Valhalla Saga
Chapter 34 - Vanaheim # 4
“Took longer than I thought. ”
As soon as you leave the door of the room, Taejo winces at the sound.
Fortunately, Heimstream was neither staring at the door of the void nor looking at the door.
He was sitting at a large desk reviewing books and documents. I felt like I was studying something just by looking at it.
“I'm sorry, it's too late to be polite to you. ”
Taeho hurriedly put the words of forgiveness in his mouth. In any case, it was a common word. However, the only thing ordinary was the content. After reviewing the paperwork, Heimstream looked away from the paperwork as soon as he heard Taejo's words. At some point, I smiled.
“Looks like you got Bragi's runes. ”
The power of the horse was different. In Taeho's words, the power to move people's minds was young.
“Big things happen to me when the wicked get their hands on me. Horses are that powerful. ”
‘There's going to be a disaster. ’
It was a sad time when Kuulin kicked his tongue. Athena, who left the door of the room one step later than Taejo, quickly looked at Taejo and the Heimstream, and knocked her chest twice to pay her respects.
“The Valkyrie Adenmaha of Idun greets the head of the Banana Divine. ”
She was graceful and beautiful, not only with her movements and her voice, but also with her gaze. But Heimstream was curious about something other than the way it looked.
“I'm surprised the goddess of Tuaha de Danan has become the Valkyrie of Asgard. ”
It was a little murmur close to soliloquy, so Athelma pretended not to hear.
Heimstream smiles small to see if it pleased him again. As it was, I buried myself on the back of a chair and brought up another story.
“I thought you said there was a space shake and you called for a Valkyrie. Hmm. That's quite an odd saga. ”
Heimstream was watching the air, not the tide. The space Tahoe had just visited was maintained by the magic of the Heimstream. Hence, Heimstream was able to understand as much of what had happened in the footsteps of the Great War.
“Is it a saga that implements a fake Valkyrie deep with you or a real Valkyrie in close proximity? You need to be registered, but this will come in handy. Plus, there's a lot of abuse going on like Bragi's runes, so it's a saga that no one should ever learn. ”
‘Ah, it's a big deal. This is the disaster of the Valkyries.’
Kuulin receives Heimstream's soliloquy. And in the meantime, Heimstream, who manipulated magic a few times, frowned suddenly.
“A warrior visited by Saga · · · Valkyrie? ”
It was a voice mixed with embarrassment. Taejo winces once more, and Adenmaha winces as well.
“What kind of achievement does this create? ”
I wasn't talking to myself this time. Heimstream's gaze is embedded in Taejo.
‘Yeah, it's kind of amazing. ’
Saga was not made out of nothing. Every Saga must have its origin story or tradition.
In other words, the Valkyrie must have a similar anecdote or tale in order for a saga to be made called a visiting warrior.
Taejo, who received a mixture of curiosity and embarrassment from Heimstream, replied as calmly as possible.
“Thanks to the Valkyrie, Squad Leader. They've been taking care of me since I joined Valhalla. ”
After all, Taeho felt calm and trustworthy when he vomited the rune of Bragi's tongue.
But the opponent was the head of the Banana Divine. Heimstream sprouts his lips a few times, nodding, as if to satisfy Taejo's words.
“If it's the Valkyrie of Idun's legions, it's Hedda. ”
“Do you know Heda? ”
This time, Taeho was surprised. Having not missed the young glamour of his voice, Heimstream replied with a deep smile.
“Somewhat. There are only dozen Valkyries in Valhalla, the squadron leader. Moreover, she is the youngest representative Valkyrie. There were a lot of Valkyries to remember. ”
A Valkyrie who has defended the army of Idun alone for a long time.
The last survivor of Idun's army, in fact.
Heimstream remembered the day of the destruction of Idun's army.
I couldn't forget the face of Heda in the ruins of that wretched day.
Idun's army was an army that could not exist in the first place. It is because Odin has decided to dismantle Idun's army, which has virtually failed to function as one.
However, Idun's forces are not disbanded. Heda pleaded with Odin that he would defend Idun's army alone.
‘And finally resurrected. ’
I can't believe that Captain Idun is really coming to reclaim the legacy of his predecessor, Idun and Bragi.
