Valhalla Saga

Chapter 38 - Latatosk # 2


“You did it. Good work. Your balls are huge. ”

Odin's expression is quite bold, whether he knew Taejo was coming.

‘Come, King of the Gods. ’

Even without Fugin and Moonin, he was the king of the gods. Like Hermod, he could neither look out of heaven nor hear sheep's wool grow outside the castle, but he had a long experience and wisdom that no other god could keep up with.

It wasn't just Taeho who had not heard from him during the nine days.

Needhog has also not had a reaction to this in the last nine days. You lie there like a dead rat.

It was also Odin's first descent to the roots. But Odin heard Needhog's roar right off Mimir's well. I never stopped screaming for nine days.

Odin didn't think that Taejo had failed. And the prediction was a good one.

Taeho explained the current state of Nidhog and how he conquered him.

“Hard to believe. ”

It was hard to believe anything else about Nidhog's character. The Black Poison Dragon Nidhog was an evil dragon that would one day sprinkle its venom on Asgard and other worlds to accelerate its destruction.

“But it's all true. ”

Thanks to Odin's magic, the materialized Ku Hulin leads the way.

His insight, a skyscraper downstream, was as sharp as a spear that could pierce fake smoke and lies at once.

Odin is silent for a moment, instead of accepting.

Taeho cautiously opens his mouth, looking at Odin like that.

“Odin, I have one question for you. ”

“Tell me. ”

“Is it impossible to get Needhog out? This should be a great help in getting the giants out of Asgard. ”

Taeho listened to Silly reasons instead of feeling sorry for Needhog.

I was just thinking about getting out of the root, but getting out of the root didn't solve everything.

You needed a way to defeat the world wolves and defeat the giants.

Needhog, which is two kilometers tall, was already a tremendous amount of power. It was a problem not to fight too much, but it was a matter of time.

Moreover, there were those who conquered the dragon. If Tahoe himself controls the body of Nidhog and fights back, he'll be able to wield that tremendous combat power for 10 minutes.

I'm well aware that Taejo Odin has taken Nidhog for granted. But I couldn't give up on her.

Odin doesn't answer right away. He remained silent and said with one eye closed.

“Maybe you're deluded. ”

The opposing Pokémon is an ancient ease.

It was one of many creatures that could cause the world to perish.

“Maybe I'm prejudiced and looking at things with too crooked a glance. But as I listened to the stories you told me, I thought, ”

Odin opens his eyes again. I looked directly into Taejo's eyes.

“Why did he appear as a beautiful woman? ”

A white woman with long, black hair that touches her thighs.

A mature, beautiful, compassionate, pathetic beauty.

“Of course, that could be his true nature. Since the ancient dragon is like a god, it is likely that the gods of the world were born in the form of a leading species, human beings, just like that. But you can still think like this. ”

Odin pauses. He spoke again, thinking of those who made human figures, including giants, but could not live with the humans, hoping for the destruction of the world.

“The warrior of Idun must have seen your memory, just as you saw Nidhog's. And so you may have chosen the easiest form of compassion and carelessness. Isn't it strange? That a creature who has lived as a dragon for thousands of years has appeared before you in a beautiful human form. ”

Taeho flinches. Odin doesn't convince you. It is because even if it is malicious, it is not excessive.

But when I took a step back, Odin's words were quite reasonable. Reasonable reasoning was fine.

Taeho was unable to give a swift answer. It was because I thought it would only come out if I opened my mouth.

Odin doesn't rush Taejo. And Kuulin opened his mouth.

“Odin, may I have a word?" ”

“Speak, Prince of Light. ”

“I understand your concern. There's a possibility that you're talking about. But I thought about something else. ”

Odin's eyes narrow. Kuulin looks him straight in the eye as Odin did.

“You chose the human form because you saw Taejo's memory, as you said. And I thought, maybe it was an instinctive judgment. I don't know which looks better on Taeho. I don't know what it would look like to communicate with Taeho more easily. ”

Kuulin recalls Nidhog, who held Taeho in his arms and crippled him. What if Nidhog had retained the shape of the dragon instead of the human form? Could he hold Taeho in his arms and pounce?

“Human shapes may be easier to communicate than dragons dozens of times larger than humans. I saw Taejo's memory, as I said. You know how much this scumbag likes women. ”

Kuulin?! ’

What the hell are you talking about?

When Taeho protested in his mind, Ku Hulin took it the same way.

‘Stay still, you son of a bitch. And when did I lie? Do you hate women or do you like them? You can't say you don't like it, can you? ’

It was not for nothing.

Taeho decides to put up with the uproaring resentment, and Kuulin focuses on his conversation with Odin again.

“Of course, it's just a story of possibility. It's all speculation.But I dare say, I think Odin's words are also in the realm of speculation. I'd like you to take a look at Needhog in person and make a decision. ”

“You are so arrogant, Prince of Light. ”

“Forgive my rudeness. ”

Kuulin bows with a slight smile.

Odin shrugs.

“Yes, arrogant, but not wrong. Maybe I'm too comfortable looking at the world with just one eye. ”

Odin himself was not perfect.

It was just a matter of the wolves of the world.

If you have succeeded in resurrecting the World Wolf, there is no hiding it. I will build it on the battlefield.

I became obsessed with silly stereotypes. And as a result, I became trapped in the root.

After Odin's gentle thinking, Kuulin smiles bitterly. I was glad to hear what he said, but seeing the king with his wings bent was painful.

“The warrior of Idun, I must see Nidhog for myself, as you and Kuhurin have said. I need Nidhog's help to get out of here anyway. ”

Odin has healed quite a bit of wounds over the past nine days, but still uncomfortable behavior. There was a bit of a swarm riding on Taejo's back that had turned into a falcon.

