Valhalla Saga

Chapter 25 - Paul's Sword # 6


The Giants' World Jotunheim was vast. In the land of the icy frost, giants watched over Asgard and the nine worlds, namely, the Nine Realms, now that Erin is destroyed.

Almost a hundred years have passed since the Great War.

Just as the gods of Asgard and the warriors of Valhalla do not stay on the front lines, so do the giants of Jotunheim.

It was the magic king Urgard Loki who alone had the most powerful force in Jotunheim. However, it was the Frost Giants' king, Harmati, who led the armies of the Giant Kings and Giants on the front line.

This was a division of roles. When Harmati was leading the giants and staring at each other on the front lines with Asgard's forces, the magic king, Urgard Loki, dealt with things unseen. Just like when you destroyed Erin.

Giants' power was not limited to one Jotunheim.

There is Muspelheim, ruled by the mighty Giant King Surt. There were enemies of Olympus, Titans, and forces of the ancient king's bannermen who were attacking the palace.

The forwards who contributed to Erin's downfall were also allies with Jotunheim.

The role of the Magic King was to coordinate these forces' relationships behind them and find new ways to attack Asgard.

Giant Valgard of the Earth, one of the five fingers of the Magic King Urgard Loki, gestures before his king.

Not long ago, he fulfilled the Magic King's mission brilliantly, but he wasn't in a very good mood.

One day, I was going to be tense, and the time of one tribe murderer died too soon.

A humble death. He once killed a hundred giants and slaughtered the warriors of Valhalla, and only lost his life to a handful of mid-level warriors. It was an unacceptable reality that he was weakened at the end of a long, quiet life.

“You did good. Valguard.”

The Magic King said Najjik. Valgard, who was thinking of Sigil, responded to the Magic King by bowing his head again.

“Sigil was punished for what he deserved. I am satisfied with the excellent retrieval of the Divine Soul Fragment. You did good.”

“Thank you, my king. ”

The Magic King was not wrong. Valgard has completed his mission. Valgard's men recovered the third soul fragment found in Midgard.

The five other fingers of the Magic King's direct compliment had different reactions.

Giant Grund of the Sea congratulates Valgard's success with a gentle face whether he was satisfied with the fact that his usual hate hour had passed away. The giant Oort of the Beast laughs as he always does.

The giant of the night Avalt is silent. Not because I admire Valgard's success. He was thinking of something else.

The magic king said.

“I think there may be more debris in Midgard. I've been able to estimate the location of the new fragments through the fragments I already have. ”

A map of Midgard appears five fingers in front of the Magic King making fun of his hand. It was thought that there would be autumnal soul fragments, especially within Midgard.

“I want to leave this to Valgard as well. Can you do that, Valguard? ”

“I will take my orders. My king.”

Giant Valgard of the Earth replies with his hands on his chest. The Magic King was right.

“The hounds of Valhalla are likely to smell it, too. Maybe there's a big fight going on. No, it wouldn't be bad to start a big fight. ”

The eyes of the beast's giant Oort are sharpened. The Magic King no longer spoke, but the five fingers had already guessed the king's intentions.

The magic king wishes for a great battle in Midgard. In the land of Odin and Freya's clash, giants can only see limited movement.

But so were Asgard and Valhalla. Despite the three already divine soul fragments found, all they left in Midgard were one or two Valkyrie and fewer intermediate warriors.

What does the Magic King mean by a big fight? Is it the maximum amount of combat that can be fought within the confines of the movement, or is it a catastrophic battle that will engulf the people of Midgard?

I liked it either way. Giant Valgard of the Earth is determined to realize the king's wishes once again. I also didn't want to miss the fall soul fragment.

Giant Grund of the Sea said he wishes to do well this time, but the beast Giant Oort looks rough.

And the Giant of the Night Avart had some doubts.

Concerning the duties of the Magic King. Concerning Fallen Soul Fragments

Nevertheless, Avalt did not open his mouth. If the king has something to hide from himself, it will be necessary. What lay before his eyes was none other than the magic king Urgard Loki.

