Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2840: Pilgrimage Ladder

"It's a pilgrimage ladder!"

Some monsters exclaimed!

The pilgrimage ladder is a saying that has been circulated for a long time among the demon races in southern Xinjiang!

Saint Demon Gate is considered by many demon tribes in southern Xinjiang as a holy land of demon tribe! After all, for millions of years, most of the sages of the Demon Race have walked out of the Saint Demon Gate. ?

However, Nanjiang faced a huge crisis several times, and the Saint Demon Gate stepped forward to turn the tide.

Therefore, the Saint Demon Gate is the supreme sacred land in the hearts of the Southern Border Demon Race!

"Sure enough, it is a pilgrimage ladder!"

A demon emperor took a deep breath, no matter how angry they were at the decision of the Saint Demon Gate to shelter a Human Race kid, it would not change the pilgrimage mentality of most demon people towards the Saint Demon Gate.

That is a kind of foundation accumulated over countless thousands of years, and it is a kind of belief.

Even if the people behind the scenes are not reconciled anymore, in Southern Xinjiang, this concept cannot be changed overnight.

In the darkness, there were a few terrifying eyes, which became fickle after the pilgrimage ladder appeared.

"Huh! The Saint Demon Gate is a good way! Release the Pilgrimage Ladder! But this alone is far from enough!"

Li Ye also saw the rumored pilgrimage ladder in the Demon City, and was slightly amazed, "The pilgrimage ladder, it is rumored that this is a pilgrimage road to the sages of southern Xinjiang."

The legend about the pilgrimage ladder is well-known in southern Xinjiang. Even outside of southern Xinjiang, there are spreads.

Li Ye naturally knew, even if he didn't know, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor would tell him everything.

I only saw that as soon as the ladder appeared on the portal, countless strong monsters began to kneel toward worship. That kind of piety and belief, perhaps Li Ye, who does not belong to the monster clan, cannot understand.

By her side, Princess Saint Demon Gate also looked pious.

Because the pilgrimage ladder is not a way to the Saint Demon Gate. Although it is controlled by the Saint Demon Gate, it is not owned by the Saint Demon Gate!

There, that was the final destination of a demon sage in southern Xinjiang for thousands of years! It is also a belief of the descendants of Yaozu.

"It is rumored that the end of the pilgrimage ladder is the place where the sages of the demon race in southern Xinjiang buried their bones. It is also the place where those demon race sages left their lifelong cultivation and inheritance. Only the real demon race will have to go through this pilgrimage. The baptism and test of the ladder can finally find the inheritance left by the sages."

Why the Nanjiang Monster Race is so devout and fanatical about the Pilgrimage Ladder is not only a belief, but more importantly, it is also a beautiful dream in the eyes of countless Monster Races.

Even if it is a monster clan, there are countless casual repairs and small sects.

These monster races want to become stronger, unless they encounter an adventure against the sky, let alone become a generation of monsters, even the monster emperor is so far away.

And the Pilgrimage Ladder is the precious wealth left by generations of powerful sages of the monster race for future generations.

Li Ye looked at the ladder that day, although he was not a monster, at this time he also had an urge to go up and find out.

"This move, the Saint Demon Gate is a wonderful move."

This move of the Saint Demon Gate really surprised people.

The pilgrimage ladder does not appear casually. In southern Xinjiang, it only appears once every thousand years!

And this time, the Holy Demon Gate exposed the pilgrimage ladder to the world, which was undoubtedly the best way to transfer countless monsters who came to the Demon City with anger.

Sure enough, most of the monster monks who originally accused the Saint Demon Gate for protecting the Human Race were attracted by the Pilgrimage Ladder. As for anger? It has already been thrown away.

This obviously makes the people behind the scenes a little angry.

"Everyone! Don't be fooled by the Pilgrimage Ladder! This time you come to the Demon City, but you are here for the little beast of the Human Race who killed my fellow Demon Race!"

Soon, someone jumped out and shouted, awakening many people.

Many demon races looked at each other face to face, indeed, the purpose of their coming to Demon City this time was to let the Saint Demon Gate surrender the human murderer. But the pilgrimage ladder in front of him is even more attractive.

To catch a human kid, for many demons is nothing more than venting or showing the status of demons in southern Xinjiang.

There is no substantial benefit.

But the pilgrimage ladder is different!

It only appeared once in a thousand years, this time it appeared suddenly, but it was a rare opportunity.

"It is easy to instigate casual cultivation, but some people have forgotten one of the most important keys."


Li Ye smiled and glanced at Princess Saint Demon Gate, "Yao Yao, do you know why San Xiu is San Xiu?"

"Why? Isn't it because their origin can't be recognized by the sect, or the talent is not enough?"

Although Princess Saint Demon Gate does not discriminate against casual cultivators, she, who was taken as a member of the sect by Emperor Bing Yi from the beginning, naturally doesn't know much about casual cultivators.

"No, if that's the case, why has an invincible pinnacle born in casual cultivating for millions of years?"

Princess Saint Demon's words were at a loss.

Because not to mention, in the past millions of years, such as Emperor Hengtian, Emperor Danwu, and even the Empress Jinghong, they were not cultivated by some ancient emperor inheritance!

Although there are different opinions about their origin, it is undeniable that no one can give an answer so far. Undoubtedly, these invincible great emperors were all born in San Xiu!

Do you say that the natural talent of San Xiu is insufficient? Then why can such an invincible character of an era be born?

"Why is that?"

"It's very simple, casual cultivators, those are people who are unfettered and unfettered! Maybe some casual cultivators dream of one day entering a powerful heritage and reaching the sky in one step. However, the true casual cultivators don't care at all!"

Princess Saint Demon's body trembled, and she didn't know why, she seemed to understand the meaning behind Li Ye's words.

Li Ye, also a casual repair!

I also don't like being bound!

She suddenly understood why the conditions of the Saint Demon Gate were rejected!

Perhaps in the eyes of countless people, what an opportunity is it to be the target of the Saint Demon Gate or even the future Daoist of the Saint Demon Gate?

But Li Ye refused!

"Ranxiu is easy to incite. But for some people, it is not so easy to control the loosex!"

A strange arc was drawn at the corner of Li Ye's mouth. At this time, many demon cultivators didn't even bother about the incitement of people.

For them, it is their lifelong pursuit to climb the pilgrimage ladder and go to the burial place of the ancient sages in southern Xinjiang!

One after another, the demon races were cultivating and embarked on the pilgrimage ladder, and even some of them were strong in small sects.

"A bunch of useless things!"

In the darkness, there was an angry grunt.

The Sacred Demon Gate suddenly released the pilgrimage ladder, which undoubtedly disrupted their plan, and at the same time, it also caused the Nanjiang Demon Race's casual cultivation, which was originally like a disc of sand, to be divided a lot.

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