After thinking about it for a while, he nodded and got out of his sleeve. A white snake opened its mouth and spat out a scroll.

\"There are two straight carat armors for men and one for women. You should give them as gifts. This is the gift she is going to give to the two newlyweds. She reluctantly gave it to Naruto as for the gift. Give it. Some gadgets she researched. It's okay not to give gifts at her current age, but I feel a little sorry for it. I still don't give them. I'm not familiar with them. Sleeve, hesitated for a moment and asked, "It won't explode, right?

She was about to be cast into a psychological shadow by the night pit. It was bombed several times.

"If you don't believe that it won't explode, give it back to me. Ji Ye frowned unhappily and stretched out his hand to ask Naruto for the scroll. He wondered if he had done a little too much before, causing Naruto. There are psychological shadows.

"Yeah, how could I not believe you~ Naruto squeezed Jiye's cheek and put away the oil roll that contained the straight carat armor.

"I'm going out first, you have to hurry up. Click on it~ Then, as soon as the man walked out of the bathroom, he was full of Fu who was rushing towards him.

"Naruto, when are you going? Fu is excited to see Naruto's excited expression, like a child who is going on a picnic and can't wait to go to Wuyu Village to make new friends.

"Wait. It's useless to rush over in a while. Naruto flicked Fu's forehead.

"Eh? Naruto on your ear...Fu noticed that the three earrings on Naruto's ears are missing. One is repeated, which means that these earrings are not. Right, he raised his hand and touched Naruto curiously. Earrings on the ears.

"These.... each earring represents. A wife~ Naruto really told Fu what the earrings on his ears represent. There is no point in hiding anything, and there is nothing to hide when this kind of thing comes. ΨΨ

"Eh?! Wife?" Fu opened her eyes and counted carefully. Earrings on Naruto's ears.

"., Two, three, four, ., ... That means that Naruto has three wives? No, Naruto, you like girls, ah, that's when you realize the most important thing.

"To be precise, you have met nine wives, Kuruko and Koutika, before. Naruto stretched out his fingers and corrected himself. After all, the nine tails have two accumulations, Chino and Kayaki are not included, and she has no habit of pushing loli. After that, I will wear three earrings, Uchiha Mikoto, Fenghua Koyuki and Hinata Hinata.

"Eh? Eh

Fu looked at Naruto in shock. She never thought that Naruto had so many wives.

"Wait for the two nine tails... Are you in love with them? Fu remembered that those two **** and nine tails were a height that she couldn't reach in her life.


Naruto narrowed his eyes and nodded with a smile.

"Naruto you are amazing...

I don't know what to say, and I said so dryly. The sentence face doubted life and walked into the bathroom. Turns out there is such a thing.

Madara Uchiha quietly stuck his head out of Naruto's pocket.

It turns out that Jiutica and I are your wives~ Jiulu can take it with you. The sound of a smile rang in Naruto's ears.

"Don't you want to be responsible for eating clean?

Wu Ren asked in dissatisfaction, but she has been tormented by two foxes in her inner world for a long time. If they dare to say that they are irresponsible, she will definitely. half a month...Ignore them for a few days

"Let's get married~Naruto~!" After the voice, Jiutikana took it. The expected voice rang in Naruto's ears.

"Bastard Joutika, what do you want to do? Naruto came to the inner world and saw that Juruke had a head on his head. A big bag and Joutika scuffled into a ball, and it was still on the side. One wrote \"1000t\" The black hammer was obviously the one that Koutica used to hit Kuruko with this hammer just now. Excuse me.... I disturbed Naruto and slipped away quietly so as not to be affected.

"Hehe~ So Naruto took me as his wife~! Ichikishima Hime turned into a human figure holding Naruto's arm with a happy smile on her face.

"Don't hold my arm, it's very troublesome to walk. Naruto left and looked at Ichikishima Hime helplessly.

"If you kiss me, I won't hold you anymore. Ichikishima Ji Jinuozui.

"I really can't help you. Naruto reluctantly kissed Ichikishima Hime on the lips.

"Hey hey hey~

Ichikishima Hime touched her lips and showed a silly smile. The light flashed and changed back to the posture of a little white snake coiled around Naruto's neck.

He scratched his head and yawned. Naruto walks around the living room. The three female riders are still waiting for her in the living room. I don't know what's going on outside the wind.

"Sir!" Seeing Naruto approaching, the three female knights immediately rose up with red eyes. Si looked longingly at Naruto. Those with red eyes have Greer Stones implanted in their bodies, so their eyes are red..

