not knowing whether to continue to hide, or wait for them to fall asleep and take advantage of it.

while sleeping with them

, slipped out quietly. Jiu Luke looked at it. With the clothes on the eyes, she naturally noticed Madara Uchiha who was hiding, but Naruto just fell asleep, she didn't want to wake Naruto, and turned her head to look at Jiutica.

Nodding, the two hugged Naruto and closed their eyes. . After sleeping until the afternoon, Wu Ren woke up refreshed under the attack of the two nine tails. Seeing Jiuruke and Jiutika beside Ruo Ruo, Naruto almost jumped up in fright.

The reason why she is so tired is to blame them!

"Ahhhh! I can't take it anymore!

In the office, Naruto (shadow clone) looked at the file that looked like a hill and processed it. She added half a day of documents in the evening. It would be unbearable to see that there are so many documents waiting for her to process.

?, Select the dog leash.

Naruto, who had just woken up full of energy, received the memory and exhaustion of the shadow clone, and thought that there were so many files waiting for her to deal with, and suddenly felt a big head. The circle yawned and stretched out, "What's wrong?" Meiluke asked. Although it is a bit old-fashioned to use that point column, and it is still one of the three big brothers of the chicken support club. , all fast. It's really frustrating that a 100-year-old person still joins such a perverted organization. !

Chapter 304 Violent Unpacking (Fourth) (1/2)

"Naruto. I came to you, not only to play with you, but also because... Nanao wants to see you." Fu Finger scratched his cheek, and suddenly saw two bumpy figures sitting on the bed. Woman, looking at that devilish figure, she may not be able to achieve it in her life.

"Naruto, who are they?"

"They are Nine Tails, she is Kuruko, she is Koutika." Naruto introduced the two Nine Tails to Fu.

"Nine tails?!" X2 Fu and Chiha Madara's shocked words sounded at the same time. Madara Uchiha never imagined that, in her impression, the Nine Tails, who can be manipulated at will with a writing wheel, would look like this.

Aware of Uchiha Madara's slashing gaze, Kuluke and Kutika looked back with malicious eyes. In the past, they were beaten by Senju Hasramama. All the blame lies with Uchiha Madara! If it weren't for her , how could they be beaten so badly? And then sealed in the belly of some stupid wife?

"It turned out to be nine tails!\"

Nanao looked at the two nine-tails with different skin colors in shock. It thought that nine-tails would be the kind of bad guy who turned into a humanoid. He has short red hair and a beard on his face, and he looks big and three thick! And the current image of Nine Tails shattered all the images he imagined.

"Wow! What is this!" Fuhara's gaze towards the two nine tails was immediately attracted by Madara Uchiha, who poked his head out of Naruto's pocket, and hugged him in his arms while he was unprepared.

"Hey! Stupid girl! Let me go!\"

Uchiha Madara Zharuo, with her small arms and legs alone, could hardly break free from Fu's arms, so she had no choice but to look to Naruto for help and think fiercely.

If I had the power I had before, absolutely. Slap this stinky girl to death!

"Fu, let her go, don't look at her so small now, she used to be a famous Uchiha Madara, as famous as the ninja world! 039;

When Naruto rescued Madara Uchiha from Fu's arms, he did not forget to bury her.

"Uchiha Madara... oh... eh? Eh?! She's Uchiha Madara? No! Isn't Uchiha Madara male? How can she be female!"

Fu pointed to the very obvious bulge on Uchiha Madara's chest, the Uchiha Madara she had heard of before was a man!

"This body is a doll, and Madara Uchiha's soul is only temporarily attached to it." Naruto pulled Madara Uchiha's sleeve up to reveal the joint ball.

"So it is! 039; Fu saw the round joint ball and wanted to reach out to touch it, but noticed Madara Uchiha's vicious eyes, embarrassed. She smiled and retracted her hand.

"Let's go meet Nanao!"

Naruto looked at Jiuluke and Jiutica and said, patted Fu on the forehead, the two nine tails nodded and turned into straight carats and returned to Naruto's body.

In Fu's inner world, Naruto sees Ruo that big bug that looks like a unicorn and dragonfly's wings.

"Wow~! Naruto, how could you all come here!"

Fu saw Naruto excitedly running from Nanao to Naruto's side.

Nanao had a feeling that he couldn't tell when he saw that his own man, Zhuri, ran over to Naruto.

"How can you talk to Nanao if you don't come here?\" Naruto flicked Fu's forehead, seeing if Nanao said straight to the point: "I have something to do with me, if you want to be free, I need you to promise me. condition.

"Conditions? What conditions?" Nanao asked cautiously, looking at the two nine-tails who were following Naruto, and asked suspiciously: \"Nine-tails, why did you become two?"

"The yin and yang chakras were sealed separately, and it became like this." The two nine-tails replied in unison, with a tacit understanding.

"Then, why don't you two fit together?" Nanao looked at the two nine-tails who had a good understanding of each other, since it was from. Divided into two, then combined. The body can do it too, right?

"It's good to keep the status quo, and we feel good about it."

Jiutica squeezed Fu, who was holding Naruto's arm, and hugged Naruto's arm, and Jiu Luke hugged Naruto's other. An arm, something soft and plump squeezed her arm.

"...So... Nanao nodded knowingly and sighed: "Your relationship is really good!

More than good, I was almost drained by them... Naruto complained in his heart. In a sentence, looking at the deep ravine between the two round circles of Ruo Jiuwei, thinking of the picture of himself being pressed against his face by the two circles, there are a few more black lines on his face. Fu, who was pushed away by Jiutica, puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction, but she was unable to get close to Naruto. The level of combat power was too different, especially the out-of-specification chest, which caused a lore to her. Naruto watched. Eyes ran inexplicably. Fu, who grows mushrooms, is squatting, head, what happened to her?

Forget it, leave her alone for now, Naruto looked at Nanao and said, "Nanao, my condition is that you want to join Yinin Village, as long as you join Yinin Village, I will give you the freedom you want.

"This is your condition? Is it that simple?" Nanao looked at Naruto in surprise, thinking it would be a harsh condition, but he didn't expect it to be such a simple condition.

"How do you agree? After you agree, you can

Become my subordinate, when you need you, you can't refuse. "Naruto stated her conditions bluntly. If Nanao does not agree, she will not let Nanao leave, how can the cooked duck fly? She will not take things to her mouth easily. Let go, if Nanao doesn't agree with her terms, hit it until it agrees.

"I agree with your conditions, but. What is your intention to let so many tailed beasts join your village?" Nanao keenly felt that Naruto was not as simple as wanting to give freedom to all tailed beasts, she must have other intentions.

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