Valhalla Saga

Chapter 39 - Greece # 6


‘Calm down, it's not that big a deal. ’

Kuulin said.

And so he said.

Needhog hasn't been badly injured in the fight so far. Other than being tailed on the Giant King's axe, all the wounds were fine.

A minor wound that a common warrior would have ignored and fought. A warrior of Valhalla would never have felt.

‘We may need some training. ’

Thanks to Taeho's manipulation, the desperate fighting skills were somehow resolved, but I could not overcome the weak resistance to pain.

Nidhog nods and grips his teeth when he hears Kouhulin's inadvertent words. I was prepared to endure a little pain for Taejo.

Thanks to the dragon conqueror, Taeho was able to read Nidhog's thoughts directly.

“It's not Needhog's fault. ”

She was doing her best. In fact, she had already defeated thousands of magical objects and over a hundred sneaky giants. It was she who created the flow of an enormous army of witches fleeing. Without Needhog, Taejo alone would never have created this flow.

Kuulin agreed. He looked ahead and said quickly.

‘He is Hrumbark, the Shocker. One of the Giant Kings who made a name for himself during the Great War. ’

It wasn't a rattlesnake. It was an enemy that could never be cared for.

Taeho clears his breath. You gently place your hand on the keyboard and mouse as if it were a nudgehog held in Taeho's arms.

Odin talks about the number of spleens Hela has, but doesn't think.

Needhog and Taeho win with their own strength.

Give Needhog an intact victory.

It was never too much. I was not arrogant.


I can win.


There's a noise. It's coming from Hrumba. The wild man swarms at a terrifying speed. The devastation created by the axe he wielded was more than twice as big as a single blow to the Black Dragon.

Taeho focused on consciousness. He wouldn't even let me touch him.

Perfectly dodges, creating a series of arches!

The assault has torn the atmosphere. A hundred meters long, black dragon made a beautiful trajectory, avoiding the picturesque attack of Hrumbach.

In the place where the black dragon passed, the green poison remained as still. After shattering the air, Hrumbach vomits in the poison. The Giant King's ferocious flesh and magical power withstood the Black Dragon's poison.

Taejo rotated the black dragon in the high sky. The legendary pro-gamer has checked all of Needhog's stats. You see the condition of Lumbach with the reinforced dragon's eyes.

Here we go.

Taeho's finger dances on the keyboard. The black dragon charged towards Hrumbark on the ground, spreading all four wings.

Hrumbach smiles willingly. You face the Black Dragon, which will be more than ten times your size, but raise your axe instead of retreating.

Kwaga Gaga Gaga!

That's when I heard the sound from somewhere else. As it got bigger and bigger, Hrumbach had to distract his gaze.

The second black dragon. Ever since the appearance, slaughtering things has been flying towards this side of the battlefield.

That's why Taeho's hands were quicker.

Nidhog's love for Taejo was utterly lacking in time to give and receive one blessing. Because of this, Taejo's fake Needhog was unable to perform precise movements. It was almost miraculous just by achieving a hundred meters of gigantic mass.

Taeho manipulated such a fake Nidhog. I made a reckless dash towards Hrumbach to match the modifier.

Top and side.

In a simultaneous attack from both directions, Hrumbach is forced to do both jobs. And he followed his instincts again. Instead of a fake Needhog, I decided to focus everything on the black dragon in the sky.

Hrumbark scrambles up the ground. I gathered and gathered fires at the black dragon in the sky.

It was formidable. It was the blow of the so-called Shocking King.

Taeho was satisfied. Hrumbach moves as he sees fit.

[Enhanced Saga: Valkyrie Visited Warrior]

Taejo triggered Saga. This time it was not to create a fake.

Effect of a warrior visited by the Valkyrie.

It wasn't just about making fake ones. As it turns out in Banahaim, there was also the ability to call out the real one nearby.

Taeho was not satisfied with that. I thought about the idea of calling the real one.

If we could get the real thing, wouldn't we be able to do the opposite?

The black dragon does not detect eyes. You face the rush from the front.


The assault has split the atmosphere. I crossed the air with nothing.

Hrumbach opens his eyes. And he soon realized what was wrong.

Fake Needhog.

A fake black dragon that broke only the ground, situated beneath the rising Hrumbark.

It was no longer fake. The fake disappeared and the real appeared there.

Hrumbark turns his head from the air. And by then it was already too late.

The Black Dragon vomited poison.

The distance is close. Especially in the air. Until now, it has been Hrumbark who has managed to avoid a direct line, but this time there is no way.

The poison envelops Hrumbark. The fierce poison changed the color of the sky.

Hrumbach did his best. You block the poison with your favorite axe, while simultaneously wielding your magic all over you.