"Kazewai, your body doesn't matter. Naruto looked towards Kazewai and asked with concern. There are too many unknowns about Greer's Stone.

Although it is still unknown whether the combination of straight carat and life energy has any effect on the human body, after all, after they have transplanted the Greer Stone, they have taken the form of another beast.


Seeing Naruto's concerned eyes, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and she remembered the close contact with Naruto yesterday.

"By the way, will the transplant of Greer's Stone affect your body? For example, it will damage your life and other side effects. After all, the three female knights are her subordinates and they are very attractive. If it should be with that silly boy Naruto too lazy to pay attention to him, he also doesn't know what happened to that boy under the guidance of his shadow avatar.

I don't know... Maybe there are no side effects. The Greer Stone's hand in Camilla's sensor has changed, and it has changed. I didn't feel any discomfort to the bat wing and then lifted the change.

"Should have no effect... We've been fighting with Greer's power since the Grael Stone was transplanted.

"If you feel unwell, tell me. Naruto told me.

"Thank you for your concern~ Rank can feel Naruto's concern for them. She is extroverted and embraces Ruo Naruto with her joy in her heart.

This is when they were under Hyde, different from the false concern that Naruto was really worried that their bodies would be affected by the Greer Stone.

"Since you are my people, I will naturally care about you, not to mention that you can follow that kid Timsi back to your own country, but you gave up going back because of me. Naruto looked at the three female sages and sighed softly. With a sigh of relief, for her to give up and return to her hometown, if she doesn't treat them well, she will be punished by Lei Ye. It's an adult's... Hearing Naruto's words, the cheeks of the three female knights flushed slightly. The adults are too bold! There are already so many women

Feng Wai Hongruo lowered his head, thinking of Tsunade and pharmacist No Naiyu who came out of Naruto's bedroom, and other girls who were close to her. "Uh

They seem to have misunderstood something... Naruto looked at the expressions of the three female knights and felt that they seemed to have misunderstood what she said, but she was too lazy to explain.

Forget it, so be it.

Other. On the continent, Timsey led the soldiers gathered around him and occupied it. Block base, constantly expanding outwards, build their own kingdoms, and use their own hands to make real peace.

"Drink!" The little hamster nimbly avoided the sword energy. He kept approaching Timsy, kicked him in the face and knocked him to the ground.

"You're still a long way off, it's not like you haven't grown up." The little hamster looked at Timsy who was lying on the ground.

"Master Ming, have I really improved?\" Timsey looked up at Ruo Little Hamster, feeling a little unsure in his heart.

"Don't let others see your cowardly expression, kid. If you want to achieve real peace, you must build your own kingdom with your own hands. Only then can you achieve real peace!"

"The people who gather around you are either attracted by your power or want to use you. Only a small number of people are like you. Remember, you can never show such a cowardly expression in front of others! Got it!\ "The little hamster scolded Timsy, since he promised to teach him for two months, he naturally has to do his best, but this kid. These ideas, in the eyes of the little hamster who likes to think about the worst in everything, are too naive.

Yes! Lord Ming!" Timsey gritted his teeth, "Let's continue! Lord Ming! I have to get stronger! 039;

"That's it, boy, if you don't have the energy, my two months will be wasted."

. people. The hamster hit again. It's just that no matter how hard Tishang works, the little hamster can't be followed. Root hair. !

Chapter 327 Poor Jiraiya (1/3)

In the office, Kakuto gave Naruto the two scrolls that Naruto asked him to prepare. There are 200,000,000 taels in the scrolls of "Shenba Kanshu", and the two scrolls are 400,000,000 taels. This is what Naruto prepares for Uchiha. The reward for the clan to perform the great illusion, the number of times, after that, you don't have to care about them, this reward can be said to be extremely rich.

"Jiaodu, the affairs in Yinin Village will be left to you and Qin." There is no need for her to worry about the affairs of Jiaodu in the village. Sure enough, Jiaodu came back and saved a lot of trouble! It came from outside the door, Footsteps, Fenghua Xiaoxue push] walked in, and saw Naruto who had not left for Wuyu Village, he was relieved, noticed the earrings on Naruto's ears, and handed the earrings in his hand to Naruto.

....this...Fenghua Xiaoxue gasped for breath, raised her hair, revealing her right ear with the wearer's earring, her intention was very obvious.

"I see. Naruto put the straight

"Naruto's wife added Fu to see this. The curtain whispered softly. I heard everyone present, even Fenghua Xiaoxiang, an ordinary person, blushed, hugged Naruto, and ran out. .

