Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2866: Demon

"he made it."

Jue Wuquan's eyes flickered slightly, he tried twice, but he couldn't even take a single move.

"Indestructible, it seems that this Southern Xinjiang world is destined to be his Wuya alone. No matter how hard you and I struggle, you still have to surrender under him."

Gu Ze's voice came, and he saw it more openly than Indestructible.

After all, with his talents, he knew from the very beginning that he couldn't compare to this peerless evildoer like Young Master Wu Ya.

What's more, although Lushui Garden is also an emperor, but in terms of strength and background, it is a bit far behind the Jiuyao Palace.

"You have to surrender that is your choice. I will never be destroyed in this life, and I will never surrender to others!"

"Haha, indestructible, I hope you can compete with him, at least compared to his own world, I want to see you decide a victory or defeat. It's a pity that you feel that you are now against him. How many threats are there?"

Gu Ze's icy laughter sounded exceptionally harsh in Extinction.

Yes, how much threat does he have to today's Prince Wuya?

Originally, both of them were the top talents of the younger generation of the demon clan in Southern Xinjiang. Although they had fought three times in private before, he lost all three times! But he didn't dispel his idea of ​​challenging Prince Wuya.

But now, looking at the figure standing firmly on the 50,000th floor of the pilgrimage ladder, he suddenly became a little confused.

In the next tens of thousands of years in southern Xinjiang, will it really become that person's world?

"Do not!"


A terrible breath erupted from the indestructible body!

It even shocked all the demons in the Demon City!

"What a ferocious aura! At this level, is it a certain demon-sovereign holy emperor?"

Some strong men were taken aback, but soon they were surprised to find that it was actually bursting from the pilgrimage ladder. There is even a faint demon light rising into the sky!

A fierce beast, turned into the sky, and directly screamed to the sky!


Everyone exclaimed, especially some of the older generation of monster clan powerhouses, their expressions have changed exceptionally wonderful!

"That is!"

There was an ancestor-level monster clan who uttered aloud, unable to hide the movement on his face.


I don't know who said a word in a low voice, but it made many demons show a look of horror and envy!


That is the supreme glory of Yaozu! It is the fate that every monster race most hopes to encounter!

"It turned out to be a demon transformation! This Jue Wuliu actually touched the demon transformation!"

The several powerhouses in the Jiuyao Temple were all happy at first. When Young Master Wuya stepped onto the 50,000th floor, for them, and even for the entire Jiuyao Temple, it has become the next tens of thousands of years or even longer. An opportunity for Dianjun to come to the entire southern Xinjiang.

No one thought that at this time, Indestructible would suddenly emerge!

"Demon change! It is a demonic change! There are millions of demons in southern Xinjiang, but those who have such a chance have been counted for millions of years! I didn't expect it to be a demonic change!"

"Damn, there's a good show to watch this time! Before this Jue Wuxi was already unable to compete with Young Master Wuya, now it actually touched the demon change! It seems that the sky is about to change."

Countless monster races are all moved.

The demon transformation is the most terrifying transformation in the history of the demon clan. It can even be said that it is a kind of heavenly blessing that makes the carp leap over the dragon gate one step at a time!

However, for countless years, there have been only a handful of people who can truly be transformed into a demon!

But no one thought it would be seen here.

I only saw the indestructibility at this time, and there was no symbol of the monster clan in the whole body, and some symptoms of monsters gradually appeared. Pieces of scales! Terrible lines!

At the same time, his breath is increasing at an astonishing speed!


Li Ye's eyes narrowed.

He naturally knows what a demon beast is, or in other words, anyone who understands a demon clan knows what a demon beast is!

A normal monster race will carry a trace of ancestral return, which is related to the blood of the monster beast in the body. But as the cultivation level increases, these monster race characteristics will become less and less, and even disappear completely in the end.

In appearance, there is no difference from the human race.

But there is one exception!

That is the demon!

Once demonized, it means awakening all the blood heritage in the body, and it can even be said that at that moment, it turns into a posture of returning blood in the body!

Just like the current extinction, directly incarnate into a barefoot golden beast!

Originally, the injuries that had been suffered just now were swept away, and he directly stepped onto the 50,000th floor of the ladder!

A golden body emerged again.

Incarnation of saints!

"He's going up!"

Everyone held their breath, after all, the demon change and other blessings of heaven, but it is not necessarily encountered once in thousands of years.

Suddenly this kind of evildoer of Absolute Infallibility suddenly turned into a monster, and even several powerful demon-sovereign holy emperors showed horrified eyes.

Young Master Wuya narrowed his eyes slightly, and the sudden indestructible transformation was outside his plan.

At least, for him on the road to dominate southern Xinjiang in the future, he suddenly added a strong and terrifying opponent.

"Demon change, indestructible, it seems you are still unwilling to give up."


That terrible monster beast slapped directly at the golden body where the sage's incarnation was. With just one shot, cracks appeared even in the void, which was torn directly by the sharp claws!

You know, in the Three Realms, even the Wuhuang Demon Emperor, it is impossible to tear the void! Not to mention so easy.


With this slap, it was a three-pointer sharper than Young Master Wu Ya's shot just now!

The golden body transformed by the sage was directly smashed into pieces, but at the same time, the huge monster beast also let out a scream, and the whole arm instantly turned into blood mist and disappeared.

"The incarnation of the sage is worthy of the incarnation of the sage. Although the strength has increased greatly after this inexhaustible demon transformation, it is enough to compete with the demon king of the holy emperor, but there is still no bargaining against the incarnation of the sage."

A strong person looked at it and exclaimed suddenly.

Yes, even Young Master Wuya was slightly injured in front of the sage incarnation.

Although the golden body was broken, it appeared again soon.

At the same time, the barefoot golden beast stepped on it again! The whole world trembled violently for it.

"The barefoot golden beast is worthy of being an ancient fierce beast comparable to the holy beast! This indestructible is now at least three times stronger than before!"

This palm hurts both sides again!

And this time it was even worse. The huge body of the beast was about to be shaken down by 50,000 layers. Fortunately, at the critical moment, the barefoot golden beast uttered a roar, and at the critical moment, it smashed the edge area with one foot. Lines appeared on its body, and at the same time a larger force instantly wrapped the sage incarnation.


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