"Sorry Nine Tails... I lost control..."

Nine tails are like an old mother. He said to Naruto earnestly: "You have become irritable under the influence of my Chakra, Naruto, you have to control your emotions."

"That's easy to control." Naruto spread his hands and slid down from the face of the nine tails and landed smoothly, "I don't know how to refine chakra, and now only your chakra exists in my body, which leads me to It's more difficult to control your emotions."

"I will try my best to control my emotions, the big deal is to tear up that broken seal and let you go out~!" Naruto touched his chin and said, as if he had such a plan, not a joke.

"I think about it, with my current body, I can't withstand your power, Nine Tails, which means that I will become a humanoid nuclear bomb! BOOM!"

Naruto raised his hands and said happily: "If I do that, Konoha will be destroyed by me!"

"Do that, and you'll die too! Stupid!" Nine Tails. Looking at the fascinated and happy Naruto with a stomachache, he couldn't help but flicked Naruto's forehead, and the result was like Naruto. bouncy ball. He bounced around in this cell like this, and finally lay on the ground with his eyes rolling in circles.

"Naruto! Are you okay?"

Kyuubi stretched out his fingers, and his sharp nails tapped Naruto's abdomen through his clothes.

"Hahaha! It's so itchy!"

Naruto covered his stomach and let out a laugh, shook his dizzy head and sat up, puffing out his cheeks and looking at the nine tails angrily.

"Nine-tails are too much! I'm ignoring you!" Said, Naruto left without giving Nine-tails a chance to react, and stayed. Nine tails with a stomachache.

"Naruto! Naruto!" He looked like a dead pig sleeping. Such a Naruto, Kakashi, who had already withdrawn from Anbu, touched the mask on his face and resisted the urge to splash Naruto with water.

"Ugh~!" Naruto sat up in a daze, opened his sleepy eyes, and looked at Shirogane Mae Anbu Kakashi in front of him.

"What's up?"

"This is your admission procedure. From tomorrow you are going to study at the ninja school." Kakashi said, took out the completed procedures and put it on the table.

"Ha~!" Naruto showed a mocking smile, "Is it really okay to let me, this monster, go to the ninja school?"

"That's what Hokage-sama meant."

"Three generations of grandfathers... I know."

Naruto has been in contact with the three generations of Hokage. If he hadn't seen the deep regret hidden in the eyes of the three generations, Naruto would have resented the three generations very much. Even if the three generations were a good old man in the original work, it would not change him. door agreement.

Naruto is not a fool, only by climbing the thick thigh of the third generation can he avoid being disturbed by Danzo, at least not be caught and brainwashed, and become an obedient and obedient person Zhuli.

The next day, when I came to the ninja school, because it was an order from Hokage, even if they were malicious towards Naruto, those adults who brought their children to the ninja school were not able to show their malice towards Naruto directly.

The class that Naruto was assigned to, without any accident, was the class taught by Iruka.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto, please give me some advice." After Naruto briefly introduced himself, he looked at Iruka, "Teacher, where do I sit?"

"Ah...well, sit next to Sasuke!" Iruka didn't expect Naruto's self-introduction to be so brief, and after a brief moment of stunned, Naruto was seated next to Uchiha Sasuke.

According to men and women. There's nothing wrong with Iruka's allocation of tables, but it's a little different from what Naruto had in mind.

Naruto nodded and walked over, muttering in his heart, Naruto should be the follower in the original work. A dragon suit sits. get up? How come it's like two pillars to me. Got a table?

It doesn't matter who you sit with. Tables are all. Sample.

I have to hurry up and learn how to refine chakra so that I don't get emotional.


Naruto greeted Sasuke Uchiha, sat in his seat and stopped talking, watching other students introduce themselves, and didn't pay too much attention to the young master of Uchiha's family.

Chapter 5 Each has a ghost (1/2)

Uzumaki Naruto...Naruto...

Hinata Hinata watched Naruto secretly, her young face flushed slightly. ΨΨ

After Iruka was assigned the seats, clapping interrupted the chatter of the children.

"Okay! Be quiet, classmates! Today, as your first class, I will teach you the most basic and most important things about ninjas..."

"That's Chakra!"

Iruka wrote a few large characters on the blackboard with chalk, and patted the blackboard lightly, attracting the eyes of all the children to him.


Naruto watched and listened to Iruka's lecture attentively, and wrote down all the knowledge about Chakra.

During recess, Naruto frowned slightly and studied how to extract chakra.


Uchiha, who was ignored by Naruto for a long time, patted the table in dissatisfaction, interrupting Naruto's train of thought.

"What's up?"

Naruto squinted his eyes and looked at the Second Pillar who had not experienced the extermination of the family.

