Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3044: Rush to kill

Finally, the flame on the soul refining lamp was extinguished, and the crazy arrogance of destroying the sky and slaughtering all things was no more.

Take a closer look, except for the remaining strong men of the various sects who are still alive at this moment.

There are only a few people left in the Jiuyao Temple!

The masters who came to the Helan family this time were wiped out!

More than a dozen holy emperors, a supreme holy emperor and Helan Yuanming, a genius who was unparalleled in the Helan family thousands of years ago, all died in the round of massacre that Li Ye just now.

Although the soul refining lamp had been extinguished, as Li Ye took the soul refining lamp back, everyone looked at him with a deep dread and fear.

For many years, there has never been such a **** massacre in southern Xinjiang!

No one knows how many powerhouses died today, and how many of them were of the Saint-Emperor level or even the Supreme Saint-Emperor, who fell here.

Among them, at least 70% died in the hands of one person!

Not to mention that the gang of ancestors in the Jiuyao Temple are still alive and terrified, even the strong men of the Saint Demon Gate and other sects dare not speak out.

I was afraid that Li Ye would get red, count them all, and kill them all.

No one doubts this!

At least before Li Ye appeared, no one would have thought that anyone would dare to commit such a heinous crime!

But now, they saw it!

Even compared to Helan Family and Jiuyao Palace, Li Ye at this moment was more cruel and crazy in their eyes.

"Little friend Li Ye, you?"

Yubao Yaozun was bold, stupefied that he had lived for tens of thousands of years. At this moment, he was also cautious in front of Li Ye and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

His gaze was looking towards Princess Saint Demon Gate, after all, at this time, perhaps only Princess Saint Demon Gate who had a close relationship with Li Ye dared to approach Li Ye.

But Princess Saint Demon Gate avoided her gaze, and she didn't know how to face it at the moment.

"Do you do it yourself, or do I do it myself?"

This sound, extremely cold, directly caused everyone's backbone to be chilled.

Especially the ancestors of Jiuyao Temple, these people are the oldest ancestors of Jiuyao Temple and the strongest cultivation base. Even the cultivation base far beyond the ordinary supreme holy emperor has allowed them to survive to the present under the explosion of the soul refining lamp just now.

When Li Ye asked, he naturally headed towards the Jiuyao Hall!

"Li Ye Xiaoer! You don't want to be crazy!"

One of the ancestors shouted. Although Jiuyao Palace lost a lot of people this time, the foundation of the emperor's Taoism is still there!

"Oh? It seems that you don't see the Yellow River and your heart is still alive."

The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and the terrifying killing intent that followed even made the ancestors of Jiuyao Temple tremble.

It’s not that their cultivation is much lower than Li Ye, but that Li Ye has slaughtered all the crazy killing intent brought by so many strong people at this moment, and it is even enough for people with weaker cultivation to be swallowed by the killing intent. burst!

"Master! What nonsense with this little beast! Even if he has a soul-refining lamp, he has no soul to offer sacrifices at this moment! Without a soul-refining lamp, he is not afraid at all!"

"Huh! Relying on the benefits of the emperor's soldiers such as the soul-refining lamp, what a hero! If you have the ability, fight me fairly!"

Some people even groaned directly.

However, they have forgotten one thing, whether it is the soul refining lamp or the emperor weapon, it is their side who first started to call out! Instead, he is now mocking Li Yeyi for killing so many of them with the power of the imperial soldiers.

Such a face seems to be justified to them!

Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light the lights!

The arrogance and arrogance of the Emperor's Taoism for millions of years made them still fail to understand their position at this moment.

But Li Ye would let them know who is in charge now!

"Relying on the imperial soldiers?"

A sneer emerged.

"Hmph! If it weren't for the soul refining lamp in your hand, how could you kill so many masters!"

Soul refining lamp!

Jiuyao Temple is also salivating!

It's just that they didn't dare to think at all before, they couldn't afford to offend the Dongzhou Helan family.

But now and then, everyone in the Helan family is dead! The soul refining lamp fell into Li Ye's hands. If they killed Li Ye and seized the soul refining lamp at this moment, even the Dongzhou Helan family would not even know it!

Even killing everyone present, this secret is completely kept!

Li Ye naturally felt that greedy look.

"Relying on the imperial soldiers... so what?"


With this sneer, Li Ye directly caused everyone in the Jiuyao Temple to grow their mouths, unable to believe their ears.

"I can kill you all by relying on the might of the emperor's soldiers!"

After speaking, the corner of Li Ye's mouth raised, and his sorrowful gaze burst out, "I'm not convinced? When I go to hell, I cried to Lord Yan!"


Even Yubao Yaozun and others are breathing in again and again!

But if you think about it carefully, what if Li Ye relies on the imperial soldiers?

"Haha! What the little friend said! Jiuyaodian and Helan's family, when they relied on the emperor's soldiers, did not see them talking about fairness and morality! The mention now is simply laughable!"

"Brother Yunshan is right, the dignified emperor's Taoist Jiuyao Hall, can it be that even this point of dignity is lost, it is really a joke! If it is about the emperor, the Jiuyao Hall does not happen to have the emperor?"

These cynicisms immediately made the young geniuses of the Jiuyao Temple blush, but the old and undead, they naturally didn't think that Li Ye would be so stupid to throw away the emperor soldier, they were just waiting for an opportunity. !

When the flame on the soul refining lamp was completely extinguished!

"Do it!"

The last remaining three ancestors of the Jiuyao Temple, instantly shot!

They are afraid of refining the soul lamp, but it does not mean that Li Ye is afraid!

Now Li Ye has made it clear that he will not let go, he will kill him! And they are the same! Kill Li Ye and take the Soul Refining Lamp! Even if Dongzhou Helan's family asked questions, they could shirk everything on Li Ye.

"Little friend, be careful!"

The three ancestors of the supreme holy emperor suddenly shot, no one thought that they would even dare to kill Li Ye!

But seeing a icy arc at the corner of Li Ye's mouth, the soul refining lamp in his hand was raised again.

This action directly shocked the three ancestors of Jiuyao Temple, and they hesitated subconsciously.

"He has no primordial soul to offer sacrifices! Now if he is not eliminated, when will he be!"

One of the oldest ancestors of the Jiuyao Temple roared, and the other two understood instantly! The soul-refining lamp must be ignited by offering sacrifices to the soul, otherwise it will be no different from decorations.

However, they have always forgotten the most important point!

"Do you know why I put the soul refining lamp to extinguish, and didn't you completely kill you?"

Li Ye's voice came out faintly, but with a sense of creepy.

In his hand, the soul refining lamp suddenly burst into an extremely bright light!

In an instant, the last three ancestors of Jiuyao Temple were swallowed directly.


First of all, I would like to say sorry to the majority of book friends. In the past few months, it has been updated every day, and there are not many updates.

Secondly, find a reason for yourself. Of course, some people may not believe it or even sneer or even scold it, but I still want to say.

The body is the capital of the revolution. Lumbar disc protrusion, kidney stones, anemia, and insomnia have become more serious in recent years. Recently, it took a few thousand to see a doctor. Today, the hospital did an extracorporeal impact lithotripsy. The stone was 14mm×7mm blocking the ureter. CT of both kidneys showed a lot of small stones. Perhaps a book friend who has had stones understands the pain, and wakes up in the middle of the night. An analgesic injection in the hospital.

Finally, I'm sorry, and the author is also a human being. Maybe I can't give more promises, but the only thing I can give is to keep updating as much as possible and write an ending that can be recognized by most readers.

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