"How can Snail become like this, something is wrong!" Scorpion's parents widened their eyes in shock, unable to believe that this red-haired young girl would be their child.

"Scorpion is a boy, and, at your current age, Scorpion is already an adult! How could it be like this? 039;

Scorpion's parents couldn't believe it. How could a good son become a daughter? Could it be that they misunderstood when the child was born? They mistook the cake for it. strip?

"I used to transform my body into a puppet. Then it appeared. There are some reasons why I became like this. Now I am a real human being. I am also a real girl. There is nothing to be surprised about.

Scorpion saw that the blurred photo in the memory of his parents gradually became clear, the childhood memories flooded into his heart, and flashed in his eyes. With a look of pain, he lowered his head.

"Sorry, Scorpion, we couldn't accompany you when you needed us the most." Scorpion's parents walked to her side, squatted down, and held her gently.

Although the two were living dead reincarnated from the dirt, the hug between the two was something that Scorpion had wanted for a long time, and she really couldn't refuse the hug from her parents. !

Chapter 391 Don't think of me as a nurse! (1/2)

In Kazuki's office, Naruto and Maki discussed about the game helmet. Now is not the best time to promote the game helmet. After the shooting of the latest Kazuyuki movie, it is the best time to promote it. Qi Yi Chuan game helmet, with Fenghua Xiaoxue as the spokesperson of the game helmet. If the movie is a big hit, there is no need to worry about the sales of game helmets. If the movie fails to catch fire, the sales of game helmets with Fenghua Xiaoxue as the spokesperson. With her popularity as a guarantee, it should be able to sell good sales. When the currency swap is opened, that is the peak period of game helmet sales.

"Lord Fengying, the price of the game helmet you mentioned is a bit.

"I have long considered this point, so I launched the installment strategy, so that as long as people with good reputation can afford game helmets, there will be many people.

"As expected of Master Fengying.

"By the way. Has the marriage date of Ghost Shark and Aiyi been set? Don't wait until the child is born to get married." Naruto was very helpful to Maki's flattery, thinking of the beautiful pair of Dried Persimmon and Aiyi Akano. Beast, gossip asked.

"The wedding date of the two has not been decided yet, why don't you ask Master Fengying to ask them?" Maki suggested.

"That's what I mean. Naruto nodded, got up and walked out of the office. Go. Half. Pointing to the document on the desk, he said, "Maki. Ma Xiang you. "Maki looked at Ruo Naruto's back leaving the office. Looking at the documents on Ruo's desk, he lay on the table with a face full of weakness. He thought that he could rest when Fengying came back. It seems that he thought too much. After leaving the office building, Naruto's perception ability quickly sensed the place where the dried persimmon ghost shark was. He made a seal with one hand, and the light green wind wrapped a few people and disappeared in place.

The dried persimmon ghost shark and Akano Aiyi walked slowly in the park. Because of the sadness, Akano Aiyi didn't eat much in the past two days. I'm afraid something will happen to her. Ran Peng, no matter how dry persimmon and electric shark wandered around her, he couldn't move Aiyi Akano's harm to himself.

A light green wind appeared, and when he felt someone approaching, Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark subconsciously stood in front of Ai Akano.

"Long time no see. Ghost shark, why are you so vigilant, I won't eat you and your wife." Naruto looked at it with a deep meaning. Ai Ye's belly with red eyes. ΨΨ

"Huh? Are you...Naruto?" Shikigami and Akano Aiyi were surprised to see Naruto.

"Why don't you know me?" Naruto said with a smile, his eyes swept over the two of them, and jokingly said: "When are you getting married? When the time comes, I will be with the BOSS. Get up and attend your wedding. I heard that Aiyi you. Pregnant, get married as soon as possible~! Otherwise, if you have a big belly, wearing a wedding dress will not look good~!. Only in life. The second marriage is still beautiful. It is better to point.