It would be great if I could grow up sooner! Xiang Rou looks at Ruo's little hands, and can only hate that she is too aggressive. How did she know? Naruto touched the earrings on her ears that Fenghua Xiaoxue gave her. , a little puzzled. She didn't tell Fenghua Xiaoxue about this! Ye Ye, who had hidden merit and fame, put away the snake that had climbed into her sleeve, folded her arms around her chest, and exposed it. smear

"Are Azabuyi ready?" Naruto walked to Azabuyi's side and held J's hand, and the nine-tailed straight carat formed a tailed beast suit on Azabuyi's body. Although there were not many people sent this time, Azabuyi consumed too many straight carats yesterday, and Naruto was worried that her straight carats were not enough.

"Everyone is by my side, I'm going to activate the flying thunder technique!" Azabuyi looked at everyone and said, feeling the powerful nine-tailed straight carat, she felt that the number of people could be increased tenfold.

Wuyu Village, the entrance of the village, everyone appeared here.

When Azabuyi, who brought Naruto and the others over, was about to go back, Naruto took her hand and said, "It's better for you and us. Get up and participate in this engagement ceremony, and, to participate in the J wedding ceremony, I have some Things need to talk to Yuying.


Mabuyi was a little worried about Yinin Village, and she also wanted to take the members of Naruko Support Club to other Ninja Village Development Branches through Naruto's time when she was not in Yinin Village.

Don't worry, there are Jiao and Qin in the village, no problem. Under Wuren's hearty smile, Mabuyi's plan fell through, and there were tears in his heart.

"Little Naruto~!"

Chino held Naruto's left hand, and Xiang Zha, not to be outdone, held Naruto's right hand. He looked at it all night. Seeing his current body shape, he gave up the idea of ​​lying on Naruto's back.

Why does it feel like he brought his family to participate in the engagement ceremony of Zhuzi and Sakura... Naruto looked at Chino and Kaori who had to hold hands with him. He shook his head helplessly.

"Yeah." Azabuyi nodded and followed Naruto.

"Yes, my lord.

The three female knights also followed Naruto, fully armed and wearing Siya's improved chakra armor, they looked majestic and looked like Naruto, who looked like the guardian of a noble lady. In the same way, Xianglian and Qiannao were naturally replaced by their brains as Naruto's daughters, Azabuyi, who was holding a folder, was replaced by their brains as a housekeeper, and Fu and Jiye, who were pestering Naruto to ask questions, were replaced by Naruto's daughters. as a noble lady. Playmates.

"Excuse me, what's the matter with you coming to Ma Yu Village? \"What a beautiful person! Such long ears don't look like human beings! The gatekeeper ninja looked at Ruo Naruto, was amazed, and dutifully stopped them

"I'm here to attend the engagement ceremony of Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno." When he got down and rolled around to the crowd, he suddenly said. A very strange posture got up, and it actually gave people. Kind of Xiaoxi feeling.

"You are, Jiraiya-sama!" The gatekeeper ninja recognized Jiraiya's identity with his eyes.

"I'm here to attend the engagement ceremony of Zizhiha Zuosuke and Haruno Sakura." Jiraiya's thin, immortal face had dark circles under his eyes.

Walking on the streets of Ma Yu Village, Naruto saw Ruo's body dressed as usual, Dai Ruo's Jiraiya with the word "oil" written on his forehead.

"I thought you would. Dress up as Hokage to participate.

"Aren't you dressed too... Hua... Jirai also looked at Naruto's gorgeous clothes, the corners of his mouth trembled, and looked carefully, except for Azabuyi and the three female knights who looked like guards. The clothes that the child is wearing are very cute Chino: Chino is not a child! Miye: I was forced by Naruto....), just by looking at the fabric, I know it's not cheap.

"Hmph~! My wife's son is engaged to Sakura, so I should dress nicely~!" Naruto glanced at his long blond hair combed into double ponytails, wearing a white kimono top with black layers of wrinkles A combination of pleated short skirts and sweatpants is naturally worn inside. This shot is cute and does not affect the action. The white kimono top has a pattern with musical notes and red clouds on the back and a patterned die on the blindfold she wears on her left eye. Sample.

"Naruto, she is Hyuga. A member of the clan, right? Why is she here with you?" Zilai also pointed out that Ruo Yue Ye frowned slightly. He had never heard of Hyuga. The clan has people who are living abroad!


She called Ji Ye, my adopted daughter, and she not only has Sun Xiang. The blood of the clan, and Kaguya. blood of the clan. "Naruto walked to Jiye's side and touched her hair.

