Naruto raised his hand, and the ring on his **** shone brightly in the light.

Even her parents have no right to interfere in her private life, not to mention, they died after giving birth to her, and they have no right to interfere with the strangeness of who she is in love with, not to mention the things that should not have been done between her and them long ago Do it all over.

"Okay, don't talk about this kind of thing, the meal is getting cold, eat quickly!" Naruto said, pointing to the still warm food on the table, and if he continued, it would be gone.

No Naiyu lowered her head while eating, and was very glad that her identity was unknown to the Fourth Hokage and Kushina, which made her relieved. She was helpless to Uchiha Mikoto and Tsunade.

After the meal, Kushina, Uchiha Mikoto, and Tsunade walked into Naruto's bedroom, and Naruto who wanted to follow up was beaten out by Kushina's fist.

"Lord Tsunade, Mikoto, how did you develop such a relationship with Naruto?" Kushina looked at them with a puzzled face, why did she not believe that her daughter could be so attractive. Wife and Tsunade, the well-informed Sanninzhi. absorb.

\"I'm sorry, Kushina, I'm sorry for you, even if you don't agree with me and Naruto. From now on, I won't leave and let her." Uchiha Mikoto didn't want to explain anything, since it has developed like this. Step. Any explanation is weak, even if Kushina disagrees with her being with Naruto, she will not leave, this is something she has already thought about.

"What the **** happened to you guys! How are you guys getting up? Why don't you say anything, what's the use of just apologizing!" Kushina was mad, and she wanted to hear how they got on with each other. Naruto is here. up, tell her. Is it so difficult to say? This is not an excessive requirement!" Hiro. Tsunade thought carefully, she was with Naruto. Since, it can be traced back to a long time ago. Naruto used the transformation technique to become CC. After that, he was drunk. Let’s meet frankly. After that, we will meet on the battlefield. After that, Yinin Village saw that CC was transformed by Naruto with the transformation technique. After thinking about it carefully, Tsunade covered his head with black lines on his face, she and Naruto People are here. It seems like after rolling the sheets! How can I tell Kushina about such a thing!

Thinking that she took the initiative to roll the sheets that time, Tsunade wanted to find one. The punch hit the ground and got into the crack.

The Yinin Village is very lively at night. Even if you look from the roof into the distance, you can still see the street with lights flashing and people coming and going. Naruto was on the roof. Looking up at the moon in the sky, she was a little nervous, wondering what happened to the three people who were talking in her bedroom.

If you want to eavesdrop, but don't dare to eavesdrop, it will be embarrassing if you find out.

Namikaze Minato walked over to Naruto and patted her on the shoulder. He had nothing to object to Naruto becoming lovers with Tsunade and Uchiha Mikoto. After all, he had never taken care of Birdman since he was a child, so what was there to do? The right to care about Naruto's love affairs? As long as she is better than anything else, get rid of this. Point, Naruto has achieved what even he has not achieved. If the sound of Ninja Village is prosperous, if Naruto does not leave Konoha, if he becomes Hokage.. Namikaze Minato thinks of this and emerges before his eyes. Konoha is in A more prosperous picture under Naruto's governance, unfortunately this. Everything is destined to be impossible. The damage Konoha has caused to Naruto is too heavy, even he can't stand it. Side words, turned into. Sigh.

"What do you want to say? You can say it directly, don't keep it in your heart and don't say it, even if it's something I don't like to hear." Naruto heard Minato Minato's sigh and turned to look at him. There was no resentment against him in his heart. In that situation, what else could he do? The fault was the fault of the top three generations of Konoha, and they made her childhood so painful. Her resentment against Minato Minato was nothing but anger.

Resented that he sacrificed her and himself to protect Konoha,

"Naruto, what do you think of Konoha?\" Minato Namikaze hesitated and said slowly.

"What do you think? I don't think much about it. The current Konoha and Oninin Village are just an ordinary alliance. Other than that, there is nothing to do. Naruto said in a calm tone. There is no resentment towards Konoha in his words. There is only calmness, as if facing. A stranger-like calmness, you will not look at each other when you pass by.

"Is that so.. Minato Namifeng] showed a gentle smile and touched Naruto's head, \"I'm sorry, Naruto, we were unable to accompany you when you needed us the most.

