Valhalla Saga

Chapter 41 - Highest Branch # 5


The reason for Tae Ho's deployment of power from the start was simple.

“Hresbelg is strong. ”

Odin's words. And as it stands, there is no doubt in Hrersvelg's strength, even in the testimony of Latatosk, though it should be filtered somewhat.

It was too different from Needhog.

The ancient dragon Nidhog was one of the most powerful creatures in the world with the potential to lead to the destruction, but he could not fight at all. Moreover, Nidhog's gentle and innate personality added to the combat strength even more dramatically. It was fortunate to know how to use even one-tenth of its power.

Hresbelg did not.

He was the protector of the highest branch for a thousand years. He had enough hands-on experience and did not avoid a fight like Needhog.

A creature of destiny with the Black Poison Dragon Needhog.

King of the birds, Hresbelg.

He was strong. He didn't kill Needhog's enemies for nothing. We had to do everything we could to defeat him from the start.

‘An essential champion. It's best to break the opponent before he exerts his full power.' ’

It was Ragnar's teachings. His experience in professional gaming was also telling the same answer.

If you are strengthened by the transformation, defeat him before he transforms.

If your enemy has powerful magic, defeat him before he can complete it.

It was enough for the boy cartoons to wait until the opponent had exhausted his strength or to help him draw his power and then spread a bloody clot.

"Adult fighting. ’

Kuulin said as if joking. But those eyes were cold and sharp.

Taeho was not intoxicated. The five dragons kept their cool as they looked up at the sky at the same time.

Judging by the numbers, it was five to one, but the reality was not so simple.

First, there was a big difference in weight classes.

Although not compared to the true body of Nidhog, two kilometers long, Hresbelg was also a truly great monster.

The distance between the wings of the sheep spread out to cover the sky was roughly hundreds of meters. Even if an eagle has wings that big compared to a trunk, the fact that its wings are that big also means that the trunk is tens of meters tall.

The only thing that mattered to Hresbel was Nydhog.

Even though Rollo and Adenmaha were several hundred feet tall, shooting stars and Javier were also monsters, they were much smaller than Hresbelg.

It was more than a few times the length. In Hresbelg's eyes, Rollo and Adenmaha could only be seen as a child coming at an adult.

And in fact, Nidhog was not only comparable to the torso of Hresbelg, but never to the full size of its wings and so on.

‘The more time you drag, the more disadvantageous it will be. Destroy the meadow. ’

Taejo agreed. He stared at Hresbelg through Nidhog's eyes as well as watched the video of the three-person time on the monitor. I made a quick gesture to command.

Hresbelg spreads his wings wide. I flapped my wings once, and the atmosphere literally shook. Hresbelg's body flutters upward, and a strong wind rises over the heads of the five dragons.

It was an unbelievably strong wind. Taeho sets Needhog in front of the strongest force and breaks through the wall of wind. Adenmaha and fake Adenmaha climb up behind such a Nidhog, and Rollo heads up ahead of the fake Nidhog and towards Hresbelg's rear.

After a long history of human warfare, tactics on the battlefield eventually resulted in achieving one goal.

Eliminate the siege.

The majority surrounds a minority and defeats it.

Even though there are more enemies than allies, locally, this creates a multitude and a minority of enemies, leading to a siege.

Taeho was faithful to the basics. Nidhog opens his mouth wide as he leans in front of him, and Adenmaha, who easily breaks through the wall of wind against Nidhog's tail and fake Adenmaha, simultaneously flies to both sides and occupies his left and right sides.

The people of the highest branch swallowed their breath. Some vomited without me even knowing it.

And at that moment, a powerful breath of poison came out of Nidhog's mouth like an abyss. A dark green poison that seems to melt everything it touches was a dreadful poison that must be addicted even if it avoided direct diarrhea.

However, instead of being afraid, Hresbelch slams his beak and flaps his wings again. A stronger wind than the first one swirled around and scattered the breath of poison that Nidhog had vomited to hundreds of strands, some of which even flew towards Adenmaha and fake Adenmaha.

