Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3053: Emperor Sun Yao was slaughtered! ?


Naked threat!

Liuyin Saint Ancestor, who was thinking of going back, frowned directly, because he saw that the heavenly gourd was in Li Ye's hands.


Although anger surged, no one knew how many primordial spirits were in the heavenly gourd in Li Ye's hands.

Even if there is only one soul, once the soul-refining lamp is lit, it is enough for Li Ye to kill a few people!

For Jiu Yaodian, it is definitely not a good thing.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!

What's more, within the Three Realms, the Nine Lights Palace has stayed away from the world for thousands of years, and you can get revenge even after thousands of years!

"Holy Ancestor! If it wasn't for this traitor, neither would we!"

"The old man said, let go!"

With this sound, the sacred emperors faltered, and in shock, one of them released the prohibition!

Again and again, again and again.

After that person got his freedom, he broke away from the Jiuyao Temple directly. Although he was still wearing the battle armor of the Jiuyao Temple, Yunshan Iron Sword and the others were a little surprised after seeing him, because this person was clearly different from ordinary monsters.

There is not much aura of a monster in his body, it is more like a human!

But they immediately shook their heads. If it were Human Race, how could they enter the gate of Jiuyao Hall?

Jiuyao Temple is not a holy demon gate, it has always been turned away from non-monster people!

"Jian Chen! In vain, the old man saw you dying and brought you back to the sect! You have caused the entire Jiuyao Hall to fall into such a state today!"

In the Jiuyao Hall, an old holy emperor sighed with seven-point anger and three points, and he didn't know if he really regretted his original decision, "With your talent, within a thousand years in the Jiuyao Hall, you can set foot on the position of the Holy Emperor! Why should it be so!"

Stepping into the position of the Holy Emperor within a thousand years, that would be considered a genius!

With such a talent, I have to be surprised why a human race will step into the Nine Lights Hall, and it is obvious that although this person has a strong human aura, there is indeed a trace of the blood of a monster race.

Of course, this is not the most important thing!

Jian Chen!

This person is the first disciple who was once outside the sky! Sword Emperor Ye Wuming's first disciple, peerless sword repair, Jian Chen!

Why would Li Ye suddenly go to war with Jiuyao Temple again, and also take people away!

Precisely because this person is his long-lost big brother Jian Chen!

"Saving grace, Jian Chen dare not forget it!"

A trace of complexity also appeared on Jian Chen's face, but he quickly recovered his firmness.

"That's because you have to betray the sect!"


Jian Chen smiled wryly.

But Li Ye answered for him.

"Big brother."

This big brother instantly made everyone as if time was still, dumbfounded! Gagging!

"Little Junior Brother."

Why? For nothing, Jian Chen looked at Li Ye with a smile from the heart.


Yunshan Tiejian and the others almost exclaimed!

"Little friends, you guys!?"

Big brother? Junior brother?

Such a playful confession scene, but the impact on both sides is simply unparalleled!

more important! Why did Jian Chen suddenly betray the Hall of Nine Lights and destroy the Hall of Heroes without hesitating to insult him? Why does Li Ye take the risk of taking someone away at the risk of going to death with Jiu Yaodian again!

They understood at once!

"Senior brother! These two have actually learned from the same school!"

At this moment they observed that although Jian Chen was not as enchanting as Li Ye, but at such an age, this level of cultivation was enough to show that his talent was not weak! More importantly, some of the ancestors of the monster race had a vicious look, and at a glance they could see that Jian Chen still had injuries on his body, as if some kind of hidden injury had caused his cultivation to stagnate.

What is the concept of being a brother with Li Ye?

The history of Li Ye's pedigree, but let everyone figure it out for a long time!

The biggest guess is that Danwu fellow practitioner, the unparalleled Emperor Danwu!

At this moment, there is another big brother? Is it also a disciple of Emperor Danwu?

This surprise is extraordinary!

The holy emperor of the Jiuyao Temple who asked the original essence also closed his mouth all of a sudden. He didn't expect that he had found that a person who was rescued easily had such an amazing identity.

"Jiu Yao Temple is also unlucky this time. First I met Young Master Li Ye, and now it was the Hall of Souls that was destroyed by Young Master Li Ye's brother."

"Haha! This time the Jiuyaodian is a dumb eating huanglian. I can't tell if there is suffering!"

The more unlucky the Jiuyao Temple, the happier they are.

Of course they are even more curious, but it is the brothers Li Ye and Jianchen! Could it be that Emperor Danwu is still alive?

"Close the gate!"

At this point, Jiuyao Temple naturally would not continue to entangle.

With a cold drink, he was suddenly interrupted by Li Ye again.

"and many more."

Not to mention that the people in Jiuyao Temple are going crazy, everyone in the same camp as Li Ye is about to be speechless.

"Li Ye! What else do you want to do!"

Liuyin Saint Ancestor left directly, obviously unwilling to continue entanglement with Li Ye, perhaps he could not help but fight Li Ye desperately if he continued.

"Ming Demon Ancient Mirror!"

"Li Ye! The emperor has not returned! We don't even know about this!"

The ancient mirror of Ming Yao was the place where Emperor Bing Yi finally appeared, and Li Ye would naturally not let it go.

But the Jiuyao Temple is also determined here, and even if there is a big deal, I just don't tell you how you can stand me.

"Where is Emperor Sun Yao now?"

Dare to take the initiative to find a demon emperor, and it is Li Ye. However, there was no response at all. Even the gate of the Nine Lights Palace had begun to be closed, and the real decision was to escape the world. Unless someone forcibly broke the seal, otherwise within ten thousand years, this place would completely disappear from the world.

"keep the change."

Just as Li Ye's eyes were cold, a voice came from the void.

At the same time, an icy corpse was thrown down from the void, covered in blood, full of anger, and it seemed that there was endless unwillingness before dying!

Everyone almost screamed when they saw the corpse!

Even inside the Jiuyao Hall where the gate was about to be closed, a few terrible rays of light appeared directly!



These terrifying figures, any one of them is quite the existence of Liuyin Saint Ancestor!

Seeing them, people finally know that there is indeed this terrifying strong man alive in the Nine Lights Hall! If they didn't appear before, it didn't mean that they weren't going through the world. Once someone forced the Jiuyao Temple to a desperate situation, they would truly wake up from their deep sleep.

The corpse was caught. Upon closer inspection, Li Ye's mouth twitched slightly.

Because that corpse is not someone else!

"Emperor Sun Yao!"

The Emperor Sun Yao is now a cold corpse, without any breath, and the blood all over his body shows how tragic a fight he had experienced before he died.

However, such a strong monster emperor had lost any vital characteristics at this moment, and only a cold body was left as trash and was thrown down from the void.

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