Valhalla Saga

Chapter 24 - Demibeast of the Earth

The Valhalla warriors have decided to stay in Cataron until reinforcements arrive from Asgard.

And of course, King Ivar and his warriors greet him with doubles.

The next day, after hearing news about the reinforcements, Taeho gathered Syria and Ingrid together to discuss his situation.

“You can't use the power of God for 15 days? ”

Ingrid asked with a very serious face. In the meantime, she calmly lowered her voice.

“Yes, I have 13 days and a few hours left. ”

As Tahoe smiles awkwardly and answers, Ingrid nods, thinking deeply, and Siri seems to know why.

“Indeed. I knew what had happened because the power of the gods had increased so rapidly that I did not. ”

Obviously, Taejo that day used the power of a god many times more than usual.

Unlike Ingrid, Siri knew that Tahoe had Giath's seed. It was faster to accept than Ingrid.

Taejo didn't talk about Giath and Ingrid didn't ask about the cause.

What was important to Ingrid, who was in Midgard in charge of leading the Valhalla warriors, was that Taejo was not able to use the power of the gods for a while.

The warrior of Idun, the legendary Saga, was definitely powerful. But he also had a weakness for not being able to use God's power for 15 days.

It was a natural story, but the weaknesses of the skill were not known. Nevertheless, it was necessary for Taeho to tell them the truth.

The inability to use the power of God did not mean that Taeho was immediately weakened to a normal level. The superhuman physical ability of accumulating and growing runes remained intact, and the use of rune magic through branding remained the same.

Taeho was still a powerful warrior, though he could not strengthen through the power of God.

But as Ragnar once said, the power of God is also the power of permission. If there are enemies that can only be fought by the power of God, there's nothing I can do about it now.

Accidents could happen unintentionally if no one knew. And it wasn't just Taejo who was caught up in the accident. They were all Valhalla warriors.

It was very important to know the strength and competence of those who fought together.

Because of this, Taeho decided to reveal his secret to Ingrid, who leads the warriors, and his most trusted colleague, Siri.

Ingrid nods slowly.

“Indeed. It's best to keep it as secret as possible. Okay, I'll keep that in mind. And. ”

Suddenly, the blurry end of the horse, Ingrid, drew a slightly awkward little smile and looked Taeho straight in the eye.

“Thank you for your trust. ”

It was a hard secret to tell.

Taeho smiled and replied.

“That's right, Ingrid. ”

“That makes me happy. ”

If it had been Gandur or Reginlaive, he would have laughed bitterly, but Ingrid grinned without a sound. It was a beautiful smile, even though she was beautiful.

But it wasn't that long. Ingrid, who closed her eyes for a moment and took a breath, once again said she was serious.

“Warrior Tahoe, honestly, I'd like to take you back to Valhalla right now. But going back and forth from Midgard is never easy. It's a different matter than taking the souls of great warriors and going to Valhalla. ”

The Valhalla warriors were given new bodies in Asgard. It was different from the Valkyries who came down from the ground semiimmortalized to gather souls, or the dead who were literally souls.

Moreover, once you return to Asgard, it is not easy to return to Midgard.

“Please be cautious for the remainder of your time. Do you understand?”

“I understand.”

Taeho also replied with a serious face.

Ingrid is now taking care of Taeho's convenience. It was difficult to go back and forth, but not impossible.

In Midgard, such long expeditions are rare. Ingrid was worried about Tahoe, but she didn't want to spoil the chance to spread Idun's name and create a new saga.

“Yes, I believe you, too. ”

When Najjik finished speaking, Ingrid kissed his lips and blessed Taeho's forehead.

‘Valkyrie's Blessing Collection has increased. ’

Kuulin, who has remained silent so far, said ridiculously, and he did not deny it.

“Then I'll be going back. ”

Ingrid, who also blessed Syria, left the room as usual as an office face.

Siri, who was looking behind him, said as soon as the door closed, looking back at Tahoe.

“Just in case. ”

“Speaking of which?"

“Keep it a secret from Brackey. There will be rumors throughout Midgard. ”

Siri was very serious if something had happened to her. Taeho nodded, smiling without even knowing it.


The rumors of Cataron's recovery have spread, and refugees are gathering everywhere.

But it wasn't just refugees who gathered.

Warriors have gathered from everywhere. Among them were the king of Qataron and the warriors under his command of the city state with equal power.

