To prevent being thrown off by Naruto. Scorpion was chased into the forest by Kanyo, and seeing Chiyo, who was chasing after him, Scorpion was a little impatient, and at this moment, Kanyo took it out. A scroll. Unpacking, seeing the two familiar puppets, Scorpion stopped.

The two Ni golems were made according to the father and mother in the photo shortly after Scorpion learned the art of Ni golems... Later they were abandoned by her in the warehouse. I didn't expect these two Ni golems to be in this situation. appear under

"Did you take out these two Ni golems to fight me?"

snail. I can see the two puppets she made when she was a child, and they have been transformed by magic, and all parts of the body are equipped with weapons. Now the sand ninja village has the ability to modify these two puppets, only the scorpion's fingers move slightly. For a moment, you Ruo. The eyes with long blond hair are the blue pocket version of Naruto, which drilled out of her clothes and floated in front of her.

The pocket version of Naruto was revealed under the control of the scorpion. He looked at Ganyo with a disdainful expression on his face. Throw her in an orphanage to experience life for a few days.

"You are too vicious, Uchiha Madara is complaining. I will stop talking, in case Naruto really sends her to the orphanage to play with the children there.

"You can't defeat my rose girl with just these two guilt puppets. You can spend the rest of your life in Sand Ninja Village, mother-in-law Chiyo." Scorpion didn't want to fight Chiyo. No matter what, Chiyo was always her grandmother.

"Scorpion, I'm not here to fight, the puppet I made with you is just for the future. If I can meet you, I can tell you that the forbidden technique I successfully studied can revive your parents..

Gandai only has Mi to Scorpion. She owes Scorpion too much. If she could have noticed something wrong with Scorpion earlier, maybe Scorpion wouldn't be like this. Resurrection? Hearing the word "resurrection", Uchiha's small ears perked up, and the next conversation between the two was her. Don't miss a word.


I have as many as I want for this kind of thing.

Human life is too fragile to escape. If I die and the puppet is broken, I can still do it, much better than a human being.

"Don't you want to see your parents?" Kandai frowned at Scorpion's hollowness. Silky emotional eyes, she never expected that Scorpion would react like this.

"What can I do if I see it? Now, I am not the kid who longed for the love of my parents in the past. I have given up my heart and completely become a puppet, with a face that will never change and a life that will never die.

Scorpion looked. Kanyo, who was speechless, turned around and left, and finally looked deeply. The two Ni Golems named "Father" and "Mother" beside Chiyo raised their hands on their chests.

Kanyo looked at Scorpion's back, staggered and stepped back, staggered and sat on the ground, with a bitter smile on his face, his whole person looked much older.

"Mother-in-law Chiyo, I'm very interested in the forbidden technique you mentioned, can you teach me the forbidden technique? Perhaps, I can use another way to resurrect the scorpion's parents.

Falcons descended from the sky. Naruto who lifted his transformation. Madara Uchiha, who sat on his shoulders folded his arms and closed his eyes.

"Another. Another way?"

Chiyo looked at Ruowu with doubts in his eyes. Wu Ren looked at the silent Zi Zhibo Madara, raised his hand and flicked her forehead.

"Isn't it a good thing to say just now? Now you want to pretend to be dead?" Chiha Madara, who was pretending to be dead, couldn't keep up, he touched his red forehead and glared at Naruto.

"The body of a puppet and the soul of a human, I can still achieve this level of resurrection." Naruto's finger pokes the little head of Shouzhiha Madara, who was stabbed just now, and she wants to avenge it now.

Always. God, I'm going to do what you did to me. Kirihara is back to you! Damn Naruto Uzumaki! Damn, hateful, hateful! Madara Uchiha bowed his head bulgingly, clenching his small fists, his heart was full of killing intent towards Naruto, but he couldn't help her,

"Even if you learn to reincarnate yourself, it's useless. Reincarnating and reincarnating people requires consuming all of your own vitality, which means that you want to be resurrected. Individuals, you have to give up on yourself and shake your head and watch the victim. The villain that Naruto bullied felt a little familiar.

Naruto's conditions are very good, and the current Sand Ninja Village can't do without her. !

Chapter 320 Chiyo's Conditions (1/2)

"Do you think I would be the kind of person who would use his own life to resurrect others? Don't be stupid, I'm not a good person. I want to learn this forbidden technique you invented just out of curiosity.'