An axe crafted by Refining a common stone from Jotunheim for over a hundred years. The Black Dragon poison was able to hold its form at all costs.

Hrumbach takes off in a row. You press yourself with enormous magical power to escape the poison. Landed vertically on the ground.

And then the black dragon's tail swung towards Hrumbark.

It was the number that was prepared in the beginning. There were few cases where HRUMBAC could choose to be exposed to poison in the face.

A fierce blow with all the giant weighing over a hundred meters.

An unimaginable shock strikes Lumbach's body. You can't even defend yourself this time because it was an unexpected blow.

It was best to dive into the direction of the attack as soon as the attack hit. I couldn't do anything more.

Hrumbach crosses the battlefield. After pushing more than a hundred meters, I could barely stop.

The blow was too great. Hrumbark was able to see how the warriors of Valhalla had been fighting him all along.

Fighting against an opponent that cannot even strike.

Hrumbach grips his teeth and raises himself up. The head activated the regenerative power of the whole body in the middle of a dizziness.

And vomited black blood.

The black blood does not stop.

The venom of the Black Poison Dragon Nidhog.

It was not a real body. The power of the poison was also not as great as the original poison.

But Hrumbach drank too much poison. He was right to think he should be close to him, but if he is close to him, he will inevitably be close to the poison he is wearing.

The poison spilled from the front, just before. The Black Dragon Poison that had accumulated in Hrumbach's body finally crossed a certain line.

Hrumbach vomits blood again. You raise your head. Out of the blurred vision, you see a black dragon approaching.

The Black Dragon opened its mouth. I puked poison again. There was a way to bite it, but I didn't choose it. To avoid the situation where Hrumbach attacks the black dragon's mouth or eyes with his last move.

Hrumbach leaps up with all his last might. It was for poisoning. And then the black dragon's tail sways towards Hrumbark. It was a prepared move again.

If the first tail attack was a whirlpool, then this time it's more like a slam to the ground.

Hrumbark, who flew diagonally, produced a huge sound just like when he crashed. The ground shook like a deep fire and an earthquake.

The Black Dragon spread its wings.

I soared into the sky.

Hrumbach in the ground vomited black blood and saw a black dragon like that. I instinctively realized what the Black Dragon was trying to do.

Because of this, Hrumbach smiled without me knowing. I vomited insults in my mind, saying that he was a horrible person.

raining down from the sky.

An arrow of black catastrophe reaching over a hundred metres in length.

[Saga: Dragon Blade]

Dragonic ballistas.

It pours down with a terrifying force. It was a chance to bring destruction not only to Hrumbach, but also to the whole battlefield.

Everyone on the battlefield looked up at the sky.

Everyone who fought and ran away stopped and looked at him.

Phase Five.

Last phase.

The black dragon had roughened its wings just before it touched the ground. He snatches the prey and rises toward the sky like a flying bird.

And that's when the Black Dragon's trajectory changed.

The Black Dragon's chest is open. There was someone pouring down from there.

[Saga: Idun's Warrior]

The thrust of the Dragonic Ballista remained with Taejo. Taking the warrior's sprint to create a new trajectory, Taejo focused all his strength on the armor in his right hand.

A window of passion.

A weapon that replaces magic and other functions with destructive power.

Taejo throws a spear of passion at Hrumba. A burning spear pierces Lumbach's chest with the power of golden idol. It blew up and destroyed his heart!

And it didn't end there. Hrumbark's heart bursts. There was a big explosion deep underground.

Taejo rises into the air. It wasn't just the strength of the warrior's courage. The Black Dragon Needhog uses all its powerful magic to pull up the reel.

Needhog frowns with his hands on his keyboard and mouse.

She didn't need to use a keyboard and mouse, but for some reason, Kuulin just smiled with a happy face.

Taeho plunges back into the air to get back to him like that. I looked down at the battlefield.

An enormous rune rises from Hrumbach's corpse to Taeho and Nidhog. It was a pure light that did not match Hrumbach.

Taeho smiles and, as always, decides to embroider the last.

A mystery learned from Aden Maha.

Taeho himself.

A huge apple tree appeared around the reed. It glowed in golden light, rising out of the center of the battlefield like the water of the world, attracted everyone's attention.

The warrior of Idun.

Giants and magic have completely lost their minds.

The army of the dead shouts in the middle heat. And soon, the cry came together and shook the whole battlefield.

“The warrior of Idun! ”

To Idun.

To Heda.

Taejo, who is narrowed down, returns to Needhog, clutching his mouse, just beyond the open chest of the Black Dragon.

And as Greece watched from afar, she looked down and saw Mystille in her hand without even knowing it.

A mighty spear of new blood.

‘For now, keep it. ’

Odin speaks. She looks around with an awkward face, then buries Mystine in her chest with a clear-headed cough.


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