Hedda, who was a little girl, would have now grown into a beautiful and mature virgin. While picturing it for a moment, Heimstream looked back at Taeho. Suddenly, I had a thought in my mouth.
“Captain Idun, what do you think Saga is? ”
“Asgardian magic that embodies the power of many people's thoughts and beliefs, intertwined with the story of a warrior. ”
Taeho responded in a reflexive manner. It was a story I had heard from Heda and Ragnar many times. But Heimstream smiled meaningfully instead of saying it was the right answer.
“Yes, that's usually how it's known. If you ask the Valhalla warriors, they will answer to two out of ten. The rest of you will say you don't know. ”
Taeho nods without even knowing it. It was the same for Aden Maha.
Those were the Valhalla warriors.
Heimstream jokingly opened his mouth again.
“Magical power · · · Right · Wrong. The magic we Bananas have developed has a long history. Order and order are also clear. The principle is also clear. But buying is a little different. ”
The Banana Divine Magic was clearly mysterious but had a clear driving principle. It was a force within the system that was precisely matched, like a mathematical formula, which invested 1 to produce a result.
“Odin didn't make Saga. Not Freya, not me. Saga is the unique power of one world, not created by the gods of Asgard, but owned by Asgard itself. ”
It was different from magic. It was a different power from the beginning.
“Commander Idun, why do you think Asgard and the warriors of the Nine Realms use different powers? Is it to have their own peculiarities, like making specialities? ”
There was Saga in Asgard. Erin had Giath and the Millesian crest.
“Like you said, · · · · each world has its own power. ”
“Yes, it is. Because of this, it is generally impossible to use the power of other worlds. Why don't Valhalla Warriors use the Milesian crest or Giath? You could be a lot stronger if you used it. It's the same with Olympus' assignments and the palace's internal affairs. ”
There were no Valhalla warriors who used the power of Olympus' task.
There were no warriors who used the power of the palace, the "inner air".
“The reason is simple. Not unused, but unusable. Right, Kuulin? ”
As soon as Heimstream finished speaking, Kufulin became a reality next to Tahoe. Just as the caves of Skazaha are her enchanted territory, this palace was the enchanted territory of Heimstream.
“It's been a while.”
“Long time no see, Prince of Light. I'm a little disappointed you didn't say hello in the first place. ”
“Say hello now. ”
Kuulin smiles bitterly and pays his respects. Heimstream nodded, accepting the example, and then told Taeho again.
“It is very unusual for a warrior to use the power of another world. It's not an unprecedented day, but it doesn't happen often either. You're special, among other things. We are using the power of Asgard and Erin at the same time. ”
Kuulin fought alongside Asgardian warriors during the Great War. But he couldn't use saga.
Ragnar did, too. He was strong enough to warn Tahoe of Giath's dangers, but he failed to use Erin's power, like the Millesian crest.
Of course, it wasn't completely impossible. There were special exceptions, just that they were generally not available. Even if Giath could do it right away, his magical nature was toxic, which cost him a tremendous amount of money, but somehow he was able to use it.
And there were special cases where we could use the power of this world without having to pay for it.
“I don't know if Heda has told you, but sometimes there are warriors from other worlds who have come to Valhalla. They could all use a saga. And that's because the world gave them permission. ”
Saga was the unique power of the world. It was the power that the world gave to those who lived inside themselves. The world could also allow the use of that power.
“Kuulin, why did you choose the captain of Idun as Erin's successor? ”
“Because Taejo is Erin's heir. ”
“Only the Taejo among the warriors of Valhalla could have been Erin's successor? ”
“Isn't that a pretty different story? ”
“That's a warrior's answer. ”
Heimstream smiles like a wizard.
“Leader of Idun. You are special. Perhaps bringing warriors from your world is not going to be like you. It is unlikely that we will be able to use the power of many worlds at the same time, not even privately. They were not chosen by the world like you, only by those we forced. ”
Taeho suddenly recalled the story he shared with Hildegard at the banquet at night.
It wasn't Odin or Freya who decides which warrior to bring in from the Undertaking. Perhaps, as Heimstream said, the will of the world chose Taeho himself.
“The message is that you are special. A man chosen by the world. ”
“Isn't that the result of the blasphemy? ”
Heimstream smiles again as Kuulin speaks abruptly.
