Valhalla Saga

Chapter 44 - The Great War # 4


The first warrior to wake up at dawn was intuitive.

I understood the Steel Warrior who was staring at the foggy battlefield.

It was something you could know without saying. It was because they were hostile to each other.

The battle is about to begin.

There's gonna be a big fight today.

When the reinforcements of the palace arrived, it was as if the magic king had chosen to stand down for a moment and Odin had accepted such a retreat.

We knew what each other would do.

It was a strange form of trust.

The morning dawns. The giants and monsters advance, pushing their forces to Valhalla.

A small world of reinforcements and an army of palace troops united to welcome the army of such magical objects. It was a pure struggle of power and power that confronted both sides without any deception or guile to do this.

Heaven and earth were covered with blood and death.

The warrior of Midgard died screaming for Valhalla.

A mysterious substance climbs up the walls of Valhalla and breaks its head.

In the sky, instead of raining water, the arrow rains.

The beast roars and the giant vomits. All kinds of powerful magic radiated from all over the battlefield.

The battle continues with an implicit agreement.

Giant armies repeated attacks and retreats, and Valhalla's armies defended the walls in an evil way.

And on the fifth day of the resumption,

Odin and the Magic King put their hands on each other again.

One move each of us knew one day what to do. Nevertheless, as long as we have to leave it.

Odin and the Magic King look at the same place on the map from different places.

It was a place where Loki, the false god, was just there for five days.


The Magic King did not kill Loki, despite knowing he was a traitor.

To squeeze Loki's powerful magic away.

But now that Odin's survival is confirmed, Loki is not the only use for a living Magical Warehouse. One more use was added.

The morning the battle resumed and the sixth day.

The battlefield was always the same. There are a group of people brawling from the walls, and a group brawling from outside the walls.

On the overly vast battlefield, countless people burned their own lives.

A group of palace men, led by the Wittacheon and the Lower Armies, opened their doors blindly outside the walls, and the five dragons, the warriors of Idun, attracted the attention of all. In the sky was the sixth battle between Hresbel and the Black Frost Dragon Valkazar. Nyord the god of the sea and Heimdall the god of the waves also made their existence clear in their place.

The Magic King, who was always in the depths of the battlefield, but was still staring at the other battlefield, sat as if he were crumpled to the ground like Odin. Valhalla, who can see far away, whispered to me with a single glance at many of the people in between.

“Odin will come. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. ”

I wasn't talking to Avalta, the Giant of the Night, or Grund, the giant of the sea. I spoke to Loki hanging from the wall in chains.

Loki doesn't answer. Odin and Idun's warriors return to Valhalla, but they try to keep the faint smile they've been building ever since.

“He is clearly a cruel and cunning god of war. But I will not abandon you in the end. ”

He has lost too many people in a great war.

And he never got used to it.

Odin would have been able to move on comfortably, even if Loki had died.

But Loki was alive. Odin is no longer aware of that.

What I noticed was the first day or the second.

The battlefield has always been fierce. Both sides were dying and dying. I thought my food would last more than a month.

Loki longed for his king to be more ruthless. However, he couldn't deny the magic king's words either.

Odin is coming.

To save Loki, for the man who has sacrificed and sacrificed for the last hundred years.

The magic king slowly got up from his seat and moved on. If the hunter was next to the trap, he would have stopped coming no matter how stupid the prey was.

The magic king takes a step back.

Loki closed his eyes.


The low-arm system, wielding a 10-blade pitchfork, felt a sense of camaraderie at some point. However, I looked at the front with thinner eyes.

A giant has been struck on the head with the strength of a weaver. He was convinced that he was chasing the back of a towering giant that was so light that it was hurtling like lightning again.

“I noticed. ”

It smells nasty and unpleasant. It is clear that the Magic King has noticed very few operations on this side as well.

The low arm's voice is crushed by all kinds of noise that resonate on the battlefield, but I can clearly understand the Turret King's Tide. He replied with an equally small voice, spreading a tower that would shrink by a handful of inches, but would get as big as ten meters if thrown into the air.

“But I don't think he's going to stop. ”

The reinforcements at the palace did not spare any strength. The numbers were small, but each one was strong, as the primitive zone promised, so it was good to break through from the front.

The low-arm system plowed the ground in front of its eyes and overthrew the vast space a few decades ahead. I admitted to seeing the magical objects rising into the sky.