"It doesn't matter, I have already avenged the revenge that I deserved. I killed Danzo, Zhuanyan Xiaochun, and Mito Menyan, and even the three generations of Hokage died indirectly by my hands... I took revenge for everything I did. The most important thing is that I have given the person who attacked you the night your mother gave birth to me the retribution they deserved. Naruto squinted his face. Showing an extremely bright but twisted smile, without any hatred, just pure darkness, sitting on the house gun, dangling Chiguo's feet.

Such a chilling smile. Minato Namikaze saw but only full of distress.

"Did you kill Obito?\" Minato Namikaze sat beside Naruto


"No. I didn't kill him. When something happens, I will kill him!" Naruto clenched his fists and turned to look at Minato Namikaze.

"Don't try to stop me. He killed you guys and made my childhood so miserable. I will never let him go. Even if you are his teacher. A bad guy should have a degree. That being said, Naruto still felt that when she was killing Uchiha, her kind-hearted dad would jump out to stop her. Let's talk about it later. With her current strength, she wants to die. Not yet People can stop her. Namikaze Minaru has a wry smile on his face. With his short time together with Naruto, Obito is definitely not going to have a good time even if he lives.

"Does Naruto's Samsara Eye still have this ability?!" Kushina pinched Uchiha Mikoto's face and looked at the eighteen-year-old Uchiha Mikoto. Hearing what she experienced when she met Naruto After the series of events, she has long since stopped the two of them from being together. Not to mention, even if she wanted to stop them, she couldn't stop them. Naruto will not listen to her words. The child has grown up, but unfortunately, she has not been able to witness Naruto's growth, and only sees what Naruto will look like when he grows up.

"Just, I don't know what kind of side effects Naruto's ability will have...

Uchiha Mikoto looked at her hand. Thinking of Naruto's frequent use of this ability, she couldn't help but worry. Worried that this ability was. A double-edged sword will bring irreversible consequences to her.

"I asked Naruto many times, but she didn't say anything." Tsunade folded his arms around his chest, and the round thing on his chest swayed with her movements. Kushina couldn't help but stretched out her hand and poked Tsunade's chest, guessing: "Even though your age has become smaller, why hasn't your chest become smaller? Could it be something stuffed... "Bang! 039;

"It's a gift from God

Tsunade punched Kushina's head. Kushina's head appeared. A big bag like smoke. Hit. Quan still can't get rid of the hatred, and I want to do two more punches.

"Calm down! Calm down! This is Naruto's mother!" Uchiha Mikoto stopped Tsunade. Kushina squatted on the ground, clutching the bag on her head, almost getting caught by Tsunade. Knocked out.

"You're too ruthless to start," Humph!

Tsunade hummed in dissatisfaction. Sound, the thing she is most proud of is questioned, it's no wonder she doesn't get angry!

"Speaking of which, Tsunade-sama, how did you meet Naruto? How did you develop such a relationship with Naruto? 039; Kushina looked at Tsunade with a face full of gossip, and was able to subdue such a rude person. ..No, it is completely unimaginable to be able to develop a relationship with Tsunade, who has such a big age gap in identity and age!\"'s nothing to say! I don't want to say it!\"

"Tomorrow, the shadow clubs of all Ninja villages will come to Yinnin Village for a meeting, including your teacher Jiraiya, how about you? Do you want to meet him? Maybe, your appearance will make him think that he is under illusion, or he In a dream or something. Naruto has it in his eyes. Silk looks forward to looking up at the moon in the sky. Tomorrow is really exciting!

Especially thinking about the shock and disbelief on the faces of the villagers when they saw their silkworm daddy, it was so funny.

"I guess Jiraiya-sensei will think that he has encountered a ghost, right?" Minato Namikaze felt the malice that was about to overflow from his daughter, and a few drops of cold sweat appeared on his face. Naruto's character is really bad! When he left Naruto's house, Kushina did not stay at Naruto's house, but chose Henami Kaze Minato. When they left, Naruto naturally wanted to send them to a place to live. They couldn't let them go to a hotel to deal with it.

"Tomorrow, I'll arrange for you to live in a house near my house, furniture, clothes, kitchen supplies, home appliances..." Naruto walked beside the two of them and pointed to the things to be prepared.