"Eh?! Master Fengying, how do you know I'm pregnant?" Akano Ai lowered her head with a flushed face, raised her hand and touched the waist of the dried persimmon ghost shark. Needless to say. It must have been the electric shark who leaked the news. The dried persimmon ghost shark who was wronged showed a happy smile, and the dried persimmon ghost shark with such a smile gave people. Kind of silly feeling.

"He looks like a shark. Such a weirdo, he seems to know Naruto very well.

"Mr. Ghost Shark and the boss are organized by Xiao. Staff, two people. They have done several tasks together, and they get along relatively well.

"So that's the case!" Hearing Qin's answer, Ichikishima Hime nodded in understanding.

"Still negotiating? What is there to negotiate? Find a good day to get married! Could it be that you still want to marry with your child!" Naruto looked at the two with his arms crossed.

"of course not.

"Then, let me know when the date is set. Sigh. I and the others should prepare gifts early." Naruto patted the shoulders of Shikigami and Akano Ai. He couldn't help but look forward to their child, who looked like a shark. A girl with teeth, or a boy with shark teeth?

.... or girls look better.

Curse you to give birth to a girl! Just kidding. Naruto looked at Ruo Akano's belly and thought to himself, and his conscience found that he had withdrawn the curse, Wan because of her curse, if she really had a girl, it would be interesting.

"I don't want to disturb your time together. Remember to tell me after setting the wedding date. Sound~!"

The dried persimmon shark nodded and agreed, even if he didn't say it, Maki would tell Naruto, right? He knew very well who told Naruto the news of Aiyi's pregnancy.

After saying goodbye to the dried persimmon electric shark and Akano Aiyi. Naruto. The line went back to the wooden house in the forest.

Scorpion gets along fairly well with her parents, seeing Naruto. Walking over, realizing that the time for their parting was coming, Scorpion felt reluctant to part with her parents, but did not miss them. They were dead people, and she would not want them. Just stay with her. Naruto saw the reluctance in Scorpion's eyes. He glanced at the faces of her parents, Ganyo, and Hai Laozang, and suggested: "Wa, I have. There is a way to make them stay with you."

"No, you don't have to do that. I'm satisfied to see them again and talk to them so much, so don't disturb the long sleep of the deceased." Scorpion shook her head and said, she knew exactly what Naruto said. Way, just, she didn't need to resurrect her parents that way.

Is this okay?" Naruto looked at Gandai. After all, this matter was agreed with Gandai, so it is up to Gandai to decide.

"That's it, I'm very satisfied to see them again.

Dry face. Wiping the smile, it looks really sad, and still carries it in the sadness. Si Yihuai, she had long hoped that she could see her son and daughter-in-law again, but now that she can see her again, she is already satisfied, thinking that she will be able to see them again in that world after her death, and now she is still alive. , This was something that could only be hoped for in the past.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Naruto looked at Scorpion's parents.

Hearing Naruto's words, the two looked at each other. Looking at Ruo Naruto and said, "Our daughter will ask you." After saying these words, a white light lit up on the two of them, their souls were separated from their bodies, and the Reincarnation Art of Beetle was passively lifted. What do you mean by daughter, please?

"What the **** did you say? Shouldn't it be your responsibility to raise the scorpion? Why did you just leave it to me?" Naruto looked at Kanyo and Hailaozang. Pointing to his face, he said, "I look

"Well, very similar."

Qian Dai nodded solemnly. Xiaoruo waved his hand and said, "Just kidding, it's not like we didn't want to live in Yinnin Village.

"Isn't it good to stay in Sand Ninja Village?" Naruto looked down at the scorpions who were staring at the two piles of ashes silently.

"I think it would be more interesting to be in the sound ninja village, and my dolls are all in the sound ninja village.

