Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2694: Step one world


The moment the seal came loose. ?

Everyone moved!

But the fastest person is still Feng Yang!

As the Young Master of Fenghuo City, his strength itself is the world's top! The foundation of the four emperors of one family is vividly expressed on him!

Immediately afterwards, the two figures do not distinguish each other!

Li Ye and Princess Saint Demon Gate are not slow!

But Li Ye was slightly behind, because he grabbed Yu Shan's soft waist, and one more person naturally slowed down.

Whoosh whoosh!

Several figures entered the seal from the gap, almost in the blink of an eye, and the entire smashed gap disappeared.

At the same time, some people reported that they took a step slower, and when the gap disappeared, they disappeared one by one while roaring.

Looking back, Li Ye also shook his head.

The fate of those people is likely to be the same as those before, being exiled forever in that twisted time and space, even if they don't die in a short time, they will eventually die madly.

Looking carefully, there were not many people who came in at that moment.

Fengyang and the three princesses of Fenghuocheng came in.

Princess Saint Demon Gate was also there, plus him and Yu Shang, they all broke through smoothly.

Besides them, there are several others!

"Ye Qingyu!"

Not far away, Ye Qingyu looked beautiful! Even if he didn't get the Shaking Cone, he still came in!

Even two disciples of the Ye family also came in.

Baili Yunyan, Baili Hongyan, Yu Devil.

Almost the top evildoers this time, all rushed in smoothly.

The atmosphere between the two sides was tense, but in the end no one took the lead.

Because the Golden Temple is right in front of you!

Stepping into the Golden Temple, there is no danger that everyone expected. The entire Golden Temple seems to be a world of its own, with the willows and the flowers bright, suddenly being in a primitive jungle of birds and flowers.

"This is the Golden Temple?"

Seeing this scene, Ye Qingyu couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

The next moment, he flew up and turned into a ray of light towards the magnificent building erected in the primitive jungle that can be seen from a distance.

"Why didn't Dao brother leave?"

The others followed Ye Qingyu and left, and no one wanted to fall behind.

But Li Ye didn't move, frowning and looking around.

Princess Saint Demon Gate was surprised and stopped.

"Something's wrong."


Not only her, Feng Yang, the three princesses of Fenghuo City, and Yu Shang did not act. Perhaps they all want to see Li Ye's thoughts.

"Everything here is indeed very real, but..."

The next moment, Li Ye disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Yes, it just disappeared, disappeared out of thin air, without any signs!

"Where did he go?"

Feng Yang was taken aback, his face also became serious!

There was always a trace of alertness and suspicion in his mind. Seeing Li Ye disappear at this moment, this suspicion was even greater!

Take a palm directly at the void! You can even see the emptiness shattering, but nothing has changed. Those broken voids quickly recovered as before, but because of this, I saw this scene!

"This is an illusion!"

Feng Yang let out a low cry, his figure flickered and stepped on!


A terrible force spread from under the ground, but fortunately, he reacted quickly and avoided immediately.

"It's a realistic illusion! It can't be broken!"

His complexion sank slightly, you know, even he can't get out of this illusion, other people can imagine.

"I don't know how he did it?"

Since Li Ye disappeared, he naturally saw through the illusion here.

In fact, Li Ye did not disappear.

The next moment he disappeared from Feng Yang and the others, he appeared in a magnificent hall.

Looking around, his expression is quite strange.

Because just not far from him, you can see Feng Yang and others, including Ye Qingyu who just left!

However, his appearance at this time seemed to be frozen, maintaining the moment he stepped in here.

Each one looks like a sculpture.

"What a powerful illusion!"

Li Ye was also a little fortunate. If he hadn't had a strong knowledge of illusion, he might have learned the way too.

Wei Wei took a step, the sun and the moon changed in front of him, as if he was about to fall into an illusion again.

One step at a time!

Li Ye's heart was shocked!

The golden temple is not without danger!

It's that these dangerous dangers are simply illusions that ordinary people can't easily discover!

Looking up, a group of them were just at the door at this time. Before them, Li Ye suddenly narrowed his eyes!

Because he saw two familiar back figures!

"Mo Zihan!"

Not far from him, about ten steps away, Mo Zihan was sitting cross-legged on the ground at this time, as if entering a certain deep level of concentration.

One step behind him is Helan Tianlang!

The two obviously stepped forward earlier, but they also fell into this endless illusion at the same time.

"It seems that they can't get rid of easily."

Although the two were a dozen steps ahead of them, Li Ye knew that just a dozen steps were as far away as a nine-day galaxy.

Unless there is a way, crack the formation here!

"Golden Spirit Race, it seems that it is not just an innate physique! It is also extremely powerful in formation."

As he took the second step, he seemed to change the scene.

Not a primitive jungle, but a hot desert.

Even leaning down, you can grab a handful of hot sand and fall from your fingers.

Realistic, realistic.


Suddenly there was a terrible roar!

In the next moment, the originally calm desert suddenly turned up!

Rolling yellow sand, like a dust storm in the sky.

At the same time, from under the desert, a huge black shadow appeared directly!



Seeing that dark shadow, Li Ye was shocked!

That is an ancient monster beast that has long been extinct, or it is more appropriate to call it an evil beast!

Even if he knew that everything in front of him was an illusion, Li Ye didn't dare to underestimate the enemy's carelessness! Even if it is an illusion, it can kill people!

As a illusionist, he knows this best!

Flying up and slashing out with a palm up! Turned into an endless sword light!

But the sand worm looked like it was protected by iron armor, wiping out a few sparks, and then pounced towards Li Yefei.


Li Ye couldn't avoid it, and was knocked out, his mouth was slightly sweet, and the bright red flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Can actually suppress my cultivation realm?"

This illusion is not only true as simple as it is, but even his strength has been suppressed to a very weak level!

Here, his cultivation is even only innate!

But the sandworm that appeared in front of you, not to mention the Innate Realm, even the Tongtian Realm can swallow it in one go!


Li Ye's heart shuddered slightly, even he had never thought of such terrible illusions!

It's too domineering to suppress the realm of recruits!

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