“We don't know the exact time, but we know each other anyway. ”

The lower arm thought of the GO that the teacher and his older brother had left. Sometimes, even though they knew each other's numbers, there were times when they exchanged numbers like they were woven.

After a brief recollection, the hypoarms nod. Instead of thinking deeply, I decided to make the same choice all the time.

“Keep up the good work. ”

Open the road.Sweep Jotunheim's crops. This will concentrate everyone's attention. It makes me think it's the same battlefield as yesterday.

There was a Whitechun racing in front of Manchun. Lord Jeong Jing was right about what the underarms said.


Odin is making his move.

Freya watches Odin's back from afar.

Of course I dried it. I threw up the insult and punched him in the cheek.

But Odin does not stop. Freya eventually couldn't stop Odin.

Freya grips her teeth and stares at the battlefield.

We knew each other's numbers. Nevertheless, he was still holding out his hand. I left the most important place empty and placed the main power in the wrong places, as if it were a mind-blowing play.

Heimdall, the god of the waves, and Nyord, the god of the sea, stand in front of the walls of Valhalla, rather than dive deeper into the battlefield.

Giant kings and monsters were also fighting in places unrelated to where Loki was being held.

What will be the end of the consensual play? Who should have a different number first?

Freya buries herself on a throne only the king of the gods can sit on. Odin's ring proves that he is the king of the gods, handed it over to me. After hesitating several times, I put it on my finger.

As the king of the new gods, I began my first task.


Odin and the Magic King's first battle, which declared the second great war, unfolded with each other's hands completely hidden.

I was close to the battle, pulling each hand out of each other's hands.

This time it was the opposite. We knew each other's numbers. There are no more hidden spleens.

Odin appears to be an ordinary Valhalla warrior. Magically concealed the eye patch and changed the color of her hair and beard. It was too easy for him to be a god of transformation.

I marched forward, fighting normally.

Brackey and Siri fought alongside Odin like that, but only for a moment. Odin did not stay long with two men who had already reached superior warrior levels.

Heimdall, the god of the Sentinels, and Nyord, the god of the sea, fight in the distant lands. Odin, who hides himself as a god, struggles to defeat the magic before his eyes.

You can see the wall collapsing far away. You see Loki hanging there.

King of foolish and wise gods.

Mimir's head was the title for Odin. It was clearly a contradiction, but it also explained Odin too well.

Those who resist inevitable mortality.

A fool who makes foolish choices despite his wisdom.

Odin smiles at me without even knowing it. Maybe it was the last smile I ever had in a long, long life.

Odin takes another step.

Odin was intuitive when the soles of his feet, which had been off the ground for a short while, touched the ground again.

You crossed the line.

Odin sees Loki again.

Rocky was also watching Odin.


The moment his gaze crossed, Loki smiled.

Eventually, his wishes were broken.

I didn't want Odin not to come. He'll definitely come.

What Loki wanted was something different.

He's not coming to save himself. He's coming to kill him.

Behave like a goddess of cunning and cruel war so that you will no longer be exploited by Giants and become Odin's deadly weakness.

But the wind is broken. It did not.

Loki laughs out loud. I thought he was an idiot.

Loki was a spy for a hundred years under the Magic King. It was not a strange role to be exposed when he died.

After entrusting you with such a role, you can entrust it to someone who doesn't have to die anytime and then come here to save you. You did that yourself.

I was so emotional, I couldn't find a single piece of reason.

But it was natural, as Loki himself knew Odin.

So I didn't miss it.

Loki looks up at the sky.

The magic king's preparations were beginning.


The world wolf Fenr was the end of Odin's destiny.

The moment Odin crosses the line, the sky opens. The world wolf who fought Thor's army with the Frost Giant King Harmati appeared.

The Magic King was riding on it.

Not only that, I used a powerful secret technique. Despite enduring all five fingers during the Great War, it was the true blessing of the Magic King that prevented him from defeating the Magic King.

The World Wolves have a big mouth. The magic king riding on the back of the wolf of the world stretched out his arms and triggered a long-standing magic.

The place where Loki hangs - a huge circle forms around the Magic King above his head. All the magical objects and giants that were in it suddenly withered away their lives.

Thousands, at best. Life may be just one thing.

It was a magic that only took the life of those whose sentences were engraved, but it even caught up with those who didn't have the sentences in the aftermath.

The power of life gathered there was passed on to the magic king.

A simple structure for sacrificing and gaining power. But that's why it's so much more powerful.

