Valhalla Saga

Chapter 2 - Legion

The battle is over.

Like the beginning, the end was sudden. As I sighed, choking on the sixth or seventh monster, I heard a shout with the sound of the horn.

And how many hours have passed.

Taeho returned on a sailboat, just like when he left, sitting in front of a large circular table. The table was full of wine and meat, and the warriors at the same table were busy eating, drinking and chatting.

‘This is a banquet of · · · night? ’

Taeho looks around. I saw dozens of tables filled with large holes and others clinging back to the table, raising the temperature of the hall by about five degrees.

Clearly, the banquet was right. There was booze, there was meat.

‘It's really just liquor and meat. ’

It was too small to be a banquet hosted by the gods of Valhalla. Furthermore, no matter how much I looked around, I couldn't find any Valkyries. All I could see was a bunch of sweaty, muscular guys.

Taeho looks around and drinks. I didn't particularly like alcohol, but I couldn't help but drink. At first, I thought I would have no appetite because I had experienced it for the first time in my life, but I didn't. When I put it in my mouth, it went well.

‘Let's eat first. ’

The turf itself tasted a little bad, but it was meat. Filling the stomach was the first thing.

Where do you sleep? ’

Are we just gonna eat and drink all night and then go to the next battlefield?

It was Valhalla who had already been dispatched to the battlefield without any explanation. I liked it but it was not unlikely.

‘Still, no way. ’


I had thoughts and voices. Taeho quickly turns his head and sees a familiar face. It was a man I encountered on a sailboat.

“You survived. Now you can tell me your name. I'm Bjorn. ”

Guy - Bjorn smiles and sits next to Taeho. I had to raise my head high to match the height of my eyes.

“I'm Taeho Lee.”

Bjorn tilts his head as he reveals his name.

“Huh? That's an odd name. The clothes you're wearing are unusual. ”

Bjorn narrows his eyes and looks up and down at Taejo. Taeho wanted to yell if he'd ever noticed it, but he struggled and said in a calm voice.

“Something's wrong. There must have been a mistake. ”

In fact, he said it without much expectation. I wouldn't even be on the battlefield today if it made sense.

But Bjorn nodded his head and agreed.

“I think so. Friends with names like yours usually go to the neighbourhood. ”

Wrong. From this point of view, it's strange.

Furthermore, the words that followed attracted Taeho's attention.

“The neighborhood next door? ”

“Yes, you said that on the sailboat earlier. Asgard and the Nine Realms. Friends with names similar to yours gather somewhere other than Valhalla. What was his name · · · Palace? ”

Taejo blinks. And I swallowed a beer.

Now, according to Bjorn, there are nine more of these places besides Valhalla, and the Palace of the Middle Church means that people who use the same name as Tahoe will gather there.

That's what it means after all.

‘No, at least there's a chance of Koreans there. ’

Of course, it could not be. It was always the same name from Bjorn's point of view.

“Well, it's your destiny to be here. You can actually buy a house. You must have been meant to be here. ”

Bjorn smiles and says, "What's so complicated about this?" I wanted to deny something, but it sounded right.

“You've done quite a bit more than that. You've accumulated quite a few runes. ”

“Can you see anything? ”

Bjorn chuckles as Taejo reflexively asks.

“Well, yes. You didn't even know what saga was. Then I'll explain. ”

After pausing there, Bjorn touches his chin several times, as if to choose a word to describe.

“As you know, all beings with life have magic, whether few or many. It's the same for our enemies in Valhalla. ”

The hound monster was definitely a living creature. However, the refusal to kill the living was not so great once you were a monster. He risked his life in the first place.

Taeho nods quietly and Bjorn continues to explain.

“It is possible for the warriors of Valhalla to take their magic away from their defeated enemies and turn it into a magical rune. Be conscious as you thought of Saga. ”

It was an endless demand, but Taejo closed his eyes and tried. And then I vomited.


[Lesser Rune: 7]

A new letter of light appeared beneath the item.

Bjorn pokes Taeho in the chest with a big finger.

