"Hyuga Chunhui."

"What?! Shouldn't that guy be lying in the hospital! How come he has become a traitor?"

The pharmacist Nonoyu laughed as Naruto's curious expression turned into surprise. After Uchiha Mikoto's elaborate dress up, Naruto can be said to be completely different from before.

Naruto's exclamation attracted the attention of passers-by, Naruto smiled embarrassedly, took the hands of the two and left quickly.

In the restaurant, the pharmacist Ye Naiyu watched Naruto eat and slowly spoke the news he had inquired.

"Naruto, I heard that Hyuga Chunhui became a traitor to seek revenge for someone?"

"Could it be that you are looking for me?"

Naruto speeded up and chewed the food in his mouth. I swallowed.

"If you seek revenge from me, you won't need to be a traitor, right? That guy's head. It must be broken."

"Some people who saw him said that there were strange patterns covering the whole body on his body, and the chakra used was also very strange. "See the book"

"Could it be... is it a curse mark?"

When Naruto heard the description of the pharmacist Ye Naiyu, he immediately thought of the curse seal developed by Orochimaru through the X liquid of Chonggo.

Orochimaru's brain convulsed? It's really inexplicable to bite Sun Xiang Chunhui when I have nothing to do...

"Curse seal?"

"Sanninzhi. The ninjutsu developed by Orochimaru can enhance the power of the person who has been implanted with the curse, but the side effects are also quite obvious. The longer it is used, the more it will be eroded by the curse, and eventually it will lose itself and become a monster."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Uchiha Mikoto looked at Naruto with concern.

"Dangerous? I don't think so, I let him go. I didn't expect him to come to the door by himself. If you want revenge, just come here... Just right, Minato. To the eyes."

Naruto, who knows the combat power of the person who has been transformed into a curse, is naturally not afraid of Haruhui Hyuga who seeks revenge on her, and she will be afraid when the Nine Tails are around. A one-eyed dragon?

Naruto looked at the two after eating and drinking.

"How much money is left?"

"Fifty thousand taels..."

"Ah? How many two?"

Naruto thought he had heard it wrong.

"Fifty thousand taels."

"I remember, I gave you 500,000 taels before, why are there only 50,000 taels left?" Naruto looked at the two of them in surprise, "What on earth did you two do to spend so much money?"

"The clothes on you are only 250,000 taels... There are other expenses, the expenses needed to inquire about the news..." The pharmacist Ye Naiyu. Sample. It's like counting with Naruto.

"Okay, okay! I know!"

Naruto held his chin helplessly, and suddenly thought of it. a way to make money.

"Do you know where the black market is, Ye Naiyu?"


The pharmacist No Naiyu's pupils slammed. shrink.

"You, Naruto, how do you know about the black market?"

"I heard that this is the place where people earn bounties. Take me to see it. In order to prevent them from not being able to eat in the future, let's make some money for the rebels~! However, you definitely can't go there like this."

"black market…"

Uchiha Mikoto frowned, she knew that Naruto's thoughts could not be changed, and she could only accept it. After all, it cost Naruto to buy that one. The clothes for half the money are her and the pharmacist Ye Naiyu. elected.

"Naruto, be careful. Come on, the people there are not kind."

"Don't worry, because I'm not good at it either."

Naruto smiled brightly and turned around, his hands knotted.


After the smoke, Naruto

transformed into. A beautiful girl with red hair and red eyes. For short horns, . A simple dress cannot hide the beauty of a girl.

"You can call me Lucy, come on, go to the black market."

The underground world, also known as the "black market", is an organization that exists by default in various countries.

Any bounty orders will be accepted. Some wandering ninjas and rebellious ninjas will be picked up here. Some bounty orders make money for a living, even the bounty of the shadows of each Ninja village can be found. As long as you have enough strength to kill them, you can get their bounty by bringing their corpses.

The higher the strength, the higher the power, the higher the bounty in the black market, and the bounty of the shadow is as high as hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions, but the coveted bounty makes them discouraged.

Is the strongest fighting force in Shinobi Village so easy to kill? I'm afraid it's not too long to provoke shadow-level ninjas.

