Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2900: Beyond the Three Realms

"Does Young Master Jue Wuxi and Wuya want to climb that place too?"

When everyone saw it, they all murmured in surprise.

At this time, only two people who had obtained the inheritance of the sages were seen. Compared with the previous ones, they had a sage's light. Although they were still a little weak, they were chasing towards Li Ye at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, Princess Saint Demon Gate moved.

She is faster!

After all, compared with the sage inheritance that the three had just obtained, what she got was the most powerful sage will.

The three are almost in no particular order, and they are fast.

But the gap with Li Ye is far, far away.

At this moment, Li Ye could step in with only the last step.

The place where only the Great Emperor Hengtian had entered, the place where generations of sages and powerful monsters in Southern Xinjiang had never entered for millions of years.

Everyone's eyes are as static as time.


Li Ye stepped in directly, and instantly, the whole person was in the sight of everyone, completely disappeared.

"what happened?"

"What about people?"

Exclamations were heard everywhere, and the countless monsters in the entire Demon City and even the strong humans in the dark showed surprise.

Including the Emperor Sun Yao and the Demon Emperor Baiyun, they also looked solemn.

With their cultivation base, they couldn't find where Li Ye went, let alone other people?

"Is that legend true?"

An ancestor of the demon race muttered to himself.

"What legend?"

Secretly, a human half emperor also asked, but Wu Lao gave a wry smile, "Outside the Three Realms."

"Outside the Three Realms? Elder Wu, does it really exist outside the Three Realms?"

Since ancient times, neither the emperor nor the martial emperor has ever left the Three Realms.

Even if there is a great emperor who breaks through the void with a powerful force, it is only a turbulent flow of void between the three realms, and it still belongs to the three realms.

But outside of the Three Realms?

"The old man doesn't know. It's rumored that only the emperor has a chance to touch that place. It's just a few million years, but few emperors will do that."

The Three Realms have existed for too long, and it is almost impossible to trace back to the beginning of the Three Realms, when they appeared.

But the countless great emperors born over millions of years have never left a single word.

"Elder Wu, why have you never heard of where the great emperor fell behind?"

Suddenly a human half-emperor expert thought of something, his eyes changed and asked.

But this made Elder Wu sigh.

No one explained, because no one knew!

How many emperors have been born over millions of years?

But no one knew the ultimate fate of those great emperors.

Whether it is the great emperor of the human race or the demon emperor of the demon race, they will eventually disappear from the eyes of the world.

Even a strong emperor cannot be immortal or immortal.

"Those great emperors, rumors, have all gone outside the Three Realms!"

Old Wu finally sighed and said, "But no one can confirm."

Yes, no one can confirm.

Even those former heirs and disciples of the great emperor do not know the final whereabouts of the great emperor.

In the entire Demon City, countless people are guessing where Li Ye disappeared and where he went.

At the same time, more demons are extremely excited!

Because it has been passed down from ancient times that as long as a monster stepped into that place, it was the co-master of the entire southern border monster! King of Southern Xinjiang!

After waiting for so many years, someone finally did it.



The gray world.

This was the first reaction Li Ye saw when he opened his eyes.

There is no sound, no air, and nothing even exists.

Only a piece of gray.

"This is outside the Three Realms?"

There was a ray of doubt in Li Ye's mind, and there were different opinions on speculations outside the Three Realms.

Some people say that it is the vast world outside the Three Realms, but the world where the gods are located, which is higher than the Three Realms, like a fairyland.

Naturally, there are also legends that outside the Three Realms are the residences of demons, and those extraterrestrial demons came from outside the Three Realms.

Before he could explore this place, a huge force suddenly came, trying to push him out of here.

"This is not where you should be now."

At the last moment, it seemed to faintly heard a voice ringing in his ears.

It is a pity that when Li Ye woke up, he found that he was already standing on an ancient platform.

Below, is the pilgrimage ladder, the entire Demon City.

But where he is now, one can see stone tablets.

Those stone tablets were all engraved with names and deeds. After reading them, Li Ye finally understood what exactly this place was.

The place where the saints are buried!

These stone tablets are clearly the places where the sages died after their deaths in the history of southern Xinjiang!

There is no heavenly heritage waiting for him, and there are no peerless treasures everywhere.

The entire Daotai is a cemetery, where the sages and sages of the Yao race are buried.

"This Daotai..."

The void he experienced just now was obviously not in the Three Realms. But what place it was, Li Ye didn't know.

Especially, who is the last voice?

Isn't it where he should go now? This sentence clearly has a metaphor.

"Is this Daotai a teleportation formation?"

As an array mage, he has a certain degree of research on the teleportation array.

The entire Taoist platform was covered with ancient and mysterious formation patterns, many of which could not even be understood by him as a formation mage.

"It's a pity, if there are people from the Celestial Master clan, they can definitely understand the mystery of this teleportation array."

In terms of formation, perhaps the people of the Celestial Masters are not considered top-notch.

But when it comes to teleportation formation, in the entire Three Realms and Nine Regions, no one is better than the Celestial Master.

Even Li Ye guessed that this platform itself was built by the people of the Celestial Master clan, otherwise, could there be anyone in this world who could do all this?

"Perhaps, as long as you figure out how to open this platform, you can go to that place again."

For the first glimpse of the world in a short period of time, I don't know why, Li Ye faintly throbbed. As if there is where he should go.

It's just that the feeling is vague, and it's even more ridiculous to think about it.

Regardless of whether the place is outside the legendary Three Realms, it will not be considered until he enters the Emperor Realm at least.

"It seems that I can only come here again after I reach the Emperor Realm."

Emperor Hengtian had been here, although it was only a rumor.

But Li Ye confirmed this!

"Hengtian come here for a visit!"

He saw a stone tablet, which was different from those of the demon sages, but someone forcibly inserted the entire Taoist platform later. Moreover, the crooked and twisted line of big characters above was even more of the three views that Li Ye almost didn't break after reading it.

"The Great Emperor Hengtian is also a wonderful person."

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