In the 51st year of Konoha, a disaster called"Nine-tail Rebellion" occurred on a quiet night. In this disaster, countless people lost their loved ones, including our protagonist Uzumaki Naruto. At this time, Naruto was being carried back to his home by the armored Sandaime Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Naruto was put on the bed. Just as Sarutobi Hiruzen changed into light clothes and walked out of the room, a soul quietly entered Uzumaki Naruto's body.

"Haha, it's finally my turn to be the protagonist, Hinata baby, here I come.

"Just when Hu Hansan was happy, another soul attacked Hu Hansan.

It was obviously the remnant soul of Asura attacking Hu Hansan.

Although Asura's soul was not as strong as Hu Hansan's, he could still suppress Hu Hansan with his combat experience.

They were both fighting directly with their souls.

One was a remnant soul without much consciousness and only relied on instinctive reaction to danger, while the other was a relatively strong soul.


However, the situation of the battle was that the residual soul was suppressing the attack.

Hu Hansan only hit Ashura occasionally when he attacked.

When they were fighting, their soul power was dispersed by each other and quietly flowed into Naruto's own soul.

In the end, Hu Hansan was beaten to death by Ashura, but in the end Ashura also dissipated.

Perhaps only the chakra in Naruto's body with a trace of Ashura's will prove that he still exists in this world!

"Okay, little Naruto, you will live in this house from now on. Here are 5,000 taels for your living expenses," the Sandaime said kindly to the handsome yellow-haired Naruto in front of him.

"Don't worry! Grandpa Sandaime, I am the one who is going to be the Hokage in the future, and living alone will not be a problem for me," said Uzumaki Naruto with a sunny smile, and patted his chest after that.

Seeing this, the Sandaime smiled and said,"That's good, it's getting late, and I have to go back to work."

After seeing the Sandaime leave, Naruto closed the door and lay down on the bed. Naruto couldn't help but sigh in his heart,"Is what is coming finally here? No one paid attention to me when I was walking on the street today, which means that the old guy Danzo hasn't released the news yet, but it should be in these few days, right? My childhood was really miserable." Naruto couldn't help but stroke his forehead, with a look of melancholy.

Yes, this is Naruto, the original Naruto.

After Ashura broke up Hu Hansan's soul, Naruto, who had merged the soul power of two people, became intelligent early (similar to Shikamaru, but Naruto's IQ is not higher than Shikamaru's).

And because of Hu Hansan's help, Naruto gained two innate abilities-the ability to read soul memories and the ability to control souls to a certain extent.

So with this ability, Naruto completed the results of junior high school at the age of three.

After all, Naruto became intelligent when he was about half a year old because of his strong soul.

Because his body was not fully developed, Naruto had no ability to explore the outside environment, so he had to explore his own.

But because of Hu Hansan, Naruto's mind often had memories of Hu Hansan popping up when he was a child, attracting Naruto's mind.

Because of this, Naruto has seen a lot of Hu Hansan's memories from childhood to adulthood, and the most memorable one for Naruto is The deepest impressions are the nine years of compulsory education, the anime Naruto and Dragon Ball, and the game Genshin Impact.

To be honest, when Naruto saw Naruto, he slapped his face and found it hurt, so he stopped thinking about this problem.

After all, how to live is not living? By the way, because of watching Dragon Ball, Naruto really discovered the existence of Qi by following Gohan's method, but it was very weak.

If it weren't for Naruto's powerful soul, he couldn't guide it out.

This is a lot stronger for Naruto. Of course, I haven't exercised much now, and the growth of Qi has relied on daily meditation practice. As for why I don't exercise, it's because the third-generation old man arranged for me to be taken care of by a lonely old lady in the Sarutobi clan, but now she should be dead. There, Naruto didn't want to practice too much, because that might be the real childhood he had in his childhood.

After lying for a while, Naruto put on the more rustic clothes and went out to buy enough vegetables for a few days. (It's the one Naruto usually wears)

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