“Continue your search in Asgard. Even if we don't find any soul fragments, we'll be able to blur Asgard's eyes. ”

The Magic King's story is over. The Giant of the Night Avart has found even a single piece of doubt in the Magic King's last words, but he hasn't opened his mouth this time.

Giant Valgard of the Earth looks at the map of Midgard. A new war appeared in his mind.


“Well, in a nutshell, he's just been doing well on his land since the old days, and the Dwarves are coming! So you broke in and got into a fight? ”

As Brackey sits on the rock, smiling and speaking, Siri narrates in a bold voice.

“Rather than breaking in, they're just overlapping lifestyles. It's as if the town has expanded and is frictioning with the beasts of the forest. ”

It was often the case when the forest was opened to expand the field.

Gordon speaks in a loud voice, looking into Brackey's perceptions, whether he was energized by what Syria has to say.

“We just moved to a new mine. Beyond that, Bellier is our Dwarven land. Do you have any idea how many Dwarves he's killed? It's just evil magic. ”

It was a somewhat radical argument, but it was a natural story for the dwarves.

However, Athena snores and folds her arms.

“Maybe there's a girder vein in the ground where he was sleeping, yo. Dwarves have attacked many times in the pursuit of that. ”

In short, it was self-interest.

Adenmaha looks up and sees Gordon with Brackey's voice, "Hoho." When Siri became more uncomfortable, Gordon also said with a smile.

“What's wrong with dwarves craving veins? It's as natural as the water flowing from high to low. To us, a vein is like a vein or air or something. ”

It was easy to forget, but the dwarves were the fairies of the earth. Because of this, the way of life was not very much like humans.

The Dwarves were made up of men. Nevertheless, it was not because of the active interbreeding that they were able to prosper. There were even some dwarves born of interbreeding, but they were only a fraction of the total.

Most Dwarves are born in the mines.

It was not a metaphor, it was literally born in a vein.

Occasionally, rocks or metals emitting a mysterious light were found in a mine on the ground where the Dwarves lived. Surprisingly, the rocks and metals were the toddlers of the Dwarves.

Over time, the rocks and metal shaped like a statue of a dwarf, and over time, they were transformed into a complete dwarf.

The land fairies born in the mines.

Gordon wasn't wrong about that. The acquisition of the vein was essential to the preservation of the species for the Dwarves.

Even though it was Taeho's group who didn't know about it, Brackey nodded as if he did.

“Well, I understand. Fighting happens because everyone wants to, and that's not a bad thing. Even Dwarves couldn't live with themselves. ”

The Humans of Midgard may be at war with the same race for days. It was easy to understand emotionally with the fight against the giant surge occupying the vein.


Although Brackey did lend a hand, Gordon gives you a subtle look, as he felt he had fallen to his knees to receive me.

Taeho asked Athenmaha instead of lighting the fire again on the appropriately finished story.

“Adenmaha, ask him if he can live away from here. ”

“Take him to Idun's garrison, too, will you? ”

“I'm sure it's a bit of a bumpy ride, but I hope so. ”

Even though it was the size of a flying sailboat, it was almost twice the size of a rock suspension. I had to endure all this trouble to get him to Idun's garrison.

But I couldn't leave it here. In order to summon them using the Summoning Stone, the Summoners needed to live in the magical land on which they were based, but Taiho's Magic Land was Idun's Garrison.

I had to take him to Idun's garrison to be called a summoner, unless I wanted to broadcast the rock suspension.

“Hm. Hold on. ”

As if he knew, Athena nodded her mouth for a moment, then vomited a strange voice that did not match the appearance of a beautiful goddess.

“Grrrrrr, grrrr. Grrrrrrr.”

I wonder if the beast growls. But rock surfers also had similar voices, whether it was a language with rules.

Braki stared at Athenmaha in wonder, and Taejo and Siri struggled to endure the laughter.

After a conversation with Rock Surpent, Adenma said to Taeho, with a slight reddish ear.

