Chapter 156 Jiao Du You Really Understand Me (1/3)

The quiet conference room was filled with a tense atmosphere, and the source of this atmosphere was Naruto, who looked gloomy as if he had something important to announce. ζζ

"I called you here today. There is an important thing to announce, your boss, I accidentally became the Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village.

"Then, boss, do you want to leave Yinnin Village and go to Sand Ninja Village?" Qin stood up, clutching her chest in shock. She looked at Ruo Naruto with a face full of reluctance. Fortunately, there were many people in the meeting room, and she knew that The key face problem. I didn't jump up and hug Naruto directly.

"Of course not. After that, our Sound Ninja Village will fully cooperate with Sand Ninja Village. What I want to say here is, don't give Sand Ninja Village a discount just because I am Kazekage! But your boss, put the interests of Yinin Village first in everything, and must not do things that harm yourself and others. You know!"

"Yes! Boss!" XN

"Next, for the faster development of our clothing industry, I decided to hire a large number of Sand Ninja Village Ninjas as our village's freight ninjas, and at the same time, open a sound clothing store in Sand Ninja Village. Naruto's eyes are on everyone's faces. Sweeping over, the expressions on everyone's faces were all in sight, except for a dog-licking piano that seemed to be abandoned by its owner.

"As I said, whoever has an opinion can put it forward. Although Yinin Village is my Yinin Village, you are indispensable to the Yinin Village. Part of it, you can say it directly if you have an opinion, and I will consider it. .

\"Boss, you have become the Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village, will the cooperation between Sand Ninja Village and Sound Ninja Village cause the dissatisfaction of the daimyo?" That took. A soft voice came from the corner.

Naruto. I saw that in the past. The head is light green hair, delicate face, pale complexion looks + points weak female. Mayfly? Why is she here? So that's the case, the patriarch of the wind demon clan... Wu Ren saw the small sign in front of the mayfly, and his doubts were answered.

With a slight smile on Naruto's mouth, he said confidently: "The daimyo will not be in charge, and the Yinnin Village will not be in charge of the land of the land, and what you think will not happen.

"Anything else you want to ask next? Feel free to ask.

After the meeting, Du Yangqin stayed.

"As I expected, your becoming Kazekage will make the relationship between Yinnin Village and Sand Ninja Village closer, even closer than the alliance. Isn't that what you want?\"

Shit! That's not what I want!

"As expected of Kakudu, you have seen through my thinker." Naruto suppressed the boredom in his heart. With a smug smile, she turned her head and said to Ruoqin: "Qin, you go out first, I have something to discuss with Jiaodu.

"Yes, old

Qin nodded and walked out.

"Tomorrow, the news will spread throughout the entire ninja world, and I'm thinking now, how should I explain to the boss that I suddenly became Kazekage. Naruto said with a headache, becoming Kawokage is completely out of her plan. , If Nagato. When I can't think about it, what should I do if I send Payne three to clean up? It's a big head! Damn Markey, this time he made a miserable mess.

"Isn't it good for the organization to be a Kazekage? What the leader wants is world peace, haven't you already taken the first step of peace?"

Jiao Du looked at Naruto in astonishment. How could someone so shrewd get entangled in such a boring question.

\"Indeed, it seems that I think too much." Naruto thought about it and thought that the corners were right, Nagato wants world peace, she has already stepped out. Have you walked? Compared to Chang-i who has been walking in place for so many years, she is already sitting at the speed of a rocket, although Chang-i was limped and walked crookedly because of being fooled by Uchiha.

"About that female star, what are you going to do?\" All of a sudden, I remembered the female star Futu Fengxuehui who was robbed of her popularity. Her manager came to Yinin Village specially to announce the work.

"Are you escorting Futufeng Kae to the Snow Country to shoot a movie? I will lead the team to perform this task. It would be even better if I could take the opportunity to make her the spokesperson of Yinin costumes. The nobles can eat well because of her popularity.

Feiduan heard this. It will definitely be yelling... Jiao Du thought of Feiduan who was proud of his salary in front of him before.

"If you **** that female star to the country of snow, what should you do in the country of wind?"

"Let my shadow clone deal with it, that's the only way to do it." Naruto bit his nails. For the development of the sound ninja village, Koto Feng Xiange must take the sand ninja village. Naruto thought of the delicious giant scorpion. Meat, if you can sell the giant scorpion meat, which is a specialty of Sand Ninja, to other countries. a means of making money.