"Little devil! It's not for people like you to come here... Ouch! You look good, how about you, think about being my woman?"

The male who stopped in front of Lucy and the three of them rebelled and watched. Eyes Lucy to her. Not interested at all, when he saw Uchiha Mikoto, who was full of wife's breath, she looked at Uchiha Mikoto with a wicked smile.

"Keep you eating and drinking..."

"You talk too much."

Lucy pointed her finger on the head of the Rebel who was blocking her way, and saw that the scratched forehead guard on his forehead was the Rebel of Kusanagi Village.

The projectile compressed by Feng Dun Chakra not only penetrated the forehead, but also penetrated his brain, and the grass ninja was killed on the spot.

The pharmacist Ye Naiyu naturally understood what to do, picked up the body of Rebellion and walked to the counter to receive the money.

"How much is this guy worth?"

"Let me see, Kusunin Village's betrayal - Rongcang's bounty is 500,000 taels."

Seeing that Rongcang died at the hands of the red-haired girl without even having a chance to resist, who wanted to provoke Lucy immediately dismissed the idea.

Just kidding, they still want to live longer, being a rebel is to live a free and unrestrained life, no one will take their own life to joke, there are already ready examples, naturally no one dares to provoke Lucy.

"Take out the bounty list, no one here will be able to leave today."

Lucy walked to the counter and patted her hard.

"Little girl! Don't be too arrogant!"

They are all ninjas who survived by licking their blood, how can they bear Lucy's provocation, not to mention that it will directly kill them, immediately. He rushed up to Lucy.

The person on the counter hurriedly pulled down the window, and there was a defensive barrier on the window. It seems that this has happened many times.

"You, no one can live!"

Uchiha Mikoto walked up to Lucy and opened the three-wheeled eye.

In an instant, their movements stopped, and it seemed that they were caught in the illusion of Sharinyan.

"Wind Dun, Fingers and Spears!"

The projectiles compressed by Feng Dun chakra constantly flew out from the fingertips of ten fingers, harvesting ninjas like lambs to be slaughtered.

"Humph! The strength of the rebellion in this place is nothing but that."

Lucy knocked on the counter.

"It's over, come out and settle their bounty!"


The people at the counter pulled away in surprise. A thin slit, saw the corpses lying on the ground, looking at the three of Lucy with shock.

What is the origin of these three people?

To shatter them so easily, you must know that the people here have at least the strength of Chunin!

Unfortunately, they were unlucky to meet Uchiha. The family's Uchiha Mikoto, the illusion of Sharinyan turned them into lambs to be slaughtered by others. They died in their sleep without any resistance, and fell asleep forever.

The bounty for these people is added. Get up, let Lucy. The line has changed from a poor person with only 50,000 taels to a rich person with a net worth of more than 3 million taels. Naruto with bulging pockets walked on the road happily buying the food he wanted to eat, and his stomach did not rise and fall at all.

Uchiha Mikoto and pharmacist Nonoyu expressed their envy.

Chapter 31 Financial Fans Are Sanctioned (1/2)

♂ Washed away. With blood dripping from his hair, Naruto ran out of the bathroom with a blushing face wrapped in a bath towel, and looked at the pharmacist No Naoyu who was arranging the ninja kit.

Naruto remembered the bounty list brought back from the black market, which recorded that all the bounties ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions could be seen on the thick bounty list.

"Yo Naiyu, show me the reward list."


The pharmacist Ye Naiyu nodded, took out the reward list and handed it to Naruto, seeing Naruto's wet hair.

"Naruto, sit down and I'll help you dry your hair."

"Well, please excuse me."

"No, no trouble at all."

Yakushi No Naiyu smiled tenderly, Naruto saw Yakushi No Naiyu, who regarded himself as a child, shrugged, squeezed into Yakushi No Naiyu's arms, flipped through the bounty list in his hand, and enjoyed Yakushi No Naiyu's gentleness. rubbing her hair.

Gentleness is like treating a fragile porcelain doll. Unfortunately, Naruto is not a fragile porcelain doll, but a hedgehog covered with spikes. Anyone who wants to hurt her will be stabbed by her sharp spikes. She will also show her softness to good people without hesitation. noodle.

