Meanwhile, in the secret space beneath the Rain Village, all the Akatsuki organizations were holding a meeting. Suddenly, a White Zetsu appeared beside Black and White Zetsu and whispered something in his ear.

"Is there any important information? Jue!"Xiao Nan, who exudes a cool temperament, asked Jue who was whispering.

"Yes, the Nine-Tails was released by Uzumaki Naruto. However, Uzumaki Naruto seemed to have used some secret technique to save himself from the brink of death. The most important thing is that the Nine-Tails is still in Konoha and has been protected by Uzumaki Naruto, so if you want to take the Nine-Tails, you still have to get past Uzumaki Naruto."Zetu told the information he got truthfully, but Black Zetsu would not tell anyone about Izanagi.

If Uzumaki Nagato learned about Izanagi, then the variables would become greater, and the hope of his mother's resurrection might become more difficult, which is what Black Zetsu did not want to see.

"Should we snatch the Nine-Tailed Fox now to avoid any more troubles?" The phantom representing Biwa Juzang said.

"There is no need! To seize the Nine-Tails now will only alert other ninja villages, and it will be more difficult for us to seize other tailed beasts at that time."Pain Tiandao rejected Biwa Juzo's idea

"But Uzumaki Naruto is very strong and he is too young, so he will only grow faster."Biwa Juzo was still unwilling to persuade his leader. Naruto was already a tough guy. If he continued to let him go, Biwa Juzo could not imagine how strong Uzumaki Naruto would be.

"According to the latest news from Jue, a coup also took place in the Mist Village, and Yagura Karatachi also died in a coup like the Third Hokage of Konoha. This means that the Three-Tails also died, so the Three-Tails can only be resurrected at least three years later. If we don't capture the Three-Tails, even if we catch the Nine-Tails, we can't seal it."Konan came out in time to adjust the atmosphere of the meeting to avoid overly intense quarrels.

At this time, the meeting room was quiet. They had already understood the strength of Uzumaki Naruto through the battle between Naruto and Jiraiya.

Naruto's strength was so strong that they felt suffocated, and the strength they showed was only a part of it. Neither of them was serious, but that kind of strength was stronger than everyone in the Akatsuki organization except the leader.

And they were not sure whether the leader could defeat Uzumaki Naruto, which was the most important thing.

Others might be afraid of Naruto, but Uzumaki Nagato would not be afraid. As a member of the Uzumaki clan and with the Samsara Eye, how could he lose? He controlled the Heavenly Dao Pain and said with great confidence:"The power of God is unimaginable. No one can defeat me with the Samsara Eye."

After everyone looked at the Samsara Eye in the eyes of Tendo Pain, they felt a little relieved. At least they had a master who could compete with them. After all, these were the eyes that only the Six Paths Sage had.

Orochimaru was full of disdain for Uzumaki Nagato's words. With his future memories, Orochimaru knew that Naruto was not afraid of Uzumaki Nagato at all. If Uzumaki Nagato fought with Naruto now, he would only give Naruto the Samsara Eye.

Orochimaru looked at the pair of Samsara Eyes and had only endless greed. However, when he thought of the real owner of these eyes, he had no choice but to put away his greed.

"Let's put aside the matter of Uzumaki Naruto for now, Orochimaru, I want to know why all the White Zetsu who followed you disappeared."Black Zetsu looked at Orochimaru with sharp eyes and asked harshly.

Orochimaru licked his lips with his long tongue and said slowly:"I just thought he was very novel, so I dissected him."

The reason why Orochimaru did not leave the Akatsuki organization now is because he wants to capture some White Zetsu and obtain some information about the Akatsuki organization, so as to make some deals with Konoha in the future.

"And doesn't Kakuzu often kill his teammates?" Orochimaru said indifferently, with a slightly sinister tone.

"That's because they were too slow. If they could be like this guy next to me, they wouldn't die even if they were slower." Kakuzu had no sympathy for his companions who died in his hands. He looked indifferent and even teased Hidan next to him.

"Who are you talking about? I'm not convinced."Hidan was extremely confident in his own strength, so he naturally didn't agree with what Kakuzu said.

"Stop it! This is not the place for you to quarrel."With Xiaonan's temper, he couldn't stand these psychopaths and shouted.

After feeling the anger of the big sister, Feiduan and the others also restrained themselves a lot and stopped quarreling.

"Orochimaru, I warn you not to capture White Zetsu for your experiments again. White Zetsu's ability can help us obtain more intelligence, so if you do it again, I promise to break your snake head." Tendo Pain also warned Orochimaru.

Orochimaru didn't care. He had already captured more than ten White Zetsu as his containers, which were enough. His body was made of White Zetsu injected with Hashirama's cells. His body had a very high degree of adaptability, and his strength had become stronger. He didn't really need White Zetsu. Orochimaru replied cynically:"Okay, leader."

Konan was also drunk looking at such unreliable teammates. They were all a bunch of scum. I really didn't know how to accomplish anything with this group of people.

In a blink of an eye, a month had passed. During this period of time, the ninja world seemed calm and everyone lived a peaceful and stable life.

The news that Kurama was released was most likely passed back by spies from other ninja villages. Although Konoha had conducted many spy arrests before. However, it is extremely difficult to catch spies like Yakushi Nono and ordinary people disguised as spies.

However, since the Nine-Tails is still in Konoha, other ninja villages have not made any moves.

The group of people in the Daimyo Mansion are still spreading rumors to discredit Naruto, but they are very firm in their bottom line and will not spread the rumors into Konoha.

However, due to Naruto's oppressive power in Konoha, no one would say anything even if rumors were spread into Konoha.

Naruto sat on the Hokage's desk and looked at the report recording the dirty operations of the Daimyo Mansion.

He couldn't help but wonder:"Do these big shots know how to measure? Do they keep a good sense of distance?"

"In fact, the daimyo of the Land of Fire has some understanding of the strength of our Konoha Village, so they don't dare to be too presumptuous. And if the three wars hadn't brought Konoha's economy to its knees and hadn't borrowed money from the daimyo many times, they wouldn't have been so arrogant."Nara Shikaku stood up to answer Naruto's doubts.

"Is that so? It seems that we can't justify our actions, so let's just start the fight. Pass the order down, attack the daimyo's mansion in three days and completely incorporate the Land of Fire into Konoha's territory."Naruto didn't care about justifying his actions, just go ahead and take down the Land of Fire first, Naruto would be dying of greed if he didn't eat this piece of fat meat.

"Yes! I'll arrange it right away."The heads of these big families were full of enthusiasm. They had long been unhappy with the daimyos of the Land of Fire who always looked down on ninjas.

And since it could also allow the family to gain more benefits, why not do it? As for whether they would feel guilty, don't joke. Except for Naruto, everyone here came out of a pile of dead bodies.

In the next three days, the atmosphere in Konoha became slightly tense. Prices began to rise slightly, and the mission office began to reduce the number of high-level missions. Personnel began to be deployed, and elite Chunin and above began to gather to inject the secret Hashirama cell potion.

The strength of the ninjas who had been injected was greatly increased and they could all use Wood Release, directly completing a level jump in strength. The strength of the elite Chunin was comparable to that of the Jonin. Since Hashirama cells only increase a person's vitality and chakra, the strength of many Jonin only reached the level of ordinary elite Jonin, which was quite different from the original old elite Jonin like Kakashi and Asuma Sarutobi.

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