"Hyuga and Kaguya's mixed blood... Could it be... Jiraiya relied on the mind of Tan Chang's brain to make up for it. It's a poignant love story.

"What a poor child!" Jiraiya, who had finished brainstorming, looked at Ri Ye with a look in his eyes. Silk pity. As expected of the original work, "Intimacy Paradise" can be written only by peeping and Naruto's seduction techniques... Speaking of which, the movie "Intimacy Paradise" filmed in Yinnin Village was changed beyond recognition. , I don't know how long it will take!

"What's with the earrings on your ears?

Jilai also looked at the earrings on Naruto's eyes curiously, "Isn't it troublesome to wear so many earrings?\" Wu Ren turned his head to look at him. By the way, how dare she say it's troublesome, this is what the wives see if she wears it, dare to say hemp item, and it won't take a minute to get domestic violence?

"Speaking of which. What's the matter with the dark circles on your face, did you go to the bathroom to peep at Aunty's bath and get beaten?" Woo Ren joked looking at the dark circles on Jiraiya's face.

"It turns out that the power is a pervert!

Fu was surprised to see that Ruo's face was upright, and she couldn't imagine that this would be a pervert.

Chino. The face hid behind Naruto in fear.

"Go to hell! Dead pervert!"

Xiangzhang grabbed Naruto's hand, trying to keep Naruto away from Jiraiya.

"Don't say such things in front of children! It will make them misunderstood!" After hearing Chino Kazuka's words, Jiraiya immediately turned to petrification, then shattered the shell that wrapped him, and looked at Ruoming frantically. people.

"Sir!" The three female cavaliers heard Naruto's words, and hurriedly came to Naruto, alert, looking at Jiraiya with the eyes of dangerous elements.

"It's okay, he can't beat me.

Naruto patted the shoulders of the three female knights and looked at Ruo Jiraiya with a smile, but the words he spoke were led behind Jiraiya's back. cold

"Jiraiya, I don't care if you look at others. If your eyes dare to look at us, don't blame me for digging out your eyes and crushing them. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try. The corner of your mouth is already night. Shake, from Naruto's words. You can know that Jiraiya's old problems. Straight stocks have changed.

Recalling that Jirai was so lecherous when he was a child, and as a result, his lecherous **** has not changed until now.

In Tonin Village, Terumi Mei was walking on the bustling streets, with only Changjurou as his guard. Seeing the prosperity of Yinin Village, Terumi couldn't help but sigh, when will Wu Nin Village develop to this level? It is estimated that she will never see it in her life.

Thinking of this, Terumi Mei couldn't help sighing. Sound, it's not long after the closure policy was lifted. It's too difficult, too difficult, to develop. Without the assistance of Yinnin Village, the speed of Wunin Village's development

Mizukage-sama Chojuro heard Terumi Mei's sigh and looked at her with concern.

Come on, let's go quickly. Terumi Mei shook her head with a smile, and rubbed Changjurou's hair. Her purpose this time was to talk to Naruto about the development of Kirin Village. It seems that the Urinus Village that was moved by Naruto was just incidental. The business-minded Naruto should be able to think of a good way.

"Oh~! Isn't this Mizukage-sama and Changjurou? What kind of wind is blowing you here?" Ghost Light Suizuki took a toothpick and Zaibuzhu and Shiro walked out of the roasting shop, and just walked out the door. It was such a coincidence to see Terumiki and Nagajuro. "You...Ghost Lamp Shuiyue?!'

"Little devil, I'm now a ninja in Yinnin Village. Are you sure you want to fight with me?" Zabuzhan squinted his eyes, raised his hand and touched the beheading sword behind him.

Then... Bai hugged his hand bones and shook his head.

"I see.

No longer let go of the knife, he used to live for himself, but now he is not alone. He's dead, and he still wants to live for nothing.

The Mist Ninja Village and the Sound Ninja Village are allied, and rash actions will only cause trouble, even if they do, they have to wait for them to do it.

"Long time no see, Terumi Mei, no, should I call you Mizuying-sama now?" Zabuzhan looked at Terumi Mei with some emotion in his heart.

"Whatever you want to call it, I really didn't expect to meet you here, and I won't kill you again." Terumi Mei looked at it. Holding Shiro who will never cut off his arms, is this a child?

Huh? Why do I think so? Terumi Mei didn't bother about the gender of the child who was holding the child who would never chop off his arm, and strode forward.

"Changjurou, let's go."

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