Senju Hasuma touched his chin, and poked Madara Uchiha's cheek with his fingers. This.... is really slow.. the corner of the mouth. Shaking, looking at Madara Uchiha who was struggling in the hands of Senju Hashirama, he cursed inwardly.

deserve it!

"Naruto! What are you still doing there!" Although he was reluctant, now, Madara Uchiha. The one who can help is Naruto.

Look at Ruo Uchiha Madara. With an angry face but unable to help Qianshouzhuma, Naruto told himself to hold back and not laugh.

"She is Ning Zhiboban.

Naruto. Step by step, he walked towards the Senju pillars, and explained as he walked: She looks like this now, but because I put her soul into this doll. "

"turn out to be

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page 4

Is that so!" Qianshou Hasuma nodded, his face suddenly changed, and he pointed at the word Chiha Madara in stunned eyes and said: \"She is really Madara?! Isn't it a new toy?\"

"How can a toy do this! You idiot!"

Naruto who walked to Senju Hakuma really couldn't stand Senju Hakuma's stupidity. The punch shattered his head, and even Senju Hashima reacted. But in the F of the Reincarnation of Beetle, his resistance to Sibo was useless, and he was unable to break free from the shackles of Reincarnation.

"What's your plan for the reincarnation of me?" The dust formed the head of Senju Hurama, he. He looked at this with a puzzled face. Beautiful teenage girl with long blond hair.

"Do. Something that promised Madara Uchiha..."\"Naruto's wrist shook and the scroll fell into her hands, opened the scroll, and unlocked the seal. "Bang! The smoke dissipated, the female version of Senju The doll fell into Naruto's hands, and the snail may have been caught. Influenced by Tsunaru who asked her to be a doll, Senju Hashima was made. A thirty-five centimeter blaster sister, five centimeters taller than Uchiha Madara.

"what are you planning to do?"

Kanshou Hasuma sees the doll in Naruto's hand that is very similar to himself, and no matter how slow he is, he realizes it. Silk is not good.

"This is a doll made with you as the prototype, and, next, I'm going to do something to you... Naruto took off his blindfold, revealing the light blue three-god jade reincarnation eye in his left eye.

Humanity! Naruto put his hand on the forehead of the dry hand post, and pulled his soul out of the body of the reincarnation of the dirt.

Under the wrapping of the pupil power of the Samsara Eye of Sangou Jade, the soul of Qianshou Zhujian was formed in Naruto's hands. balls.

"The next step is to inject the soul of the dry hand column into the doll." Naruto looked. Eyes drilled out of the dust, and the top of the head was like. Uchiha Madara in a small pile of dust. Aware of Naruto's gaze at him, Uchiha Ban felt something on his head and shook the dust from his hair. Naruto walks. On the side, sit down cross-legged, the soul of the hands is poured into the doll, and the chakra is bitten into the blood, and the blood that emits a faint green light is about to fall on the body of Qianshou. , An unexpected thing happened, Zi Zhiha Madarato kicked the puppet Naruto put on his leg, and the drop of blood condensed with chakra just fell on her head. Under the catalysis of huge vitality and chakra, Madara Uchiha felt the heartbeat in his body, and cracks appeared on the outside of the doll's body.

"Finally. I finally got a real body!

Madara Uchiha looked excitedly at the changes in her body, she could feel that her body was gradually transforming from a doll to a living person.

The straight carat thread was mentioned by Madara Uchiha. On the puppet next to him, Naruto looked at it. The fingers that had no wounds in their eyes bit the fingers again and repeated. Repeat the previous operation, this. The next time she injected more chakra into that drop of blood, dripping two drops of blood on the doll. As the blood is absorbed by the doll. The joint ball on the joint melts and becomes a human. This kind of joint, the puppet without any vitality, slowly opened his eyes.

"My body... After Senju Hashima regained consciousness, he looked at his little hands. When he looked up, he saw a blond girl who looked like a giant to her.

. Chunky cocoons. This kind of crusty skin fell off Uchiha Madara's body, and her body gradually became larger.

Seeing the change of the doll, Senju Hasuma opened her eyes in surprise, she could feel Madara resurrected! With the change of Uchiha Madara's body, Senju Hasuma's face became strange Uchiha Madara's body stopped changing when she reached the age of five or three.

. The long black hair is scattered on the thin and slender body, the tender and fat little face has these two lovely blushes, and the **** eyes are carried. Si Wangxi, Chiguo's body is not as thin as an inch of thread, and the red armor on her body has long been torn as her body has grown.