Having said that, Naruto naturally couldn't keep the scorpion here forcibly, and said to Chiyo and Hailaozang: "In this case, if you have time, go to the scorpion village to see the scorpion. After dealing with the things to be dealt with, Naruto did not After spending too much time in Sand Ninja Village, I returned to Sound Ninja Village. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the end of the month has already been filmed. The story written by the hard-earned materials was changed so that the original author could not recognize him. I don’t know how I would feel. At the same time as the filming, Naruto invited the director of the film to shoot an advertisement about the game helmet. I gave each of them out of their own pockets. A high-end game helmet, in order to be able to shoot advertisements in the game world. In the game world, Fenghua Xiaoxue, who plays Princess Fengyun, and Naruko, who plays Princess Fengyun, do not know. For some reason, he traveled to this different world and was called "adventurer from another world" by the residents. In this world, he did tasks to fight monsters and became stronger. He continued to challenge adventures and search for stronger monsters. In the dark labyrinth Getting lost, opening treasure chests in the wild, etc. After the filming of the commercial featuring Princess Fengyun and Naruko, the director was kicked out of the game. If you want to enter the game, you need to wait until the day the game is released.

"Xiaoxiang, don't you need to go back to the country of incense to manage the country? You have. Haven't gone back for more than a month?" Naruto looked at him like a large pendant since the commercial. Like Fenghua Xiaoxue, who is always by her side all day, she is always up every day when she is filming. Why is she more serious now?

"It doesn't matter, there are three Taifus handling it, and I will use this contact to contact me for important things." Fenghua Xiaoxue took it out from her pocket. It looked like a silver-white pocket watch, and pressed the button lightly. "Crack! The lid bowed open, revealing the screen inside. Then Santao Asama's face appeared on the screen.

Lying on the grass, technology! Wait, when the ninja coalition attacked the Reincarnated army, it seems that such a communication display appeared! Could it be the technology obtained from the snow country?!

Chapter 392 Don't Shoot I'm a Courier (1/3)

"Queen, what happened?"

Santai Asama thought that something important happened, and hurriedly asked, this liaison device is only used when they agreed that something important happened.

"Ah! It's the boss!"

Santai Asama breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Naruto. Before, he thought that something important had happened, otherwise the Queen would not have used this contact to contact him.

"What? Do you think Xiaoxue is in danger in Yinin Village?" Naruto pretended to be angry and looked at Mita Asama's sweaty face, burst out laughing, and said apologetically, "Okay. , I don't care about you anymore, Xiaoxue turned on the contactor to show me the function of the contactor, sorry.

"It's nothing, as long as the Queen has nothing to do.

Santafu Asama shook his head. He was not angry about this kind of thing. There is nothing more gratifying than seeing the queen who is in peace.

"By the way. Mitafu, I have something to talk to you about. Let's chat. Naruto thought about taking this opportunity to destroy and told Santao Asama. Talking about the game thief, let him get some preparations, so that the game thief starts to promote When she was in the Snow Country, she was also promoting and propagating in the Snow Country, and her wandering head thief was for the whole world.

"What's the matter, please say

"It's about the game head thief... After Naruto and Asama Mitafu talked about the game helmet, Asama Mitafu nodded his head in a sensible way.

"I get it, just start promoting game pirates after the movie comes out, right?"

"That's right, if the movie is a big hit, the advertisements that are considered easter eggs will drive the sales of game helmets. If the movie doesn't catch fire, it won't have any impact.

Naruto, who has all the memories of the shadow clone, has no confidence in this "Intimacy Paradise", which has been changed beyond recognition. The movie is not popular, and the game helmet can always be sold.

. A week later, the movie started to be released, Naruto thought it would be a violent death, but the movie became a fire, not only the fame of Fenghua Xiaoxue's highland Fengxue painting has become more prosperous, but even Naruto's reputation as the male lead has also become more popular. It has become more popular, not only in the ninja world, but also a large number of men and women among ordinary people who regard her as their dream lover. The end of the movie is like an Easter egg. This kind of advertisement made the game helmet and the game "Another World" more anticipated by many people. At this time, the five major ninja villages and each small ninja village had the highest leader of their ninja villages and announced the game helmet. information.

It's just that the price is prohibitive for many people, almost the same. There are advertisements everywhere, as well as advertisements about game helmets and the game "Alien World" played on the TV.

