Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2853: Confrontation of the Holy Emperor

As soon as the Soul Splitting Clock came out, the three elders who hadn't done anything at the Saint Demon Gate just now looked solemn.

"Join together!"

Any one of them alone can win Li Mei! But facing the cracked soul clock, even if the three of them team up, they are not necessarily opponents.

So the three directly set up a formation, with the three as the dominant!

The ancient background of one family and three emperors naturally has countless methods that outsiders can't imagine.

"Three talents!"

When Li Ye's eyes lit up, he could tell at a glance that this three-person formation was the rumored ancient combined attack formation, three-person formation!

This formation is not a sky-defying formation, but not everyone can do it.

One of the most important points is to have a tacit understanding!

Obviously, the elders of the Saint Demon Gate have been familiar with each other for thousands of years of fellowship.

When this set of formations were displayed, it was definitely not a simple combination of the strength of the three, but a multiplied effect.

"Unfortunately, there are still some flaws. If you can perfectly display the three-talent formation, you will have the opportunity to contend with the bronze bell."

Li Ye's formation method is inherited from the ancient formation Dao faction, Tianshengzong.

Naturally, they also have a certain understanding of these three talent formations.

It can even be said that in his eyes, the set of three talents that the Saint Demon Gate retains is not complete, but is lacking.

Although most people can't see it, there are many flaws in his eyes.

At the same time, his prediction was indeed fulfilled.

Although the three elders could barely maintain a balance of power at the beginning, after 30 strokes, they began to be dangerous.

"Hahaha! Three old immortals! I will sacrifice the soul cracking clock in my hand with the blood of the three of you today!"


The terrible bell sound caused the three elders to vomit blood and fly out.

The three half-demon emperors joined forces, and they doubled their strength with the formation, and they couldn't resist it.

"Oh my god, this cracked soul clock is too terrible!"

"It is rumored that this bell was a magic weapon refined by a demon from the Saint Demon Gate, but after that demon race fell into the demon path, it became a murderous magic weapon! I don't know how many powerful people have drunk it. Blood! Among them, there are countless demon emperors, and even half-emperor holy emperors have fallen on it. Now it seems that it will bring another killing storm."


Just as the three elders were about to die tragically under the cracking soul clock, a cold snort came out of the void!

At the same time, only one hand was seen sticking out of the void, grabbing directly towards the cracked soul clock!

Li Mei's face changed drastically, and he roared, and at the same time, the Soul Splitting Clock in his hand suddenly turned into a size of tens of meters, like a clock tower!


In an instant, the three elders of the Saint Demon Gate were engulfed in, and their lives were unknown.

And the hand that appeared in the void did not dare to continue using it.

"Hahaha! The old immortality of the Saint Demon Gate! The three of them are inside. If you dare to make a move, Lao Tzu can make them disperse immediately!"

While Li Mei laughed wildly, he spits out a mouthful of blood.

Obviously, because of his continuous activation of the Soul Splitting Clock, he also suffered a bit of backlash and slight injuries.

After all, it is a magic weapon, even the person who holds it will be backlashed by some magic weapon.

A figure walked out of the void.

Demon Lord!

Seeing that figure, countless demons couldn't help but worship!

Demon Lord! Equivalent to the holy emperor of the human race!

In Southern Xinjiang, that is the invincible existence second only to the Great!

Even some demon races who were dissatisfied with the Saint Demon Gate were showing awe at this moment.

"Release the three of them, the deity can let you leave alive."

Naturally, the one who appeared was a demon sovereign from the Saint Demon Gate, and this person Li Ye had naturally seen him, and it was the demon demon who had obtained a longevity pill from him before.

"Let them go? Hahaha! Today, Li Mei, I never thought about letting go!"

Everyone is in awe of the demon sovereign, but he is different!

Everyone wondered, what on earth made him so fearless?

Cracked Soul Clock?

Although the Soul Splitting Clock is terrifying, what he is facing is a demon lord!

Sure enough, the figure in the void was angry and snorted, grabbing directly at the cracked soul clock!

But at this moment!

Another invincible and terrifying aura appeared, directly protecting the soul cracking clock in the middle, and even secretly confronted the demon lord of the Saint Demon Gate.

The Void directly made a terrible cracking sound. Fortunately, the Upper Three Realms were not comparable to the Lower Nine Realms. Despite such a terrible collision, the Void still did not break.

"Brother Su, as the body of the demon venerable, you are a little bit unreasonable when you attack a younger generation."

Demon Lord!

Another demon lord!

But this time it was not a strong person at the Saint Demon Gate. Everyone looked at it and their expressions changed again and again.

"Gosh, isn't that the Lingxi Demon Venerable of Qing Cangmen?"

Someone recognized the identity of the figure who had just guarded the cracked soul clock and exclaimed!

Lingxi Yaozun! Qing Cangmen!

There is no doubt that at this time, ordinary monster races are naturally not qualified to intervene in this kind of power struggle.

Especially, the Demon Sovereign Saint Emperor has appeared, how can the ordinary Demon Race have the qualifications?

Even the strong Demon Sovereign had to stand aside at this time and was not qualified to intervene.

"Lingxi! What do you mean?"

From the Saint Demon Gate, it was the Jade Demon Venerable who had a good relationship with Li Ye before, and his face sank at this moment.

The three elders were suppressed in the cracked soul clock, and he naturally couldn't ignore it.

"Brother Su, why pretend not to know? There are countless demon races in Southern Xinjiang gathered in this Demon City today, just for one thing. If Brother Su and the Saint Demon Gate can hand them over, everyone is very happy, and the Saint Demon The gate is also the holy land in the minds of the monsters in Southern Xinjiang."

Sure enough, it was for this! !

"What if the Saint Demon Gate does not pay?"

Yubao Yaozun naturally did not approve of handing over Li Ye. After all, he was favored by Li Ye, but he could not do that kind of ungrateful things.

"Haha, why should Brother Su be like this. It's just a junior of the human race, is the Saint Demon Gate ruining the reputation for millions of years for him?"

Naturally, no one can intervene in the dialogue between the two demon gods.

Even a madman like Li Mei stayed aside quietly at this moment.

From the change in his expression, it can be seen that the abandoned disciple of the Saint Demon Clan had already fallen into the arms of Qing Cang Clan.

Yubao Yaozun didn't say anything, but frowned slightly.

Originally there was only Li Mei, he could naturally hold his shot.

But now a demon from Qing Cangmen intervened, making him hesitant.

More importantly, the lives of the three elders of the Saint Demon Gate were all within the thoughts of others.

"Hahaha! This is exactly what the deity thinks!"

Another terrifying figure emerged from the void.

Everyone was stunned at first sight!

Demon Lord! Here comes another Demon Sovereign Saint Emperor!

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