Naruto said in a negotiating tone that she was very curious about the forbidden technique developed by Kandai. In the original book, it was used to resurrect Gaara and it has never appeared again, which means that only Kandai has learned to master this forbidden technique. People, after this village, there is no such shop.

I can revive Ni Gou, but I don't know if I can do anything to revive it... If you think about it carefully, it should be a vegetative person without a soul. The soul of Bi Jing's animation characters is not in this world.

"Naruto, what do you want to do with this technique?" Jiuru asked concerned, she was a little worried that Naruto would use this technique to do stupid things.

"Don't you want to use this technique to revive the four generations of Hokage? This technique requires the caster to spend his own life to revive others. If you dare to use this technique, Naruto, I will definitely not care!" Jiutica looked firm in her tone. Jiu Luke, who was beside her eyes, asked

"I don't want to." Jiu Lu replied without thinking.

"Then be with me. On the front line! Fox!"

"Hey hey hey! You sound like you're not a fox. Like!" Although the voices of the two nine tails were the same, they were very different in tone. Naruto could tell which of them said, listening to the two Nine tails quarreled again because of herself, feeling moved and a little headache, because the quarrel between the two of them in the inner world was like arguing in her ears. Like this, the noise made her head hurt.

"Don't tell me, have you forgotten my current vitality? I have absorbed the entire Greer mine. With my current vitality, I can revive a few people. It's just nine bulls. It's just a hair. It's impossible to endanger my life. things." Naruto probably said, looking at Kanyo, who was struggling.

"Make up your mind, mother-in-law.

...I need you to promise me. a condition. "Chiyo's serious watcher Naruto.

"What conditions."

Do something that endangers your own life. Gandai slowly stated his conditions, not endangering his own life, there is no need to use this technique to revive people, it is only used to treat injuries, this technique will not endanger life, only Naruto agreed to her conditions, She will teach this art to Naruto.

"Agreement is the most unreliable thing. Do you believe that I will abide by the agreement with you?" Gandai can only believe that Naruto will not use this technique to do stupid things. Thinking about it, she is not the kind of person who would Use your own life to revive other people's bad and good people.

Well, then I agree to your request and will not use this technique to endanger my own life. ζζ

Naruto nodded and agreed to Chiyo's request. Using this technique would be life-threatening, but for ordinary people, it would not be life-threatening for her.

Looking at the backs of several generations leaving, Naruto squinted his eyes, opened the scroll in his hand and looked at it. After looking at it, the scroll was squeezed in his hand and turned into powder by the wind. Blowing and disappearing without a trace.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that he will use his own life, because it will convert the straight carat into vitality, and the resurrection of life will seriously overdraw the straight carat, thus losing his own life.

Naruto lowered his head and chuckled. Madara Uchiha, who was sitting on her shoulders, jumped up with his fingertips. He smiled and said, "Do you want me to use you as an experiment to try this technique?"

"What did you say?!"

Madara Uchiha's eyes widened, she dreamed of being resurrected, oh man. The words that seemed to be joking were very tempting to her.

"Just kidding~! Resurrecting you is good for me. There is no benefit at all, and it may become a hindrance in my plan." Naruto saw Uchiha Madara's surprised look, and poked her finger on her little cheek, in the words with. Si teased: "Little sister Ban, you will live like this for the rest of your life~! If you want to be resurrected, it can only be in a dream~!"

"Uzumaki Naruto! Don't deceive people too much!" Uchiha Madara's face flushed with anger, holding Naruto's ears with both hands, kicking Ruo Naruto's cheeks, but she still had a little anticipation and excitement in her heart, it turned out that she was being Uzumaki Naruto, this **** played!

Even when Madara Uchiha kicked, he used all his strength, and even used a straight carat, but unfortunately, it failed to penetrate the defense of Naruto's skin, and all the kicks came out MISS.

"Are you tickling me?" Naruto felt his cheeks itch like a small fly crawling on it.


Madara Uchiha tugged at the fiery red earrings on Naruto's ears. He couldn't understand Naruto and had to use the earrings as a sandbag and punched and kicked.

"Stop it.

Naruto pulled Madara Uchiha up by the collar.

"Asshole! Let me go!"

Madara Uchiha glared angrily at Wu Ren, waving his fists and kicking his calves, struggling in vain.

"Be quiet."