Aden Maha and fake Aden Maha hurriedly released a cold breeze and froze the poison and wind into a barrel. Hresbelg grins and lunges at Nidhog. There was still a lot of fragrance of scattered poison in front of you, but you ignored it. There was nothing to be afraid of, not the straightforward kind of incense.

Hresbelg has been preparing for today's fight for a long time. Although he was far from the type of fight he wanted, not all of his preparations became useless.

Ever since I first learned that Nidhog was his enemy, Hresbelg has been relentless in his time and effort to cultivate resistance to poison. It was natural to fight the Black Poison Dragon from the dawn.

Hresbelg's giant comes down through a poisonous wind and attacks Nidhog. It's a swift and sharp move, as if a bird snatches at its prey. However, Taejo treats Nidhog as if he were my body, avoiding Hresbelg his attack. I could not even think of a counterattack because I barely warped and avoided it. But it didn't matter. It wasn't Nidhomann who was here.

Adenmaha, who flew over Hresbelg's head and fake Adenmaha, simultaneously emitted a cold breeze.

Hresbelg snorts and shows an unimaginable movement of ordinary birds. I felt like I was descending while holding on to the cold breeze. At some point, I turned around 180 degrees and jumped up and occupied over the heads of Adenaha and fake Adenaha. It was a so-called barrel roll.

Adenmaha and the fake Adenmaha were embarrassed and puffed up at the same time. Needhog was also extremely surprised and embarrassed.

Hresbelg flaps his wings strongly. He tried to bring down Adenmaha and fake Adenmaha with an enormous wind.

Adenmah and the fake Adenma vomited with desperate flapping of their wings. Hresbelg's attention was focused on them.

“My king!”

Verde Polnyr screams out of nowhere.

With his strong wingspan, Hresbelg instinctively realized what Verd Polnyr's scream meant when he wiped out Adenmaha and fake Adenmaha and subsequently tried to attack Nidhog again.

Hresbelg shakes his head and rolls his eyes. The user senses the entire area by spreading its energy.

Adenmaha smiles as she puts on a downpour. It was already too late.

Fake Nidhog lunges into a rage from Hresbelg's rear. Hresbelg twists his body and easily dodges the attack. But the fake Needhog was also a decoy. There was a real attack.

Rollo pours down from the sky to the ground. It was a torso hit like a bullet of fire worthy of the name Shooting Star.

It was an attack that was hard to avoid, even when it was still normal. Moreover, he avoided the false Needhog in an emergency.

But Hresbelg was also not greedy. In the meantime, I desperately turned around and avoided a straight shot.

Rollo crosses the wings of Hresbelg. I barely flapped my wings just before plunging to the ground and killed the speed.

A trail of flames was drawn in the sky. The warped Hresbelch once again flaps his wings to try to stabilize. But this time, Nidhog lunges for Hresbelg like that. I opened my mouth wide as if I were going to bite you myself instead of spitting poison.


Hresbelg throws up his old age, as well as his beak. To vomit out incredible magical power.

Needhog didn't stop. Hresbelch vomits his magic without hesitation. Hresbelg unleashes enormous power to seal his own movements for a moment!

[Saga: Valkyrie Visited Warrior]

At that moment, Taeho triggered Saga. I switched locations with Needhog and the fake Needhog.

Hresbelg's magic strikes the head of a fake Nidhog. I smashed it to pieces. And just then, the location of the fake Niedhawk - Niedhawk, who moved to the rear of the Hresbelg, struck Hresbelg. This time, no matter how much Hresbelg did, there was no escape.

Nidhog bites the wings of Hresbelg. Rough feathers were half, but some of the sharpened teeth must have pierced Hresbelg's skin.

Needhog poisoned Hresbelg's wings as if it were a snake. Even the flying adenmaha and the fake adenmaha did not stand still. You press Hresbelg's back against the ground with a blocked movement.


Hresbelg's giant, bitten and crushed by three dragons, collides with the ground. An enormous shock wave swept through the area. As the earth shakes, dust rises from the sky.