It even made the game's popularity to an unprecedented level, and as a game development and sales of game head thieves, Yin Nin Village has released the news that it can be paid in installments. Ordinary people need to set a bank card, and they will receive payment from them every month. Debit money from your bank card until the money stolen from the game head is paid off.

. Orders from all over the world are almost flooding the office. There are also many people who have already prepared B nights, theater helmets, and game warehouses. They are all ordered by the nobles. After all, the expensive price is not everyone. affordable.

Minato Namikaze became the delivery man of the game helmet. After wearing the special straight-carat armor, after the chakra increased by a dozen times, Minato Minato Namikaze can use the technique of flying thunder to surround the entire continent several times without wearing it. panting.

With the imprint of Fei Lei left on the flyers distributed around the world, Minato Namikaze can easily go to any corner of the world.

"Minato?!" Jiraiya saw Minato Minato, who was wearing a suit, leather shoes and sunglasses, widened his eyes in shock. He thought he had encountered a ghost, and was so frightened that he saw the pen in his hand on the ground.

"Long time no see, Master Jiraiya.

Namikaze Minato took off his sunglasses, and his sunny smile was as dazzling as the sun.

"Fourth Hokage?!"

Nara Shikahisa widened his eyes in shock. He thought it was Jirai and he was wrong. He didn't recognize it until Bo Fengshui took off his sunglasses. This person was the fourth generation who had been dead for more than ten years. Shadow! It doesn't seem to have been reincarnated by the dirt, but really alive!

"Watergate, you...how are you still alive?"

Zilai also rubbed his eyes and pinched his cheek. The apprentice who had been dead for more than ten years suddenly appeared in front of him. To him, it was like a dream.

"It happened. Some things, now I'm just a courier." Minato Namikaze took out the scroll with the game helmet and put it on the desk.

"Teacher Jiraiya, I have to go to another village to deliver the courier, let's talk when I have time," Minato Namika waved his hand at Jiraiya, put on his sunglasses, and disappeared in place. When Namikaze Minato went to other villages to deliver couriers, it was natural to scare the shadows in each village, and the biggest reflection was Raikage, who was subconscious when he saw Namikaze Minato. The big fist of the casserole punched it.

After the explanation, the misunderstanding was solved, and the news of his resurrection spread in the ninja world.

Namikaze Minato, who should have been dead for more than ten years, suddenly deceived the corpse, and even became a delivery person in Yinin Village. I don’t believe anyone who told me that, the truth is on my face

They also had to ask how Minato Namikaze was resurrected or did not die at all. It is a mystery in the ninja world. They don't know much about the eye of reincarnation, and they have no doubt about the ability of Naruto to use the eye of reincarnation. Revived Namikaze Minato.

. That night, Jiraiya and Minato Namikaze chatted for a long time in the tavern, but because they still had work the next day, they didn't drink too much alcohol.

When they parted, Jiraiya looked at Minato Naikaze seriously and asked, "Minato, if I abdicate, will you come back and continue to be Hokage?" Minato Minato Namikaze shook his head and said with a smile, "No, now I am I just want to accompany Kushina, Liu Zaiyin Nin Village can always help... even if it is something trivial... I owe Naruto too much, for the sake of wood... I owe it There are too many Kushina and Naruto... Naruto is no longer suitable for me...

"For home.... not bad~

"Well, ok! 039;

Minato Namikaze nodded, and the two exchanged in-game IDs.

Jirai was also stunned when he heard the ID in the game, if Ruo Ruo’s own apprentice was embarrassed to laugh, after Na Fengshui left, he couldn’t help but covered his stomach and laughed.

"As expected of Minato, only Minato can come up with such an ID... Jirai, who had laughed enough, also sighed.

With the release of the play helmet, Naruto also started to get busy, and he had to keep an eye on the operation of the game world every day. With the release of the game, Naruto's wives also became net hysterical girls, all day long. in the game.