Naruto stuffed Madara Uchiha into his pocket and walked out of the forest.

"Ah! Forgot. One thing, without the body tissue of the scorpion parents, I can't reincarnate them in the dirt!" Thinking that if Chiyo should not go far, Naruto hurried out.

"Idiot!" Naruto forcibly shoved it

r> In his pocket, Chiha Madara folded his chest with his arms in a fit of rage. Hearing Naruto's self-talk, he couldn't help but complain. sentence.

"I don't want to be scolded by you, the dumbest person in the world

Sooner or later. God, I'm lucky Naruto Naruto!

Madara Uchiha said that Naruto slapped her head on the head, and thought fiercely, she can now vent her anger by imagining **** Naruto. She can also call it a daydream.

"I didn't expect to do it again. Come to Yinin Village again~!"

With a lollipop in his mouth, Omoy looked at Yinin Village, which was getting closer and closer, and saw the village next to Yinin Village that seemed to be composed of pipes, and said in surprise: "That village is Yuren Village! To be able to move Yuren Village from the Land of Rain to this place, Naruto Uzumaki has far surpassed the Five Shadows. It was the first time he saw Yuren Village when he was so old. He had only heard of this year-round rain The village, but now, apparently he can't see Yuren Village in the heavy rain.

Omoy swallowed and raised his hand to rest on his forehead. Cold sweat flowed from his face: "Uzumaki Naruto has such strength, what if she wants to tear up the alliance and jump?"

"Our Cloud Ninja Village can really be attacked by her.

"Shut up! Shaoqi is a bastard!"

Karui couldn't listen anymore, angry. fist] in Omoy's face.

Just listening to the "click" sound, the lollipop in Omoy's mouth was broken by Karui and stuck to his teeth.

"Aw, I can move Yuren Village from the Land of Rain to the side of Yinnin Village... Uzumaki Naruto's strength is getting more and more unfathomable... Samui frowned slightly when he saw Ruo Yuren Village. People should not have the idea of ​​tearing up the alliance treaty.

Although Omoy is often unreasonable. However, the things he is worried about are very likely to happen. Because of that moody person, psychopathic guy. It is very likely that everything can be affected by Ouiyi, Samui was also worried.

Samui walks in Yinin Village, and here is better than them. The next time, it became more prosperous, and the shops were more diverse.

Karui and Omoy were dizzying to see. If it wasn't for Samui by their side, they would have gone on a shopping spree.

Naruto, who was rushing to the office building, saw Sam Yixing who stood out in the crowd. Sam Inami's chest shape left a deep impression on her.

Although, because of the two nine tails, she is a little psychologically shadowed about her **** now.

I really didn't expect Raikage to send them over. Next time when there is a big move, just let Azabuyi inform him and run through the entire ninja world in minutes. When Naruto was about to use the shadow avatar technique, she suddenly thought that she could make Hei Jue go to the graves of Scorpion's parents and remove them from them. If she asked Yu Dai to ask her to dig the graves of her son and daughter-in-law, she wouldn't be so angry that she would be angry!

"Why don't you chase?"

Madara Uchiha wanted to remind Naruto before that he could ask Kurojue to help her find the graves of two people, and then get them. part.

"I thought of a better candidate. Wouldn't it be more convenient to let Jue go to take the body tissue of the scorpion's parents? If I tell the old woman directly, she may be angry with her.


It was unexpectedly thought of by her, Uchiha Bantonwei was boring and didn't want to say a word. Naruto followed behind the three of them. After the three of them left the lively street, they appeared in front of the three of them.

"Hi~! Long time no see.!" Naruto greeted Samui, his eyes subconsciously swept across her chest, and sure enough, every time I look at her, I feel that her chest... She's beautiful, she really deserves to be a hooligan when she wants to touch her, she looks at each other's chest when she meets her.

"Who are you?" Samui looked vigilantly at the blond girl who suddenly appeared in front of them. The pair of pointed ears made her take a second look.

Is this the kind of ear a human can have?

Ah.. Could it be the killer sent by Naruto Uzumaki to get rid of us!" Omoi had a look of despair on his face, sweat dripping down his face.

"I'm so sorry, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, I want to kill you, I can kill you if I don't show up.

Naruto's index and middle fingers are superimposed. It was like snapping fingers. In this way, no sound was made, and the cold wind blew between the necks of the three, proving the authenticity of Naruto's words. !