"Tomorrow, don't you still have things to do? We can do this by ourselves.

Naruto looked at Naruto with a smile on his face, as if he could see Naruto as a child.

"Humph! You have been dead for more than ten years, and Fumei is already outdated, so let me buy you the most suitable furniture for you!"

Naruto pinched his waist with his hands and raised his head slightly. Before he could say anything, Kushina held his head and rubbed his hair.

"Wow! Mom! My hair is messed up by you!" Naruto touched his hair like a chicken coop and puffed up his cheeks slightly.

"Hahaha~!" It looked like a puffer fish. Naruto, who looked like a bulging face, Kushina showed a happy smile and pinched Naruto's cheek.

Naruto sent the two to the most luxurious high-end restaurant in Yinin Village, arranged for them to stay, and hugged them when she left.

"Naruto, how did you and Tsunade know each other!" Kushina suddenly asked after seeing Ruo Naruto's back. "boom!"

Naruto fell to the ground with his feet slipping, and when he got up, he blinked at Kushina with a mischievous smile on his face.

"It's a secret!" Said Naruto's one-handed seal, which turned into a pale green wind and disappeared in place. After Namikaze Minato and Kushina walked into the very luxurious room, the two discovered that Naruto had reserved a couple's room for them, with all kinds of suggestive arrangements. Tomorrow. You must take care of Naruto! Kushina couldn't help but feel the heat on her face when she saw it. Her face was red as if she clenched her fists, she thought to herself.

In the middle of the night, in such a suggestive environment, Minato Namikaze and Kushina hugged each other after a long absence, and they sounded their lives.

Great harmony. Support ↘♂

Chapter 380 Five Shadow Talks (1/2)

In the morning, Naruto, who was sleeping on the sofa, slowly opened his eyes. Yesterday, because he did such a big thing, he didn't tell them. The noise caused people to be boycotted by the wives, and even Jiuluke and Jiuti were persuaded by them. As a result, Naruto was driven to the sofa and thought about it.

"How is this house?" Naruto took Minato and Kushina to look at the house very close to her home.

Although it is a bit big, it should be just right for two people.

"Ordinary. Just order a house."

Kushina looked at such a prosperous big house and felt that it was not suitable for her and Minato to live, mainly because it was too troublesome to clean up.

"This house is already very ordinary!" Naruto raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the house. In her opinion, this house was already very ordinary. It was a house for ordinary people to live in.

"I'm talking about the kind of ordinary house, ordinary! You don't want a really big house, it's really troublesome to clean up! Especially this floor is even more troublesome to clean! Just me and your dad need to live in such a big house What is the house doing!\"

Kushina pressed Naruto's shoulder and shook, and kept talking about the distress of a housewife.

"Okay… okay, I see..

Next, Wu Ren found the two of them. A house a little far from her home, compared to the previous one. The house was a lot more ordinary. After Kushina had no objection, the family of three went to buy a lot of furniture, moved into the house, and bought a lot of clothes. All kinds of clothes, Naruto only felt that they were wearing them. Appropriate. I bought it with a big wave. Kushina and Minato didn't think about saying that Naruto spent so much money. Said her, just considering Naruto's current status, the two gave up, this little money might not be enough to spend more on the ingredients for the meal at Naruto's house last night.

Just as Naruto was picking out clothes for Kushina and Minato Minato, a ray of light flashed, and the color on Minato's face changed immediately and disappeared instantly.

. Zhang File fell from the sky and was caught by Naruto Minato before he reached Naruto.

Seeing the text on the document, it might be an important document in Naruto's village, Minato Namifeng handed the document to Naruto.

"Thank you~! Naruto took the document handed over by Minato Naikaze and looked at it.

It seems that I can only accompany you here. "Wu Ren scratched his cheeks, the shadows of the villages have already reached the conference room of the office building, and he can no longer fish here.

"Let's just go shopping by ourselves. Besides, there are enough of these clothes. If you wear them every time, you will wear them for another year."

Kushina looked at it. Eyes pushed the cart and followed behind. The face was reluctant, as if it was a child called Ghost Lamp Shuiyue.

"Naruto, let him go back, just wrap up these clothes with rolled sleeves later."

