"Then I want you, Hatake Kakashi, to rescue one of my clansmen from the Kusagakure Village tomorrow. I don't know the location, but you can find it based on the medicine bag they mentioned. Your teammates will gather at the entrance of the village tomorrow. Can you accept this commission?" Naruto said to Kakashi.

Hatake Kakashi was immersed in darkness before, and he watched his teacher's son being looked down upon by the villagers, but he was numb and didn't care. Now I have just found my former self, and I naturally answered the teacher's child's request firmly,"Don't worry, Hokage, I promise to complete the task."

After seeing that my work has been completed, I announced,"Okay, then this meeting is over. By the way, although I am the Hokage, general affairs are completed by two consultants, so don't come to me if there is nothing important, go to them."

Fugaku and Shikaku on the side couldn't help but feel happy in their hearts, and couldn't help but sigh,"This overwhelming wealth is in my hands, this is too good!"

Naruto also thought about this decision before making it.

Naruto knew that in this world where"force can be used to break the law", the size of power is actually useless in a sense.

As long as his military force is strong enough, power is nothing more than something that can be easily obtained, just like Naruto won the fifth generation Hokage.

Naruto knew that if he wanted to become Hokage, he could do it stably.

That is to make them thoroughly realize the gap between themselves and Naruto so that they would not be underestimated by these people and pretend to obey or launch a coup.

And all Naruto did before was just to find an opportunity to shock others.

Hyuga Hiashi just happened to bump into Naruto's arms, and found a good excuse for Naruto to show his martial arts.

The most important thing is that Naruto doesn't want to waste his time on managing the village's chores.

Although he can't find a way to quickly improve his own energy, Naruto can learn medical knowledge and sealing techniques for so long.

He can completely study the cells of Hashirama and the bird in the cage seal to further pull the two blood families into a relationship, and can also further improve the strength of his own people.

After reading Chinese knowledge for so long, Naruto is extremely respectful of the idea of great unification.

In this way, his future descendants will not have to suffer so many baptisms of war.

And the improvement of his own people's strength can better help Naruto lay the foundation for the entire ninja world and prevent the remaining forces from making trouble.

Naruto understands the truth that it is easy to conquer a country but difficult to defend it.

If his partners are stronger, he doesn't have to run around to quell rebellions.

Naruto looked at the two people beside him with crazy smiles on their faces, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly,"Is it true that I have too little experience? I can be so happy now!"

But Naruto didn't want to stay here and waste time, so he said to Uchiha Fugaku,"Okay, Patriarch Fugaku, your son is still trapped in the eye technique! Do you want to release it?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Fugaku also put away his smile, and said anxiously,"Yes, yes, yes, please Hokage to release my son from the control of the illusion."

"Let's go! Take me to him! After I solve his illusion, I still need to go to the root to take a look? Xiao Li, just follow Might Guy to practice. As an expert in physical skills, he can further improve your skills."Naruto said

"I got it. I will definitely practice hard and won't waste this opportunity, Master." Xiao Li said firmly.

Naruto naturally didn't have to worry about Xiao Li's seriousness. Naruto smiled and nodded and followed Uchiha Fugaku away.

As he walked, Naruto found that Uchiha Fugaku was heading towards the Uchiha clan's territory. Naruto couldn't help but ask Uchiha Fugaku curiously,"I remember that I seemed to have hurt Uchiha Itachi badly! Didn't you send him to the Konoha Hospital?"

In response, Uchiha Fugaku shook his head and said softly,"That's because after I returned last night, I asked a doctor to the clan to heal Itachi. Now he is much better and will be fine after a week or so of recuperation. And if I'm not mistaken, Uchiha Itachi being controlled by illusion should be a lie!"

"Oh! How do you know that Uchiha Itachi was not controlled by the illusion? After all, the Mangekyō Sharingan of your Uchiha clan is very strange. What if Itachi is really controlled by the illusion?"Naruto asked curiously. Fugaku smiled faintly and replied,

"It's very simple, that's because the pupil power of the Mangekyō Sharingan in your eyes is still very strong and there is no sign of exhaustion.

This is the best proof.

I have observed Itachi's situation.

He is also a person who has opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

It is extremely difficult for the holder of the Mangekyō Sharingan to control another Mangekyō Sharingan.

Even if you control it, the eyes in your eyes should be blind.

The Uchiha clan's Mangekyō Sharingan will gradually reduce its vision after each use, so try not to open the Mangekyō in the previous situation.

This will also consume the Mangekyō pupil power in your eyes.


Naruto also smiled when he saw this and replied,"Thank you for your concern, but I can restore the pupil power of the Mangekyō in my eyes, so don't worry about consumption. But your son Uchiha Itachi has a problem with his thinking, and he must change it, otherwise I will not be at ease. But don't worry, I will only change his blind loyalty to the previous three generations and their top leaders to loyalty to me and the Uchiha clan. I wonder if you can accept it?"

Uchiha Fugaku did not ask Naruto whether his Sharingan would really recover its pupil power, even if it was true.

If Naruto wanted to tell him this secret, he would tell him naturally, but if he asked about it, he did not want to gamble on the consequences.

Hinata Hiashi's precise stepping on the landmine had just happened, and he did not want to step on the landmine as well.

He walked forward while thinking about how Naruto dealt with his son.

Naruto was not in a hurry and waited for his response slowly.

After all, the other parents knew about it, so he could not force it.

He could only see if Uchiha Fugaku agreed.

After walking for a while, Uchiha Fugaku sighed and said seriously,"I can accept it, but please abide by what you said. I don't want this kind of thing to happen to my son again."

"Don't worry, I won't play two sides, you can trust me with your loyalty. I won't let you down, and if your Uchiha clan can make great contributions in the future, then it's not impossible for your clan to move to the central area."Naruto also replied seriously.

Not long after, Naruto came to Uchiha Fugaku's house, and Uchiha Mikoto, the wife of the clan leader, hurried over to receive Naruto.

Uchiha Mikoto brought a lot of delicious snacks, and said to Naruto with gratitude,"Thank you Naruto for your help, otherwise the fate of our clan would be in danger. Thank you so much for your help, Naruto."

Uchiha Fugaku on the side hurriedly said to his wife seriously,"Now Naruto is the fifth Hokage, it's better to speak with a respectful title."

Naruto waved his hand and said easily,"It doesn't matter, you can actually call me Naruto in private, and the respectful title of Hokage can be used outside. After all, Aunt Mikoto is also a good friend of my mother. She asked Sasuke to bring me an extra lunch box when I was training. There is no need for us to be so formal in private."

Uchiha Fugaku was even happier to see this. This showed that Naruto did not turn against him just because he became the Hokage. It was just that Naruto was a little moody this morning.

As long as Naruto did not have that airs in private this morning, Naruto would be a good Hokage for most people.

Uchiha Fugaku said to Naruto,"Itachi is in the room now. When do you plan to cancel the eye technique?"

Uchiha Mikoto said to Naruto anxiously at this time,"Naruto, please help Itachi! I don't want him to live his whole life as a puppet and harm his own people." In the end, Uchiha Mikoto was about to cry.

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