Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2680: Wuzhou City under the Sea of ​​Death

The entire sea of ​​death is bottomless, especially as it goes down, the stronger the force of death!

Even Li Ye, who has experienced the baptism of water in the past, is beginning to be a little unsupported!

"Do you want to give up?"

Li Ye can't remember how deep he dived. Although he still barely supports him now, Princess Saint Demon Gate has reached her limit!

"Boy, the following things haven't even appeared in the past, so do you really want to give up?"

The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor also has some expectations, even to him, as long as Li Ye is alive, as for the others? Even if he died, there was no loss to him.

"I'm looking forward to it too, but..."

"Boy, big things, don't stick to the trivial! This girl is indeed a stunner in the world, but don't forget, the Saint Demon Gate is not a good man and a believer. What purpose this girl holds for you is unknown now!"

According to the voice of the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor, that is to give up the Holy Demon Gate Princess, but to go and find out!

After all, Li Ye was full of vigorous blood! Especially with the true dragon blood, he is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people! You can go on desperately to find out the truth!

Those who make big things do not stick to the trivial!

Li Ye sighed softly, but made a move that made Emperor Tianjian extremely unexpected!

He directly brought the fainted Princess Saint Demon Gate into his inheritance space!

"Boy, you're a fire-catching upper body!"

"Old ghost, I can't do that kind of thing."

After shaking his head, he was still soft-hearted after all, not as ruthless as he thought.

In the inheritance space, looking at Princess Saint Demon Gate who passed out, Shui Linglong gave a wry smile.

"You are jealous."

Li Shishi appeared ghostly. Recently, she has always been simple and simple, and even Shui Linglong does not know what she is doing.

But every time she appeared, she could clearly feel that the majestic breath in her body was getting more and more fierce!

Even this time, Li Shishi faintly appeared a light.

Different from the lawful light on the human cultivator Wu Huang, it seemed like some kind of ancient coat of arms, full of mystery.


Shui Linglong's eyes fell into a slight blur.

But the next moment, I saw her suddenly stretched out her hand, and suddenly a halo of incomparable laws appeared around her!

If Li Ye saw this scene at this time, he would definitely be shocked!

Because what Shui Linglong uses at this time is definitely not an ordinary law force!

That is the supreme law with a trace of the will of heaven!

Emperor Chu!

Only the Emperor Chu can do this!

The sea of ​​death was so dark that he couldn't even see his fingers.

But for Li Ye, some scenes can be vaguely seen.

Without a burden, he dived faster and didn't know how long he had been sinking.

Finally, when even the vigorous vitality in his body couldn't support it, he finally saw the end of the Dead Sea.

In other words, it is the deepest part!


As you can see, this is an old big 6!

Mountains, earth, mountains and rivers!

There are even countless cities!

At this moment, he fell into one of the broken but still intact cities.

Here, there is only deathly silence!

No one can survive in such a place!

It seems to be the first visitor in thousands of years, everything here remains intact.

Even brick by brick, they are all lifelike, as if there were still people living here yesterday.

"The former Shenshengzhou!"

Li Ye was shocked!

If he had doubts before, then now, he has almost believed 70% to 80%!

Even the Heavenly Sword Emperor couldn't help but utter a voice, "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the rumor that has been circulating for hundreds of thousands of years is actually true! In this world, it really exists in this place!"

"Old ghost, what exactly are the rumors!"

"Boy, it's okay to tell you some things. There is a rumor that this place is where the real Shensheng State is located, and even the absolute center of Shensheng State back then! This is the real supreme sanctuary!"

Li Ye didn't say a word, the dead world in front of him was actually the absolute center of the famous Shenshengzhou in the Three Realms and Nine Regions?

"Can someone really do all this? Destroy everything?"

This time, even the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor was silent for a long time, "This emperor doesn't know."

But some people know!

"Destroying the existence here is beyond your imagination. Although it was those people who caused the flames at the beginning, the final result was not what they expected. Perhaps, if they really knew what it would attract, they could not decide. Do that thing."

The Heavenly Dream Sage sighed, she was from that era, and naturally knew what was born in that era.

But even she is not immune, only a trace of soul enters the round to escape death!

Obviously, the Heavenly Dream Sage knew what happened back then, but his words were unknown.

As he walked into the broken city in front of him, the more he looked at it, the more shocked Li Ye became!

"Here, is Jiangnan Road?"


Because this city is somewhat different, but on the whole it is similar to the city of Wuzhou where he speaks!

"Jiangnan Road?" The Heavenly Dream Saint was a little surprised, but shook his head, "This is nine days away, and it is also a real holy land for humans!"

Li Ye had a lot of confusion and incomprehension, and there were too many questions.

But he knew that unless he reached that state, there were some things he could not touch at all.

Just like here, if he didn't enter the Thousand Emperors Realm, if he didn't have the means to save his life, who would understand everything born here?

"Who created the Shenshengzhou today?"

Since this is the real Shenshengzhou, the outside world is naturally another world.

However, Heavenly Sword Great Emperor could not answer this answer, nor could the Heavenly Dream Saint.

However, Li Ye knew in his heart that a person with such great magical powers, even if it is not a real god, is no different from a god!

Emperor Wu can own a kingdom! A piece of my own little world!

But the small world cannot be compared with the big world after all!

Even the emperor can't do it!

Stepping into this strange and familiar city, a familiar feeling came to my heart.

But soon, he was attracted by some amazing presents.

That is a corpse!

It is hard to imagine that so many dead bodies can be seen in such a place!

Yes, countless corpses!

Those are the residents who once lived in this city! But now it has become an unsolvable puzzle!

Even after countless years of death, the corpse can be kept intact! In this sea of ​​death, it will not be corroded!

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