The process was different, but the results were as planned. Adenma immediately emitted a cold breeze with fake Adenmaha to bond with Hresbel and the ground. Needhog also focused on crushing Hresbelg with both arms and tail instead of carrying out further attacks.

But in the meantime, Hresbelg survived. The wings are tight and cracks appear in the ice beneath Athenia. Nidhog's gigantic body rises.

Rollo flaps his wings in the air and stares at Hresbelg. It was always meant to strike again with fire bullets.

Adenma, along with the fake Adenmaha, again gave out a cold breeze. It was her duty to somehow seal Hresbelg's movements.

Needhog moves from his wings to his torso. You focus on crushing Hresbelg with your arms and legs wide open to either side.

Hresbelg tries to flap his wings again. The ice breaks again, and three dragons are simultaneously stirring.

But I couldn't fly again. Taeho swallowed a dry saliva once, handing over the keyboard and mouse to Nidhog.



Needhog nods, expressing his resolve. I held my keyboard and mouse in my arms and closed my eyes and focused on my consciousness. Nidhog's giant makes fun of his arm leg again and crushes Hresbelg. It was funny as if you were swimming on the ground, but it was effective enough. Hresbelg is stuck.

The goal of this duel was to make Hresbelg an ally. It was never about killing.

Nidhog did not wrap himself in poison, as he did in the battle with the shocking king Hrumbach. It was to avoid the so-called team kills, which hit even Adenmaha, but there was actually one more purpose.

The fake adenmaha is gone. Rollo drops from above and roughly tramples his defenseless back to fill the void. As Hresbelg vomits in his old age, part of Nidhog's giant chest opens with a thumping sound.

It's Taejo. Taejo leaves the cardiac chamber, plunging into thin air. Calculating the total amount of divine power remaining, you head toward Hresbelg's head.

The essence of Hresbelg.

He didn't enter the main ventricle like Needhog. Orlot sits on the giant's head, either to attack the dragons with his back. Taeho was as expected.

Hresbelg, who was just about to attack Adenmah, notices Taejo's approach. You stare at Taeho, holding the Spear of Magic Power.

Finish the fight by defeating the essence.

It was like Nidhog's time. But Hresbelg was not Nidhog. The essence of Hresbelg, which has been polishing martial arts for the last hundred years, has never been weak.


Hresbelg vomits at Taejo. But gladness was young in his eyes.

The cowardly attack on which the dragons were gathered was enraged, but I liked the beating that came out of Nidhog for the frontal battle.

“Come! Master of the Black Poison Dragon! ”

And in a way, this frontal battle was a battle that Hresbelg himself had drawn for a long time. Hresbelg remembered the battle against the great hero a hundred years ago.

On the other hand, Taejo charged towards Hresbelg and felt a strong camouflage. And soon I realized the identity of the camouflage and was embarrassed.

‘Downstream from Skazar?! ’

His posture with the spear resembles that of a skyscraper downstream.

Kuulin quickly said.

‘It's a slave downstream. It looks like only the downstream brother has been taught with his eyes and then developed into a magnetic stream. ’

Usually it was Kuulin, the village's idiot brother, but it was different in battle. It was an incredibly accurate and quick analysis.

‘I don't know why it's in English, but it worked. A subspecies of skyzah downstream can never be a true opponent of skyzah downstream! ’

Taejo agrees. He sees Hresbelg with insight into the essence of the Skaza Downstream, which can never be contained in any species. This side also pulls out the spear in order to take out the spear completely.


The Spear of Death, the Light Prince Kuulin himself!

And that was the moment. Hresbelg vomits in horror with his eyes wide open.

“Th-that spear! ”

I knew. It was a different shape, but it was a spear I had definitely seen.

Hresbelg was so surprised that he couldn't get the message straight. For a while, I couldn't even breathe.

And Taeho did not miss that gap. I was faithful to Ragnar and Kuulin's teachings.

A champion.

There's probably enough reason why Hresbelg was surprised to hear it later.

A thunder-like island that begins in Taeho's hands extends toward Hresbelg's chest.


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