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty One Sent into the Soul (1/3)

Naruto may not issue. Si Sheng, before the three of them found themselves, cut their necks with the blade of wind. With her current strength, it is not too easy to kill the three of them quietly.

Samui touched. Layers of goosebumps on the neck, looked. Omoi, who was sitting on the ground in fright, frowned slightly, looked at Naruto and asked, "Did you come out to scare us?

"I'm just cooperating with this kid, don't always think about those things that won't happen, otherwise..." Naruto's face was gloomy. Wiped with a malicious smile, it seemed as if the murderous aura of the Space Doulaqu could emerge from her body. So strong! Naruto's killing intent was only used to target Omoi. Karui and Samui didn't feel anything. Under the murderous aura that made him suffocate, Omoi's face was full of fear, and his hands Holding his head shivering. Wu Ren saw that Omoy was frightened by his own murderous aura, and felt it was interesting, so he put away his murderous aura and did not continue to scare him.

"Raikage sent you here to ask about Yuren Village? That's something I negotiated with the leader of Yuren Village. Moving Yuren Village to the vicinity of Yinren Village can better manage it.

"In other words, the current scholar in Yuren Village is you?

"You could say the same.

Naruto felt that Samui was right, she was indeed in charge of the current Yuren Village, of course, she was simply managing the people who came to work in Yinin Village. She would not care about the internal affairs of Yuren Village.

If Naruto wants to really take over the village of Rain Ninja, it is estimated that ChangiJ can wake up laughing from a dream.

"Okay. I've told you everything, so you don't have to run to the office building. Well, next, you can stroll around Yinin Village. It's not too early for a stroll, anyway. You shouldn't want to stay up late. Are you on your way?" Naruto looked up at the sky, looked at Samui, who was still wary of her, shrugged, turned and left.

"and many more!"

Naruto stopped and looked at Samui who stopped her.

"Wait for me here," Samui said to Osiri and Karui. He quickly walked to Naruto's side and asked, "How is Mabuyi doing now? You didn't bully her, did you?

"Don't look at me with perverted eyes, or I'll really do something to you~!" Naruto raised his hand and grabbed Josamui's chest twice, carrying it in his words. Silk threat.

Being watched by Samui's perverted eyes, Naruto felt that if he didn't do anything to her. Some perverted things. I can't stand her looking into her eyes. Of course, she was just giggling.

"Definitely perverted!

Samui took two steps back with his hands on his chest and looked at Naruto vigilantly. Naruto felt a headache when he thought that Mabuyi liked to draw her son when she was okay, and wanted to stop it. People can draw and see by themselves. No matter how long her hands are, she can't handle this kind of thing. ΨΨ

superior. The second spanking Mabuyi's **** showed such a heartbreaking expression, for which she also paid a heavy price, and was played with by her as a dress-up doll for a long time.

"Nothing to ask, right? I'll leave without me. Tomorrow, I have to attend Erzhuzi and Sakura's engagement ceremony. She hasn't prepared a gift yet. What should I give?

Naruto feels that giving money is too tacky. She still doesn't know what to give as a goodbye gift. Give Sasuke the Kusanagi sword. She is still a little reluctant. This is a weapon given to her at night. It can't be given to Erzhu either!

Sure enough, it's easier to send money, so buy what you want.

Samui saw Ruo Naruto leave like this, and suddenly doubted his own charm. Naruto did so many perverted actions to her at the beginning, but now he did nothing, and the verbal threats were more like teasing her Play. Am I not attractive to her anymore? Samui was surprised by her own thoughts, she would have done nothing to herself because of that pervert, and she thought so, sure enough, after being in contact with perverts for a long time, her senses were affected by perverts. If Naruto knew that Samui had called her so many "perverts" in his heart, maybe he would really do it to her. Some perverted things to do.

Back at the office, Markey and Kandai are waiting for her.

After Maki reported to her what happened in Sand Ninja Village during this period of time, she then told Naruto about the development of the dried persimmon shark and Akano Aiyi. Under Maki's vague description, Naruto learns that Ai Akano is pregnant!

The dry persimmon ghost shark, who seems to be honest and sturdy, is so neat and tidy, and he doesn't know how many times he and Akano Aiyi have reached great harmony in life, and they don't do any protection work, or they are under the fire of dry wood. Send into the soul.

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