Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2922: Wuyueshan's unspoken method

If anyone offends me, I will return it a hundred times!

Many demon races took a breath, and some of the older generation of demon race powerhouses looked uncertain.

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but this son also has such arrogant capital."

A certain Yaozu ancestor sighed and left.

Different from the many powerful monsters of the older generation, some geniuses of the younger generation of monsters, most of them looked at Li Ye with awe and admiration.

"This is the temperament that our Monster Race should have! If anyone offends me, I will pay it back a hundred times! This is the Monster Race!"

Not to mention the reactions of many monster races, at this time, many disciples at the Saint Demon Gate had complex expressions.

Li Ye's identity has now been determined, which has also allowed the Saint Demon Gate to avoid conflicts with other great emperors.

However, at this moment, many disciples in the Saint Demon Gate were in a very complicated mood. This is especially true for some disciples who have outstanding talents, who also claim to be geniuses in the Saint Demon Gate.

"His Royal Highness really has an affair with this person?"

The Saint Demon Princess has always been the object of secret admiration for many disciples, and even has geniuses who think that their status and status can match, actively pursue them.

Unfortunately, for so many years, no one has ever seen success.

A big battle was prevented by the appearance of Li Ye.

But Li Ye glanced thoughtfully in one direction.

"Old Wu, did that kid spot us?"

That place is exactly where several powerful humans hide. Suddenly, a human half-emperor strong, took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"Impossible. With Old Wu's form and shadow dislocation technique, even the Demon Emperor may not be able to detect us. No matter how great this child is, it is impossible to discover that we are right."

Another human half emperor shook his head quickly.

Shape and shadow dislocation technique, this is Wuyue Mountain's unique knowledge! Even in Wuyue Mountain, people who can practice this method can count them with one hand.

Mr. Wu, it is this master.

"Yes, Wu Lao's hand is out of position, but even the Demon Emperor was helpless back then. The kid is indeed against the sky, but it is too naive to say that we are found."

"Perhaps he just took a casual look and didn't find us."

Several human masters are comforting themselves.

They were extremely excited when they learned that Li Ye might be a member of the human race. But now, since Li Ye was confirmed by the monster clan to be a member of the monster clan, he naturally disappointed them.

"It's a pity, such an evildoer, but it's a monster race."

Wu Lao sighed lightly, and looked back at several half emperors who were also guarding one side in Southern Xinjiang, "All go back. For the next tens of thousands of years, Wuyue Mountain decided to stay away from the world and stagger this era."

Stay away from the world!

Several half emperors were stunned, and one said anxiously, "Old Wu, you!"

"Needless to say, the old man knows that. Now that there are a few Tianjiao in the Southern Xinjiang Demon Race, it is unlikely that our human race will rise in the next tens of thousands of years. Instead of this, it is better to avoid the world for tens of thousands of years and quietly wait for the opportunity. "

After finishing speaking, he sighed directly, and left in a hurry.

The rest of the half-emperors of the human race also felt heavy when they heard this.

Yes, after the Yaozu had two peerless arrogances, Princess Saint Demon Gate and Young Master Wuya, Gu Ze, Jue Wuxi, and others were incomparably against the sky. Now there is a more enchanting Yaozu junior, how can there be room for them to develop?

"It's all gone, maybe it's really like what Elder Wu said, after we went back, we all decided to escape the world for at least ten thousand years, and quietly waited for the opportunity."

"Alright, since the Southern Frontier is still in charge of the Saint Demon Gate, with the style of the Saint Demon Gate, as long as we choose to escape from the world, we should be able to live through this era of demon races, and hope that in the next era, our human race will have Opportunity rises."

Let's not talk about the mood of these powerful human clans in southern Xinjiang, on the other side.

"The Southern Xinjiang people are so weak."

Wu Lao and others thought that Li Ye was just a casual glance, but in fact Li Ye noticed them from the beginning.

"Boy, this is Southern Xinjiang. It is already the limit for the Human Race to have a few decent sect forces. The Monster Race cannot give too many opportunities."

"That dislocation technique is quite interesting. If it weren't for my sensitivity to the five elements, I might not have noticed it."

"Haha, boy, don't underestimate it. According to the emperor, there must be Wuyueshan's powerhouse in secret, and that form and shadow dislocation technique, but the treasure of Wuyueshan's town school, only a few people can cultivate. Look at this accomplishment , It should be a certain holy emperor of Wuyue Mountain, otherwise it is impossible to hide the magical eyes of the demon emperor."

Even the demon emperors didn't notice anyone secretly, but they didn't expect to be seen through by Li Ye.

"Shadow Dislocation Technique?"

"Exactly, this was created by the five ancestors of Wuyue Mountain back then. Speaking of which, this ancestor of Wuyue Mountain can be regarded as a strange man of a generation. Although he did not step into the God Realm in the end, he was a master of formation and was able to fight. Dao enters the martial arts and cultivates both martial arts and martial arts. He was also a man in his time. He even challenged a demon emperor of the demon clan. After three days and three nights of fierce fighting, although he was ultimately defeated, the demon emperor was rumored to have nothing to do with him. The method can be said to be a tie."


And a demon emperor!

Li Ye was slightly surprised after hearing this.

A strong man who can challenge the demon emperor, regardless of victory or defeat, let the demon emperor take advantage of him, is definitely the pinnacle of an era.

"Wuyue Mountain!"

"Boy, if you have a chance, you can go and see it. It is said that the Wuyue Mountain is also quite a research on the formation, and the inheritance of the Wuyue Mountain has a certain relationship with the Book of Five Elements."

Book of Five Elements!

Li Ye naturally knew what that meant, and silently nodded, "If it is so, then it is indeed necessary to go there."

But now, he naturally has other things to deal with.

"Prince Li."

No, an elder of the Saint Demon Gate has already arrived in front of him.

He looked at Li Ye and Princess Saint Demon Gate with a weird expression. With this look, Princess Saint Demon Gate broke free of Li Ye's arms slightly, and her pretty face turned red.

The elder gave a dry cough and said, "Mr. Li, please, please."

"Emperor Bingyi?"

Li Ye was not surprised, many monster races have left the Demon City now, even if many casual cultivators are still staying, but the turmoil for the Saint Demon Gate is resolved.

Naturally, it was his turn.

Especially, the complicated relationship between him and the only descendant of the Saint Demon Gate is unclear.

"Exactly, the emperor wants to invite the son to go."

The meaning of Emperor Bing Yi, Li Ye guessed one or two in his heart, and nodded after hearing the words.

Seeing that Li Ye did not refuse, the elder was also secretly relieved.

He was really afraid that Li Ye would refuse categorically, or be so arrogant, then it would be really difficult for him to do it.

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