This. The secondary game system has been made more comprehensive, adding tasks that can be seen in the menu, and adding the functions of teaming up, adding friends, and customizing IDs when entering the game. When this function was added, Naruto has already I imagined people with weird, second-time popular nicknames on their heads. The most important thing is to increase the punishment of xing harassment, such as xing harassing thunder and lightning that NPPC can't see.

The method of arrival has also been modified. The location will no longer come to the wild, but will randomly come to the game world. In the large number of villages, the game players in the internal test have all their attributes washed away, and they have worked hard. The brushed props have not been cleared, so start from scratch and ordinary players. The same starting point, the difference is that they have the experience of internal testing and the psychic beasts they have obtained. After the game can be logged in, Jiraiya's [Toad Immortal-sama] is still normal, and when I see Namikaze Minato get up [Super Gold Flash Rondo Ninja]

When I saw the ID on the head of Minato Naruto, Naruto's heart collapsed, Dad, you should be a person! No! You can have some snacks!

Seeing that Naruto Minato is very satisfied with his D, Naruto doesn't know what to say, can't he give a normal name? Look at the [White Jade Snake Princess] that Ichikishima gave him. This is What a normal evening call!

Seeing Kushina's [Namifeng Minato's Wife 1 D, Naruto couldn't help showing a knowing smile, and sure enough, it's the mother's D that's the most normal.. shit! It's just a play, As for? Zer Mom, your ID and Dad's ID have something to do with it. Fight! Naruto watched. The IDs given to me by my wives and family members, Tsunade's is [not a medical ninja], Yakushi Nonoyu's is [does not do medical ninja], Uchiha Mikoto's [Sharing eye is not pink eye], Jiuru But [what's wrong with the tails], Jiutika [Uncle is strong. No], Fenghua Xiaoxue [is not Fengyun Princess], Terumi Mei [If you have a lover, don't disturb].

Nai [I want to grow taller and taller], Xianglian [Naruto is mine], Fu [insect], Scorpion [doll], Chiha Madara [the strongest in the world], Qianshou Zhuma [eat all over the world], Crane Yi Fuxue [Melting Escape is so hard to learn], Camilla [The bat is very cute], Rank [Rank is my name]. Fengwai [I'm going to die without an adult], Sanwei [Don't call me a slug], five Tail [White King Mu]

What is the name of the electricity?

"Eh? Do you still need a name? Then, let's call it Hydrangea." When Hydrangea entered the game, she saw the ID option, and she still wrote her name on it.

"Long time no see, Hydrangea, I miss you so much~!" As soon as Hydrangea entered the game, she was hugged by Miss Treasure Chest Monster, and then she let go of Hydrangea and looked at Ruohua suspiciously, "Why do you feel so weak?

"Wow! The psychic beast! She is the so-called closed beta player!"

Players who have just entered the game nearby are not stupid when they see the treasure chest monster beside Hydrangea. They have long heard that ninjas have psychic beasts, and those who have psychic beasts in the game are naturally those who tested before the game was released. player.

"Hey~! Can the beta players tell us how to play this game?"

"Hey! Little Y Tou, do you sell your psychic beast? Can you sell it to me? Is five million enough?"

Looking at the novice players who came around, Hydrangea turned around and ran away without saying a word. It wasn't until these people dispersed that Hydrangea squatting on the wall breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's going on with these people! Are they going to bully you?" The treasure chest monster waved his fists angrily, as if to show the group a good look.

"It's okay, they're not malicious.

Except for the one who finally wants to spend money on the treasure chest monster

Hydrangea thought of the love of the person who wanted to buy the treasure chest monster, as if it was an honor to sell the treasure chest monster to him, it was unreasonable!

"Stop talking about that, let's go on an adventure


"Well, okay~!" Treasure Jiguai nodded. He got out of the treasure chest

, hold the neck of the hydrangea.

"I can't walk like you do.

Hydrangea looked out of the corner of her eye. The treasure chest monster with a smile on her face, she also wants to walk in this posture, but her body can't bear it!

"Then hug. A little while?"

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