Valhalla Saga

Chapter 37 - The Conqueror # 3


Taeho had a dream.

I am so obsessed with the dream that I don't realize it, but when I wake up, I only have a small trace of the dream that I can't remember.


I heard a call in my ears. Taeho slowly pushes his head out of the sleep of consciousness. When I opened my eyes, I heard my voice again.

“How are you today? ”

Taejo was impressed, although he was a delightful ambassador at any time and at this moment.

“Well, that's a look you've been imitating with all your heart. ”

Ku Hulin laughs as he approaches Taeho. Taeho said, still impressed.

“Why didn't you just leave it on your mind? ”

“I was too tired to do that. ”

Spit in your smiling face.

Kuulin tapped Taejo's shoulder, which became a miraculous eye, and urged him to wake up again. Taeho rises up, swallowing his thirsty saliva. He hears another voice.

“You're up.”

“I'm up.”

Odin's call. Taejo rises from his seat, looking straight ahead. Odin sits crooked on his roots, just like before he goes to sleep, looking up at the sky.

“The night has come. The night of the roots seems darker and colder. ”

It was a cold, dark night, like Odin said. In the night sky, there was no moon or stars, only black was Zachariah.

However, my vision felt clearer because the fog disappeared. Though the only thing that was lighting was the name of the moss that was shining from all over the roots.

Odin turns his gaze from the sky toward Taejo before speaking.

“Needhog seems to be asleep, too. It must have been harder for us to sleep than usual because of the excitement all day. ”

He couldn't even walk properly, but he was still Odin, king of the gods. The innards are aware of Nidhog's condition, as if he had seen it from before.

“Come closer. ”

There was a distance of about five meters between Tahoe and Odin. Odin hopes that the distance will be narrower, although it is a sufficient distance for a face-to-face conversation.

Odin makes fun of his fingers as he approaches. A golden apple the size of a fist leapt up from Odin's arms and grabbed Taejo's hand.

“You may have one, but it's a golden apple. I've been starving for days, so eat it and get your strength back. ”

It was a precious golden apple for mere purposes of satisfying hunger, but Taejo followed Odin's command without a word.

The efficacy of a golden apple is to replenish your life force, so if you eat it now, it will be a great help in the battle with Needhog.

It's like eating a stat boost before you go hunting. ’

Taeho remembered his favorite steaming dish at Dark Age, and put the golden apple in his mouth without specification. I always ate with a piece, but for the first time I cut it big, and it felt like I was in heaven.

‘Phew, cool. ’

Fortunately, I only said it to myself.

Taeho stares at the golden apple with a blank face. I already know it's delicious because I've tried it several times, but I never thought the difference between eating it in pieces and eating it in barrels would be this big.

Needless to say, it was just delicious. The idea of flavor was not an exaggeration.

“Is it that good? ”

Kuulin asked, but Taeho didn't answer and just ate. Rather than ignoring it, I was too focused on eating and was closer to the part where I couldn't hear.

Odin smiles a little as if he was eating a golden apple like a crab with his half-dazzled face. He opens his mouth again after enjoying it long enough.

“Now I will engrave the runes. Take off your veil and lower your resistance to magic. ”

It was what I used to do every time I got Heda a new rune. Taejo took off his clothes and lowered his magical resistance with a familiar move.

Odin flicks his fingers in the air. Then the finished rune letter rises to the top of Taeho.

“The first rune will increase your resistance to poison. We've allowed you to blend in with other forces, so if you have protection against poison, use it together. There won't be enough to stop Nidhog from poisoning the Black Poison. ”

To get on top of Needhog, you'll first need a means to break through the poison that covers Needhog's entire body. This made it the most important rune text of the operation.

“The second and third runes are the runes of protection. The former will protect you from direct attacks, and the latter will protect you from magical attacks. ”

The runes are engraved on the shoulders of the sheep of Taiho. Odin continues to produce new runic characters in succession.