"Anyway, we are at the same table, can you not ignore me?" Sasuke Uchiha glared at Naruto with dissatisfaction, with a look in his eyes. Silk grievances, like. A spoiled child.

"Sorry, I don't think I can have anything to say with you. Besides, haven't you heard your parents say it?"


"do not come near me."


Before Sasuke Uchiha could react, he was pushed to the ground by Naruto.

When the children around heard Sasuke's cry, they all looked over and saw Sasuke's small face. ≒≒Red, gritted his teeth angrily, tried his best to pretend that nothing had happened, sat on the seat, couldn't let out the fire, his face flushed red.



Looking at the bulging Erzhuzi, Naruto clicked his mouth and closed his eyes not to look at Sasuke.

Uzumaki Naruto…

Iruka looked at Naruto at the door, with memories in his eyes, and time seemed to return to the Nine-Tails Rebellion. That night, his parents were there. He died trying to stop the Nine Tails.

"Hey! Iruka! What are you thinking?"

"Ah! Mizuki! Don't scare me!" Iruka's memory was interrupted by the passing Mizuki.

Is that little girl the one who has the Nine Tails sealed within her body...

Mizuki looked at Naruto, who was lying on the table, squinting, and the corners of his mouth were exposed. Ribbon has a malicious smile. It is unfortunate that Naruto is very sensitive to maliciousness. When he opened his eyes, he saw Mizuki's malicious smile.

Mizuki, the person who lured Naruto to steal the Sealed Book in the original book, actually had Naruto's skill in the original book, if he hadn't deliberately let him get it, it would have been impossible for him to steal the Sealed Book.

I remembered that Naruto in the original book had repeatedly stated that he wanted to become Hokage, and was thinking of his own performance.

A certain lousy old man who always used a crystal ball to peep into the bathroom, if she was given the book of seals, she would be demented, as. A deterrent existence similar to a nuclear bomb, it's not bad to be able to train her as a normal ninja, isn't it...

It seems that Naruto's multi-shadow avatar technique in the original book has no relationship with me, it doesn't matter, I just need to work hard to become strong enough to be able to leave Konoha smoothly, and the rest will be handed over to Nine Tails.

It's just that during the time at the ninja school, it seems that there is no way to learn other ninjutsu except the three body art, and can only rely on the body art...

If the original. In this way, I should be able to be assigned to Kakashi's seventh class. At that time, I can learn ninjutsu from Kakashi and then use Orochimaru to use sand ninja to attack Konoha, and escape from Konoha while the chaos.

However, things may not be as smooth as I imagined, and we can only go. Step count. step.

Mizuki found Naruto through Iruka's absence.

"Teacher, is something wrong?"

Knowing that Mizuki is not a good thing, Naruto is not good at showing it. He looked at Mizuki suspiciously.

"Why don't you go and play with other people?" Mizuki asked knowingly, with a concerned expression on his face, Naruto felt nauseated, and wanted to vomit him. impulse of the face.

It's enough to have two pillars at the same table, and it's enough that Shuimu bothers her after class.

"It's good for me to play by myself." Naruto's fragile face showed. Wipe the forced smile, the azure eyes slightly reddened, good. A heartbreaking little loli.

Mizuki thought that Naruto was really sad, pressed the maliciousness that rose in his heart, and pretended to be distressed to hold Naruto, Naruto's body had it. Instantly stiff, Mizuki showed a smug smile as Naruto had never been treated gently.

How dare this **** hug me!

Being held by Mizuki. In an instant, Naruto almost couldn't help it. The foot kicked towards Mizuki's next three, and it was precisely because she resisted the urge to attack that her body was stunned. Instantly stiff, the result was misunderstood by Mizuki.

Mizuki, who doesn't know his true face has long been known to Naruto, is still thinking about how to improve Naruto's favorability and make Naruto a good student who obeys his own words.

Is this guy trying to take advantage of me? Maybe I can... Naruto's blue eyes slowly closed, lying on Mizuki's shoulders, deliberately showing a fragile expression in front of Mizuki, Mizuki mistakenly thought that he had opened Naruto's heart, stroked Naruto's hair, but he didn't know the sound At this moment, people are calculating in their hearts how to drain the value of Shuimu.

After Mizuki left, Naruto held back the nausea in his heart, returned home after school, washed his hair five or three times and still felt sick, and even had the urge to cut his hair.

In his inner world, Naruto angrily tugged at Jiuwei's hair, and complained with red eyes: "That bastard, Mizuki, dares to hug me and touch my hair! I feel sick just thinking about it! Goosebumps all over my body. Woke up!"

Naruto rolled up the sleeves of his pajamas to show Kyuubi the goosebumps on his arms. Kyuubi tried his best to widen his eyes, but it was difficult to see the goosebumps that couldn't be smaller. He really thought his eyes were Hyuga. Clan's white eyes?