Valhalla's warriors were staying in Cataron with the Valkyries.

Rumors from King Sven's island kingdom have intertwined with rumors from Cataron and Katrina. Cataron's warriors repeatedly spoke of the miracles they had seen, and soon a new legend began to rise in the mouths of people.

Warriors fighting moving forests.

The warrior of Idun who defeated the Giant.

It was the third day after restoring Cataron. More people have gathered in the Catalons than before the Greek curse. It's because rumors of the Valkyrie ritual have spread.

King Ivar built a large altar in front of the city in the heart of Cataron. The ceremony that King Sven held on King Sven's island was magnificent, but the ceremony that King Ivar prepared was even more magnificent.

“I'm a little overwhelmed. ”

Ingrid, standing in front of the door to the altar, mutters a little. There was a big fire everywhere, and there was an altar made of wood in between. It was a tall altar that would not be more than 10 meters tall.

The warriors of Valhalla follow behind him, leading Ingrid. The people gathered around the altar, vomiting their elongation and watching the ritual.

Thousands of eyes were drawn to one Engrid. Unlike the Valhalla warriors who stopped in the middle of the altar, Ingrid climbs to the top of the altar alone and calms down. I prayed in the name of the gods, and there was a reaction from heaven.

“Rainbow Bridge!”


“Oh! Odin! ”

Breathless elasticity pours out from everywhere. It was natural to see the rainbow bridge unfolding as the sky opened. Moreover, that wasn't all. There were those who came down on the rainbow bridge.

Standing in the lead was a beautiful Valkyrie. Four fully armed warriors followed her.

Las Grid!

It's been a long time since I met her. Las Grid also crossed his gaze for a moment to see if he recognized Tahoe.



Two small and short salutations, the Valkyries gave an example with the same pat on the chest. Thousands of people clammed their mouths and swallowed dry saliva while watching the legend unfold.

The warriors who came with him were all part of Odin's army. One of them looks up at the warriors beneath the altar and shouts loudly.

“Oh! You're the Ice Princess! No, the Valkyrie Warrior! ”

The elderly warrior with the white beard smiles gracefully, and the other Odin warriors are also interested in him.

And that interest spread to those who had been watching.

“The Valkyrie Warrior? ”

People looked at each other and said, Then the Cataronic warriors everywhere shouted in excitement.

“Valkyrie Warrior! ”

Brackey's already told me so much already.

Taeho would have calmed the situation down somehow, but this time he decided to just accept it. It wasn't going to stop him, and he already had a saga. As the story spread and intensified, so did the company.

“Oh! The Valkyrie Warrior! ”

“Valkyrie Warrior! ”

The gathering around the altar cried out fervently. His gaze was filled with respect and praise.

“I heard you defeated the Giants. I'm glad we're fighting together. ”

“I'm happy for you, too. ”

Taeho taps his chest, paying his respects, and glances at Las Grid. He looks at me with a slightly detached look.

“Is it over? ”

“It's over. ”

Odin's army of warriors scraping his back head and smiling back toward Las Grid. On the surface, they appeared to be smart granddaughters and clumsy grandfathers.

Ingrid smiles at Las Grid and finishes the ritual. The rainbow bridge has been lifted again, and Las Grid and Odin's legion of warriors share a brief example with King Ivar.

King Ivar was more than satisfied. We faced Valkyrie and Valhalla warriors, but now Cataron's reputation is everywhere. Along with that, King Ivar's own honor will rise.

As King Ivar and the Valhalla warriors returned to the castle, the bard began singing tales of warriors from all over the world. Catalonic warriors have spoken of what they have seen and heard in the tavern, and shortly after, the town of Catalons is filled with stories of Valhalla warriors.

And about an hour later.

With the collection of clues about the third piece of autumn, Las Grid called Thao and Siri separately, revealing that pursuing the trail of the Forwards is the primary objective of this expedition. That's why we have a story to talk about.

“I'm glad you both look healthy. I heard that they also built a lot of free men. ”

“Thank you."

Las Grid and Siri, who had been with kites since before Tahoe entered Valhalla, laughed at each other.

Las Grid takes a deep breath and looks at Taejo.

“Warrior Tahoe, do you remember what I said I would do to repay you? ”

At that moment, Taeho tilted his head, but I could remember. You've certainly heard similar things in the battle of Svart Alphaheim.

