Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3081: Huangquan Lu

With every step taken, the chill of deep knowledge of the sea will increase!

If it was just the beginning, there would not be too much danger for the peak martial emperor's cultivation base, and with his own powerful soul, he could resist.

However, after only a few steps, everything is completely different.

Sweeping away, among those sculptures, Li Ye Yin remembered a few faces, which he had just seen not long ago. It was those strong men who stepped into the Moon God Palace, but after a long time, they all became permanent sculptures here.

"It can be considered immortal."

A touch of irony emerged from the corner of his mouth. Knowing that this large piece of sculpture was changed by the people who stepped into it, the danger of the Moon God Palace was far greater than he had previously expected.

Approaching a certain sculpture, that stiff face can clearly see the unwillingness and fear before death, as well as the traces of regret.

However, it was too late, Li Ye directly reached out and touched it gently.

With a clatter, the sculpture seemed to fall apart, shattering directly, and finally turned into a ground of gray-white powder.

Looking closely, the entire floor of the Moon God Palace was gray and white, and stepping on it was like stepping on thick flour. At this moment, he finally understood what caused this.

For countless years, those who stepped into the Moon God Palace and died here will end up like this.

Beyond the sculptures that the dead powerful became, the deeper, the fewer and fewer sculptures around.

There is no doubt that those who can hold on to this place are peerless powerful people. The average person has been turned into a sculpture or shattered into thick gray ashes on the ground.

And the people who died here, even the undead, have not been resurrected again.

It is true death, and it is also a relief.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer sculptures around, which also means that the cold erosion that Li Ye is suffering at this moment has reached a terrifying level.

"This place, even if the holy emperor comes, can't hold on for long."

Sure enough, he had already seen several undead powerful men who exuded the aura of the holy emperor outside the Moon God Palace before, but now they have become lifeless sculptures.

Obviously, they didn't get through here in the end, and died halfway.

Looking up, although stepping into the Moon God Palace, there is still a long way to go from the real palace.

"This distance is enough to call it Huangquan Road."

Li Ye didn't know how many people died.

Before long, Li Ye's pupils contracted slightly.

In front of him, two sculptures hugged tightly appeared. Obviously, before death, both of them knew that it was impossible to go out alive. Death was also a pair of mandarin ducks.

If only this is the case, it is impossible to stop him.

The only reason was that he couldn't help but sigh deeply when he saw the appearance of the two people who died holding each other.

"Senior Zhuo Lie, since you said that you don't want to step into the Undead City again, why did you come in the end?"

These two deaths have to be hugged together. It is none other than Zhuo Lie and Xuelian.

The cultivation of the two is not strong, but they are still dead here.

The Holy Emperor is here, and after all, only the soul is completely turned into fly ash.

After all, it was an acquaintance, and the two had helped him. After hesitating, Li Ye laid a formation beside them. Although it is impossible to save the two of them, at least this formation will prevent the sculptures that the two have become after their deaths from being destroyed for a million years, and become one of the thick layers of ashes on the ground.

Before leaving, the dagger in Xuelian's hand that fell to the ground caused Li Ye to pay attention.


Caressing the sword silently, you can feel the whispers coming from the sword, making Li Ye especially surprised!

Because this sword turned out to be an emperor soldier!

It's just that it's broken for some reason! This concealed the peerless edge of its imperial soldiers! But the broken imperial soldier is also an imperial soldier! ? By no means comparable to ordinary magic soldiers.

"It seems that she has a lot of connection with Ice Wind Valley."

It is impossible for ordinary holy emperors to defend themselves by the emperor, and Li Ye had seen her inheritance from Xuelian before, and he was curious.

Although Ice Wind Valley is an emperor’s orthodoxy, it is impossible for ordinary people to obtain such a treasure as emperor soldiers. Even the Holy Emperor of Ice Wind Valley is not qualified!

Li Ye is not short of emperor soldiers, and it is obvious that this emperor soldier Ningshuang is still damaged. If you want to repair an emperor soldier, let alone him, it is difficult to do it even if the emperor comes!

Only a powerful refiner might be possible.

Going deeper, gradually, fewer and fewer sculptures can be seen.

After all, those who can get here are all at the pinnacle, and those with a weaker cultivation base have long since died.

The few sculptures around were even more like the supreme holy emperor during his lifetime, but here, they can only fall into this fate.

This is not only a strong cultivation base that can be resisted, but more importantly, the strength of the soul.

Only when the primordial spirit is strong enough can it go deeper.

Li Ye could also feel the pervasive cold hurt his soul, but his soul repaired itself faster! At least, the speed of repair is far above the speed of weakening.

At this time, Li Ye didn't keep it anymore, his body flashed quickly, but there was always a powerful suppression that prevented him from tearing the void.

Appeared again, but stayed in place.

"Interesting, is this trying to get me to the end step by step?"

Looking up, he has already walked two-thirds of the distance at this moment. However, this two-thirds of the distance is enough to kill more than 70% of the strong who stepped into the Moon God Palace. Those people have stayed here. Along the way, it was either turned into a sculpture or turned into a thick ashes on the ground.

In the end, when he stepped onto the steps outside the palace, the bitter chill that had been hanging on him disappeared.

"Is it only the last step?"

Behind him, a sculpture showing struggling anger and unwillingness to look at the direction of the palace.

If you look closely, you will be able to step up to the last step, but in the end it will fall short.

Instead, it was a piece of jade pendant that fell on the ground that attracted Li Ye's attention.

"Qian Yuanling?"

Seeing the jade pendant, Li Ye was slightly taken aback.

Qian Yuanling! The identity of the person with this jade pendant is already ready to be revealed!

In the entire Upper Three Realms, Qian Yuanling only represents one place!

Qiankun Palace! The palace of the universe where three great emperors were born!

"It is rumored that in the entire Qiankun Palace, there will be no more than five people with Qianyuan Ling!"

After taking a slight breath, Li Ye's heart was also ups and downs. After all, it was the palace of the three emperors, and the dead powerhouse before him carried the supreme order of the Qiankun palace!

The only explanation is that the strong man who died in this last step was one of the five ancestors of Qiankun Palace! Only the five ancestors are qualified to carry the Qianyuan Order!

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