Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3046: Play two emperor explosions at the same time!

Everyone gradually felt helpless, and that was the feeling of weakness that they had after being quickly swallowed up by the whole formation.

Destiny! Different from refining the soul lamp!

If the soul-refining lamp is a visible death, then the Tiansha Fate Array is a frog boiled in warm water without knowing it!

By the time you find out, it will be too late!

Someone has fallen directly to the ground, and the whole person is slowly aging, with strands of white hair appearing.

"Li Ye! You want me to die! But now, you have to follow me to bury me! Hahahaha!"

Young Master Wuya was completely mad, he knew very well that Li Ye could not spare his life. At least he changed to Li Ye, and it was impossible to let him go at this moment.

Since he was going to die, he simply put aside everything!

Amid his loud laughter, there were screams and howls.

"Young Master, stop it!"

"Quickly stop the formation! This formation will absorb everyone as power!"

It turned out that at this moment, after the Tiansha Fate Array was completely activated, even the strong with the Jiuyao Hall had suffered. Even they did not expect that even they could not escape this formation.

The bright red blood mist all over the body, as if evaporating from the body, was completely absorbed by the entire formation.

"Wuya! Do you want to take the entire Jiuyao Hall to bury it!"

In this scene, the Jade Demon Zun and the others were all trembling! Originally, he was expecting that the group of powerful people in Jiuyao Palace would speak out how to break the formation in order to survive.

Looking at it now, if they knew, how could they wailing at this moment?

"Hahaha! Jiuyao Hall?! So what! Even if I am going to die today, all of you will be buried with me!"

Knowing that he could not escape to death, Young Master Wuya was completely mad, and even he began to produce blood fog. It is obvious that even with himself, it is impossible to resist the swallowing of the entire Heavenly Destiny Formation. Sooner or later, he will be absorbed into a human body. .


Li Ye directly controlled the Seven-Star Sword and swung a sword intent toward the formation, but unfortunately even though the emperor slashed a sword, there were only ripples, and soon there was no movement.

The rest of the strong, including those who are still alive in Jiuyaodian and Lushuiyuan, at this moment, regardless of their position, directly desperately want to open a gap in the formation.

As long as there is a gap, they have a chance to escape to heaven.

Li Ye directly retracted the five-element small world. Even though he is now with the nine orifices of the soul, the body of the five elements in his body is endless, the soul and the true power are like a weekly cycle, regenerating and breathing, and the restoring power is amazing.

However, it is still too expensive to support a small world to appear in the outside world for a long time.

"It's useless! You can't escape! All of you, you must be buried with me!"

Young Master Wuya laughed wildly. At this moment, where did he still have the first genius of the Demon Race in Southern Xinjiang, handsome and unrestrained, like a dead old man, his breath gradually weakened.

Seeing his appearance, everyone knows that without anyone doing anything, Young Master Wu Ya is also waiting for death, but he wants to take a group of people to bury him together.

"It's useless! It's useless! None of you can break the Destiny Array! No one!"

He looked at Li Ye with incomparable bitterness, and his voice was hoarse like an old man, "Li Ye! What if you win me! I will die here! Even if you have imperial soldiers in your hand, even if you are practicing Soul lamp! It is impossible to break this fateful formation like this!"

As he said, Li Ye even took a deep breath!

Suddenly, the Seven Star Sword radiated an extremely bright light!

Emperor explosion!

Compared with the Soul Refining Lamp, the fit between the Seven Star Sword and him is almost perfect!

The entire Jiuyao Hall was like a mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, and the sky was split between the ground and the mountains, but the entire formation still showed no gaps.

"Emperor explosion can't open a gap?"

Seeing this scene, Li Ye felt deeply unbelievable.

The others also suddenly became desperate.

Emperor explosion! That's quite a great emperor's full shot without any reservation!

"Hahaha! You can't break the formation!"

Young Master Wuya's crazy laugh was so harsh in everyone's ears, and Yunshan Iron Sword sighed, "Sure enough, the Heavenly Destiny Formation is one of the ancient slaying demon formations. This formation is rumored to be true. The more blood and soul swallowed, the greater the power!"

No need to explain, everyone understands why.

So many powerhouses have fallen, and there are many peak demon emperors, and even the holy emperor and the supreme holy emperor have fallen today!

Even if part of it was completely burnt by the soul-refining lamp, the soul flew away, but the remaining blood and soul were enough to make the Tiansha Fate Array completely become a lore array.

Li Ye called out the Seven Star Sword again!

"Little friend Li Ye, you don't need to waste your energy. The Devil's Fate Array is already open. Unless you find the key to breaking the array, you can't open it with brute force."

But obviously Li Ye doesn't believe in evil!

The Seven Star Sword once again bloomed with brilliant light!

That posture, it was clear that Li Ye was ready to strike the emperor's explosive once again!

"Damn! What kind of monster is hiding in this kid! How many times did he hit the emperor?"

Seeing Li Ye's movements, everyone was amazed!

Emperor explosion! The consumption is enough to make it difficult for the Supreme Holy Emperor to play a second consecutive time in a short time!

As for Li Ye, he has played at least three times!

If you do it again!

The bright light on the Seven Star Sword is getting more and more dazzling!

But Li Ye once again made a move that everyone could not believe!

The soul refining lamp was directly called out, and it also began to bloom with a bright light!

"This kid! Is it a monster?"

Li Ye's ability to play the imperial explosion has already subverted everyone's three views, and now Li Ye's move is clearly to control two imperial soldiers at the same time!

"He wants to play two emperor explosions at the same time!"

Yunshan Iron Sword took a deep breath!

Use two imperial soldiers at the same time to play two imperial explosions!

This kind of crazy behavior, let alone a young junior, even the real emperor and demon emperor, have never heard of it before!

"He is going to make a desperate move!"

Seeing that Li Ye didn't seem to be a bluff at all, even some of the people who survived in the Jiuyao Palace had their hearts suspended! Regardless of the deep hatred between them and Li Ye, at this moment, I hope Li Ye can break through this Heavenly Destiny Array!

Young Master Wuya was even more shaky, and now he looked like an old man in his seventies or eighties, his cloudy eyes staring at Li Ye! He doesn't believe it!

I don't believe anyone can break this formation!

I don't even believe that someone can control two imperial soldiers at the same time and play two imperial explosions at the same time!


Two dazzling lights swallowed everyone's sight in an instant!

Emperor explosion! At the same time, two emperors were shot out!

At that moment, the sky and the earth really broke apart, and the sun and the moon were dull!


Extracorporeal ultrasound lithotripsy seems to be somewhat effective, but the collection of stones that the doctor said is really...a brand new experience.

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