"It doesn't matter, just let this kid help you with things. Don't look at his small size, he is not small. Besides, I want to give him money for helping you with that thing, the reward for the B-level task. Kwang looked at it. The ghost dang Shuiyue, who was mumbling something in a low voice, suddenly turned his head and glared at him. Eyes. Successfully scared the ghost dung Shuiyue. He sweated and almost turned into it. The beach water was soft and was almost discovered. Ah!

The electric lamp Sizuki caught Naruto's gaze when he saw Naruto. side, loose. Tone, he thought he had been found out when he spoke ill of Naruto, but it didn't seem to have been found.

"Would you like to take a look with me?" Naruto looked at Minato Namikaze and sent an invitation, she really wanted to see Jiraiya's jaw dropping in shock, it would be interesting.

"I'm still not going. If you want to meet, there will be time in the future, right?" Bo Fengshui shook his head and refused Naruto's invitation.

"Let's go shopping. Go back after shopping.

"Okay then, I'll go first. Naruto's words carried it. Disappointment and disappointment, the wind that turned into a light green with one hand and disappeared in place, Yuan still wanted to see the group of people showing shock, The expression of disbelief. I can't see it now. In the conference room, Hokage, Tsukage, Mizukage, Raikage, and Yukage looked at each other. Looking around, I saw the four shadows in the conference room, Uchiha Shisui. Feeling a lot of pressure, he is just a shadow in a small village. Why did Naruto ask him to participate in this meeting? What is the matter. In contrast to Meimei, Yinin Village is his lover's village, not at all. You need to consider that it doesn't matter if you encounter danger here, with or without guards. Besides, in order to ask Naruto to ask her, she has almost searched the country of water. Unfortunately, she still hasn't found the chakra armor that was sold to Asakura. The person. That person is like the human world has evaporated. Like, disappeared in the water country.

"Why are you in the conference room?" Raikage looked at Uchiha Shisui with a little doubt, although Wuhan Village was Uchiha. It was established by the clan, but, in his opinion, it is still a small village, and now it is the Five Shadows Talks, why there is. The mayor of a small village came in?

"Lord Yuying was invited by the boss to attend this meeting, Lord Raiking, if you have any objection to the boss's decision, please explain to the boss when the boss comes.

Qin said in a humble voice that the boss's decision was questioned, and she, as the boss's secretary, had to come out and say something.

"That's it, what a lucky guy.

Raikage hummed in dissatisfaction. no sound

ter> What more.

"The newly appointed Hokage of Konoha turned out to be you." Onogi looked at Ruozhi, and he naturally knew Konoha's famous Sanninzhi. Jiraiya also.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time, Master Shiying, his body is still tough.... Zilai also laughed dryly, first. It was the first time he faced so many shadows, he didn't know what to say, the more he wanted to be with them. The more you have a good relationship, the less you know what to say.

Of course, I didn't die at the hands of my apprentice like the three Hokage. Onomu looked at Ruo Jiraiya, and the words made Jiraiya full of anger, and there was nowhere to vent, because what Onomu said was the truth.

"Humph! How long does Naruto want us to wait! Has she not come yet?"

After waiting for a long time without seeing Naruto coming, Raikage was a little dissatisfied, and even had the urge to pat the table, and a few drops of cold sweat broke out on the faces of Darui and Samui behind Raikage.

"Raikage, you are really irritable! I heard your voice before I even came in." Naruto pushed in the door with a smile on his face. She smiled. Looking at the people who were waiting for her in the conference room, Chongzhe Terumi greeted her with a playful wink. On such a formal occasion, even if you wanted to give her a hug, you could only be a ninja. Azabuyi walked in behind Naruto. When he saw Raikage, he nodded slightly.

"Qin, thank you for your hard work. Naruto is gentle towards Qin. He smiled and sat down in his seat. Just hearing Raikage's irritable voice, you can imagine that she didn't come to this time. How much Qin is. hard work.

"No, it's not hard."

Qin was behind Naruto, bowed her head, her long black hair fell to cover her, and the blush on her cheeks.

"Naruto, what's the matter with your appearance?" Lei Ying saw Naruto's first. The eyes thought that it was someone else who came in, and it only developed when you looked closely. Isn't this the Naruto Uzumaki who grew up?