The environmental problems of Sand Ninja Village have limited the development of Sand Ninja Village. If the environment of Sand Ninja Village can be changed, Naruto thought of Yamato's technique of planting trees. Based on the current alliance between Sand Ninja Village and Konoha, Yamato borrowed it. A month should be fine.. In a month, prepare some military ration pills for Na Ya, and let him use Mu Shi around the sand ninja village.

It shouldn't be a problem to come out of the woods, right? If the Sand Ninja Village can be changed into a desert oasis so that it can develop better, the current environment of the Sand Ninja Village is really bad. The reason why a powerful ninja can be born in a harsh environment is that Naruto can only laugh at it. The environment in Sand Ninja Village is bad enough. There are not many powerful ninjas. On the other hand, Konoha + Xiaoqiang... Now it's Konoha's ten Xiaoqiang, and Sand Ninja is simple. There is no one who can fight, only. The one who could beat was also branded to Yin Nin Village by her. Naruto flicked Gaara, who was supposed to be Kazekage, to Yinnin Village, but she became Kazekage by accident. This is probably the retribution.

"It's nothing, I'll go first." Jiao Du looked. Looking at the watch on the wall, he guessed that new documents should have been sent to the office, and he should be able to go home earlier at the current time.

"Well, you've worked hard, Koto.

After Jiaodu left, Naruto walked out of the conference room. Seeing Qin waiting at the door of the conference room, Naruto extended his hand to her.

"Come with me.


"It's very troublesome for you to walk like this, just hold my hand." Naruto looked at Qin who was holding his own with both hands, and she always felt like she was holding it. An old giant baby, and still the kind that is full of sweat. Isn't it just holding hands, as for the excited hands that are sweaty?

In front of the newly built orphanage, Naruto looked at the pharmacist's pocket with a gentle face that looked like children playing, and the corner of his mouth evoked a satisfied smile. Maybe this is the life he should have, instead of being the existence who has no self and only knows how to rely on others to imitate others. Sensing that someone was watching him, the pharmacist turned around and saw Naruto with Heqin at the door, and hurried over.

"Boss, why are you here?\" This is the rumored boss with a bad temper!

Facing Naruto who was a few heads shorter than him, Yao Shidou clenched his nervous hands together.

"Is the money allocated to you by the village enough?

Naruto saw Yao Shidou's nervousness. Laughing, but there was a murmur in his heart.

Am I so scary?

"Mother Nine Tails, do I look so scary?"

"No, Naruto is cute~! Nine tails replied without hesitation.

"Enough, there's a lot left.

"That's good, if you are short of money, go to Jiaodu or Qin to apply for a grant. Qian Yinren Village can provide this, so you don't need to be polite to me.

"Thank you, Boss!\" In Yinin Village Orphanage, all the poor children who lost their parents due to various reasons. It is naturally the best for the pharmacist pocket who turned back halfway to take good care of them. Naruto and Qin made money in the orphanage under the leadership of Yakushidou. lock up. It was getting dark and the lights were on.

The night life has just begun, walking on the brightly lit street. Looking at the endless stream of pedestrians on the street, Naruto really felt the prosperity of Yinin Village.

Qin, when Kono and I both leave, I'm going to ask you.

"Well, don't worry, leave it to me,

Qin replied earnestly.

"Naruto, are you going to leave Yinin Village when you become Kazekage?" Xiang Zhan held Naruto's arm nervously.

"Of course not, I still spend most of the time in Yinin Village. When there are important things in Sand Ninja Village, I will let me make a decision." Naruto stroked Kayou's hair soothingly. This girl likes to act like a spoiled child more and more, she is taller in terms of height... I hope she can surpass it in her lifetime. Mi five.. can't reach it. Mi Qi and three are fine!

Naruto's bedroom at night.

"How on earth did you become Kazekage Sand Ninja Village?" Miye folded his arms and stared at Naruto suspiciously.

"Didn't I tell you, it's the high-level executives of Sand Ninja Village who made me feel like a wind shadow, and it's impossible to refuse!" Naruto stared impatiently into the night.

"Do you really think I'd like to be Fengying?

"You don't want them to force you to fail?" Ji Ye's little face suddenly approached, and the doubts on his face were turned into words and stuck to his face.

"In fact, they forced me. Naruto sighed and pushed away the little face that was about to stick to his face in the night. He said that if his shadow clone was in the sand ninja village, there is nothing to add oil and vinegar to it. .