The pharmacist No Naoyu gently rubbed Naruto's long golden hair with the towel in his hand, which was on Naruto who had just taken a bath. A light fruity scent.

"Hahaha! There are actually three generations of old men offering bounties on it. Let me see how much the bounty is... um..." Naruto's white fingers swiped on the bounty list, "Three hundred and fifty million, such a high bounty, I don't know. Who is the three-generation old man who offered the reward, shouldn't it be other Ninja Village offering the reward?"


The pharmacist Ye Naiyu stretched out his head and looked at it. Eyes, nodded and said: "It is very possible that if you can't do it yourself, you want to kill Hokage by a desperado who doesn't belong to any Ninja village, so even if you check it, you can't find out who paid for the three generations of Hokage's life."

"Now there is no shortage of money, Naruto, why are you looking at the reward list?"

Uchiha Mikoto came in with the steam on her body wrapped in a bath towel, wearing it on her fair skin. Silky pink.

"Look. See if there are any acquaintances above, and I found a lot." Naruto flipped through the reward list and found the reward of Hyuga Chunhui, ". Ten million, Hyuga Chunhui is so weak and worth so much money. , shouldn't it be Hyuga. The clan paid for his life, right? It was clearly marked to bring back Hyuga Chunhui's eyes."

Naruto looked at Hyuga Chunhui's bounty and thought of Hyuga. The clan's clan and branch, his face is exposed. Wiping the mocking smile, she was sure it was Hyuga. The family paid for Hyuga Chunhui's life, and as a betrayal, Hyuga Chunhui can be said to be directly from Hyuga. The genius of the clan became Hyuga. racial disgrace.

"In order not to let the white eyes fall into the hands of outsiders, it is worthy of being able to develop Hyuga, who can develop a caged bird to control the division. The clan is indeed ruthless!"

"Hinata. The division of the clan exists to protect the clan, and this is also for the survival of the Hinata. Clan... right?"

The pharmacist No Naiyu said what he knew about Hinata. Clan information, when he finally saw Naruto's half-smile eyes, his tone changed from affirmation to doubt.

"In my opinion, the caged bird is nothing but Hinata. The old immortals, who are afraid of death, have developed a secret technique to make the divisions exist as obedient human shields to protect them."

". If the person who splits the family does not stop with the clan, you can imagine what kind of pain and torture he will suffer... So, this is only the Hyuga. Clan such a famous family can do this kind of maddening. things!"

Naruto lay in the arms of the pharmacist Ye Naiyu and put down the bounty list in his hand. When he was a child, he didn't know anything. He just looked at Hokage as a **** anime. From an adult's point of view, there is something hidden under the skin of Hokage's blood. It is dark inside.

"Fortunately Uchiha. There is no division between the clan and the clan." Uchiha Mikoto said happily.

Think Uchiha. The clan couldn't help thinking of her husband and two children, and Uchiha Mikoto sighed faintly.

"What, miss your family? Do you know where they're going? Why don't we send you there?"

Naruto saw Uchiha Mikoto's sad face as if thinking about her family.

"It's just that they must think you're dead, and when you go back, you must explain it clearly~!"

Naruto was thinking about Uchiha in his heart. How much money will the clan give her, after all, she saved Uchiha Mikoto, no matter what, she has to spend tens of millions of dollars, right?

"No, I don't want to go back for now."

"Eh?! Why! Isn't it bad to go back! Uchiha Itachi and Sasuke. I must miss you very much!" Naruto, who was fascinated by interests, persuaded Uchiha Mikoto reluctantly.

"What, it looks like you can't wait to let me go back?"

"That's right, they will definitely give me a lot of money when you go back!"

Naruto's eyes turned into symbols of money, and he accidentally expressed his true thoughts.

"Naruto, you got into the eyes of money!"

Uchiha Mikoto pretended to be angry and pinched Naruto's soft cheeks. It wasn't that she never thought about going back, but she was a little worried about Naruto, not to mention that Naruto was her savior, and she had leftovers on her body. With Naruto's blood, how can she go back without repaying this kindness?

What's more, the 31st chapter financial fans have been sanctioned (2/2)

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