Seeing Nine Tails' eyes wide open, Naruto couldn't help laughing while covering his stomach.

Nine tails realized that she was being played by Naruto, and rolled her eyes angrily. The foot kicked Naruto out.


I really don't have a temper when an old mother!

Did you just kick Naruto out? After a while, Naruto ran in again and excitedly said to the nine tails: "Nine tails! Nine tails! I learned the transformation technique!"

"Look at me changing something to show you!"

Said, Naruto knot seal, "bang". The smoke dissipated, and Naruto became. The golden-haired nine-tailed fox, which has only shrunk countless times and is only the size of a child, flutters its nine-tailed head proudly.

"How! Is it like you. Like!"

Kyuubi looked helplessly at Naruto with a begging expression on his face, shouldn't you show this expression to your teacher? Why show it to me! I'm just a tailed beast, that's all.

"Yeah! It's amazing!" (Great Reading)

Nine tails flicked Naruto's forehead, the smoke cleared and Naruto was beaten back to his original shape, lying on the ground with his forehead covered, looking at nine tails resentfully.

"Can't you just take it easy?"

"I'm already very light!" Nine Tails looked at Naruto with a stomachache.

"It's nothing, just go back, I'm going to bed." Nine tails yawned, a little impatient.

The mere transformation technique also ran in front of it to show off, do you think it has lived so many years in vain?

Chapter 6 Naruto's Conjecture (1/2)

♂ Regarding the transformation, Naruto's intuitive feeling after learning transformation is that this is the most defying ninjutsu in the basic ninjutsu. In theory, as long as the imagination is enough, it can be ever-changing, but it will transform after being attacked. The surgery will be lifted, if you can make the transformation surgery. ΨΨ continues, can we all become other people?

This idea, Naruto feels that the second-generation Hokage who created the transformation technique has not thought about it, right?

Otherwise, with the genius mind of the second Hokage who can create the reincarnation of the dirty earth... It should not be difficult to improve this ninjutsu, but in that case, the transformation technique will not be the basic ninjutsu, but will become a forbidden technique!

In addition to being able to see the inner white eye and the writing wheel eye, it is really terrible to sneak in and be a spy with the transformation technique!


The smoke cleared, Naruto's figure disappeared, and more appeared on the floor. A little ant looked around.

A few seconds later, Naruto lifted the ninjutsu and sat on the ground, thinking about how to apply the transformation technique to actual combat. In the original book, the shuriken or something can be used for reference, but it feels a bit stupid. Not everything becomes that kind of thing inside, even if it becomes a weapon, it is still human in nature.

If you turn into a shuriken and get hit, you will definitely be injured. If you are cut in half by a weapon... the shadow clone is good to say, if it is a body, wouldn't it be dead?

As the most basic ninjutsu, the three-body technique is also the most useful ninjutsu. Whether it is a stand-in technique or a clone technique, it can play a vital role. If used well, it can even kill an enemy stronger than oneself.

It is impossible for the original Naruto to come into contact with the three-body technique so quickly. With the help of the good teacher Mizuki, Naruto came into contact with the three-body technique earlier than others. However, Naruto's purpose is not only the three-body technique, but also the three-body technique. What she wants to learn is Feng Dun, which fits her own chakra attributes.

She also wanted to rub the balls, but she didn't dare to do it without anyone teaching her. Anbu was watching nearby. As long as she practiced rubbing the balls, it was estimated that she would be sitting in Genbu or Hokage's office the next day. Inadvertent words will be dealt with.

Mizuki taught her ninjutsu, and it can be considered that Mizuki has a good relationship with her and will not be suspected. If she practiced by herself, it will become a big problem. Maybe she will be regarded as a group of persecuting paranoiacs, and the nine tails invaded her. body and the like.


Naruto lay on the bed and sighed, thinking about how to trick Mizuki tomorrow to get her wind escape ninjutsu. With so many tricks played by a ball rolling, she still didn't believe that she couldn't do some ninjutsu of her own.

School building talk.

"Last night, when I was passing by the lake, I saw Sasuke spitting fireballs. It's really amazing! Teacher Mizuki, I also want to learn ninjutsu!"

"Well." Shuimu nodded, with a gentle smile on his face, secretly said in his heart. Sound trouble, take it out from the pocket of the vest. Zhang Zhang chakra test paper, and said expectantly: "Naruto, you inject chakra into the paper, so that you can measure your chakra attributes."


Although he knew his chakra attributes for a long time, Naruto deliberately pretended. Vice-looking, looking forward to it, took the chakra test paper and injected it with chakra.


The chakra test paper cracked.

This little girl's chakra attribute is the wind attribute, which is really a rare attribute. The life of this nine-tailed girl is really good!

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