“The fourth and fifth runes are enhanced runes. It will give you more speed and power. ”

This time it was on both breasts.

Odin pauses and waits as he swallows his breath as he accepts the runes. When Taeho raises his head again, he starts teasing his fingers again.

“The sixth and seventh runes are runes to fight Needhod. I'll carve it into your left and right hands, respectively. The runes of the left hand contain powerful restraining magic, and the runes of the right hand contain enchanting magic that takes away the power of the bound. If you use Needhog's power a little less, you'll see a great effect. ”

Each one was a powerful runic character. It was a bit of an apology to Heda, but it seemed that even with all the power of the runes he had engraved so far, it would be difficult to match Odin's new runes.

‘That's a full buff. ’

But that wasn't all. Odin still has one more rune that he has prepared.

“I hear you have many armor, warrior of Idun. Do you have the armor you want to use in the battle against Needhog? ”

“I've got my armor in mind. ”

Taeho replied naturally. And it was natural.

It was different hunting methods and tools depending on what the objective was.

Weapons of water for weaker enemies and fire-resistant defense gear for weaker enemies.

The objective of the operation was Needhog. As the goal was clear, the preparedness for it could also be clear.

[Saga: Armor of Warrior]

Taejo adds the warrior's armor to the Caliban handle to create the armor he used in Dark Ages.

Dragon Bane.

The Sword of Dragon-slaughter called the Dragon's End.

If you only discuss the objective performance of armor, it was definitely less colorful than Galatin or Aronite. However, considering it was a battle against the polyps, it was the most armor Taeho currently has.

In fact, the courageous Carlstead used this sword to kill the seven dragons.

Odin narrows his one eye as he pushes forward his dragon veil and says in an admirable voice.

“Of course, Armor itself feels the power of a powerful assassination. He's not as good as Sigurd's Gram, but this should be enough. ”

It was no exaggeration to say that Gram, who grew up eating the blood of many dragons from the beginning of the great dragon Paphnir, was the best dragon in Asgard.

Odin nods a few times to create runes of text that tease his fingers again. But this time, the runes were engraved on the sword of Dragon Bane, not Taejo's body.

“The eighth and last rune I can give you. Do you see the runes carved into the blade? ”

“I see it.”

A claymore shaped dragon vane was lined up with three identical runic characters on a wide, long machete.

Odin explained.

“When you shout the starter, the sword will carry the energy of a warrior comparable to the Gram. There are three runes, but it can be used up to three times. ”

The starter word is Dragonot. It means the end of the dragon.

As Tahoe cherished Dragon Bane, Kuulin next to him said.

“Indeed, this is worth a try. ”

Dark A.I. was literally a fuck-up with an urgent buff.

But not yet. Odin still has the means to strengthen Taejo's power, other than the Runic script.

“Come closer, warrior of Idun. I will bless you.”

Taejo winces at the words "blessing," but he listens to Odin. You reach directly in front of Odin and lower yourself to the eye level.

Odin ordered Taeho to come a little closer. Taeho suppressed awkwardness, and as he approached his face, he only moved his neck and blessed Taeho's forehead.

“My blessings be with you. ”

The ultimate blessing. It was a sight I wouldn't be jealous of if the other Valhalla warriors saw it, but Taejo had a different idea without my knowing it.

‘Thank God it's not a blessing of the highest grade · · · · · · · ·. ’

Taeho vomited a breath of relief in his mind and stood up. Then Odin's last condolence kicks in.

“Follow the butterfly. I will show you the way to Needhog. ”

Odin breathes deeply, and a white, faint butterfly flares its wings. As if leaving a trace, the glowing dust scattered behind the wings.

You're all set.

Taeho takes a deep breath and looks back at Odin.

“I'll be back.”

“Yes, I pray for your victory. ”

It was then that Odin, who was about to leave Taeho with his last blessing, suddenly asked me to look at Ku Hoolin.