“If it's my way out, don't worry. I'll carve out the dragon transformer's runes for you. Come closer. ”

When Odin gestures, Taeho asks for a moment before the Valkyrie uses the visiting warrior.

[fake heda]

[fake english]

When fake Heda and fake Ingrid appeared in front of Taeho with the same appearance as the real one, Odin in in the world looked surprised for a moment. It was because he saw at a glance what Saga Taejo had.

“What an amazing saga. Even more amazing is its origins. You can see how much I love you. ”

It was a complete saga for the visit to Heda starting with the visit of the lost Heda.

Fake Heda and Fake Ingrid lower down in front of Odin and tighten their heads. Odin engraved one rune on top of the skeleton of the fake Heda and the fake Ingrid.

Dragon Transformation Rune.

Fake Heda and Fake Ingrid chanted the starter words, and the two of them reconciled into a small dragon the size of which was less than five meters.

Whether they both followed the color of their hair, Heda was a red dragon with a red scale, and Ingrid was a gold dragon.

Taeho, who helped Odin climb over the fake Ingrid, hurriedly climbed over the fake Heda. Then, Kuulin said as if he had been staring quietly until now.

‘Hey, why don't you just summon a bunch of people and call a fake Hedda? ’

It's not small enough that two people can't ride.

‘No, but something. ’

"Why, do you have to ride a fake one? Huh?"

Kuulin snickers. It looked like it was a horse that was used to tease Thao in the beginning.

‘Let's go quickly. ’

Taeho, who stopped Kuulin, started off with fake Valkyries.


Taejo, who flew high above the poison, placed fake hedas and fake Ingrid on the protrusions leading to the cardiac chambers.

Originally, I had to go a long way from here to the heart room again, but this time I didn't have to.

“Master Tae Ho! I'll be right back! ”

Needhog, crouched on a boulder, rises to his feet with a glimmer in his eyes. Then I burst into tears. It's because I was so thankful and glad that Taeho had returned after just one hour.

‘The tears of joy are beautiful. ’

Taeho calms Nidhog while Kuulin mutters in a satisfied voice. It was because I cried in the first place. As soon as I held Taeho in my arms, I stopped crying.


And Odin, who had been watching him the whole time, said, It was a short speech, but there were many emotions mixed together.

Needhog looks at Odin with his head held in his lap. Curiosity and fear were both young at the same time.

Odin was able to find out why. I sat down, crumpled up on the floor, and told Needhog.

“Come closer. ”

Needhog flinches on a lofty call. You dig a little deeper into Taeho's arms and don't move on to Shui Odin.

Because of this, Taeho pushed Needhog aside.

“It's okay. He's a good man. ”


Needhog nods a few times, then approaches Odin.

One step, one step. Needhog hesitates to take a look around Taejo, then speeds up his pace. You stop right in front of Odin, and then settle down.

Odin observes the action of such a Needhog. I looked at the black eyes and asked.

“Do you know who I am, Needhog? ”

“I don't know. But I think I know why. I'm scared. I'm scared. ”

Odin's face is not in Needhog's memory. But Needhog felt familiar and afraid of Odin for some reason.

Someone I don't remember, but I've met somewhere, someone I'm sure I've met.

I was scared. I was scared. I was never friendly.

Needhog shrugs his small shoulders and turns his head away from Odin's gaze.

Odin narrows his eyes.


The middle of those who want to preserve the world and the middle of those who want to perish.

The Black Poison Dragon Nidhog was born of both natures. And one of the more enlightened dogs was the one who wanted to be kept.

But the color was still there.

Nidhog was neither pure nor dark, comparing those who sought to maintain to White and those who sought to destroy to Black. Nor was it grey mixed together.

Half white, half black.

One who was a keeper, but who was leaning toward an ever-growing desire for destruction.

‘Is this also the India of destiny? ’

If I had let it go, Nidhog would have been reborn as a desperate wreck.

But Tae Ho showed up.

Odin leads Taejo to conquer and retain the dragon, just as Odin himself was drawn to Loki as a defender.

“I wish I'd met you sooner. ”

I didn't expect Nidhog to be like this.

You hear the sound of the man roaring in Mimir's well, and decide quickly.

A natural evil dragon. A cry filled with rage at the world.

But it was different. It was not anger, but awful loneliness and sadness that filled Nidhog's roar.

“I'm sorry.”

Odin reaches out and strokes Needhog's head. Odin reaches out and reflexively leans back, but soon he accepts Odin's hand. I close my eyes with a slight tilt like a pet pet.

Taeho vomited a breath of relief. I spoke to Odin using a mystery.

"Dear Odin, forgive my rudeness. Can you get Needhog out of here? ’

The reason for using mystery instead of cultivation was in case it was impossible. Needhog might get hurt by expectations he doesn't deserve.

Odin smiles bitterly, caring. Idun, too, but the warrior of Idun, too, has really retreated. But it wasn't Odin I hated.

“As I said before, magnetism is impossible. ”

Nidhog opens his eyes as if to say something. Taeho swallows a dry saliva and waits for Odin's next words.

It's because Odin's words sounded different so far.

It can't be done on magnetism.

Clues. The premise suggests there may be a number of other cases.

Unless it's magnetism.

If you add someone's help.


At that moment, Nidhog said, I raised my head and stood up straight.

“Latatosk! Latatosk is coming! ”

Nidhog was excited and said, It was always Latatosk that hurt Needhog with words, but it was the only one he had left. Even the words that pierced her heart were precious to her.

‘Finally. ’

Kuulin coldly said. Taeho also looked up at the sky with cold eyes.

I haven't seen him yet. But it was coming. I heard a thump from a distance.

“We're running out of time. Listen to what I say. ”

Odin focused everyone's gaze.

I started talking.


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