“Uh · · · This is no ordinary surgeon. Well, from the looks of things, I'd say it's a magical creature. You can live anywhere else, but you need an energy source to feed it. The Garrison is full of Idun's Divine Power. Will that be enough? I think he's been taking power from the Gideon vein for some time now."

Definitely too bizarre a rock suspension to be a common creature. His whole body was on a rock.

‘I was wondering how to feed her, but she should be fine. ’

It was a rock suspension that was tens of meters from head to tail, no matter how small it was. If we keep feeding them normally, Idun's troops will go bankrupt.

“But can he not transform like you? ”

If I could be as small as Aden Maha, the problem of moving around and living would be a lot simpler.

However, Adema shakes her head decisively.

“Look, I keep forgetting, I'm a goddess myself, okay? Not all sponsors are like me, yo. ”

Adenmah was the goddess of Tuaha de Danan before she was a city surfer. It was nothing compared to rock suspension or anything else.

“Anyway, the garrison is much wider than I expected. He doesn't seem very active either. ”

If he was an active type in the first place, he wouldn't have been able to nest in an underground cavity. It was a cramped cavity for rock supporters, even if it was large.

“Okay, well, can you tell me the whole story? ”

“Okay, don't smile, yo. ”

Athena lets out a little glance, then starts talking to Rock Supporter. Again, Rock Surpent grumbled and roared, and Adenmaha suddenly burst into laughter.

“Did I tell you something funny? ”

Brackey opens his eyes and asks. Athena shrugged her shoulders, covering her mouth with her own hands, with a few more elegant smiles.

“No, it's just... For taking me as your sister. Big guy's got a cute corner just like Rollo's. ”

“Were you and Rollo sisters? ”

It was Siri who blinked and asked. Adema nods her head kindly this time.

“Rollo's pretty smart. I teach swimming nowadays, but it's so cute what I'm good at. ”

"Amazing that Griphon is swimming. ’

Rather, it was even more curious to see Athenia teaching Rollo how to swim. Are they teaching in the form of poetry suspensions or in the form of goddesses?

“Anyway, tell him to get some rest today. I'll do it tomorrow. Tell them to get ready. ”

“Okay, yo. ”

Adenmaha growls again. Taeho resists the laughter again and looks back at Gordon.


“Too bad you're leaving tomorrow. But I'm busy on my way. What should I do? I'll have a feast for one day. Have fun and rest, then go on your way. ”

Gordon gives you a quick, hollow laugh.

Brackey smiles, his eyes narrow.

“A feast is nice, but don't you have any treasure? I saved his life and took out the sick. ”

It was us who risked our lives - Siri closed her eyes slightly to hide her face, and Gordon said, moaning.

“Well, I don't want to make a big deal out of it, but I'll make sure I have what I need. ”

‘As expected, Dwarves. It's about stabbing and seeing. ’

Taeho also asked Gordon, as Kuulin praises Braki.

“Can we get any more leads on Paul? ”

“Hmm · · · Once that sword is the best clue, maybe if we search the town, we'll find something more. I'm gonna ask you a question. ”

Followed by a piece of gaybug, this time it was a Kaladbolg.

I don't know who Paul is, but I'm more likely to have Erin's legacy. No, in the first place, anyone who possessed this treasure needed to meet as Erin's successor.

Taejo tucks the Kaladbolg inside Unni and picks up the Liberatus prototype.

“Adenmaha, would you like to take a look? ”

It is likely that the mystery of Tuaha De Danan will be young again.

Athena looks a little nervous on Taeho's offer, then straightens her shoulders and nods. It reminds me of last time I spoke to you at Skazaha's residence.

Athena sets down a very large and heavy Liberatus starter form to the ground and sits crouched in front of it to carefully examine it. And how much time has passed. It was about time Brackey started falling asleep.

“Found it!”

Athenmaha, who woke up from his seat, said with a cheerful face.

“There's message magic, yo. ”

On the handle again.

Taejo glances back at Gordon for a moment, and Athenia quickly crouches back down and puts her hands on the handle.

Triggered message enchantment.


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