Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3101: The legendary twin

With the complete collapse of the Moon God Palace, everything turned into a space-time vortex, and everything was drawn into the corpse.

Even if it is such a powerful emperor as Gu Shi Great and Qing Ming Great Emperor, falling into it is a life of nine deaths!

This is not just a crack in time and space, but a black hole created after the void is broken.

However, at this moment, everything was still.

Regardless of the speed of the void shattering, or the huge undead city that smashed down toward everyone.

It seems that at that moment, time is completely still.

Ao Tian, ​​Gu Shi Great, Qing Ming Great, even Bing Yi Great, all seemed to be frozen in place, including the expressions on their faces, there was nothing.

At that moment, the world lost the flow of time.

Only one!

At the final moment when the crack disappeared, a figure stepped in through the crack and then disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

"this is!"

Looking at the familiar place in front of him, a hint of surprise appeared on Li Ye's face involuntarily.

Here is the immortal city he dreamed of before!

"Sure enough, this thing is the key to entering the Undead City."

In his hands, it was the seemingly ordinary gem that the Great Ancient Stone Emperor stole from the Demon King back then, but at this moment, it was like a hot soldering iron, emitting astonishing heat.

This heat is enough to make a martial emperor instantly vaporize! The primordial soul of the flesh was completely vanished in an instant.

The place where Li Ye is located looks like a garden, extremely huge, and you can see the former glory and prosperity everywhere.

Even the flowers and plants are still in full bloom, as if it has not been visited by people for millions of years, but it still maintains its most prosperous side.

"These!" Li Ye approached the garden, but was horrified to discover that it was not as simple as an ordinary garden!

Among the seemingly ordinary flower gardens, there are planted all kinds of treasures and herbs that are hardly seen in the outside world!

"This is Worry-Free Grass!" Among them, Li Ye even saw a kind of fairy grass that had almost disappeared in the Three Realms and Nine Regions!

That kind of deep shock, as an alchemy master, the pursuit of spiritual medicine and grass is definitely no better than any cultivator's pursuit of martial arts and heaven.

"Worry-free grass, as early as three million years ago, disappeared in the Three Realms! I didn't expect it to grow so much here!"

What does extinction mean?


In the entire Three Realms, it is difficult to find a worry-free grass, not to mention that there are so many dense plants in front of you, at least for a rough calculation, there are no less than a hundred!

Of course, it's not just Worry-Free! Li Ye has seen no less than ten kinds of ancient fairy grasses that have long been extinct in today's Three Realms and Nine Regions for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years!

"Worry-free grass! Green dragon leaf! Celestial cicada! Ghost mythical creature returning to the soul flower!"

Sweeping it away, Li Ye took a breath slightly unbearable!

You know, picking just one plant is priceless! Even what he knows is that many of the lost recipes in the Three Realms and Nine Realms have been lost. In addition to the fact that most alchemists only accept a mantle and proclaim themselves and lead to accidental loss, many of them are because the immortal herbs needed for alchemy are completely in the Three Realms. Extinct!

Even though some ancient celebrities had long-term thinking and opened up a piece of medicine gardens on the spiritual veins of heaven and earth, they were still in short supply.

"Wait, is this the legendary life-saving **** grass, Golden Fairy?"

Suddenly, Li Ye saw several golden grasses that looked like sunflowers.

Compared with other immortal grasses that are extinct from the outside world, these immortal grasses have less than five pillars, showing the shape of a sun flower, and you can even feel a certain masculine force being emitted.

Even Li Ye was slightly stunned after seeing him.

Because he never thought that the legend is true!

"Golden Fairy! There are only two gods between heaven and earth in the legend that can survive against the sky! Even if the oil is exhausted, the lamp is drained, and the lifespan is exhausted, as long as the last breath is left, you can come back to life! Even live a lifetime!"

Li Ye took a breath. One of the two gods was the golden fairy who looked like a sunflower! The other is the famous Tiandiqiong brewed by the Three Realms and Nine Regions as the number one magic medicine elixir! Also known as the water of life!

However, it is clear that Li Ye, the water of life, has long been obtained, although it is indeed a rare treasure, but it is far from reaching the point of rebelling against the sky.

On the contrary, the golden fairy in front of him, Li Ye's eyes burst out with repeated sharpness!

"This is more precious than the water of life made by Qiong Qiong! With this, combined with the water of life, it is enough to refine the twin pill!"

Twin Pills, even Emperor Danwu, never really succeeded!

Because of this twin pill, its name is like its pill, twin twins! Once the refining is successful, it is enough for people to live a lifetime after taking it!

It can even be said that this has already violated the restrictions of the reincarnation of the heavens, and even if someone can refine it, it will inevitably drop an unprecedented and terrifying punishment!

One twin! For millions of years, no one has succeeded!

Even if the strong soul forcibly seizes a baby, it is impossible to live another life!

Because the cycle of life and death is not only the body, but also the cycle of the soul.

"Five golden fairies, including the water of life, can at least refine five furnace twins!"

Li Ye guessed it in his heart. Even though he didn't use the Nine Dragon Cangding Pill to succeed in refining this class of Heaven-defying Pills, he still could produce at least two or three Twin Pills with five chances!

A twin pill! It is equivalent to let a certain peerless strong live a lifetime!

That is not a life extension! It's really one more afterlife!

And it won't erase any memory and cultivation strength, and it's totally more life-defying and changing fate of another lifetime!

Without hesitation, Li Ye directly picked the five golden fairies and carefully placed them in the inheritance space, in the medicinal field he specially opened up.

Even this medicine field, in order to guarantee the extremely powerful aura, he directly irrigated it with the blood of the magic dragon!

At one time, the little magic dragon was provoked to protest again and again, but in the end the dependence and intimacy on Li Ye gained the upper hand and compromised.

As for the other fairy grasses, Li Ye didn't sit idle either, at least half of them were taken away!

It is not that he is not greedy, but that he even, many of these fairy grasses have long been extinct in the Three Realms and can no longer be found. It may be a gift for future generations to leave this piece.

Anyway, the ones he took away were enough for him to use.

It is not his character to goose off and plucking his hair. The so-called being a man to stay on the sidelines will make you meet in the future.

Of course, Golden Fairy was completely rude and took away all the grass.

"Who built this Immortal City!"

He became more and more curious about who the master of the Undead City was!

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