"Hahahahahahahahaha Uchiha Madarawang smiled and showed her mouth full of small white teeth. Then, she found something wrong with herself. Naruto and Senju Hasuma, who had awakened in her arms, were using it. Looking at her with a complicated look. Bowed his head. Look, Madara Uchiha covered the bare spot with both hands, and squatted down where there was a ravine, with a red face, and rushed to the place. The man. The puppet roared angrily: "What are you looking at?

Bran Kang!!


page 5

"What are you afraid of, I have what you have, and I have what you don't have. ΨΨ" Naruto put Chishou Hasuma on his shoulders, walked to Madara Uchiha's side, and pinched her small arms and legs.

With in the eyes. Si wondered why my blood could make her puppet body become a real life... The technique of reincarnation is to transform the chakra of the whole body into vitality to revive the puppet and the corpse... and my blood There is a powerful vitality in it, that is, it has the same effect as the art of reincarnation? ... What are you doing! Haven't you squeezed enough?!"

Madara Uchiha blushed, this was not the body she wanted at all. That's it! With this body now, she can't wait to dig a hole and get in, it's not as good as the previous doll's body.

"Can you open the writing wheel now?"

Naruto looked at Ruo Uchiha Madara's dark eyes and asked, whether Uchiha Madara, who was completely resurrected on the basis of the doll's body, could use a writing wheel.

"Let me try.

Uchiha Madara opened her eyes with confidence and feet. The dark eyes turned slightly red. A poor little gouyu appeared in her eyes.

"How about it!"

Uchiha Madara has a face on his face. Si looked at Naruto proudly. Naruto looked at Madara Uchiha's pitiful man. Gouyu, writing round eyes, couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at! What's so funny!" Madara Uchiha glared at Naruto's laughter, dissatisfied, and subconsciously wanted to use Susanoo, but the fart didn't come out, but instead His little face flushed red.

\"Ban, your eyes are now. Gouyu writing round eyes.

Qianshou Hasuma couldn't stand it any longer and reminded Madara Uchiha, and looked at her current body, but she didn't care much, no matter how miserable it was, it was not as miserable as Madara Uchiha.

"how is this possible?!"

Madara Uchiha widened his eyes and tried to open the reincarnation eye, but there was no change in his eyes.

"Look." Naruto took out the mirror and showed it to Madara Uchiha.

Madara Uchiha took the mirror that Naruto handed over, and saw his own appearance in the mirror, as well as the pair of gouyu writing round eyes, the mirror in his hand trembled and fell to the ground and shattered, took two steps back and left foot to mix. right foot. Ass sits on the ground.

"This, this... how is this possible ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. Naruto looked at Uchiha Madara's red fruit sitting on the ground. He scratched his cheek, this picture looks like she is enslaving an innocent The dead pervert of a little girl.

Looking at Madara Uchiha's three-hooked jade writing wheel eye, Naruto didn't expect that it would hit Madara Uchiha so much. However, isn't this what she asked for?

"You put on this suit first, and I'll buy you a suit at the clothing store later.

Naruto handle. A trench coat and trousers were thrown on Madara Uchiha's body. Even if it was a lot wider for her, it was better than wearing nothing at all, right?

Madara Uchiha put on his clothes and looked in front of Naruto with a gloomy face. The thousand-handed madness on Naruto's shoulders.

Madara. I really didn't expect that we would meet again in this way.. Senju Hasuma looked at Madara Uchiha, who looked like a little girl, with a look in his eyes. Silk sighed.

"Hashimoto. I look hundreds of times better than you now. You are just a doll now, and I am a living person now." Uchiha Madara crossed his chest with his arms and looked at the doll body of the female version of Senshou Hasuma. She was in a much better mood, and even wanted to laugh out loud, laughing at Qianshou sweeping the room, she also has today! "Let's go, let's get out of here! Naruto made a mark with one hand, the ground rolled, and all traces disappeared. After leaving the training ground, Naruto looked at Madara Uchiha who was walking behind her with bare feet. Since there were no shoes suitable for Madara Uchiha, Naruto could not let her just follow her with bare feet. Behind him, he stopped, looked at Madara Uchiha and said: Now I'll give you two choices.. I will hold you if you go, and I will carry you if you go.

"I can walk by myself!"

Madara Uchiha strode forward, and then she felt something wrap around her waist. Opening the writing wheel, Madara Uchiha saw the straight carat line wrapped around her waist. Naruto walked over, ignoring Madara Uchiha's struggle, and held the petite Madara Uchiha in his arms with one hand.

"Bastard, let me go! I don't need you to hold me!" Madara Uchiha waved her little fist. Her little foot kept kicking Naruto, but unfortunately it didn't work.