Except for the weird pointed ears, they are all grown-up Naruto!

"It's a secret, and the change in my appearance has nothing to do with what I'm going to say today." Naruto Wei Wei. Xiao Xiao rested his chin with one hand, looked at everyone, and stayed on Samui for a long time. second.

"Hurry up and tell me what's the matter with coming to us in such a hurry." Onogi urged, this five-kage meeting is the first since the first Hokage. Second, he was really looking forward to Naruto having something important to announce.

"That's right, I'll let you wait so long, so I won't give up." Naruto said Ruo, his wrists shaking.

The guard behind his shadow became nervous and looked at Naruto vigilantly.

See, Naruto takes it out. After 1 scrolls and unlocking the seal, +5 game helmets that had been prepared for a long time appeared. Naruto thought that each of them would bring two guards, but as a result, Uchiha Shisui and Terumigu didn't bring guards, so there were four game helmets available.

\"What are these helmets for?\" Raikage looked at Naruto if he saw these strange looking helmets, and asked them all the way to play with their heads, right?

"Humph~! This is a person. He pointed at the game helmet on the table with a proud face, and made the game helmet in the game in the true sense. Can anyone else do it except her? No, except for the night. Is there anyone else who can get it? Even if it is faked, it is useless if it cannot be connected to the game world.

"You should know that although the Five Great Ninja Villages have no fighting on the bright side, the flames of hatred left over from the past wars are still burning. And the more it burns, the more prosperous it is. According to this development, I believe it will not be long before it will erupt again. The Second Ninja World War. Naruto looked over from everyone, and continued: "After more than ten years of calm, the Ninja World War broke out again, and this repeated cycle. Like an infinite loop of chains. Straight on...maybe...until the ninjas are completely annihilated in history, this endless chain of hatred will end completely.

"The only thing that will breed hatred and pain will be the monster named 039; hatred! If this goes on and on, there will never be true peace in the ninja world, and I want to achieve true peace!"

Naruto clenched his fists tightly, with a smile on his face. Wiping yearning, it seemed that she really saw the picture of real peace in her heart.

Real peace !

Chapter 381 I'm Not Talking On Paper (1/2)

"Naruto. Peace doesn't just talk about it. Jiraiya was silent for a moment and looked at Ruo Naruto earnestly. Only after experiencing war can he know the cruelty of war. He also yearns for peace, but how can peace be that much? easy to achieve.

People are different, this is his conclusion after years of travel.

"What I'm doing now. It's all about real peace, and I'm not one of those scumbags who just talks about peace and doesn't actually do anything.

How can a **** like Hyde be compared to me? The same kind of rice raises a hundred different kinds of people, how could Naruto not understand this kind of truth.

"However, what method do you plan to use to achieve the goal of peace? Is it the game you mentioned?" Uchiha Shisui looked at the game helmet on the table.

"Real peace? Do you want to directly control all Shinobi villages by force?" Onogi, the old fox, seemed to have said it. The question is, but I want to jump everyone's vigilance against Naruto.

Everyone present knew Naruto's power, and clearly knew how terrible it would be if Naruto wanted to use force to inform them.

\"Spray~! Oh Yemu, you think too much.

Naruto noticed the vigilant gaze. Tsk shook his head, except for Uchiha Shisui and Terumi Mei, the three shadows sitting in the seat, even Jiraiya's eyes were carried. Si Li said with a disdainful smile: "You think that if I want to forcefully control all the Shinobi villages, Naruto's eyes will swept across everyone's faces. As long as she thinks, even if her pupil strength has not recovered, with her current state The strength wants to do something to them, and two rooms can make them downsize.

"Controlling the village by force is not the way to really relieve hatred. If you really want to solve hatred, there is to let those who have hatred fight each other until there is no hatred."

"The most important purpose of the game I developed is this, for the peace of the ninja world. Of course, I am not a noble person. I am not only for the peace of the ninja world, but more for making money. It's going to give me a headache as a business man.

Naruto calls himself a "businessman". They want to refute but don't know how to refute, because the sound of Ninja Village really started with the business they despised instead of relying on ninjas for tasks. Nor does it rely on the name of the country , that's all. ÷÷ points. That is they can't compare anyway.

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