“Runes can be used to enhance the warrior's abilities. There are several conditions, but it's also possible to learn new magic or saga. ”

"You use a rune to stamp or level up a skill, right? ’

I felt like I had a sense of how to grow. Bjorn continued.

“For now, I recommend improving your physical abilities - among other things. The body is the first to shrink from the battlefield. ”

Taeho nods, but doesn't use a rune right away. Because there's still too little information. If we had to stand on the battlefield right now, we would have seen it, but there was still time.

“Hey, but aren't the Valkyries here? ”

A black-haired Valkyrie that led Tahoe to Valhalla. She definitely wanted to see you again at the banquet hall at night.

Bjorn pulls his tongue out of his mouth and taps him on the shoulder.

“The Valkyries aren't here. It's in the other ballroom. ”

“Another ballroom? ”

“This is a low-level banquet hall with rookies and lowly warriors. That's why food and liquor look like this. If you want a drink from the Valkyries, you'll have to work hard. I have to go up to the banquet hall at least. ”

Somehow the food was too volatile. I can't believe there's a rank at the banquet hall.

‘You discriminate against eating dishonorably. ’

Furthermore, it seemed that the benefits of the top rank were not just the banquet hall. Maybe I was given better equipment or taught something special.

“What about Mr. Bjorn? ”

Bjorn says this is the banquet hall of new and lesser warriors. Then is Bjorn the lesser warrior?

Bjorn chuckles in Taejo's question.

“I just came down here to see you. ”

In other words, I wasn't new.

“Thank you on purpose. ”

Taeho bows to Saab Bjorn. I was serious, not pretending. If Bjorn hadn't informed Saga on the sailboat, Taejo would have died on the battlefield today.

“You know your manners. I like it.”

Bjorn nods, groaning and nodding. He puts his hands back on Taeho's shoulders.

“You have a gift. You'll be able to get up there in no time. If you have to fight anyway, you'd better be treated well. ”

I thought I was supposed to be strong, but I felt powerless. Taeho smiled and asked another question.

“Well, where do I sleep? ”

I had a lot of questions, but I was the most urgent shareholder at the moment.

“Oh, I don't know if you were in combat as soon as you got here today. It's going to be announced soon anyway, but first things first, the lodging depends on which god squad you belong to. ”


“Yes, every warrior in Valhalla belongs to an army of Asgardian gods, one by one. ”

I felt something. Taeho slightly opened his eyes and asked.

“Just in case, what divine army is different from blessings or blessings? ”

“Oh, that's clever. Yes. Valkyries are all different. ”

As expected, I still don't know which god gives me the blessings, but I feel like I'm about to give in.

“Here we go. ”

Bjorn's jaw points to the center of the hall. Reflexively, you see a blonde Valkyrie standing on a large table. It was a Legginraph.

“Warriors! You've done well today! Valhalla welcomes great warriors! ”



Warriors hold up their cups and embrace the name of the Thunder God. Reggie smiles with a big smile and then raises his voice.

“From now on, I will teach you the legions you will be a part of! Everybody, look at your glasses! From now on, I will remember the name of the one you believe in and follow! ”

At the end of the sentence, Legginlaf swings his sword into thin air. A huge pile of light rises up and splits into hundreds or thousands of pieces and pours over the heads of the warriors.

“Go check it out. ”

Bjorn urges you. The warriors around him look back at their cups.

Taeho, who was amazed by the pile of light pouring down on his head, quickly looked at his cup. The light on the surface of the bronze glass, which had no pattern, began to engrave.

"Please! Please! ’

Odin, Thor and Freya were the only Taejo gods in Nordic mythology, but there was an army I wanted to be a part of.

Odin or Thor.

Anyway, pride.

Anyway, God of Might!


“Oh! Thor! ”

Warriors start chattering around you. Taeho looks at the bronze glass, swallowing a dry saliva. It was a text I had never seen before, but I could read it.


Of course, I didn't know his name. Taejo quickly turned his head to look at Bjorn.

And Bjorn tapped Taeho's shoulder as he dragged his tongue into his gaze.

“Cheer up.”

What am I supposed to do?

Taeho knew and wanted to ask.


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