Almost everyone in the circle fell to the ground. Some were crumbling.

There was only one person standing under the strong wind created by the flow.

Odin, king of the gods.

You are nothing but a humble old man in front of the world wolf.

Odin didn't have much choice in the first place.

I would have wanted Thor to capture the wolves of the world, but I felt so bad.

Thor was about to be seen as the World Wolves in that distant battlefield at this very moment, but he was only a forgery created by the Magic King.

The world wolf growls. The magic king looks down at Odin.

What will you do now?

What can you do?

Odin faced such a magical king. I left behind all the noise behind my back, like a lie.


I came to rescue Loki, but he was outnumbered.

There was nothing Odin could do.

The Magic King was momentarily embarrassed by the stare. And then I realized... I quickly absorbed the cohesive power while mining the World Wolf. I tried to swallow Odin in one bite.

But it was a little faster.

It wasn't Odin.

He was hung from a chain.

When I first laid eyes on her.

Loki read Odin's mind.

He was emotional. He truly risked his life to save Loki.

But he was also a cruel and cunning god of war. He didn't really want to, but he was trying to ignore it, but he knew one thing.

What can happen when conditions are met.

Odin and the Magic King were gambling with each other's hands. But Loki wasn't. He still had one hand left.

Invincible Loki.

Loki, there's nothing you can do.

Nevertheless, Loki did not commit suicide. I knew the king of the gods would come to save me, but I neglected the danger.

It wasn't because the magic king prevented Loki from killing himself.

A hundred years ago, there was one thing prepared for me after I saw the magic king's forbidden magic in the Great War.

Loki went under the Magic King to prepare for this day to come.

Loki sees Odin.

Odin sees Loki.

Tears don't flow from Odin's only eyes. Loki smiled at the poor man's tear-dry eyes, who could no longer cry even if he wanted to.

What could happen if Odin comes to save himself.

Unlike before, the magic king in the middle of the battlefield might do it.

Everything was as Loki expected. Odin hopes that Loki's expectations will be missed, but they are not. Odin was another great lure.

The moment the magic king's forbidden magic sped up, Loki triggered the magic he had prepared for a hundred years. It didn't require any magical power, so the Magic King's barricade was useless.

Do not break the spell. Rather dig into the flow. It transforms the nature of the flow like a poison in a river.

The Magic King realizes Loki's cunning. I tried to stop the alchemy quickly, but it was too late to stop the flow. Loki's life and magic blend into the flow of forbidden magic. It became deadly poison and passed on to the Magic King.

The Magic King thundered. The World Wolves were embarrassed.

Odin straightens up. He looks at Loki. Loki crosses Odin and looks further away.

It was because there was someone I wanted to see at the last moment.

But I didn't see it. Your vision becomes darker. You can't see anything else.

But Loki didn't lose his smile. It was too late, but I couldn't see it anymore, because the magic Odin had created in front of the wolves of the world connected Loki with who he wanted to see.


Helena screams from so far away. Loki laughs forcefully. The Magic King's screams become more violent. Tears fall from Loki's eyes. He raises his head to look at Fenrir, but it is no longer enough.

“To Asgard and the Nine Realms. ”

It must be the price of giving birth to two who will bring about the end of the world.

Loki's heart exploded. The last handful of life became the last poison and completely destroyed the magic king's forbidden magic.

The World Wolf roars. The Magic King forcefully releases the power of condensed life.

And in the blue, Odin closes his eyes. I teased my hands with tears that I thought I wouldn't be able to shed anymore.

The Giant Kings were on their way.

The hordes of the palace and the Valhalla warriors also rushed towards Odin, understanding that the operation had succeeded in another way.

And Freya triggered the spell. For the past five days, I have only opened the door of the space that I have reserved for one moment now. The deadly magic king was unable to stop Freya's magic.

Odin's secret against the Wolf of the World and the Magic King.

Hresbelg spreads his wings wide as he walks through the door of the room.

The Black Poison Dragon Nidhog roars.

And between the two, Taeho, who was standing on the head of the Black Dragon, saw the magic king. Saga was activated.

[Saga: Idun's Warrior]

The power of the goddess shining with gold.

Hresbelt and Nidhog charge towards the World Wolves. Taeho roared, and those who were only waiting for this moment charged around the magic king and Taeho.

Everyone knew.

Today. Right this moment.

This battle will determine the location of the second great war.

The fight has begun.

It was time to head towards the high sun.


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