"Madara, with your current strength, you can't resist this girl." Senju Hashirama could feel Naruto's huge vitality and straight carat, even with the current class of tens of thousands All together are not the opponents of this girl.

"It's up to you! Madara Uchiha roared at Senju Hashirama. After roaring, her stomach made a grunting sound. This was the hunger she hadn't felt for a long time. She covered her stomach with her small hands, and her face was full of hunger. But showing joy. Feeling hunger... This is the real life! Her Uchiha Madara is truly resurrected!

Although, the gender is a bit off..

"Thousands of Hands, I forgot to tell you my name. My name is Uzumaki Naruto or Nine-Tailed Zhuli." Naruto looked out of the corner of his eyes. Seeing Qianshouzhuma, when she heard the work of Qianshouzhuma, she remembered that she hadn't introduced herself to her. "Nine tails... That means this is Konoha? Who is Hokage now?\"

Listening to the Thousands of Hands

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page 6

to Ming

Human words showed a smile on his face, he climbed up on Naruto's head with his hands and feet, and when he modeled Naruto's ears, he realized that the pointed ears were real! . . ... are your ears real?"

"of course it's true.

Naruto was white with a thousand hands. Eye. I don't want to take care of this Senshou Hasuma, who bullied Kyuubi.

"I'm not Konoha's ninja now, nor is Konoha here.

"Then where is it?" Ganshou asked suspiciously.

"This is Yinin Village, my village. What I can tell you now is that Konoha's current Hokage is Jiraiya, along with your granddaughter and the Orochimaru who used the reincarnation technique to resurrect you before, Yukonoha. The name of the three ninjas.

"Oh~! That's not bad! It sounds like Konoha's development is not bad now!"

"However, now Orochimaru has been killed by me, Tsunade is now my old man... Moreover, she is now in the tone of tolerance.... Look at Ruo Senju Hasuma. Her face looks happy. Naruto I couldn't help but want to hit her.

"You and Tsuna?!\" Senju Hashirama looked at Naruto in disbelief.

"By the way, the Uchiha clan has broken away from Konoha and has been rebuilt. The village is called Wuyu Village." Naruto saw the incredible appearance of Chishou Hasuma, and then went down again. Dosage.

"What's going on?" Senju Hashirama frowned, "Zizhiha. How did the clan break away from Konoha?"

"This is a good thing your good brother did~! The Uchiha clan was forever expelled from the village's power circle... Long-term oppression led to the word Chiha. The disease was dissatisfied with the village, and then went to the road of destruction. , But, before that, the Uchiha clan chose to leave Konoha and rebuild their own village. Woo shook his head and looked. In his eyes, Madara Uchiha, who fell into silence, looked down at his head, shot Afraid of her head.

The original Uchiha Madara thought to bring Uchiha in anticipation of what would happen in the future. The clan broke away from Konoha, but unfortunately, no one understood her thoughts.

go through. Get along for a while. In Naruto's view, Uchiha Madara is. She is not very scheming, she can see anything she thinks on her face. Such an idiot. No wonder she can believe in the contents of the slate modified by Hei Jue.

"Have you built your own village?

Senju Hasuma sighed, Tobirama should have listened to her words back then, so there wasn't that much to do.

"Humph~! I've said it long ago, that will become the dark side of the village, and what you did back then ran counter to the oath you made when the village was built.

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly. With a sarcastic look on his face, he looked at some of the hands.

"Isn't Konoha doing well now?"

"Yeah, the Konoha you built is still good." Uchiha Madara sneered, recalling what happened in the past, and sneering more. Wipe sarcasm.

"Mara, that's the Konoha that you and I built." Senju Hasuma frowned and corrected.

"No! Konoha has nothing to do with me Uchiha Madara! Now I am neither Uchiha Madara. The Uchiha Madara of the clan is not the Uchiha Madara who built the village with you. The current me is not with anyone. No.

"Ah. Madara Uchiha glared at Naruto while talking about the bag with smoke on his head.

"What are you talking about, human words? If it wasn't for my blood, would you be able to be resurrected in your current form?\" Naruto listened to Uchiha Madara with anger. Shi Lai, no matter what, it was her blood that brought her back to life, dare to say it doesn't matter, she still doesn't beat her?

"I didn't let you resurrect me." Uchiha Madara whispered and turned his head.

"I don't know who kicked the doll from the dry hands and took away the drop of my blood that was originally given to her!" Naruto said, poking Ruo Uchiha Madara's forehead. big.