“I've decided to repay that debt this time. Ragnar Lothbrok asked me to do this. ”

He was always in Idun's army and retired, but Ragnar was still in Odin's army.

“I hear you've built quite a pile of Trait Runes. Ragnar has asked me to teach you the basics of attribute. ”

Earth, wind, water, fire, lightning, light, darkness, life, death.

I collected runes for the nine attributes, but I haven't used them properly yet.

“An attribute rune is effective to some extent just by having it. But to use it properly, you have to learn how to handle attributes. ”

A person with a lightning attribute rune can enhance the power of the lightning bolt more or, conversely, reduce damage to the lightning attack.

In Taeho, there are many synagogues that handle the power of Idun with the power of life, the wind, and the power of lightning, so learning their attributes would greatly increase their basic combat strength.

“You have a short period of time to teach. But I will do what I teach myself. Be prepared.”

Las Grid smiles coldly and says: Somehow, he looked frightened.

‘I think I have a bone in my mouth. Still, cheer up.No matter how hard you struggle, you'll be better than your teacher's class. ’

Kuulin chuckles and says, he's not wrong.


Las Grid's lessons were hard. Suddenly, I felt like I had a super-hardcore sparta class after only taking classes that were practically free.

Finding the whereabouts of the Divider Piece was decided by Ingrid, and Las Grid had plenty of time to wait until he had a clear lead on the third Divider Piece.

“I will teach you from morning until night. Don't worry, I'll save you some time. ”

Late at night, after stirring up tae Ho and Siri, she went back, saying that, and for a few hours, Siri became exhausted while squeezing out her attributes.

Likewise, Taeho returned to his accommodation, washing and sleeping, and lying in bed without any need.

However, Taeho couldn't sleep well.

“How are you today? ”

Idun appeared in a dream. It was already the third time, so I was familiar with it. It reminds me of visiting every day.

“You look very tired. Did something happen? Looks like more people are coming for me today. ”

Taeho shakes his head, smiling helplessly as Idun raises his worrying voice. It wasn't very irrelevant, but it was separate.

“No problem. Visiting again today? ”

Taeho fixed his face and said. Even so, it was a pleasant visit with Idun as much as a visit with Heda.

However, Idun suddenly smiles awkwardly and shakes his head.

“That's not true. Someone other than me has business with you today. ”

“Other · · · ·? ”

Could it be Heddah?

When I asked him again in a voice I had no idea he was expecting, he smiled and took a step back.

“That's not true. Come on out. ”

As Idun spoke, a new one appeared on the grasslands. She was as beautiful as Heda, but not Heda.

The woman with the black hair and the black beast's hide.

“I've heard the story of Idun's warrior, Taeho. He was attacked by a tyrant, wasn't he? ”

Skazar speaks directly. She was still asking for healing sleep, but her consciousness was already awake. When I heard from Tyrant Bress that Taejo had been attacked, I couldn't leave the Savior in danger. The ultimate cause of Tahoga Bress' grudge was with Skazaha himself.

“We may be attacked by the Forwards again in Midgard." And I hear you cannot use the power of the gods at this time. I decided to hurry up a little. ”

What's the rush?

I had a rough idea. It was a welcome occasion. But now it's a little different.

“I will teach you the power of Erin, the power of Danan to Tuaha. We don't have time, so I hope you understand that even though the class is getting a little harsh. ”

As expected, Taejo flinches. He takes a step back and shakes his fist as if it were a show of strength.

“Let's get started. ”

Skazaha approaches Taeho, and Taeho smiles with tears in his heart.


"A private tutoring class with a beauty teacher, both day and night. I envy you. '

Kuulin giggles, but Taejo can't keep laughing.

Las Grid's class was hard, and Skazaha's class was harder.

Ingrid told Las Grid that it was okay to train him all day. Unlike Siri, who had the strength to fight, Taeho literally had to squeeze out his strength.

Furthermore, at night, Skazaha's class began.

Skazaha's lessons were more of a spiritual exercise than a physical one in a dream. It did not consume health, but it did consume a lot of mental strength.

If the milesian power is a direct combat ability based on superhuman physical abilities, the power of Tuaha de Danan is almost magical.

About a week after class with two people started.

A beam of light pours down on Taeho, who was hoping that it would be quicker for both of them to die than it would be for a giant or a Forward.

It was news from the North.


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