"My plans were almost ruined by them."

"Thanks a lot.

He got up at night and touched Naruto's hair with his chubby little hands.

"So, did you just think that I took the initiative to think of a way to become Fengying?" Naruto didn't want to eat this. Do you really think that comforting yourself will make her forget what happened just now?

"Then what do you think?"

The night has shown what is called the speed of light backward, forward. Seconds are still beside Naruto, next. The second has already run to the door, with both hands protecting Ruo's little butt.


Naruto saw the vigilant look on Ruo Ruo's face on Ji Ye's face, he couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing, he lifted the quilt and lay in, looked at Ruo Ji Ye and patted the position beside him and said, "Come here and sleep.


Si Ye Deng Deng also ran to the edge of the bed, climbed onto the bed, and got into Naruto's arms. !

Chapter 157 Nagato's Brain Opens (1/3)

The news that Naruto Uzumaki became the fifth generation of Kazekage quickly spread throughout the entire ninja world. When various ninja villages began to investigate Naruto Uzumaki, they were shocked to find that Naruto Uzumaki turned out to be. ÷÷ Not even a ninja!

What surprised them even more was the identity of Naruto. He used to be Konoha. Later, he left Konoha for some unknown reason, but the Nine-Tailed Zhuri was still her, and the boss of the Sound Ninja Village was still her!

According to reliable information, she used to be Orochimaru's apprentice, and for some unknown reason, she severely injured Orochimaru. At present, Orochimaru's whereabouts are unknown. Orochimaru had appeared in the Konoha Chunin Exam, and some people speculated that it might be because Orochi attacked Konoha, which caused Naruto Yuzu to kill him.

Sand Shinobu, who got this news, became more trusting in his newly appointed Kazekage,

"Naruto, I can only help you get here hehehe~!" Hei Jue, who did good deeds without leaving his name, smiled gloomily from the ground. It didn't expect Naruto to jump in. It has become the wind of Sand Ninja Village, which is beyond its expectations.

This is enough. After the fake news spread to Konoha, Konoha's ninja was very moved, and his favorability for Naruto increased. Rock Shinobi, Yun Shinobi, and Mist Shinobi, the top management of the three major Shinobi villages were both shocked and stunned when they learned about the identity of the newly appointed Kazekage. Shadow, another. On the one hand, they were shocked that the owner of the tone clothing store, which had suddenly become extremely hot among nobles and commoners in the past two years, turned out to be her!

Konoha, there are only a few people who really know the truth. The alliance agreement between Shao Nin Village and Konoha has just been signed, and they can't be in Naruto, what the **** is Naruto who has just taken over the role of Kazekage. Planning? Didn't she take Sand Ninja Village as her pawn? Kakashi frowned when he heard the news, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out why Naruto became

At the same time, Jiraiya couldn't figure out why Naruto became the Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village.

No matter what they thought, Naruto was forced to become Kazekage.

"Naruto. What's going on? 039;

Nagato is the first to learn that Naruto has become the Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village. Time Control Tiandao Payne contacted Naruto.

"The reason why I became Kazekage is because of your ideals as BOSS!" Naruto blinked his eyes in grievance. Fortunately, he could only see his eyes clearly with the phantom body technique. If he could see his face clearly, Nagato would definitely see the corners of Naruto's mouth. That wicked smile.

"For my ideals? What does this have to do with you becoming Kazekage?"

"This is the first step towards peace! I have become the wind shadow of Sand Ninja Village, which means that our Xiao organization has successfully controlled Sand Ninja Village. Isn't this the first step towards peace? Naruto raised his hands excitedly, and from those sparkling blue eyes, he seemed to be able to see Naruto's imagination of a peaceful future. The first step of peace.

Nagato suddenly appeared in front of him. Liang, imagine that the people in Ruoxiao's organization have become the shadows of various Ninja villages. Isn't that the best way to achieve peace! Why didn't he think of it before?

"Good job, Naruto!"

Tiandao Payne stayed like this. ÷÷ With dry words, the magic of the phantom body is over.

"Ha? What do you mean?\" Naruto. He shook his head warmly.

"Xiao Nan, do you think this plan is feasible?" Tiandao Suen found Xiao Nan and told her the idea that was inspired by Naruto.

\"Other Shinobi villages are already in the shadows. It is too difficult to convince them. This plan will not work." basin of cold water.