“You got me. So, back to the beginning, buying is a world of power. That's why there are no rules that are as broken as the gods or the minds of men. There's just some sort of rule. ”
Heimstream first started the story not because he wanted to say that Taejo was special.
“I'm sure you've heard from your own master Ragnar, but you don't have to limit Saga yourself. How far can Saga's power of storytelling go? ”
What if the Valkyries could conjure up a warrior who came to visit with magic? It was going to take a great deal of magic.
But Saga did not. Rather, I had more room to improve than I am now.
“I said everything I wanted to say, including the ramblings. But, Captain Idun, don't you need more pouches? There must have been too many armor in Unnier. ”
“That's all right. I've got it all. ”
As Taeho smiles and answers, Heimstream blinks. And I understood Taeho's words.
“Saga's power is always surprising. ”
He smiles cheerfully and stands up.
“Give my regards to Freya and the current Idun. ”
“I will.”
Taeho straightens up. Heimstream tapped his chest twice with a pleasant face as if he liked that taco.
“To Asgard and the Nine Realms. ”
When he finished, he left Heimstream's room.
“Whoa, I thought I was choking to death. ”
As soon as the big visit reminded me of the gate, Aden Maha sighed. She doesn't stop there, but pulls Taeho's arm slightly.
“The Grand Wizards are all twisted and weird, too. ”
"Are you talking about your teacher? ’
Kuulin opens his eyes and says, but unfortunately, Adema is not holding a gaybug.
With excitement, she gives Skazaha a little more gossip. The king used to curse when he wasn't around.
“Huh · · Owner? ”
“Oh, sorry. I need to think about something. ”
Athena vomited a breath of relief, worrying that Skazaha might have offended Taeho. Meanwhile, Taeho thought again.
It's because I didn't talk about it, but I remembered one worry that I had for a long time.
Taeho's own colleagues.
Pro-gamers who played Dark Ages together, not Valhalla's warriors.
He did not even say that he is a unique force in the world like Heimstream, but he had already heard that he would not be able to write saga like Taeho himself even if he brought others through Hedana Ragnar.
But I still couldn't erase my anxiety.
Heda and Ragnar's story was a conjecture.
What Taeho was worried about was not the situation when another pro-gamer appeared in Valhalla and stole Taeho's personality. What Taeho was worried about was the pro-gamers.
It was bad luck to bring them to Valhalla if they were experimental and healthy.
I had to die to enter Valhalla.
Moreover, if I bring them to Valhalla like that and they don't write saga, what will be their fate? Could it be returned to a place like the afterlife of Taeho's own world? Or are they thrown into Niflheim, the order of Asgard?
‘No, you're not. ’
I didn't think Odin or Freya knew what Heimstream knew. Moreover, Odin has already met Taeho several times. Freya doesn't seem to have done anything so cruel.
Taejo turns his mind to the other side. It was a new question that arose after hearing the story of Heimstream.
The saga of Asgard, the Giath of Erin, the crest of the milesian, the task of Olympus, the inner workings of the palace.
Then, what is the power of the world that Tae Ho was born and raised in?
‘It can't be science. ’
The power to counter technology was not only in Asgard, but also in Erin and Olympus.
‘Let's think about it slowly. ’
Having to think about it now was not a problem to be solved. Taeho, who held his mind, stroked his head as he looked up at himself with worrying eyes.
“Anyway, let's go, my sweet, beautiful Adenmaha. ”
“Heh, heh, heh. ”
Adenmaha tried to be as excited as ever, but failed. Hearing Taeho's melting voice, Taeho excitedly told Kuulin.
“Isn't that what kills the effect? We should try it on Heda. ”
‘I mean, why would you only use it on someone who can't see the effects of a run? Don't you feel confident?’
In the middle of Kuulin's bruising, Taejo comes out of the palace with Adenmaha. The first thing he greeted was Hildegard.
“You've been back.”
“Yes, sorry to keep you waiting so long. ”
“No way. Get in the wagon.I 'll take you to your place. ”
She answered skillfully, looking back at Adenmaha, she told the Valkyrie that she was close by. Apparently, Adenmaha suddenly disappeared and searched the area.
Taeho was still on the wagon with Adenmaha, who was still trying to get excited. But it was right after that. Taeho turned his gaze without me knowing. Strong inexplicable attraction made it so.
Taejo's gaze.
At the end is Asgard's frontier.
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