Now Uchiha Madara is like this, no matter how dangerous the releaser is, he can't kill it and can't let it go. It's like a time bomb to keep it. It's not too much to open the three-goose jade writing wheel in a short period of time and the Wanhua abbreviated wheel. difficult thing. Huh? Madara did such a thing to my body? Senju Hasuma carefully looked at her current body. When she saw the soft thing that was bulging high on her chest, her face was a little weird. . Eyes cover chest with hands. The face is suspicious of life, which is too slow, right? Naruto complained in his heart. It suddenly occurred to me that I forgot to tell Hei Jue last night. Let it go to the grave of Scorpion's parents. Naturally, a professional should do this kind of grave digging. !


page 7

♂Naruto took Madara Uchiha to the clothing store to buy it. When the store manager curiously asked who Uchiha Madara was, Naruto returned. The sentence is her adopted daughter, and Madara Uchiha can't wait to be so angry. kicked her in the face.

When I walked out of the clothing store, I saw a black and straight girl dressed like a little princess. The image of Uchiha Ban in the fourth ninja war appeared in my mind. I couldn't help but put her clothes on him.

That picture is too beautiful. She can't think about it anymore.

"Why do you want me to wear such clothes?! The lightness is annoying!" Uchiha Madara frowned, Zhang Jiaozhi's cute little face wrinkled into a bitter gourd face, and he tugged on the lightness as if there was no weight. This kind of clothes, in her opinion, not only does not have any defensive ability, but it will hinder her actions during battle.

Looking at the small brown leather boots on her feet, Madara Uchiha has the urge to take it off and throw it on Naruto's face. Of course, she just thinks about it, at least she has self-knowledge.

"You look like this now, wearing Ruo. Your body is more cute. If you don't believe me, you can ask Hakuma." Naruto said Ruo looked at Kanshou Ima, who was sitting on her shoulder.

"Yes...Yes! Madara, you are wearing this. You look so good!" Chishou Hasuma was stunned at first. down, then nodded. Was stared at by Uchiha Madara. Eyes, holding his legs, fell into loss.

Looking at Senju Kusama, who was in a state of loss, Naruto scratched his cheeks and walked to Madara Uchiha's side and said, "Let's go eat?" Touching his hungry stomach, Chiha nodded reluctantly. .

In the pavilion, Naruto was a little surprised to see Madara Uchiha's appetite, probably because Madara Uchiha wanted it because she hadn't eaten delicious food for too many years. When I made it up at one time, my mouth was full of oil. I had a lot of fun with the chicken leg in my hand and the soup bowl in my hand. This kind of food.... it's just.... and Jiuluke and Jiutica have something to do. spell.

"Are you reincarnated as a Russian ghost?" Naruto couldn't help but complain. sentence.


Uchiha Ban, who was focusing on eating, didn't hear what Naruto was saying, chewing the food in his mouth, like. The hamster eating with its cheeks puffed up looked at Naruto suspiciously. What can she say when she sees Uchiha Madaraban like this?

Watching Madara Uchiha eat makes the legendary ninja too greedy, but unfortunately, she can't eat anything with her doll body now.

Naruto walked out of the restaurant and looked at Madara Ruo Uchiha's slightly bulging belly, which looked like she was pregnant. Sample.

"It's nothing, just a little..._ Madara Uchiha hiccupped before she could say anything. Her cheeks were flushed and she covered her mouth. She never thought that she would do such a shameful thing. In the filming venue, Xiaoxue Fenghua is filming with Naruto's shadow avatar. This film has been filmed by the director many times, and has been temporarily adapted for many times. Half, such an amazing shooting degree, in addition to being with Naruto and Xiaoxue Fenghua Superb acting skills, but also because the two are lovers, it should not be too simple to play lovers in the movie.

. After the filming of the scene, Naruto released the shadow avatar and accepted the bits and pieces of getting along with Fenghua Xiaoxue during this period of time. The lips that touched the pale pink lipstick kissed,

"A present for you. Naruto put the ring in Fenghua Xiaoxiang's hand.

"This is

When Fenghua Xiaoxue saw the ring in Ruo's hand, she was first surprised and then moved. She hugged Naruto excitedly.

"After the filming of this movie is over, I will personally put this ring on the **** of your left hand." Naruto whispered affectionately in Fenghua Xiaoxue's ear.

"Well, I look forward to that day.

Fenghua Xiaoxue took the ring in her hand. She raised her head and kissed Naruto's lips.

"She she she... Isn't she Xiao Gang's lover?! Why would she be with that woman?

Thousands of hands saw Naruto and Naruto. A strange woman hugged and opened her eyes, she felt a little green on her granddaughter's head!

"Humph! Your granddaughter is just one of her many wives. That's all, don't you see the earrings on her ears? Each earring represents Ruo. A lover."

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