“Prince of Light, do you have something to say? ”

“Well, actually, there is. ”

Ku Hulin nods with a worried face and takes a step forward and asks with a very serious voice.

“So is Needhog a female or a male after all? ”

Taeho sighed because of Kuulin's question. The word "obsessed" came to my mind.

But Kuulin was serious.

That's why Odin laughed and said, instead of beating Moore.

“You'll see for yourself. ”

In the end, I didn't give an answer.

Kuulin looks outrageous, but his opponent is Odin. I couldn't protest any more, so I retreated.

And on behalf of that Kuulin, Taejo confronted Odin. He lightly tapped his chest twice to pay his respects.

“To Asgard and the Nine Realms. ”

The shining butterfly begins to guide the way.


It was no exaggeration to say that the world's water Wygdrasil root was enormous, even in the mountains.

Taejo could not tell if he was standing on a land at the end of the world or just the root of the world's water, Wigdrasil.

How long has it been since I've followed a butterfly? Suddenly, Kuulin speaks to Taeho.

Are you nervous? ’

It was a catchphrase but it was also important. In Kuulin's view, Taejo was not his usual tackle.

It wasn't that I was scared. A little different from that, the weight created by the mind worrying about someone made Taeho's movements awkward.

Taeho doesn't listen to Kuulin. He slowed down a little, but then spoke in a small voice.

“I had a dream. ”

I had sex.

It was Kuulin who would have asked if it was a normal nightmare, but this time he refrained. Instead of breaking through the reminiscent traces of a dream, Taeho put a flashy bar in his mouth.

“I don't know what to tell you, Adenmaha was the most worried. ”

Even so, Idun and Heda were in Asgard. Ragnar and Merlin seemed to be able to survive any crisis.

But it wasn't Ademaha. It was left between the World Wolf and the Magic King, and there was always a dangerous corner somewhere that made me feel uneasy.

I thought that was a bad idea. ’

“I think it's a little different than that. ”

Adema was never incompetent. His abilities were on the move, and he recently received numerous mysteries from Skazaha.

Taejo always summoned Adenmah, regardless of the terrain, because she was capable enough to help in any situation.

But this time it was different. It wasn't just competent and incompetent and questionable.

Taeho opened his lips as if it were hard to explain. Kuulin opened his mouth first.

"Don't worry. She's a goddess who's especially strong for bad luck. ’

“What do you mean, bad luck? ”

Didn't he tell you why he became Bress' slave? ’

“I haven't heard. Let me ask you something. ”

It was unlikely that Athenmaha volunteered to become Breith's slave, so it was a good story to come to mind.

‘Hmm · · · Do you want me to do it? ’

“No, I'll hear it later. ”

Aden Maha will tell you the story in person one day. It was Taeho who believed so and hadn't asked so far. I didn't want Kuulin to uncover the past that Athenia had not uncovered.

‘Yeah, I like that, too. ’

Kuulin smiled and said.

And I wonder how far it's gone again.

Perhaps thanks to the talk, Taeho regained his usual calm and swallowed a dry saliva in front of his eyes. It was because there were no more giant beings crouching between the roots like mountains.

“Black Poison Dragon Needhog · · · · · · · ·. ”

It was so big that I could hardly keep it in my eyes even when I was looking from afar.

The fact that such a huge creature actually lives and moves itself shocked Taeho's mind.

‘Indeed, it is an ancient dragon. ’

Instead of being afraid, Ku Hulin smiled at Taeho.

"Don't be afraid. Because you can. What we need to reverse is the essence of Needhog in the heart chamber. Not that big. ’

Taeho nods. I took another deep breath and then took a step.

Kuulin once again looked at Nidhog's body by his side. He mutters in his own voice, which he cannot hear.

‘I don't know if I can see cancer. ’

I thought you'd find out.

While Kuulin grumbles against Odin, Taejo triggers the first rune. I pushed myself into the dark green poison.


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