"Give it up! Princess Fengyun!\"

"I won't give up!"

"Look! The princess' colorful straight carat is burning! Naruto resisted his desire to complain and looked at the people around him who were watching the movie with great interest. He sighed. As the villain was defeated, the movie also came to an end. .

Naruto's little hand came out of the dimly lit cinema, looking up at the blue sky, feeling like seeing the sun again.

"Yeah, it's very beautiful. Naruto smiled forcedly, the colorful straight carat at the end of the movie left a deep impression on her.

Gaara and Oo, how did you two feel about the movie just now?" Naruto looked at Gaara and Oo behind him.

"Humph! That kind of hateful villain, I can kill them with only one hand!" Tai raised his chubby little hand and shot it like a villain in a movie.

Naruto looked at the thoughtful Yi Ye, thinking that she would have no feelings for the movie like himself, and heard Ji Ye whispering there in a low voice.

"It turns out that Zhikara can still be used like that! I didn't see my feelings into it! I imagined that when I was fighting with the enemy in the future, a powerful Zhikla erupted from the valiant B Ye who grew up and shouted at the enemy:" Burn! My straight carat!"

.. so stupid.. Naruto has black lines all over her head, she feels that she should teach in advance that the mind has slipped to the body. The former Orochi teacher on the horizontal line is now a night child. The things in the movie are fictitious and unreliable. Don't believe it! Don't learn!

"\"Mother Nine Tails, what do you think of this movie?" Naruto put his last hope on Nine Tails.


"I think something called a 'movie' is interesting! Next. Let's see again! Naruto~!"

The good nine tails have also fallen! Could it be that my vision is too high? It must be so!

"Speaking of which, it seems that this place is not far from the filming site of "Princess Fengyun"! The task of escorting this time seems to be to **** Princess Fengyun in the movie just now."

Naruto touched his chin, remembering that the person who came to Yinin Village to release the mission seemed to be the manager of Kagami Fengxuee.

"Really?! I really want to meet Princess Fengyun!

Xiang Roasting looked at Ruo that huge poster and his eyes were full of little stars, all of them. She looks like a fanatical star-chasing girl.

"I also want to meet you a little bit!" I looked at Ruo Ruo's huge poster at night, thinking about the ninjutsu used by Princess Fengyun in the movie just now, and there are little stars in her eyes.

"It's definitely more useful for me to be with her than those three guys!" Tai said confidently, opening his mouth to reveal it. Beautiful little tiger teeth. Naruto looked at the three children who were only real children and looked up. eye poster. Light cough. sound, attracting the eyes of the three children. It is rare to say like an old mother

"I can tell you very seriously. A movie is a movie, don't confuse the characters in the movie with the actors in reality. Understand?" She really couldn't bear to let it go. A real child and two old children are disillusioned. So it is better to tell them in advance, so as not to see the real person and what they think. In this way, no matter how sad the sound of horse hooves came from a distance, and gradually approached, I saw a white horse running over from a distance, and the person riding on the white horse was the Princess Fengyun in "The Adventures of Princess Fengyun"! The Fengyun Princess, the three excited children immediately chased after him, and Gaara chased after the tail when he saw it.

"Come on, don't let her run away!" That old man seems to be the client, what the **** is going on? Naruto suddenly remembered that Gao Shang Fengxuehui seemed to be wearing blue raindrops on his body. If it was triggered by the three bear children The technique of the water prison will be troublesome, but the tail is fine. You don't have to worry about the most important thing is the fragrant python! Naruto's one-handed seal is transformed into it. A breeze disappeared in place. When Naruto chased after him, he saw Xiang Rei trapped in the big water polo. Fuji Kazuyuki looked at Xiang Rei in the water polo with a look of panic, and tried to reach out and pull out Xiang Rian from the water polo.

"The thing I was worried about still happened! Naruto appeared beside Kae Fugami.

Seeing Kareen, who was struggling in pain without knowing how much water he drank, Naruto pushed Fuji Kagami away.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way!" Naruto stabbed his hand into the water polo. Takato Fengxuee sat on the ground blankly watching Naruto's hand stretch into the water polo. No matter what she did before, her hand would be bounced off.

Naruto spreads the straight carat to every corner of the water polo, falls and explodes!

Under the surprised eyes of Fuji Kayuki-e, the water polo wrapped with Kaoren burst!

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